工业半导体市场追踪调查 (2024年第一季)

工业半导体市场追踪调查 (2024年第一季)

Q1-2024 Industrial Market Tracker

出版日期: 4 Issues/Year | 出版商: Databeans, Inc. | 英文 73 Pages, 69 Tables, 109 Figures





  • 全球工业半导体市场预测
  • 全球半导体的收益预测:市场部门别
  • 全球半导体的收益预测:各产品


  • 全球工业半导体的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球实验·测量用半导体的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球医疗用半导体的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球军事·航太用半导体的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球流程控制用半导体的收益预测:各地区


  • 全球工业半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球工业半导体的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球实验·测量用半导体市场预测
  • 全球实验用半导体的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球实验用半导体的出货预测:各产品
  • 全球实验用半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球ATE半导体的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球实验·测量设备的收益预测
  • 全球实验·测量设备的出货预测


  • 全球医疗用半导体市场预测
  • 全球医疗用半导体的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球医疗用半导体的出货预测:各产品
  • 全球医疗用半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球居家医疗用半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球医疗影像用半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球诊断用半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球家庭医疗用电子设备的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球家庭医疗用电子设备的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球医疗影像用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球医疗影像用电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球诊断用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球诊断用电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球医疗植入用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球医疗植入用电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球及其他的医疗用电子设备的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球及其他的医疗用电子设备的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球军事/航太用半导体市场预测
  • 全球军事/航太用半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球军事用半导体市场预测:各产品种类
  • 全球民航用半导体市场预测:各产品种类
  • 全球卫星·宇宙用半导体市场预测:各产品种类
  • 全球军事/航太用半导体的收益预测:各产品种类
  • 全球军事/航太用半导体的收益预测:各规格
  • 全球军事/航太用半导体的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用半导体的出货预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用分离式的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用光电的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用类比的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用Logic的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用微处理器的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用微控制器的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用DSP的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用记忆体的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球军事/航太用半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球军事/航太用设备的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球军事/航太用设备的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球流程控制用半导体市场预测
  • 全球流程控制用半导体的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球流程控制用半导体的出货预测:各产品
  • 全球流程控制用类比的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球流程控制用Logic的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球流程控制用记忆体的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球流程控制用半导体的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球流程控制设备的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球流程控制设备的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球工业半导体的收益预测:各产品
  • 全球工业半导体的出货预测:各产品


  • 全球工业半导体的市场占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球实验·测量用半导体的市场占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球医疗用半导体的市场占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球军事/航太用半导体的市场占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球流程控制用半导体的市场占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)



Industrial application markets include medical, test and measurement, process control and military/aerospace applications. This tracker provides forecasts for all semiconductor product families in the industrial application market. Forecasts are provided by region, application market, application, and by product type. Market share is also provided for the semiconductor suppliers in the industrial space.

Table of Contents


  • 1.1 Worldwide Industrial Semiconductor Market Forecast
  • 1.2 Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
  • 1.3 Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product

Regional Forecast

  • 2.1 Worldwide Industrial Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.2 Worldwide Test and Measurement Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.3 Worldwide Medical Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.4 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.5 Worldwide Process Control Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Region

Application Consumption Analysis

  • 3.1 Worldwide Industrial Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application Segment
  • 3.2 Worldwide Industrial Semiconductor Shipment Forecast by Application Segment

Test and Measurement

  • 4.1 Worldwide Test and Measurement Semiconductor Market Forecast
  • 4.2 Worldwide Test Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 4.3 Worldwide Test Semiconductor Shipment Forecast by Product
  • 4.4 Worldwide Test Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 4.5 Worldwide ATE Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 4.6 Worldwide Test and Measurement Equipment Revenue Forecast
  • 4.7 Worldwide Test and Measurement Equipment Shipment Forecast


  • 5.1 Worldwide Medical Semiconductor Market Forecast
  • 5.2 Worldwide Medical Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 5.3 Worldwide Medical Semiconductor Shipment Forecast by Product
  • 5.4 Worldwide Medical Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.5 Worldwide Home Medical Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.6 Worldwide Imaging Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.7 Worldwide Diagnostic Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.8 Worldwide Home Medical Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.9 Worldwide Home Medical Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 5.10 Worldwide Medical Imaging Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.11 Worldwide Medical Imaging Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 5.12 Worldwide Medical Diagnostic Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.13 Worldwide Medical Diagnostic Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 5.14 Worldwide Medical Implant Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.15 Worldwide Medical Implant Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 5.16 Worldwide Other Medical Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.17 Worldwide Other Medical Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application

Military and Aerospace

  • 6.1 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Market Forecast
  • 6.2 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application Segment
  • 6.3 Worldwide Military Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Type
  • 6.4 Worldwide Commercial Air Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Type
  • 6.5 Worldwide Satellite/Space Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Type
  • 6.6 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Specification
  • 6.7 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.8 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Shipment Forecast by Product
  • 6.9 Worldwide Mil/Aero Discretes Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.10 Worldwide Mil/Aero Optoelectronics Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.11 Worldwide Mil/Aero Analog Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.12 Worldwide Mil/Aero Logic Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.13 Worldwide Mil/Aero Microprocessors Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.14 Worldwide Mil/Aero Microcontrollers Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.15 Worldwide Mil/Aero DSP Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.16 Worldwide Mil/Aero Memory Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 6.17 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 6.18 Worldwide Mil/Aero Equipment Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 6.19 Worldwide Mil/Aero Equipment Shipment Forecast by Application

Process Control

  • 7.1 Worldwide Process Control Semiconductor Market Forecast
  • 7.2 Worldwide Process Control Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 7.3 Worldwide Process Control Semiconductor Shipment Forecast by Product
  • 7.4 Worldwide Process Control Analog Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 7.5 Worldwide Process Control Logic Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 7.6 Worldwide Process Control Memory Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 7.7 Worldwide Process Control Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 7.8 Worldwide Process Control Equipment Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 7.9 Worldwide Process Control Equipment Shipment Forecast by Application

Product Forecast

  • 8.1 Worldwide Industrial Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product
  • 8.2 Worldwide Industrial Semiconductor Shipment Forecast by Product

Supplier Market Share

  • 9.1 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Industrial Semiconductor Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 9.2 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Test and Measurement Semiconductor Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 9.3 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Medical Semiconductor Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 9.4 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 9.5 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Process Control Semiconductor Revenue Share by Supplier
