

Ophthalmic Market Trends: Quarterly US Retina Edition: Q3 - 2024: Analysis of Historical Trends and Latest Developments

出版日期: 年间契约型资讯服务 | 出版商: Market Scope, LLC | 英文





  • 各疾病及各产品的玻璃体内 (IVT) 注射
  • Eylea, Lucentis, Avastin, Macugen, Visudyne PDT的使用
  • 糖尿病黄斑部水肿 (DME) 治疗
  • 皮质类固醇的使用
  • 光凝固数量和光凝固剂的使用
  • 玻璃体切除的数量与位置
  • 玻璃体切除机的使用与市场占有率
  • 可重复使用、抛弃式的器具
  • 视觉化剂

更新资讯中,包含过去数年收集资讯的比较为基础的趋势分析。还有包含美国的视网膜手术 (IVT注射)的全年预测,及与前一年的比较。


Our coverage of the US retina market includes a quarterly surveying process that targets and collects data from retina specialists. The resulting data are analyzed and presented in our Ophthalmic Market Trends: Quarterly US Retina Editions. These editions are designed to improve your decision-making process with an assessment of current market conditions and the identification of significant market trends -- including retinal patient care, product use and market share, product adoption plans, and doctors' evaluations of pharmaceuticals and surgical equipment.

Each update includes full-year forecasts, comparisons with prior years, and trend analysis.


“The Ophthalmic Market Trends: Quarterly US Retina Editions ” measure and analyze key metrics of the US retinal market four times per year, including:

  • IVT injections by disease and product;
  • Use of Eylea, Lucentis, Avastin, Macugen, and Visudyne PDT;
  • DME treatments;
  • Corticosteroid use;
  • Photocoagulation volume and photocoagulators used;
  • Vitrectomy volume and location;
  • Vitrectomy machine use and market share;
  • Reusable and disposable instruments.
  • Visualization agents

Our updates include trend analysis based on comparisons with information gathered in previous years. We also provide a full-year forecast for US retinal procedures (including IVT injections) and a comparison with volumes during the prior year.