蓬勃发展的加州电池存储和太阳能:ISO 如何适应未来的极端天气?

蓬勃发展的加州电池存储和太阳能:ISO 如何适应未来的极端天气?

Thriving Storage and Solar in California: How is the ISO Adapting to Future Extreme Weather Events?

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



2020 年夏季的极端天气导致 CAISO 电网系统出现可靠性危机,因此必须在 8 月 14 日至 15 日期间在全州范围内进行轮流停电,警告将持续到 8 月 20 日。该事件为未来的极端天气事件开创了先例,并突出了 CAISO 规划和基础设施面临的挑战。

此外,该事件引发了全州范围内防止类似事件、提高可靠性和“清洁”电网的努力。作为这一努力的一部分,储能设备的装机容量迅速扩大,自2020年以来增加了3GW以上,其中1.4GW与太阳能并网。该蓄电设施支持发电量急剧下降的傍晚负荷和净高峰期的负荷,对稳定因阳光照射而产生的鸭形曲线起到重要作用。 CAISO 能否应对 2020 年至 2022 年极端天气的增加?此外,您准备如何降低未来的系统可靠性风险?


Report Summary:

Extreme weather events in summer 2020 led to CAISO's most recent grid reliability crisis, requiring rolling blackouts across the state on 14 and 15 August, with continued alerts through 20 August. This event exemplified potential future weather conditions and highlighted planning and infrastructure challenges for CAISO.

Furthermore, this triggered efforts across the state to prevent similar events and increase reliability while 'cleaning' the grid. As part of this effort, battery storage installed capacity has rapidly grown, adding more than 3 GW since 2020, of which 1.4 GW is solar-paired. This capacity now plays a key role in stabilizing the solar-induced duck curve by addressing fast evening ramp-down hours and net peak loads. Following CAISO's grid evolution since 2020, is it better prepared to address increasing abnormal weather patterns through 2022? And how is it setting the stage to reduce grid reliability risks for the future?