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出版日期: 年间契约型资讯服务 | 出版商: Global Market Insights Inc. | 英文


Global Market Insights Inc. 目前在航空航天与国防、汽车与运输、散装与特种化学品、电子与媒体、石油与天然气与能源、食品与营养与动物饲料、医疗保健与医疗设备、暖通空调、我们有2,000 多篇专业杂誌报导的存储库,涵盖建筑、聚合物/先进材料、可持续/智能技术等各个行业。


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  • 通讯
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  • 付款
  • 下一代技术
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创新通信工具在 BFSI、零售、IT/电信、医疗保健、教育和製造领域的快速采用增加了市场对创新和强大的通信工具的需求。随着公司专注于他们在新地区的存在,同步和异步通信能力的有效性在确保业务流程的积极成果方面发挥着关键作用。

  • 统一通信 (UC): 将人们经常使用的通信服务聚合到一个界面中。这些服务包括电子邮件、即时消息、语音、点击拨号、在线状态、视频会议等。由于对简化客户服务功能和提供高质量服务的需求不断增加,统一通信 (UC) 市场预计将显着增长。对基于云的软件解决方案不断增长的需求也有助于市场增长。
  • 蜂窝通信: 蜂窝通信是指通过手机使用 4G 和 5G 网络进行的通信。 5G 网络的广泛采用归因于为远程执行提供了几个优势,包括更高的速度、更低的延迟和更大的容量。预计这一因素将推动蜂窝通信市场的增长。
  • 工业通信: 各种自动化设备和机器用来交互的一组技术和协议(规则)。工业通信网络用于控制系统中,以在现场设备和 PLC 之间、不同 PLC 之间或工作站之间传递数据。工业中越来越多地采用先进的通信协议也是工业通信市场的主要驱动力。随着工业世界变得越来越数字化,对有效通信技术的需求也在增加。
  • 光通信:光通信是一种使用光而不是电流远距离传输信号的通信。光通信和网络使用光纤将信号传送到目的地。常见的光通信和网络系统使用调製器/解调器、收发器、光信号和透明通道。光通信和网络的市场增长归因于互联网流量的增加和全球对可靠互联网连接的需求增加。物联网和人工智能 (AI) 等新技术和创新技术的不断发展推动了对更快互联网通信标准的需求。
  • 电信:电信是通过电子方式远距离交换语音、数据和视频等信息。 SDN和NFV技术在网络基础设施中的采用也推动了市场增长。此外,BYOD(Bring-Your-Own-Device)的迅速普及也增加了对先进通信基础设施设备的需求。
    • 互联网的普及、智能手机的普及以及云计算技术的普及为创新通信工具的发展提供了巨大的机遇。
    • 下一代网络 5G 的商业化提高了许多无线设备的网络速度,支持了市场对实时通信技术的需求。
    • BOYD 移动可实现对公司资源的远程访问。协作软件增强了远程员工之间的协作并提高了生产力。
    • 越来越多的远程工作人员以及向基于数据包的网络的转变正在支持 VoIP 市场的增长。随着强大的云基础设施的可用性,我们可以期待快速采用基于云/託管的 VoIP 解决方案。

网络:网络包括 SD-WAN、Wi-Fi-6、5G、网络自动化和人工智能支持等技术。这些技术通过提高性能和安全性来改变公司管理其网络基础设施的方式。它还降低了各种网络功能的复杂性和成本。 5G 网络的商业化正在对数字支付、工业网络、BYOD 趋势和无线通信中的无线网络需求产生重大影响。


  • 企业网络:企业网络由物理和虚拟网络以及将 LAN 上的用户和系统连接到企业应用程序的协议组成。企业网络减少了通信协议,促进了系统和设备的互操作性,并改善了内部和外部的企业数据管理。随着无线技术的兴起、不断增长的移动劳动力和互联网的普及,企业网络市场正在扩大。虚拟化技术的扩展和对智能设备的需求也有望推动市场增长。
  • 工业网络:工业网络是用于工厂自动化和过程控制应用中的数据传输的网络。工业以太网网络包括以太网、无线、HART、现场总线基础、Profibus、Profinet、安全网络、设备网络和 Modbus。用于工业製造过程优化的工业网络解决方案和服务预计将在预测时间表上显着增长。工业网络解决方案可帮助公司识别价值链中的瓶颈和潜在延迟。这使公司能够缩短交货时间并提高损坏性能。
  • 网络虚拟化:网络虚拟化是将基于硬件的网络资源迁移到软件。随着企业寻求增强网络管理能力、降低硬件成本和提高应用程序性能,对网络虚拟化的需求预计将显着增长。
    • 无线设备的迅速普及增加了数据流量,给现有网络基础设施带来了压力。此外,先进网络解决方案的开发使企业能够优先考虑网络流量以实现特定的业务目标。
    • 下一代网络 5G 的商业化提高了无线设备的网络速度,为 C-V2X、5G 专用 LTE 网络和 5G 物联网创造了市场机会。
    • 对提高网络带宽和网络性能可见性的需求日益增长,这使得网络自动化在各种企业中广受欢迎。
    • 自 COVID-19 以来,远程办公的兴起促使企业寻求创新的通信工具和专用网络选项。

企业应用程序:企业应用程序是为在企业环境(例如政府或企业)中运行而设计和开发的软件系统平台。企业应用程序使任何级别的企业(小型、中型或大型)都可以通过自动化优化资源、时间和劳动力管理。企业使用企业应用程序来集成客户关係管理 (CRM)、虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI)、ERP、供应链管理和企业资产管理等业务领域。它在公司各个部门之间提供准确和实时信息流的能力主要推动了市场的增长。企业应用程序用于最终用户行业,包括製造、BFSI、医疗保健、零售、电信、政府、航空航天、国防等。

企业应用程序正在减少,因为它们从传统的本地应用程序发展到转向云计算技术,包括 SaaS(软件即服务)和 PaaS(平台即服务)。快速发展以获得更好的解决方案成本。此外,公司现在正在设计用户友好的应用程序。物联网设备的使用增加也增加了物联网在企业应用程序中的使用。技术进步包括提供流程效率的人工智能 (AI) 等技术的集成、数据驱动的组织工作流程、绩效模式的预先规划以及其他好处。网络安全和物联网也是企业应用程序设计中考虑的主要因素。不断增加的研究支出、用户友好的软件发布、收购和安全的应用程序设计是市场参与者为满足对企业应用程序不断增长的需求而考虑的主要因素。

  • 客户关係管理 (CRM): 客户关係管理 (CRM) 应用程序可让您全面了解所有客户互动、记录销售、组织活动、确定优先级 旨在帮助公司的基于软件的解决方案通过排名和促进各部门之间的协作。这些解决方案部署在本地或云端,服务于医疗保健、製造、BFSI、消费品、IT 和零售等最终用途行业。客户越来越多地使用数字手段与产品和品牌互动,这正在推动市场增长并吸引市场参与者的投资。

    CRM 解决方案已从单纯的客户数据存储软件发展成为整个客户生命週期中关係智能的重要来源。客户正在转向软件即服务 (SaaS)、平台即服务 (PaaS) 和基础设施即服务 (IaaS) 系统,以降低成本并提高效率。 CRM 软件正在经历技术进步,以跟上不断变化的客户需求和期望。人工智能驱动的客户支持是一项重大进步,将其覆盖范围扩展到整个市场。基于 AI 的 CRM 软件可帮助企业提供客户服务、潜在客户管理和下一个最佳实践。为满足企业因数字化进程而日益增长的需求,市场参与者正专注于改进CRM平台,例如与科技巨头的合作以及对新技术的投资。
  • 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI):虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 是一种桌面虚拟化技术,用于管理数据中心的桌面。使用 VDI,虚拟桌面映像通过网络发送到端点设备,允许用户与操作系统及其软件进行交互,就好像他们在系统本身上运行一样。有两种类型的 VDI:持久性和非持久性。工作场所的灵活性和远程工作趋势正在推动全球 VDI 市场的发展。 BFSI、IT 和电信、政府机构、製造、零售和许多其他行业都依赖 VDI 解决方案和服务。
  • ERP 和供应链管理ERP(企业资源规划)和 SCM(供应链管理)用于管理日常任务□□,例如采购、项目管理、会计、风险管理、合规性和供应链运营 组织用来管理其业务活动的软件。 SCM 软件管理供应链流程的每个阶段,从计划到产品製造。 ERP 和 SCM 解决方案以软件和服务的形式交付给企业,可以是基于云的,也可以是本地的。对预测准确性、供应链优化和业务流程透明度的认识不断提高,正在推动对 ERP 和 SCM 解决方案和服务的需求。 ERP 和 SCM 解决方案用于各种最终用户行业,例如汽车、製造、食品和饮料、零售和消费品。

    基于云的服务、物联网和个性化解决方案的集成是当前市场正在加快步伐以满足企业不断变化的需求的一些趋势。物联网和 ERP 集成带来更好的供应链管理、更好的洞察力、更好的预测、更好的资产维护和更好的能源管理。随着对具有成本效益的解决方案的日益关注,市场参与者正在转向提供基于云的服务。除此之外,大公司收购小公司以增强其产品组合併提供流程管理等特定服务。
  • 企业资产管理 (EAM): 企业资产管理 (EAM) 是用于管理组织资产和设施的系统、服务和软件的集成。 EAM 管理资产并从头到尾支持其性能,包括工作订单、库存、相关文檔和可能的维护。 EAM 的解决方案包括资产生命週期管理、预测性维护、工单管理、劳动力管理等。借助技术来延长资产寿命的需求日益增长,这对 EAM 行业大有裨益。 EAM 解决方案广泛用于製造、教育、电信、医疗保健、能源和公用事业等行业。

    室内定位系统 (IPS) 的出现在 EAM 行业中占有重要地位。室内定位为资产跟踪带来了新的维度,并使其更易于访问。 IPS 促进了室内跟踪、室内测绘和室内导航等活动。市场参与者不是提供标准产品,而是专注于提供能够解决特定公司潜在问题的解决方案。除此之外,行业参与者正专注于增加投资以扩大其区域产品并满足世界各个地区不断增长的需求。

支付:支付行业由使企业、消费者和其他组织能够转移资金的基础设施和网络组成。它还包括财务数据的监控、存储和传输。该行业包括数字银行和数字借贷、加密货币、移动邻近支付、支付处理器和网关,以及反洗钱/反欺诈/检测。数字银行和支付网关等技术广泛应用于零售和电子商务、BFSI、製药、IT 和电信、工业、政府和能源等行业。消费者越来越多地使用在线支付应用程序和非接触式支付,预计将推动全球支付行业的发展。

政府当局对向数字经济基础设施过渡的关注正在推动该行业的扩张。基于云的金融信息存储帮助政府无缝管理和监控所有交易数据。此外,公司越来越重视提高数字支付系统的安全性,也将刺激行业增长。企业专注于设计解决方案,以减少网络攻击导致财务损失和个人数据暴露的可能性。提供自动柜员机 (ATM) 和相关服务的公司也在将加密货币技术集成到现有或新系统中,以允许个人买卖加密资产。人们认为,在日常交易中无处不在的加密资产推动了支付行业。

  • 加密货币:加密货币是指以虚拟或数字方式存在并使用加密技术保护交易的任何类型的货币。加密货币由称为区块链的点对点网络组织和监控,充当用于购买、出售和发送资金的安全交易账本。主要的加密货币包括比特币、以太坊、莱特币、瑞波币、门罗币、狗狗币和稳定币。该行业的主要利益相关者是商家/消费者、投资者、金融机构、技术开发商和监管机构。消费者对加密货币的认识和普及程度的提高将推动市场增长。与传统货币服务业务相比,一种提供更快、更便宜的点对点支付选项的技术。

  • 非接触式移动支付: 收款人和付款人使用二维码、NFC(近场通信)和蓝牙技术等非接触式技术在同一地点和端到端。它是一种移动与之通信的支付基本的支付方式是信用卡或信用卡支付。该行业涵盖个人对个人和客户对企业的支付,例如停车场、商店和公共交通。随着各种零售店和交通设施越来越多地采用联网设备,非接触式移动支付行业正在加速发展。使用智能支付设备可以让企业更快地完成支付过程,从而避免出现瓶颈。

    改变个人对数字支付的偏好预计将刺激市场增长。非接触式移动支付应用程序消除了携带现金的麻烦,并提供了一种无缝的方式来完成交易。此外,提供 Google Pay、Samsung Pay 和 PayPal 等移动支付应用程序的公司正致力于提高安全性并促进进一步采用。移动钱包开发商通过引入有吸引力的现金返还和折扣优惠来鼓励用户通过他们的应用程序付款。政府当局也在推广使用在线或无现金模式的支付应用程序。向无现金经济的过渡将有助于政府机构建立强大的数字生态系统,以加速经济增长。
  • 数字银行和数字贷款 数字银行涉及将传统银行流程、产品和活动数字化,并通过在线渠道向消费者提供。服务包括资金转账、现金存取款、贷款、自动借记和自动贷记。数字贷款技术使金融机构能够通过移动应用程序和网络平台提供不同类型的贷款,包括个人贷款、住房贷款、汽车贷款和小企业贷款。该技术将允许借款人从任何联网设备申请贷款产品。金融机构越来越关注转向数字业务模式以满足不断变化的客户需求,这将推动数字银行和数字借贷行业的发展。

  • 支付处理器网关:支付处理器在客户、商家、发卡银行和收单银行之间传递关键信息并完成交易。使用多种支付方式执行交易,包括信用卡、借记卡和电子钱包。支付网关技术将在线支付信息安全地传输到处理器并重新启动交易生命週期。有不同类型的支付网关,包括託管、非託管和本地银行集成。零售和电子商务行业的扩张将在未来推动支付网关和处理器行业。支付网关通常可以接受电子商务网站的非卡支付。消费者使用电子商务平台购买种类繁多的商品。

    客户对基于移动的即时支付不断增长的需求将推动支付处理器和网关市场的增长。个人使用电子钱包和 NFC 进行支付活动,因为它很容易完成交易。符合 PCI 标准的支付网关门户的可用性也将推动行业扩张。 PCI 合规性是指遵守旨在在金融交易期间和之后保护卡信息的各种安全标准。消费者和组织之间日益增长的信任为行业创造了增长机会。增加风险投资对金融科技行业的投资,以开发一套先进的支付处理器和网关解决方案,预计将刺激市场的增长。
  • 反洗钱 (AML)/欺诈预防和检测 (FDP)。 反洗钱是金融机构为遵守法律法规而采取的一系列行动,是指对可疑活动的动态监控和报告。 AML 包括各种解决方案,例如合规管理、交易所交易报告、客户身份管理和交易监控。欺诈检测和预防是用于检测和预防金融欺诈的技术和流程的集合。组织使用欺诈分析、GRC、监控和报告、身份和身份验证解决方案。政府当局对不遵守 FDP 和 AML 法规的行为实施严厉处罚,将为该行业提供增长机会。

    由于多次金融欺诈和洗钱活动导致的收入损失增加,将推动未来的市场扩张。 BFSI、政府/公共部门、医疗保健、IT/电信、零售和运输等企业积极使用交易监控解决方案来避免或报告财务欺诈。消费者和企业越来越多地使用电子和数字支付也推动了 FDP 行业的发展。数字交易的激增增加了网络攻击的频率,从而推动了对身份和身份验证解决方案的需求。预计越来越多的欺诈性跨境洗钱案件将推动该行业的发展。政府当局使用基于反洗钱的解决方案来识别组织之间的非法金融活动。

下一代技术:下一代技术包括人工智能和分析、机器学习、数字孪生、DevOps、LiDAR 和广告 Li-Fi。这些技术在全球范围内越来越受欢迎,并广泛应用于零售/电子商务、BFSI、製药、IT/电信、工业、政府和能源等各个行业。

  • 人工智能和分析:人工智能 (AI) 是结合计算机科学和大型数据集来解决问题的领域。人工智能算法具有机器学习和深度学习子领域,有助于根据输入数据进行预测和分类。越来越多地采用人工智能来优化医疗保健、汽车、教育、零售、BFSI 和製造业的各种流程,正在推动行业增长。数字原生领导者和谷歌、亚马逊和苹果等科技公司增加对人工智能技术的投资也有望推动行业增长。这些公司正在联合投资广泛的人工智能应用,从机器人技术到机器学习、虚拟助理技术、自动驾驶汽车、自然语言处理和计算机视觉。预计科技公司在研发方面的高投资以增强人工智能能力将为市场创造积极的前景。

  • 机器学习:机器学习 (ML) 是人工智能 (AI) 和计算机科学的一个子领域,它使用数据和算法来模拟人类学习的方式并提高其准确性。正在逐步改进。机器学习为系统提供了学习、预测和改进算法的能力。由于其可靠性和可扩展性等优势,对软件即服务 (SaaS) 的需求正在增长,其与基于云的应用程序集成的能力有望为机器学习市场提供丰厚的增长机会。量子机器学习、无代码机器学习、自动化机器学习和微型机器学习等机器学习技术的创新和发展有望推动市场增长。

    随着机器学习被广泛应用于包括 BFSI、医疗保健、零售、农业、製造、汽车和运输在内的各种行业,对机器学习的需求将会增长。它在医疗保健领域的日益普及正在刺激其在整个市场中的份额,因为它用于预测各种疾病的概率。它推动了市场,因为它用于获得反应性和预防性治疗领域诊断的定量见解。随着基于云的应用程序在各行各业中变得越来越普遍,客户无需拥有服务器或购买和安装必要的软件即可访问这些工具。
  • 数字孪生: 数字孪生是对像或框架的沉浸式表示,可延长其生命週期,从实时信息升级,并通过模拟、机器学习和推理支持决策制定。数字双胞胎是为准确再现物理对象而创建的虚拟模型。为了缓解传统模式的缺点,製造商正在逐渐采用具有数字孪生技术的工业物联网来开发复杂的架构,并通过 AI 和 ML 从过去的信息中学习增加。这有助于製造商提高运营效率并确保利润。製造业中数字技术的普及正在推动市场的增长。

    数字孪生技术与物联网、人工智能和云计算的集成有望推动增长。公司正在部署人工智能和工业物联网 (IIoT) 技术来收集和分析来自物联网设备和连接产品的认知数据,并将其实施到数字孪生模型中,以评估现有系统的有效性和使用情况。您可以重现这种情况。这使产品工程师/设计师能够监控产品性能、识别问题并准确预测潜在问题的复发。此外,这些技术的引入可以提高运营和系统的生产能力,提高产品的整体性能。
  • DevOps:DevOps 旨在通过人员、流程和技术的协作为客户提供持续的价值。通过采用 DevOps 实践和工具,团队可以更好地响应客户需求,提高他们构建的软件应用程序的性能,并更快地实现业务目标。采用持续集成和持续部署 (CI/CD) 等软件开发自动化技术有望推动行业的发展。多个行业的自动化进步正在推动对 DevOps 工具的需求。随着软件升级在数字化环境中变得越来越重要,公司正在采用 DevOps 解决方案进行快速开发和部署。预计有几个因素会推动对 DevOps 的需求,包括成本降低、灵活性、敏捷性和快速应用程序交付。

    软件更新的标准化和交付时间表的准确估计对于大型企业实现及时软件部署至关重要。全球企业越来越多地使用自动化工具来最大程度地减少手动 IT 服务管理 (ITSM),从而创造机会。自动化测试和开发工具的激增增加了对 DevOps 管理解决方案的需求。随着公司使用分析来简化软件交付生命週期并更深入地了解自动化软件测试信息,开发和运营分析也越来越受欢迎。在物理、模拟和云环境中运行时,对高效计算框架和综合安全性的需求不断增长,预计将推动 DevOps 市场。
  • Li-Fi: 光保真 (Li-Fi) 也称为可见光通信 (VLC)。一种使用光高速传输数据的无线光网络技术。它利用可见光、紫外线 (UV) 和红外线 (IR)。它使用微控制器和发光二极管 (LED) 将光波转换为电信号。光电探测器接收此信号并将光强度的变化解释为数据。 Li-Fi 系统提供更高的带宽、更快的速度、更好的数据安全性以及更少的网络和无线电干扰。 Li-Fi 在不干扰现有无线电频率的情况下传输大量数据的能力预计将推动市场需求。

    预计汽车行业将需要 Li-Fi 技术来实现联网汽车中的车对车 (V2V) 通信。由 Li-Fi 技术支持的 V2V 通信也将帮助自动驾驶汽车区分有生命和无生命的物体。在提供交互式购物体验的零售店中,Li-Fi 使用的增加将支持市场增长,因为它为行人交通评估和可视化提供了地图工具。越来越多地使用 LED 灯在建筑物照明中为基于 Li-Fi 的应用创造了巨大的机会。 Li-Fi 结合了高速无线数据通信和室内照明基础设施能力,非常具有成本效益,并广泛应用于智能建筑。
  • LiDAR:光探测和测距 (LiDAR) 是一种遥感技术,它使用从光源(发射器)发射并从物体反射的脉衝激光。接收器检测反射光并使用 ToF(飞行时间)创建对象的距离图。将这些光脉衝与机载系统收集的其他数据相结合,可以生成准确的三维数据。该 LiDAR 系统使科学家和製图师能够以前所未有的精度和灵活性研究人造和自然环境。对气候变化和海平面上升的担忧增加了通过测绘解决方案更多地了解海岸线的重要性。

    引入软件解决方案以满足测绘解决方案中对 LiDAR 不断增长的需求,将能够处理原始数据并为各种应用创建 3D 模型,这将刺激行业增长。自动驾驶汽车的快速发展为汽车激光雷达传感器市场的增长创造了许多机会。传感器广泛用于自动驾驶汽车,以控制制动、速度和安全机制,以响应外部环境的变化。建筑行业对 3D 打印的需求不断增长”将推动激光雷达的使用。新兴国家政府也在积极实施项目,利用激光雷达等先进测绘技术为工程建设和城市规划项目创建高分辨率地图。

EdTech: 教育技术 (EdTech) 将教育实践与 IT 工具相结合,以增强和促进全球范围内的学习。 EdTech 包括电子学习、移动学习、虚拟教室、学习管理系统 (LMS)、辅导等。

  • E-Learning 是指使用电子设备和互联网在传统课堂之外访问教育课程的学习系统。电子学习是一种可以随时随地学习的技术。对沉浸式学习和实践培训体验的需求不断增长,正在推动跨行业采用电子学习系统。此外,互联网和移动学习在发达国家和新兴国家的日益普及将为电子学习市场创造新的增长机会。
  • 移动学习 (M-Learning) 是指使用个人电子设备通过社交内容互动在多种环境中进行学习。移动学习侧重于便携式技术和学习者移动性之间的交互。电子书服务的兴起和对内容数字化的不断增长的需求将在预测期内推动移动学习市场的增长。此外,政府在数字教育系统方面的举措和投资、智能手机销量的增长以及全球网络连接的增加,预计将创造对移动学习行业的需求。
  • 虚拟课堂是一种在线课堂服务,可为学生和教师提供培训和教育功能。参与者将能够交流和分享想法、查看演示文稿并与其他学习资源互动以收集信息。对基于云的虚拟教室不断增长的需求预计将推动虚拟教室市场。
  • 学习管理系统 (LMS) 是一种软件或基于 Web 的应用程序,用于实施、计划和访问学习过程。 LMS 是一种软件或基于 Web 的应用程序,用于计划和访问学习过程,为教师提供监控进度和对申请人进行测试等功能。它由两个元素组成:执行基本功能的服务器和供教师、学生和管理员操作的用户界面。由于政府的支持措施以及高等教育和企业部门的增加,北美、欧洲和亚太地区将在预测期内为 LMS 行业创造增长机会。
  • 辅导是指辅导员向一个或一小群学生提供的服务。这包括额外的学术支持,以提高个人的学习成绩。学生向在特定学科或学科组具有深入知识和明确专业知识的专业教师学习。对于参加考试的学生,可以使用基于个性化方法的学习工具来提高他们的能力。增加企业专业人士参加辅导课程的人数以及高校数量的增加将推动全球需求。

测试: 测试技术被广泛用于将实际结果与预期结果进行比较。测试行业包括自动化测试、软件测试、无损检测(NDT)、动态应用安全测试、光纤测试、手动测试、物联网测试、云测试、超声波测试等。工业 4.0 的出现和整个工业製造业的数字化正在推动对嵌入式软件应用程序的需求,以为工业部门提供高效率和生产力。嵌入式软件实时工作,以防止导致操作损失的软件故障。公司还将自动化测试服务外包,以开发无错误的软件解决方案,提高生产力,并在预计期间加速对测试服务的需求。测试市场的增长受到应用程序漏洞和网络攻击带来的业务风险增加的积极推动。世界各地越来越多的安全漏洞事件正在推动公司部署先进的应用程序安全测试解决方案,以降低外部攻击的风险。

测试部门是功能测试和非功能测试的总称。此外,它还包括系统测试、单元测试、集成测试、冒烟测试、回归测试、安全测试、性能测试、可用性测试和 API 测试。回归测试验证现有软件的性能,检查其与其他软件产品的接口和更新后的功能。网购、娱乐、金融交易等移动应用也需要不断升级,提升用户体验。

电子安全:全球电子安全行业,包括企业安全、网络安全和 FWaaS(防火墙即服务),要求公司投资研发以确保持续增长。我们专注于和做出快速的改变。

  • 网络安全:网络安全是用于保护公司的数据、网络、流程和应用程序免受外部威胁和网络攻击的系统。网络安全行业包括各种检测和预防工具,例如身份、身份验证和访问管理 (IAAM)、网络安全和基础设施保护。网络安全可用于各种应用领域,例如 BFSI、IT/电信、零售、运输、IT/电信、医疗保健和公共工程。

  • 企业安全:使用各种技术、策略、流程和工具来保护公司的数字资产免遭未经授权的外部访问。它还包括保护端点设备的政策和人力资源。随着 BYOD(自带设备)和远程办公的兴起,未经授权访问企业网络基础设施的威胁对企业构成了重大挑战。在此背景下,各家公司都在积极投资网络安全。
  • FWaaS(防火墙即服务):FWaaS(防火墙即服务)提供高级安全功能,例如访问控制、URL 过滤、入侵防御系统 (IPS)、高级威胁防御和 DNS安全性。基于云的防火墙,提供高级第 7 层/下一代防火墙 (NGFW) 功能。 FWaaS(防火墙即服务)市场竞争激烈,中小型供应商、大型供应商、安全供应商和云供应商混合在一起。 FWaaS 被认为最适合中小型企业,因为它包括对无线 LAN 的内置安全支持,中小型企业比大型企业更常使用无线 LAN。目前,供应商正在寻求集成 DLP、Web 应用程序和电子邮件安全等功能。

    由于越来越多地采用 BYOD、移动化和云计算等技术,防火墙即服务市场正在增长。高成本效益和实时功能也是推动需求增长的因素。
    • IoT 设备凭藉其先进的功能,正在扩大其在各种最终用户行业的应用,例如医疗保健、製造、零售和 BFSI。物联网设备更容易受到网络攻击。通过物联网设备进行网络攻击的风险不断增加,正在支持网络安全市场的增长。
    • 越来越重视保护公司的数字资产免受外部网络攻击,这使公司能够部署先进的企业安全工具。市场对开发先进的网络访问控制和加密工具的需求飙升也是支持电子安全市场增长的一个因素。
    • BYOD 和云的普及、业务应用程序的扩展、网络安全环境的变化以及安全改进投资的增加是推动防火墙即服务市场增长的因素之一。

计算与存储: 全球计算与存储行业,包括边缘计算、云计算、密码学、最终用户计算和基础设施即代码 (IaC) 等领域,有望实现持续增长。正在经历快速变化,重点是合作伙伴关係和收购。

  • 边缘计算:边缘计算网络通过基于位置的访问控制帮助?F

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  • Electronic Security
  • Computing & Storage

Communication: Communication technology includes unified communication, cellular communication, industrial communication, optical communication, and telecommunication. Major organizations are moving away from traditional communication tools, such as email and telephone, to advanced tools such as collaboration software, unified communication tools, cloud telephony & cloud-based apps. Enterprises are emphasizing enhancing their customer experience through the integration of AI and machine learning technologies into their communication tools.

The rapid adoption of innovative communication tools across the BFSI, retail, IT & telecom, healthcare, education, and manufacturing sectors has propelled the market demand for innovative & robust communication tools. As enterprises are emphasizing their regional presence in newer geographies, the effectiveness of synchronous & asynchronous communication functions plays a vital role in ensuring a positive outcome for business processes.

  • Unified Communication: It aggregates the communication services that people often use in a single interface. These services include email, instant messaging, voice, click-to-dial, presence, and videoconferencing. The unified communication market is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing demand to streamline customer service functions and ensure high-quality service delivery. The rising demand for cloud-based software solutions is also contributing to market growth.
  • Cellular communication: Cellular communication involves the use of mobile phones for communication using 4G and 5G networks. The proliferation of 5G networks is due to the several benefits it offers, such as greater speed, low latency & better capacity, for remote execution. This factor is expected to fuel the cellular communication market growth.
  • Industrial communication: It is a set of technologies and protocols (set of rules) used to allow various automation devices and machinery to interact with each other. Industrial communication networks are used in control systems to pass data between field devices and PLC, between different PLCs, or between workstations. The growing adoption of advanced communication protocols among industries also acts as a major driver of the industrial communication market. As digitalization among industries is increasing, the need for effective communication technology also arises.
  • Optical Communication: Optical communication is a type of communication that uses light instead of electrical current to carry the signals to the remote end. Optical communication and networking use optical fibers to carry signals to their destinations. A typical optical communication and networking system uses a modulator/demodulator, transceiver, light signal, and a transparent channel. The optical communication and networking market growth is attributed to the growing internet traffic and the increasing demand for reliable internet connectivity across the globe. The growing development of new innovative technologies, such as IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI), is driving the need for faster internet communication standards.
  • Telecommunication: The exchange of information, such as voice, data & video, over significant distances by electronic means is called telecommunication. The adoption of SDN and NFV technologies in network infrastructure is also supporting the market growth. The rapid proliferation of the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) trend is also resulting in the growing demand for advanced telecom infrastructure equipment.
    • Growing internet penetration, the surging adoption of smartphones, and the proliferation of cloud computing technology have created significant opportunities for the development of innovative communication tools
    • Commercialization of the next-generation 5G network has improved the overall network speed of many wireless devices, supporting the market demand for real-time communication technologies
    • The BOYD trend enables enterprises to access their resources remotely. The collaboration software increases the coordination between these remotely working employees, thus improving their productivity.
    • Growing remote workforce and migration toward packet-based networks are supporting the VoIP market growth. The availability of robust cloud infrastructure will enable the rapid adoption of cloud-based/hosted VoIP solutions.

Networking: Networking involves technologies including SD-WAN, Wi-Fi-6, 5G, network automation, and AI enablement. These technologies are transforming the way enterprises manage their network infrastructures by offering improved performance & security. They also reduced complexities and the cost of various networking functions. The commercialization of 5G networks has significantly influenced the demand for wireless networking in digital payments, industrial networking, BYOD trend, and wireless communication.

The proliferation of advanced technologies, such as AI and machine learning, in networking devices has aided enterprises in managing their network infrastructures, reducing network downtime & improving business productivity. The significant development in various networking technologies has influenced new regulations related to data privacy & security.

  • Enterprise networking: Enterprise networking comprises physical & virtual networks and protocols to connect users and systems on a LAN to the applications of an enterprise. An enterprise network reduces communication protocols, facilitates system & device interoperability, and improves internal & external enterprise data management. The enterprise networking market is growing as there is a shift toward wireless adoption, expansion of the mobile workforce, and internet penetration. Also, the expansion of virtualization technology and demands for smart devices are expected to improve the market growth.
  • Industrial networking: Industrial networking refers to a network used to transfer data for factory automation and process control applications. The industrial ethernet networks include the Ethernet, Wireless, HART, Fieldbus Foundation, Profibus, Profinet, Safety Networks, Device Networks, and Modbus. The use of industrial networking solutions & services for the optimization of industrial manufacturing processes is expected to grow significantly over the forecast timeline. Industrial networking solutions help enterprises in identifying bottlenecks and potential delays in the value chain. This further enables companies to reduce lead times and increase damage performance.
  • Network Virtualization: Network virtualization is the transfer of hardware-based networking resources to the software. The demand for network virtualization is expected to grow significantly due to the rising need among organizations to enhance their network management capabilities, reduce hardware costs, and improve application performance.
    • The surging penetration of wireless devices has resulted in increased data traffic, burdening the existing network infrastructure. The development of advanced networking solutions has further enabled enterprises to prioritize network traffic to achieve specific business goals.
    • Commercialization of the next-generation 5G network has improved the overall network speed of wireless devices, creating market opportunities for Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X), 5G private LTE networking, and 5G IoT
    • Network automation has gained popularity across various enterprises due to the growing need for improved network bandwidth and visibility to improve the network performance
    • Post-COVID-19, the rising work-from-home trend has enabled enterprises to focus on innovative communication tools and private networking options

Enterprise Application: An enterprise application is a software system platform that is designed and developed to be operated in a corporate environment such as government or business. With the use of enterprise applications, firms at any level (small, medium, or large) can optimize their resources, time, and employee management through automation. Companies utilizes enterprise application to integrate business areas such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), ERP and Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Asset Management. Its ability to offer accurate and real-time information flow among different departments of enterprises is majorly driving market growth. Enterprise applications is used by end-user industries including manufacturing, BFSI, healthcare, retail, telecom, government, aerospace, defense, and others.

Enterprise applications are evolving at a rapid space as they are progressing from mere conventional on-premises apps and shifting towards cloud computing technology including SaaS (Software as a Service) and PaaS (Platform-As-A-Service), to get better solution at reduced cost. Further, enterprises are also to design user-friendly applications. Increasing use of IoT devices is also increasing the use of IoT in enterprise applications. The major technological advancements happening is integration of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) which provides improved process efficiency, data driven organizational workflow, preplanning performance patterns and others benefits. Cyber security and IoT are also major factors considered in designing enterprise applications. Increasing research expenditure, user friendly software launch, acquisitions and designing secure applications are major factors considered by market players to cater rising demand for enterprise applications.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications is a software-based solution that is designed to assist enterprises by providing a complete picture of all customer interactions, keeping track of sales, organizing, and prioritizing activities, and facilitating collaboration between various departments. These solutions are deployed on-premises or on cloud and serve end-use industries including healthcare, manufacturing, BFSI, consumer goods, IT, and retail. Rising use of digital means by the customers to interact with products and brands is majorly injecting growth in the market and attracting investment from market players.

CRM solutions come a long way from just a customer data storage software to being an important source of relationship intelligence for the whole customer lifecycle. In order to move towards cost-cutting and better efficiency customers are shifting towards SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) systems. To meet customers changing needs and expectations CRM software are witnessing technological advancements. AI powered customer support is the major advancements spreading its reach across the market. AI based CRM software assist enterprises in customer service, lead management and next best option. In order to cater rising demand from enterprises due to increasing digitization, market players are focusing on steps such as collaborations with tech giants and investments in new technology to improve their CRM platforms.

  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI): Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a desktop virtualization technology wherein a desktop is managed in a data center. In VDI, a virtual desktop image is sent to an end point device over a network, by which a user can interact with operating system and its software, like they are running in the system itself. VDI is of two type, persistent ad non-persistent. Growing trend of workplace flexibility and remote working is injecting significant boost to VDI market across the world. BFSI, IT & Telecom, government, manufacturing, and retail are few of many industries using VDI solutions and services.
  • ERP and Supply Chain Management: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) are software used by organizations to manage day-to-day business activities such as procurement, project management, accounting, risk management and compliance, and supply chain operations. SCM software governs every phase of supply chain process, beginning from planning to product manufacturing. ERP and SCM solutions are offered in the form of software or services to the enterprises, which are cloud-based or on-premise. Growing awareness regarding forecasting accuracy, supply chain optimization, and transparency in business processes are fueling demand for ERP and SCM solutions and services. ERP and SCM solutions are used by multiple end-user industries including automotive, manufacturing, food and beverages, retail, and consumer goods.

Integration of cloud-based services, Internet of Things and personalized solutions are some of the current trends that are gaining pace in the market meeting changing needs of the enterprises. Integration of IoT with ERP leads to greater supply chain management, increased insights, enhanced forecasting, improved asset maintenance and better energy management. Increased focus on cost effective solution is leading market players towards providing cloud-based services. Apart from this, big players are acquiring small players to strengthen their product portfolio I specific offerings such as process management.

  • Enterprise Asset Management (EAM): Enterprise asset management (EAM) combines systems, services, and software to control organizational assets and equipment. EAM manages assets and supports their performance from beginning to end, including work orders, inventory, associated documentation, and possible maintenance. EAM solutions involve asset lifecycle management, predictive maintenance, work order management, labor management and others. Increasing need for extending the lifespan of assets with the help of technologies is majorly benefiting EAM industry. EAM solutions are widely used manufacturing, education, telecommunication, healthcare, energy, and utilities industry.

Emergence of indoor positioning system (IPS) is gaining significant pace in EAM industry. Indoor positioning has opened up a new dimension to asset tracking and is easier to access. IPS make activities such as indoor tracking, indoor mapping, and indoor navigation easy. Market players are majorly focusing on providing solutions that can solve underlying problem of particular company instead of offering a standardized product. Apart from this industry players are emphasizing on raising investment to expand their regional offerings and cater rising demand from different parts of the world.

Payments: Payment industry consists of infrastructure or network that enables businesses, consumers, and other organizations to transfer funds. It includes monitoring, storing, and transferring of financial data. The industry comprises digital banking & digital lending, cryptocurrency, mobile proximity payments, payment processors & gateways, and anti-money laundering/ fraud prevention & detection. The technologies such as digital banking and payment gateways are utilized across different industries including retail & e-commerce, BFSI, pharmaceutical, IT & telecom, industrial, government, and energy. Increasing use of online payment application or contactless payment methods from the consumers for completing transactions will accelerate the payments industry growth across the globe.

Growing focus from government authorities in transitioning to digital economy infrastructure will propel the industry expansion. Cloud-based storage of financial information supports the government in managing and monitoring all the transactional data seamlessly. Additionally, increasing focus from market players in improving the security aspects of the digital payment systems will fuel the industry growth. Companies are emphasizing on designing solutions that reduces chances of cyberattack leading to monetary losses or exposure of private information. Also, companies offering automated teller machines (ATMs) and related services are integrating cryptocurrency technology in the existing or new systems, enabling the individuals to buy and sell crypto assets. Generalization of crypto assets in daily transactional activities will drive payments industry.

  • Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency or crypto, is any type of currency that exists virtually or digitally and utilize cryptography to secure transactions. It is organized and monitored by a peer-to-peer network known as blockchain that act as a secure ledger of transactions for selling, buying, and transferring. Some of the major cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, Dogecoin, and Stablecoins. The key stakeholders in the industry are merchants & consumers, investors, financial institutions, technology developers and regulators. Increasing awareness and popularity of cryptocurrency across the consumers will drive the market growth. The technology provides faster, and cheaper peer-to-peer payment options as compared to conventional money service businesses.

Increasing focus from technology developers in designing and developing intuitive wallet services and alternative cryptocurrencies, will propel the industry growth. Companies are emphasizing on building secure and easy to use cryptocurrency applications for completing transactions. In addition, introduction of supportive framework for trading cryptocurrency will expand the market in the future. Availability of favorable government regulation with essential digital infrastructure will increase the adoption of the technology. Rising internet penetration and smartphones leading to increase in number of digital payment applications or website users for completing transactions or buying stocks will create growth opportunities for the industry.

  • Mobile proximity payments: The mobile payments in which the payee and the payer are in the same location, in which the communication between their devices occurs through a proximity technology such as Quick Response (QR) codes, Near Field Communication (NFC), and Bluetooth technology. The fundamental payment instrument can be a card or credit transfer. The industry encompasses payments that are both person-to-person and customer-to-business made, for example, at a car park, a merchant store, on public transport. Increase in adoption of internet-connected devices across different retail outlets and transportation hubs will accelerate the mobile proximity payments industry. Availability of smart devices enables the organizations to complete the payment process at a faster pace, thus avoiding bottlenecks.

Changes in the individuals preferences towards digital payments will spur market growth. Mobile proximity payments applications offer seamless method for completing transaction eliminating the hassle of carrying cash. In addition, Companies with mobile payment applications such as Google Pay, Samsung Pay, and PayPal are focusing on improving the security aspects to further drive the adoption. Mobile wallet developers are introducing attractive cashback and discounts for the users to encourage them to finalize the payment from their application. Also, government authorities are promoting the use of online or cashless mode of payment apps. The transition to cashless economy supports the governing bodies to build a robust and digital ecosystem for accelerating economic growth.

  • Digital banking and digital lending: Digital banking include the digitization of conventional banking processes, products, and activities to cater the consumer through online channels. Services includes fund transfers, cash deposits & withdrawals, loans, and auto-debit/auto-credit activities. Digital lending technology enables the financial institutions to offer different type loans including personal, mortgage, automotive, and SME finance, from mobile apps or web platforms. The technology allows the borrowers to apply for the loan products from any internet-enabled device. Increasing focus from the financial institution to transition towards digital business model for catering the evolving customer requirements, will fuel the digital banking and digital lending industry growth.

Integration of advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning for enhanced patterns and trends analysis will drive the digital lending market growth. Financial institutes are using evolving technologies for improving decision-making, cost optimization, simplifying compliance for customer, and increase operational effectiveness. Additionally, digital banking services enables the corporates to manage cash and transactions across different banks. Digital banking technology reduces the complexity in conducting transactions and supports the corporate in maintaining payment records in an efficient manner. Growing use of smartphone application for bank-related activities will propel the digital banking and digital lending market. Banking institutes are introducing secured mobile apps that enables customers to complete different tasks including apply for loans and deposit money.

  • Payment processors and gateways: A payment processor completes the transaction by transmitting essential information between customer, the merchant, the issuing bank, and the acquiring bank. It executes transactions from different mode of payments including credit cards, debit cards, and e-wallets. Payment gateway technology securely transfer the online payment information to the processor to resume the lifecycle of the transaction. Different types of payment gateway are hosted, non-hosted, and local bank integrated. Expansion of retail and e-commerce industry will propel the payment gateways and processors industry in future. Payment gateways can authorize payments for non-card transactions, usually for e-commerce websites. Consumers are using e-commerce platforms for shopping wide range of products.

Growing demand for instant mobile-based payments from customers will drive the payment processors and gateways market growth. Individuals are using e-wallets or NFC for payment activities owing to the ease of completing transactions. In addition, the availability of PCI compliant payment gateway portals will fuel the industry expansion. PCI complaint refers to adherence to a range of security standards that are designed to safeguard card information during & after a financial transaction. Increasing trust across consumers and organizations will create growth opportunities for the industry. Rising investment in fintech industry from venture capitalist for developing an advanced set of payment processors and gateway solution portfolio will spur market growth.

  • Anti-money laundering (AML)/ fraud prevention & detection (FDP): AML refers to the set of activities financial institutions complete to meet compliance with legal regulations to dynamically monitor for & report any suspicious activities. It includes range of solutions such as compliance management, currency transaction reporting, customer identity management, and transaction monitoring. Fraud detection and prevention is a collection of techniques and processes to detect and prevent monetary frauds. Organizations use fraud analytics, GRC, monitoring & reporting, and identity & authentication solutions. Introduction of strict penalties on non-compliance with FDP and AML regulations from government authorities will create growth opportunities for the industry.

Increase in revenue loss due to multiple financial frauds and money laundering activities will propel the market expansion in future. Companies across BFSI, government & public sector, healthcare, IT & telecom, retail, and transportation sector, are actively using transaction monitoring solutions to avoid or report any case of financial fraud. Additionally, growing use of electronic and digital mode of payment from consumers and business will spur the FDP industry growth. Surge in digital transactions has increased the frequency of cyberattacks, which will drive the demand for identity and authentication solutions. Rising cases of illicit cross border money laundering is expected to accelerate the industry growth. Government authorities are using AML-based solutions to identify illegal financial activities between organizations.

Next Gen Technology: Next gen technology includes AI & Analytics, Machine learning, digital twin, DevOps, LiDAR, ad Li-Fi. These technologies are gaining popularity across the globe and are widely utilized across different industries including retail & e-commerce, BFSI, pharmaceutical, IT & telecom, industrial, government, and energy.

  • Artificial Intelligence & Analytics: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that combines computer science and large datasets to solve problems. AI algorithms include machine learning and deep learning subfields that aid in making predictions or classifications based on the input data. The increasing adoption of AI in healthcare, automotive, education, retail, BFSI, and manufacturing to optimize various processes is propelling industry growth. Rising investments in AI technology by digital-native leaders and technology companies, such as Google, Amazon, and Apple, are also expected to drive industry growth. They are jointly investing in a wide range of AI applications from robotics to machine learning, virtual assistance technology, self-driving cars, natural language processing, and computer vision. High investments by technology companies in R&D for enhancing AI capabilities will create a positive market outlook.

Analytics is a branch of computer science that employs machine learning, statistics, and math to discover meaningful data trends. Analytics, also known as data analytics, is the process of combing a large volume of data sets to explore, interpret, and develop new insights. Leading companies use analytics to monitor and enhance every aspect of their operations, from marketing to supply chain, in real-time. Advancements in analytics technology are creating new opportunities as they are predictive, self-learning, and adaptive, helping users to understand data patterns. The increasing deployment of analytics in various industries offers results that are intuitive and uses visualizations that autonomously explore data.

  • Machine Learning: Machine Learning (ML) is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer science that uses data & algorithms to emulate how humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy. Machine learning provides systems the ability to learn, make predictions, and improve their algorithms. The rising demand for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) owing to its benefits including reliability and scalability is expected to provide lucrative growth opportunities for the machine learning market as it can be integrated with cloud-based applications. Rising innovations and developments in ML technologies, such as Quantum Machine Learning, No-Code Machine Learning, Auto Machine learning, Tiny Machine Learning, and others, are expected to drive the market growth.

The demand for machine learning will increase as it is used in various industries including BFSI, healthcare, retail, agriculture, manufacturing, automotive, and transportation. The rising adoption of this technology in the healthcare sector is spurring the overall market share as it is being used to predict the probability of various diseases. It is used to generate quantitative insights for diagnosis in the field of reactive and proactive treatment, thus driving the market. Customers can access these tools without the need to own servers or purchase and install the necessary software as the penetration of cloud-based applications is increasing in various industries.

  • Digital Twin: A digital twin is an immersive depiction of an object or framework that extends its lifecycle, is upgraded from real-time information, and aids decision-making through simulation, machine learning & reasoning. A digital twin is a virtual model created to precisely replicate a physical object. To mitigate the drawbacks of previous models, the manufacturing industry is gradually adopting Industrial IoT with digital twin technology to develop a complex architecture and also learn from historical information through AI and ML. This assists the manufacturing industries in increasing operational efficiency and revenue generation. The proliferation of digital technologies in the manufacturing sector is boosting market growth.

The integration of digital twin technology with IoT, AI, and cloud computing is anticipated to fuel growth. Companies are deploying AI and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies to collect & analyze cognitive data from IoT devices and connected products, which can then be implemented in the digital twin model to recreate the effectiveness and usage of the existing system. This allows product engineers & designers to monitor product performance, identify problems, and accurately predict iterations of basic problems. The implementation of these technologies also assists organizations in improving operations and system productive capacity, improving the overall product performance.

  • DevOps: DevOps is the collaboration of individuals, processes, and technology to provide continuous value to customers. Adopting DevOps practices and tools, allows teams to better respond to customer needs, boost the performance of software applications they build, and achieve business goals more quickly. The implementation of software development automation technologies, such as continuous integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), is expected to drive the industry growth. The advancement of automation technologies across multiple industry verticals has increased the demand for DevOps tools. As software upgrades become more important in a digitalized landscape, businesses are embracing DevOps solutions for rapid development and deployment. Several factors including lower costs, flexibility, agility, and rapid application delivery are expected to drive the demand for DevOps.

Standardization of software updates and accurate estimation of delivery timelines are essential for large corporations to enable timely software deployment. The increased use of automation tools by global companies to minimize manual IT Services Management (ITSM) has created various opportunities. The growing prominence of automated testing and development tools has increased the need for management DevOps solutions. Development and operations analytics are also gaining traction as businesses use analytics to simplify the software delivery lifecycle and obtain deeper insights into automated software testing information. The growing demand for an efficient computing framework and total security while operating in physical, simulated, or cloud environments is expected to drive the DevOps market.

  • Li-Fi: Light fidelity (Li-Fi) is also referred to as Visible Light Communication (VLC). It is a wireless optical networking technology that transfers data at high speeds using light. It makes use of visible light, ultraviolet (UV), and Infrared Radiation (IR). The system works with microcontrollers and Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to convert light waves into electric signals. Photodetectors receive these signals and interpret changes in light intensity as data. Li-Fi systems provide a large bandwidth spectrum, faster speeds, improved data security, and less network & radio interference. The ability of Li-Fi to transfer large volumes of data without interfering with the existing radio frequencies will increase the market demand.

The automotive industry is expected to demand Li-Fi technology to enable Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication in connected cars. V2V communication supported by Li-Fi technology will also aid autonomous vehicles in distinguishing between living and inanimate objects. The increasing use of Li-Fi in retail stores for interactive shopping experiences will support market growth as it provides mapping tools for the evaluation and visualization of pedestrian traffic. The increasing use of LED lamps in building lighting creates huge opportunities for Li-Fi-based applications. Li-Fi incorporates the capabilities of high-speed wireless data communication & interior lighting infrastructure as it is very cost-effective and widely used in smart buildings.

  • LiDAR: Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a remote sensing technique that employs light in the form of a pulsed laser that is transmitted from a source (transmitter) and reflected from objects. The system receiver detects the reflected light and the Time-of-Flight (ToF) is used to create a distance map of the objects. When these light pulses are combined with other data collected by the airborne system, accurate three-dimensional data is generated. The LiDAR system enables scientists and mapping professionals to study man-made and natural environments with unprecedented precision & flexibility. Concerns about climate change and rising sea levels have boosted the importance of discovering more about coastlines through mapping solutions.

The introduction of software solutions that fulfill the increasing demand for LiDAR in mapping solutions for raw data processing and the creation of 3D models for several applications will spur industry growth. The rapid development of autonomous vehicles has created numerous opportunities for the automotive LiDAR sensor market growth. Sensors are widely used in self-driving cars to control braking, speeding, and safety mechanisms in response to changes in the external environment. The 'growing demand for 3D printing in the construction industry will drive the use of LiDAR. Governments in developing countries have also been actively executing projects using advanced mapping technologies, such as LiDAR, to produce high-resolution maps for engineering works and city planning projects.

EdTech: Education Technology (EdTech) combines educational practices and IT tools to enhance & facilitate learning at the global level. EdTech includes e-learning, mobile learning, virtual classroom, Learning Management System (LMS), and private tutoring.

  • E-learning refers to a learning system that uses electronic devices and the internet to access an educational curriculum outside a traditional classroom. It allows technology to facilitate learning anytime & anywhere. The growing demand for immersive learning and hands-on training experience is driving the adoption of e-learning systems across industries. Moreover, the rising penetration of the internet and mobile learning in developed & developing countries will create new growth opportunities for the e-learning market.
  • Mobile learning (M-Learning) refers to learning across multiple contexts through social & content interactions using personal electronic devices. M-learning focuses on interacting with portable technologies and the mobility of the learner. A rising number of E-book services and the rising demand for content digitization will boost the mobile learning market growth during the forecast timeframe. In addition, government initiatives & investments in the digital education system, rising smartphone sales, and improving network connectivity across the globe will create a demand for the mobile learning industry.
  • Virtual classroom is an online classroom service that provides training and education-based functions to students and instructors. It allows the participants to communicate, share ideas, view presentations, and interact with other study-based resources to gather information. The rising demand for cloud-based virtual classrooms will drive the virtual classroom market.
  • Learning Management System (LMS) is a software or web-based application used to implement, plan, and access learning processes. It provides instructors with features to monitor progress and conduct tests for applicants. It comprises two elements: a server that performs basic functionality and a user interface for instructors, students, & administrators to operate. Supportive government initiatives and the rising higher education & corporate sectors in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific will create growth opportunities for the LMS industry during the forecast period.
  • Private tutoring is a service provided by tutors to a single or a small group of students. This includes additional academic support to enhance individuals' academic performance. Students are trained by an expert teacher with deep knowledge and defined expertise in a particular subject or set of subjects. It uses personalized approach-based learning tools for students preparing for competitive exams to improve their employability skills. The rising enrollment of corporate professionals in private tutoring programs and a rising number of private colleges, schools & universities will propel the demand for private tutoring across the globe.

Testing: Testing techniques are used widely to compare the actual outcome with the expected outcome. The testing industry includes automation testing, software testing, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), dynamic application security testing, fiber optic testing, manual testing, IoT testing, cloud testing, and ultrasonic testing, among others. The advent of Industry 4.0 and digitalization across the industrial manufacturing sector is driving the demand for embedded software applications to provide high efficiency & productivity in the industrial sector. The embedded software operates in real-time and prevents software failure that causes operation losses. Companies are also outsourcing automation testing services to develop bug-free software solutions, enhance productivity, and accelerate the demand for testing services during the estimated timeframe. The testing market growth is actively driven by the increasing business risks due to application vulnerabilities and cyberattacks. The increasing incidents of security breaches across the globe are encouraging organizations to deploy advanced application security testing solutions to mitigate the risks of outside attacks.

The testing sector is an umbrella of functional testing and non-functional testing. This further comprises system testing, unit testing, integration testing, smoke testing, regression testing, security testing, performance testing, usability testing, and API testing. Regression testing verifies the performance of the existing software and checks the functionality after the interface & updating with other software products. Mobile applications for online shopping, entertainment, money transaction, etc., also require continuous upgrades to enhance the user experience.

Electronic Security: The global electronic security industry, including enterprise security, cybersecurity & Firewall as a Service, has been witnessing radical transformation with companies focusing on research & development investments to ensure sustained growth.

  • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is the system used to protect enterprise data, networks, processes, and applications from external threats & cyberattacks. The cybersecurity industry includes various detection & prevention tools such as Identity, Authentication, and Access Management (IAAM), network security, and infrastructure protection. Cybersecurity can be used across various application areas such as BFSI, IT & telecom, retail, transportation, IT & telecom, healthcare, and utilities.

The surging penetration of various wireless devices, such as smartphones and IoT devices, is fueling the cybersecurity market growth. The reduction in mobile device prices and growing advancements in network infrastructures across the globe are supporting the adoption of smart devices among enterprises & consumers. Different business enterprises are actively investing in cybersecurity due to the increasing incidents of cyberattacks. The increasing use of cloud & AI technologies and the growing demand for secure & reliable platforms are propelling the market growth. In the past few years, there has been an increase in cyber incidents, which has increased the demand for cybersecurity solutions & products globally.

  • Enterprise security: It involves the use of various technologies, tactics, processes, and tools to protect the digital assets of enterprises from external unauthorized access. Enterprise security also includes policies and human resources to protect endpoint devices. The growing Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) and work-from-home trends are posing major challenges across enterprises owing to the threat of unauthorized user access across the enterprise network infrastructure. Due to the above-mentioned factors, various enterprises are actively investing in cybersecurity.
  • Firewall as a Service: Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) is a cloud-based firewall that offers advanced Layer 7/Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) capabilities such as access controls, URL filtering, Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), advanced threat prevention, and DNS security. The Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) market is quite competitive with a mixture of small & large providers, security, and cloud providers. FaaS is considered the best for SMEs as it has an in-built feature of secure wireless LAN support that is mostly utilized by SMEs rather than larger enterprises. Currently, vendors are trying to focus on integrating features such as DLP, web applications, and email security.

The Firewall as a Service market is growing due to the increasing adoption of technologies such as BYOD, mobilization, and cloud computing. Also, the growing demand is due to its cost-effectiveness and real-time functionalities capabilities.

  • The use of IoT devices is increasing in various end-user industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail, BFSI & others, due to their advanced features. IoT devices are more vulnerable to cyberattacks. The increased risk of cyberattacks through IoT devices is supporting the cybersecurity market growth.
  • The growing emphasis on protecting the enterprises' digital assets from external cyberattacks is enabling organizations to deploy advanced enterprise security tools. The surging market demand for the development of advanced network access control & encryption tools is another factor supporting the electronic security market growth.
  • The rising adoption of BYOD & cloud, expansion of business applications, changes in the network security environment, and increased investments to improve security are some of the factors propelling the firewall as a service market growth.

Computing & Storage: The global computing & storage industry, including the edge computing, cloud computing, encryption, end-user computing, and infrastructure as a Code sectors, has been witnessing radical transformation with companies focusing on partnerships and acquisitions to ensure sustained growth.

  • Edge computing: The edge computing network helps enterprises in managing comprehensive mobile devices with location-based access control. The remote architecture administration benefits of edge computing are projected to support the market growth. It offers high-end AR & VR experiences by utilizing edge computing capabilities. This technology also reduces the burden of large data volumes on data centers and the cloud.

To avail the features of edge computing, industry players are focusing on the innovations of different edge-based applications. The adoption of edge computing solutions also offers performance and significant cost benefits to enterprises. The demand for edge computing is increasing owing to its real-time processing, which enhances quick decision-making capabilities.

  • Cloud Computing: Cloud computing deals with the delivery of computing services including databases, networking, analytics, storage, software, and servers over the Internet. The rapidly growing adoption of cloud-based solutions coupled with flexible, innovative, and cost-effective features is propelling market growth. Enterprises are rapidly deploying cloud systems across several use-cases such as big data analytics, customer-facing web applications, and software development & testing. Companies are focusing on cloud and digital infrastructures to improve their business propositions.

The growing consumer inclination toward streaming platforms, such as Amazon, Netflix, Disney+, Apple TV, and YouTube, will also support the market expansion. To expand their market presence, companies are focusing on business strategies such as partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions. For instance, in April 2021, Microsoft acquired Nuance, an AI and cloud computing firm, for USD 19.7 billion. This acquisition aided the company to enhance its telemedicine service portfolio.

  • Encryption: Encryption assists enterprises in increasing their data security by using encryption technologies over mobile devices and cloud platforms. The encryption industry growth is attributed to the rising adoption of data encryption solutions to compile with regulatory compliance. In several countries, ensuring the privacy of customer data is mandatory for all business operations.

The growing adoption of securing enterprise IP and reducing financial risks, such as loss of confidential data, is expected to propel market growth. Enterprises are rapidly shifting toward advanced encryption algorithms from traditional cybersecurity methods to ensure that the data present on employee devices is encrypted.

  • End-user computing: End-user computing is a combination of processes and technologies, offering secure & remote access to applications and data. The end-user computing segment growth is majorly driven by the increasing demand for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solutions. VDI technology uses virtual machines to deliver and manage virtual desktops. It hosts desktop settings on the central server and executes them to end users on request.

The adoption of end-user computing offers flexible and enhanced security features to enterprises. Several enterprises are deploying virtual desktop infrastructures, which assist them in improving their business productivity. The demand for end-user computing is also driven by the growing trend of digitization that enables enterprises to tap digital opportunities to expand their business capabilities.

  • Infrastructure as a Code: Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) is a process of managing and configuring computer infrastructure through codes. Infrastructure as a Code uses DevOps methodology to define & deploy infrastructure including virtual machines, networks, connection topologies, and load balancers. By deploying infrastructure as a Code technology, DevOps teams can work together with a set of tools and practices to deliver applications.

Configuration data, automation devices, and programs are used in the infrastructure as a Code deployment & management process. Infrastructure as a Code can also be used in cloud services & hardware including routers, web servers, personal computers, load balancers, and databases. The growing demand for better optimization of business operations is projected to drive market statistics.