

Cell and Gene Therapy Business Outlook

出版日期: 24 Issues/Year | 出版商: Kalorama Information | 英文


从 "INSTRUMENT BUSINESS OUTLOOK" 博得好评的Science and Medicine Group,细胞、基因治疗专门的新刊登场。


  • CAGT市场市场规模与预测:每期,预测特定的治疗市场区隔的市场机会的大小与未来的收益。
  • 资金筹措情形的把握:在每年几十亿美元投资发表中,谁筹措资金 (其背后的企业相关)的每期追踪。还有定期分析资金筹措趋势。
  • 形成明日商务的科学的新闻快报与分析:本年间资讯,以提供最新的新闻为目的。以当天的最新消息对商务来说意味什么为焦点,严选的新闻和分析,不容错过细胞、基因治疗的重要发展。
  • 追踪CAGT企业间的交易:每期的 "Recent Deals Table" ,追踪干细胞企业间重要的交易,及企业与产业外的企业进行的交易 (技术转移,伙伴关係,合併,流通等) 。
  • 细胞、基因治疗工具:电子报提供细胞、基因治疗的製造设备和消耗品的厂商相关的开发,产品的销售,相关交易。
Product Code: CGTBO

From Science and Medicine Group, the owners of the popular ‘INSTRUMENT BUSINESS OUTLOOK’ comes a new publication dedicated to cell and gene therapy. “Cell and Gene Therapy Business Outlook” will offer the following:

  • Market Sizing and Forecasting of CAGT Markets: Each issue sizes up the market opportunity and projects the future revenues for a given therapeutic segment.
  • Keeping an Eye on Financing: With billions of investment dollars announced each year, Cell and Gene Therapy Business Outlook tracks who is getting financed (and the companies behind the financing) each issue. On a regular basis we will analyze trends in that financing.
  • News Briefs and Analysis of the Science That will Shape Tomorrow's Business: Cell and Gene Therapy Business Outlook is designed to provide the most relevant news. With a focus on what the recent news of the day means for business, our curated news and news analysis means that you and your organization can be confident you won't miss an important development in cell and gene therapy.
  • Deals Between CAGT Companies Tracked: Each issue's "Recent Deals Table" tracks the important deals between stem cell companies as well as the deals they engage in (tech transfers, partnerships, mergers, distribution and other activities) with companies outside the industry.
  • Cell and Gene Therapy Tools: This newsletter will also report on developments, product launches and deals relating to the makers of cell and gene therapy manufacturing equipment and supplies.