全球地下采矿设备市场分析和预测:按类型、商品和地区分类(2021-2025 年)

全球地下采矿设备市场分析和预测:按类型、商品和地区分类(2021-2025 年)

Underground Mining Equipment Market Analysis by Type, Commodity and Region, and Forecasts, 2021-2025

出版日期: | 出版商: GlobalData | 英文 27 Pages | 订单完成后即时交付




到 2021 年底,地下矿井中的地下卡车和装载机/LHD 总数估计为 21,422 辆,包括在役和维修中,其中 18,469 辆在役。 随着更多矿山投产,产量稳步增长,预计到 2025 年,运营中的矿山总数将增至 20,088 座,复合年增长率为 2.2%。 大洋洲/非洲和中东预计将出现最高的销量增长,这得益于新矿山投产带来的新采购和替代品。

本报告对世界地下采矿设备进行了研究和分析,并提供了按地区和细分市场目前使用的单位数量、到 2025 年单位数量的预测、主要 OEM 的分析以及电气化信息。



第 1 章执行摘要

第 2 章全球地下采矿卡车和装载机数量:按地区

第 3 章地下采矿卡车

第 4 章装载机和 LHD

第 5 章电气化



Product Code: GDMINEQ006

GlobalData's "Underground Mining Equipment Market Analysis by Type, Commodity and Region, and Forecasts, 2021-2025" provides detailed data and forecasts for underground mining trucks and underground loaders/LHDs. The data is based on GlobalData's extensive mine-site research and equipment models to generate a complete view of equipment counts globally, with breakdowns by each major region and key mining country, and also by major commodity - including copper and gold.

The total number of underground mining trucks and loaders/LHDs in underground mines at the end of 2021, including both active and those in care and maintenance, was estimated at 21,422 of which 18,469 were at active mines.

Of these, there were 12,577 loaders/LHDs, including 10,821 at active mines, and 8,845 were underground mining trucks, including 7,648 at active mines.

With steady growth in output, as more mines ramp up and come on stream, the total number of vehicles at active mines is forecast to rise to 20,088 by 2025, a CAGR of 2.2%.

Highest growth in machine counts is expected in Oceania and Africa and the Middle East, supported by both new purchases from new mines entering production and replacements. These two regions are expected to be followed by South and Central America and North America.

The leading OEMs are Sandvik, Epiroc, Caterpillar, collectively estimated to account for 75% of underground mining trucks and 85% of underground loaders and LHDs.

Key Highlights

  • The total number of underground mining trucks and loaders/LHDs in underground mines at the end of 2021, including both active and those in care and maintenance, was estimated at 21,422 of which 18,469 were at active mines.
  • Of these, there were 12,577 loaders/LHDs, including 10,821 at active mines, and 8,845 were underground mining trucks, including 7,648 at active mines.
  • With steady growth in output, as more mines ramp up and come on stream, the total number of vehicles at active mines is forecast to rise to 20,088 by 2025, a CAGR of 2.2%.
  • Highest growth in machine counts is expected in Oceania and Africa and the Middle East, supported by both new purchases from new mines entering production and replacements. These two regions are expected to be followed by South and Central America and North America.
  • The leading OEMs are Sandvik, Epiroc, Caterpillar, collectively estimated to account for 75% of underground mining trucks and 85% of underground loaders and LHDs.


  • Global, with breakdowns of equipment counts by region (Asia Pacific, Australasia, Europe, Former Soviet Union, Middle East & Africa, North America, South & Central America) and major mining countries, such as Australia, Canada, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Peru, Russia, South Africa and the USA. Data is also split into total populations and those that are active, and market shares are provided for the leading OEMs by type of machine and by region.

Reasons to Buy

  • Assess the current populations of underground mining trucks and LHDs by country and region, and by key commodity (gold and copper)
  • Predict counts of each machine through to 2025
  • Analyse the key OEMs in each segment and region
  • Evaluate the current scale of electrification of underground mining trucks and LHDs

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Executive summary

2. Global underground mining truck and loader populations by region

3. Underground Mining Trucks

4. Loaders and LHDs

5. Electrification

6. Leading OEMs

7. Methodology