

Energy, Mining, Oil and Gas Competitive & Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日期: 年间契约型资讯服务 | 出版商: Global Market Insights Inc. | 英文


Global Market Insights Inc. 目前在航空航天与国防、汽车与运输、散装与特种化学品、电子与媒体、石油与天然气与能源、食品与营养与动物饲料、医疗保健与医疗设备、暖通空调和我们有超过 2,000 个联合研究资料库,涵盖建筑、聚合物和先进材料、可持续发展和智能技术等行业。


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GMI 探索能源和石油天然气行业的创新发展,分析行业趋势的近期变化和未来演变,以及以下细分市场的详细趋势:.

  • 电气设备
  • 热泵
  • 暖通空调
  • 热水器
  • 锅炉
  • 储能
  • 可再生能源
  • 石油和天然气


GMI 研究了电气设备市场的领先企业所追求的关键创新和战略,并分析了与电气设备市场动态相关的当前趋势和驱动因素。此外,我们还对以下装备行业进行了深入分析:

  • 开关设备: 对不间断电源和可靠电网不断增长的需求是开关设备行业扩张的主要驱动力。由于输配电基础设施的日益数字化和智能技术的集成,预计该技术的采用将在所有地区增加。使设备更具成本效益并提高控制和监控能力的技术创新突破将进一步推动市场增长。 GMI 分析活跃在电气设备行业的主要参与者,并检查开关设备行业进入者的概况(产品范围、战略举措、SWOT 分析等)。
  • 变压器: 电网现代化计划和举措不断增加的需求对变压器的需求产生了积极影响。现有电网的持续改造也是技术传播和市场增长的主要驱动力。 GMI 跟踪各种技术的售后市场战略和市场动态。我们还提供整体行业评估和竞争基准。
  • 变电站:在能源需求不断增加和排放法规严格的背景下,可再生能源发电技术的部署是先进变电站技术普及的主要因素。 GMI 考虑变电站行业相关的技术、应用领域、电压等级、组件和连接方法,并在细分领域进行深入研究。

HVAC:COVID-19 大流行对商业和工业部门的影响尤其严重,政府当局製定了严格的封锁措施以限制该流行病的影响。互联繫统、智能 HVAC 系统和软件自动化等技术进步,以及可持续供暖和製冷系统的日益普及,将推动行业增长。增加对基础设施和 PPP(公私合作伙伴关係)的投资正在世界各地创造积极的商业情景。对地表温度上升和能源效率监管政策的日益关注正在推动可持续技□□术的采用,例如区域供热和製冷、区域供热管道网络和太阳能 DH 市场。製造商通过无机增长企业和广泛的研发 (R&D) 活动加强了他们的影响力。

热水器:热水器行业对智能节能供暖系统的需求不断增加,可支配收入不断增加,工业化和城市化进程不断推进,传统供暖设备正在被替代。正在发生变化,包括消费者对消费者对节能热水器的支出增加,物联网、智能手机兼容性、智能警报和基于云的热水器兼容性的引入对最终用户的采用产生了积极影响。智慧城市项目的发展和摩天大楼的持续增长推动了高层公寓楼和商业建筑对具有增强安全功能的新型定制热水器的需求。 GMI 对跨行业可用的各种产品进行深入分析,包括燃气热水器、即热式热水器、储水式热水器和电热水器。此外,最近的技术创新以及智能家居和热水器的集成使整个行业能够接触到更广泛的消费者。

可再生能源:可再生能源行业受到以气候变化、技术快速改进和可再生能源成本下降为重点的支持性政策的影响。.增加私人和公共投资以支持太阳能和风能与电网的整合、联邦政府支持的即将开展的试点项目以及太阳能行业的发展将推动行业趋势。电力传输基础设施的发展和可再生能源行业供应链生态系统的演变预计将有助于市场的可持续增长。增加对环境、社会和治理 (ESG) 考虑的支持以及下一代清洁能源在所有行业的商业化将推动未来的可再生能源需求。 GMI 分析对各种可再生能源产品(太阳能、陆上风能、海上风能、氢能和水电)的研究,以及有关全行业技术进步和政府法规的信息。

锅炉:随着更节能的系统取代传统设备以及政府加大力度遏制碳排放,锅炉行业已显着发展。随着脱碳需求的增加和范式转变以减少我们对化石燃料的依赖,该技术正在发生根本性转变。消费者对清洁可靠的水和蒸汽发生器的偏好日益增加,将继续推动业务增长。 GMI 涵盖行业的各个方面(组合锅炉、蒸汽/电/燃气锅炉、余热锅炉等)。此外,我们正在调查所有主要公司投资开发各种系统、最新技术创新和市场发展的趋势。

热泵: 对节能、低碳加热和冷却设备不断增长的需求正在推动消费者对先进设备的兴趣。支持清洁能源技术部署的有利监管框架将在塑造热泵的增长潜力方面发挥关键作用。该框架包括税收优惠、财政援助和赠款、低息贷款和补贴。 GMI 对全球、地区和国家的热泵市场趋势进行深入分析,对热泵行业的进入者进行基准测试,并分析最新的技术趋势和战略举措。我们还研究了热泵行业主要细分市场(空气源热泵、地源热泵、水源热泵、热泵热水器等)的详细趋势。

储能:储能技术广泛应用于住宅、商业和公共设施等领域。电网的脱碳和向气候友好型经济的范式转变有望实现显着的业务增长。太阳能发电厂和电池存储的集成使与储能产品相关的重要进展成为可能。製造商正专注于改进他们的产品,以提供能源和成本效益高的系统,这将推动他们的采用。储能係统在以最低成本将可再生能源併入电网方面发挥着关键作用。剩余电力可以在需求高峰期储存和使用,以稳定电网。 GMI追踪储能市场(锂离子、铅酸、硫酸钠等)各种技术的最新创新,以及世界各地的政府法规、整个行业的创新趋势,我们正在调查详细趋势各大厂商。

石油和天然气:随着 COVID-19 大流行见证了价格大幅波动和石油需求大幅下降,石油和天然气行业正处于转型之中。随后的 COVID-19 浪潮进一步减少了 2021 年整个行业的投资。从2022年开始,管道基础设施开发和存储项目的投资将增加,行业正在恢復活力。对新油气田开发的大力投资以及政府努力开发具有成本效益的产品运输基础设施,特别是在发展中国家,将加强商业前景。 GMI 对油气行业进行了大量分析,包括油气电气化、数字油田、油气分析、油井干预、人工举升系统、油气基础设施、石油存储等重大项目。此外,我们正在调查行业内的各种趋势,例如各种技术进步、无机增长风险和新产品开发。


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Energy, Mining, Oil and Gas:

The global energy industry including electrical equipment, heating & cooling systems, and the oil & gas industry has been witnessing significant changes as industry players are investing across various sustainable technologies to reduce emissions.

Global Market Insights focuses on the technological developments taking place in the energy and oil & gas industries. It also tracks the changes & developments in dynamics in the energy and oil & gas industries and covers market information regarding the following segments:

  • Electrical equipment
  • Heat pumps
  • Heating & cooling
  • Water heaters
  • Boilers
  • Energy storage
  • Renewables
  • Oil & gas

Electrical Equipment: The electrical equipment industry around the globe is undergoing major technological advancements on account of the rising energy efficiency requirements from the transmission & distribution network, which can be attributed to aging infrastructure and the integration of decentralized power generation systems to the grid. The industry has been significantly driven by some major equipment including switchgears, transformers, circuit breakers, substations, cables, and smart meters.

Global Market Insights (GMI) focuses on the key innovations & strategies undertaken by the major players operating in the electrical equipment market. The company also offers insights into the current trends and drivers associated with the electrical equipment market dynamics, further providing an in-depth study across the following equipment industry.

  • Switchgear: The growing demand for uninterrupted power supply and a reliable distribution network have been the major drivers augmenting the switchgear industry expansion. The ongoing digitalization & integration of smart technologies across the T&D infrastructure is anticipated to propel the adoption of the technology across all regions. Innovative breakthroughs in technology to improve the control & monitoring features along with enhancing the cost effectiveness of the equipment will further boost market growth. Global Market Insights studies the key competitors operating across the electrical equipment industry and provides a detailed company profile focusing on the product assortment, strategic initiatives, and SWOT analysis of the players in the switchgear industry.
  • Transformers: The rising need for grid modernization programs & initiatives has positively influenced the demand for transformer units. The ongoing refurbishment of the existing grid network is another key driver aiding in the technology adoption growth. Global Market Insights tracks the aftermarket strategies and market dynamics for the various technology. The firm also offers a competitive benchmarking along with a complete assessment of the industry.
  • Substations: The deployment of renewable power generation technology owing to the rising energy demand & stringent emission norms is a major factor responsible for the adoption of advanced substation technology. GMI offers an intensive study at sub segment levels, providing insights into the technology, applications, voltage levels, components, and connectivity methods associated with the substation industry.

Heating & cooling: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been primarily significant across the commercial and industrial sectors as government authorities imposed stringent lockdown measures to curb the impacts of the outbreak. The ongoing adoption of sustainable heating & cooling systems along with technological advancements including connected systems, smart HVAC systems, and software automation will boost industry growth. Increasing investments and public-private participation toward infrastructural development have created a positive business scenario around the globe. Rising concerns on account of increasing surface temperatures and focused regulatory policies toward energy efficiency have enhanced the adoption of sustainable technologies including district heating & cooling, district heating pipeline network, and solar DH market. Manufacturers have been strengthening their presence through inorganic growth ventures and extensive research & development activities.

Water heater: The water heater industry is experiencing a shift owing to the mounting demand for smart & energy-efficient heating systems, growing dispensable incomes, increasing industrialization & urbanization, and the shifting consumer focus toward the replacement of conventional heating equipment. The growing consumer spending on energy-efficient water heating appliances along with the introduction of IoT-enabled, smartphone-compatible, smart-alert, and cloud-based compatibility features in water heaters is positively impacting adoption among end users. The ongoing expansion of high-rise buildings along with the development of smart city projects is expanding the demand for new & customized water heating appliances with enhanced safety features across multi apartments and commercial buildings. Global market Insights provides an in-depth analysis of the various products available across the industry including gas water heaters, instant water heaters, storage water heaters, and electric water heaters. Recent technological innovations along with the integration of water heaters with smart homes have enabled the overall industry to reach a wider spectrum of consumers.

Renewables: The renewables industry is influenced by supportive policies focused on combating climate changes, rapid technological improvements, and the declining cost of renewable sources. Growing private & public investments to support the integration of solar & wind energy with the grid, upcoming pilot projects backed by federal support, and the evolving solar industry will drive the industry trends. Transmission infrastructure development and the evolving supply chain ecosystem across the renewable industry will contribute to sustainable market growth. Increasing support for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations and the commercialization of next-generation clean energy sources across all industries will drive the demand for renewables in the future. Global Market Insights covers a wide spectrum of renewable energy products including solar PV, onshore wind, offshore wind, hydrogen, and hydropower market studies along with technological advancements and government regulations across the industry.

Boiler: The ongoing replacement of conventional units with energy-efficient systems and the increasing government focus to limit carbon emissions have led to significant developments across the boiler industry. The technology is experiencing fundamental changes owing to the rising need for decarbonization and the paradigm shift toward reducing dependency on fossil fuels. The surging consumer inclination toward the deployment of clean and reliable water & steam generating units will continue to drive business growth. Global Market Insights covers various aspects of the industry including combi boilers, steam, electric, and gas-fired boilers, and waste heat boilers. We cover all the major industry players that are extensively investing in the development of these systems as well as in recent innovations and market trends.

Heat pump: The growing demand for low carbon heating & cooling alternatives with high energy efficiency ratings has driven consumer preference toward advanced alternatives. The favorable regulatory framework that supports the deployment of clean energy technologies will play a pivotal role in shaping the heat pump deployment potential. This framework includes tax benefits, financial supports & grants, low interest loans, and subsidies. <>Global Market Insights focuses on delivering an in-depth analysis of the market dynamics across different heat pump systems at the country, regional, and global levels. GMI also tracks the latest technological advancements and strategic initiatives to deliver competitive benchmarking for the heat pump industry. We emphasize analyzing different verticals across the heat pump industry including air source heat pumps, ground source or geothermal heat pumps, water source heat pumps, and heat pump water heaters.

Energy storage: There has been a wide adoption of energy storage technologies across the residential, commercial, and utility sectors. A paradigm shift toward the decarbonization of power grids and a climate-friendly economy will lead to substantial business growth. The integration of solar power plants with battery storage is enabling significant advancements associated with energy storage products. Manufacturers are focusing on product enhancements to provide energy & cost-effective systems, which will bolster product penetration. Energy storage systems play a crucial role toward the integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity grid at minimal costs. Surplus power can be stored & utilized at the time of peak demand for grid stability. Global Market Insights tracks the recent innovations & advancements occurring across various technologies in the energy storage market including lithium-ion, lead acid, and sodium sulfur. We also cover an in-depth analysis of various manufacturers operating across the industry along with the government regulations and innovations happening across the industry.

Oil & gas: The oil & gas industry is in the middle of a transformational change as the industry has witnessed significant price volatility and robust drop in crude oil demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The subsequent waves of COVID-19 also led to a further downfall in overall investments across the sector in 2021. The industry is regaining its strength from 2022, with an upsurge in investments toward the development of pipeline infrastructure and storage projects. Robust investments toward the development of greenfield crude oil, natural gas fields, and government initiatives to develop cost-effective product transportation infrastructure, primarily across the developing nations, will enhance the business outlook. Global Market Insights has conducted numerous studies with respect to the overall oil & gas industry. Some of the key projects include oil & gas electrification, digital oilfield, oil & gas analytics, well intervention, artificial lift systems, oil & gas infrastructure, and oil storage. We also cover various technological advancements, inorganic growth ventures, and the new product launches happening in the industry.