

Cloud and WAN Research Service

出版日期: 年间契约型资讯服务 | 出版商: TeleGeography | 英文




  • 云端连线资料:IaaS 云端服务供应商资讯、建筑级云端入口位置、网路服务供应商详细资料、资料中心营运商云端连线资讯/位置
  • WAN 服务: 网路服务供应商 PoP 位置/按 PoP 划分的 WAN 服务列表
  • 市场分析:最广泛使用的企业服务(MPLS、VPN、乙太网路、SD-WAN)、价格和服务的趋势


  • SD-WAN 研究:主要 SD(软体定义)WAN 服务的概况以及 SD-WAN 使用、部署模型、价格和可用性的趋势
  • 广域网路经理调查:对负责设计、采购和管理美国国内、区域和全球企业广域网路的广域网路经理的经验进行分析。
  • 广域网路市场规模报告:企业网路和地区主要组成部分的市场规模和预测

Is it your job to understand international WAN services and compare options? Researching how to adapt your network to the cloud for your company? Gather round for the most up-to-date analysis for consumers and carriers.


Cloud Connectivity and WAN Service Data Downloads

  • Cloud Regions, On-Ramps, and Local Zones: Excel workbook of cloud service providers and their cloud regions, on-ramps, and local zones
  • Cloud Connectivity: Excel workbook of locations where network service providers are present in data centers and provide connectivity to cloud providers
  • WAN Services: Excel workbook of network service providers and locations where they provide WAN services and direct-connects

Cloud and Network Service Provider Profiles

Cloud service provider profiles detail major infrastructure-as-a-service cloud connectivity locations, as well as data center operators offering cloud connectivity services. These profiles include:

  • Cloud on-ramp locations
  • Partner cloud connectivity colocation and network service provider onramp locations Data center operator cloud exchange locations
  • Content delivery network PoP locations
  • Submarine cable investment locations
  • Cloud exchange locations
  • Location of cloud data centers, as both a list and a map Network Service Provider profiles detail international WAN service offerings of 175+ network service providers, from AT&T to Zayo. These profiles include:
  • WAN service coverage map
  • List of PoP locations
  • List of WAN services by PoP
  • List of cloud connectivity locations Contact information

Market Analysis

This analysis examines trends in the evolution of WAN services and architecture, geographic coverage, and pricing. Our cloud connectivity services section includes profiles and analysis of the major public cloud service providers offering infrastructure as a service.

WAN Services and Pricing Analysis

Includes an overview of MPLS VPN and Ethernet implementations, as well as analysis of the most commonly available WAN service features. Includes:

  • Regional MPLS IP VPN pricing trends, including price variations by service provider
  • International Ethernet pricing trends by geography, capacity, and transport technology
  • Dedicated internet access pricing trends by region and capacity

Cloud Connectivity Services Review

This service includes analysis of private cloud connections offered by carriers, cloud service providers, and colocation providers. Includes:

  • IaaS cloud service providers and how to connect to them
  • Cloud data center geography and on-ramp locations
  • Access technology and circuit sizes offered by NSPs
  • Network service provider and data center operator cloud connectivity providers

Cloud Infrastructure Map

Our Cloud Infrastructure Map depicts the locations where cloud services, and connectivity to these services, are present. This includes cloud service provider networks, data centers, and network service provider networks. In addition to service locations for each type of provider, the map provides a top-level view of cloud regions, on-ramps, local zones, and WAN services across all of the providers.

Specialized Research Tools

This subscription is now home to three additional tools vital to understanding the state of the modern WAN:

  • 1. SD-WAN Research. Explore profiles of leading software-defined WAN services and brush up on trends in SD-WAN applications, deployment models, pricing, and availability.
  • 2. WAN Manager Survey. A treasure trove of analysis based on the experiences of WAN managers whose day-to-day roles cover the design, sourcing, and managing of U.S. national, regional, and global corporate wide area computer networks.
  • 3. WAN Market Size Report. Presents individual market sizes and forecasts for key elements of the corporate network, broken out by geography.

Data Search

This new tool allows you to search by geography across all six Cloud and WAN data sets:

  • Cloud Regions
  • Local Zones
  • On Ramps
  • Dedicated Connections
  • Cloud Exchanges
  • Network Services