微控制器市场追踪调查 (2024年第一季)

微控制器市场追踪调查 (2024年第一季)

Q1-2024 Microcontroller Market Tracker

出版日期: 4 Issues/Year | 出版商: Databeans, Inc. | 英文 93 Pages, 101 Tables, 121 Figures


微控制器用于所有五个电子市场领域,但最大的市场是汽车领域和工业嵌入式运算领域。这项追踪研究按细分市场、应用、地区、产品类型和所有解析度对微控制器市场进行预测。它还包括 IC 卡和 USB 控制器。也按区域和全球范围列出市场占有率。



  • 全球微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP (平均销售价格))
  • 全球微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球半导体的收益预测:各产品


  • 全球微控制器的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球微控制器的出货预测:各地区
  • 全球微控制器的收益预测:各地区 (以季度为基础)
  • 全球8比特微控制器的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球8比特微控制器的出货预测:各地区
  • 全球16比特微控制器的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球16比特微控制器的出货预测:各地区
  • 全球32比特微控制器的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球32比特微控制器的出货预测:各地区


  • 全球微控制器的收益预测:市场部门别
  • 全球微控制器的收益预测:市场部门别 (以季度为基础)
  • 全球微控制器的出货预测:市场部门别 (以季度为基础)


  • 全球汽车用微控制器的收益预测:位元各画素
  • 全球汽车用微控制器的出货预测:位元各画素
  • 全球汽车用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球汽车用微控制器的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球汽车用微控制器的出货预测:各地区
  • 全球汽车用微控制器的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球汽车安全用微控制器的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球动力传动用微控制器的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球资讯娱乐用微控制器的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球售后市场用微控制器的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球汽车用电子产品的收益:各汽车系统
  • 全球汽车用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球汽车用电子产品的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球电脑用微控制器的收益预测:位元各画素
  • 全球电脑用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球电脑用微控制器的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球PC用电脑电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球PC用电脑电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球储存用电脑电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球储存用电脑电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球伺服器用电脑电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球伺服器用电脑电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球週边设备用电脑电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球週边设备用电脑电子产品的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球民生用微控制器的收益预测:位元各画素
  • 全球民生用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球民生用微控制器的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球影音设备用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球影音设备用电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球及其他的民生用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球及其他的民生用电子产品的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球通讯用微控制器的收益预测:位元各画素
  • 全球通讯用MCU的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球通讯用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球行动电话用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球基础设施用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球及其他的无线用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球有线通讯用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球无线通讯用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球通讯用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球通讯用电子产品的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球工业·IC卡MCU的收益预测:位元各画素
  • 全球工业微控制器的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球工业·IC卡用微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球工业微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球接触式智慧卡市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球联繫无智慧卡市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球实验用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球实验用电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球家庭医疗用电子设备的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球家庭医疗用电子设备的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球临床医疗用电子设备的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球临床医疗用电子设备的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球医疗影像用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球医疗影像用电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球军事/航太用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球军事/航太用电子产品的出货预测:各用途
  • 全球流程控制用电子产品的收益预测:各用途
  • 全球流程控制用电子产品的出货预测:各用途


  • 全球微控制器的收益预测:位元各画素
  • 全球微控制器的出货预测:位元各画素
  • 全球8比特微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球16比特微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球32比特微控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球USB控制器市场预测 (收益·销售件数·ASP,以季度为基础)
  • 全球USB控制器的收益预测:各地区
  • 全球USB控制器的出货预测:各地区
  • 全球USB控制器的收益预测:市场部门别
  • 全球USB控制器的出货预测:市场部门别


  • 全球微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 南北美洲的微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 欧洲的微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 日本的微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 亚太地区的微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球8比特微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球16比特微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球32比特微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球汽车用MCU的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球电脑用MCU的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球民生用MCU的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球行动电话用MCU的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球无线基础设施用MCU的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球及其他的无线用MCU的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球有线微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球IC卡用微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)
  • 全球工业/多目的微控制器的收益占有率:各供应商 (2021年·2020年)



Microcontrollers are used in all five market segments for electronics, but the largest market is the automotive segment and industrial embedded computing segment. This tracker provides forecasts for all resolutions of microcontrollers by market segment, application market, region, and product type. IC cards are included as well as USB controllers. Market share is also provided by region and market segment.

Table of Contents

Significant Findings

  • 1.1 Worldwide Microcontroller Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 1.2 Worldwide Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 1.3 Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product

Regional Forecast

  • 2.1 Worldwide Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.2 Worldwide Microcontroller Shipment Forecast by Region
  • 2.3 Worldwide Microcontroller Quarterly Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.4 Worldwide 8-Bit Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.5 Worldwide 8-Bit Microcontroller Shipment Forecast by Region
  • 2.6 Worldwide 16-Bit Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.7 Worldwide 16-Bit Microcontroller Shipment Forecast by Region
  • 2.8 Worldwide 32-Bit Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 2.9 Worldwide 32-Bit Microcontroller Shipment Forecast by Region

Market Forecast

  • 3.1 Worldwide Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
  • 3.2 Worldwide Microcontroller Quarterly Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
  • 3.3 Worldwide Microcontroller Quarterly Shipment Forecast by Market Segment

Automotive Forecast

  • 4.1 Worldwide Automotive Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Bit Resolution
  • 4.2 Worldwide Automotive Microcontroller Shipment Forecast by Bit Resolution
  • 4.3 Worldwide Automotive Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 4.4 Worldwide Automotive Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 4.5 Worldwide Automotive Microcontroller Shipment Forecast by Region
  • 4.6 Worldwide Automotive Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Application Segment
  • 4.7 Worldwide Automotive Safety Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 4.8 Worldwide Powertrain Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 4.9 Worldwide Infotainment Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 4.10 Worldwide Aftermarket Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 4.11 Worldwide Automotive Electronics Revenue by Automotive System
  • 4.12 Worldwide Automotive Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 4.13 Worldwide Automotive Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application

Computer Forecast

  • 5.1 Worldwide Computer Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Bit Resolution
  • 5.2 Worldwide Computer Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 5.3 Worldwide Computer Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.4 Worldwide PC Computer Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.5 Worldwide PC Computer Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 5.6 Worldwide Storage Computer Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.7 Worldwide Storage Computer Electronics Storage Forecast by Application
  • 5.8 Worldwide Server Computer Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.9 Worldwide Server Computer Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 5.10 Worldwide Peripheral Computer Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 5.11 Worldwide Peripheral Computer Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application

Consumer Forecast

  • 6.1 Worldwide Consumer Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Bit Resolution
  • 6.2 Worldwide Consumer Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 6.3 Worldwide Consumer Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 6.4 Worldwide Audio/Video Consumer Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 6.5 Worldwide Audio/Video Consumer Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 6.6 Worldwide Other Consumer Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 6.7 Worldwide Other Consumer Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application

Telecom Forecast

  • 7.1 Worldwide Communications Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Bit Resolution
  • 7.2 Worldwide Communications MCU Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 7.3 Worldwide Communications Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 7.4 Worldwide Mobile Phone Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 7.5 Worldwide Infrastructure Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 7.6 Worldwide Other Wireless Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 7.7 Worldwide Wired Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 7.8 Worldwide Wireless Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 7.9 Worldwide Communications Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 7.10 Worldwide Communications Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application

Industrial Market and IC Cards

  • 8.1 Worldwide Industrial and IC Card MCU Revenue Forecast by Bit Resolution
  • 8.2 Worldwide Industrial Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 8.3 Worldwide Industrial and IC Card Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 8.4 Worldwide Industrial Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 8.5 Worldwide Contact Smart Card Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 8.6 Worldwide Contactless Smart Card Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 8.7 Worldwide Test Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 8.8 Worldwide Test Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 8.9 Worldwide Home Medical Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 8.10 Worldwide Home Medical Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 8.11 Worldwide Clinical Medical Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 8.12 Worldwide Clinical Medical Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 8.13 Worldwide Medical Imaging Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 8.14 Worldwide Medical Imaging Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 8.15 Worldwide Mil/Aero Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 8.16 Worldwide Mil/Aero Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
  • 8.17 Worldwide Process Control Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
  • 8.18 Worldwide Process Control Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application

Product Forecast

  • 9.1 Worldwide Microcontroller Revenue Forecast by Bit Resolution
  • 9.2 Worldwide Microcontroller Shipment Forecast by Bit Resolution
  • 9.3 Worldwide 8-Bit Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 9.4 Worldwide 16-Bit Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 9.5 Worldwide 32-Bit Microcontroller Quarterly Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 9.6 Worldwide USB Controller Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, ASP)
  • 9.7 Worldwide USB Controller Revenue Forecast by Region
  • 9.8 Worldwide USB Controller Shipment Forecast by Region
  • 9.9 Worldwide USB Controller Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
  • 9.10 Worldwide USB Controller Shipment Forecast by Market Segment

Supplier Market Share

  • 10.1 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.2 2021 and 2020 Americas Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.3 2021 and 2020 Europe Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.4 2021 and 2020 Japan Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.5 2021 and 2020 Asia Pacific Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.6 2021 and 2020 Worldwide 8-Bit Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.7 2021 and 2020 Worldwide 16-Bit Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.8 2021 and 2020 Worldwide 32-Bit Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.9 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Automotive MCU Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.10 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Computer MCU Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.11 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Consumer MCU Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.12 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Mobile Phone MCU Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.13 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Wireless Infrastructure MCU Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.14 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Other Wireless MCU Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.15 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Wired Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.16 2021 and 2020 Worldwide IC Card Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
  • 10.17 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Industrial/Multipurpose Microcontroller Revenue Share by Supplier
