

Quarterly Global Automotive Market Decode

出版日期: 4 Issues/Year | 出版商: TrendForce | 英文




  • 1. 汽车产业上全球的市场规模资料
  • 2. 汽车产业上主要趋势
  • 3. 安全系统
  • 4. 驾驶信息系统
  • 5. 动力传动系统
  • 6. 车身设计

Global Automotive Market Decode涵盖以下内容。

  • • 主要车厂
  • • 汽车相关供应链的供应商
  • • 打算打入新兴汽车市场的供应商
  • • 汽车产业上投资和金融机关的活动

Global Automotive Market Decode可以帮助您。

1. 获取有关市场的全面,最新信息

  • 有关汽车行业的市场变动和组件以及技术趋势的信息都聚集在这里并定期更新。

2. 正确的决策

  • 结合各领域专家的见解,为市场提供关键的定性和定量分析,帮助企业做出正确的决策。

3. 资讯收集效率化

  • 帮助企业节省大量的时间和劳力来收集市场知识。



The rise of electric cars, self-driving cars and the internet of vehicles (IoV) have caused cars to be seen as the next wave of products after smartphones to be modified by revolutionary technology. Traditional car manufacturers, vehicle component manufacturers and various technology companies will be zeroing in on business opportunities in vehicle intelligentization and technologization. Major brands aren't the only ones developing new energy vehicles-quite a few new suppliers are also investing their resources to capitalize on this market. Developments and trends are gaining traction in the automotive industry. Are you up to speed?

Global tech research institute TrendForce has combined the results of research in specialized fields conducted by DRAMeXchange, WitsView, LEDinside, EnergyTrend and Topology etc., to provide you with this Quarterly Analysis on the Global Automotive Market.

Apart from regular updates on the market scale and developmental trends in the global automotive and electric car markets, this report also discusses technological developments made in car-related components, covering analyses on automotive semiconductor and DRAM developments and solutions, comparisons of automotive panels and breakdowns of market penetration rates and demand, and market trends for automotive power cells and displays.

Global Automotive Market Decode Will Provide:

  • Global Market Scale and the Newest Developments of Gas-Powered Cars and Electric Cars
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses and Developmental Trends of Car Safety, Power and Driver Information Systems
  • Automotive Market Trends, New Tech and Developmental Progress
  • Automotive Semiconductor Market Development and Trend Analysis
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses and Developmental Trends of Critical Car Components
  • Functional Comparison and Market Demand Trend Analysis of Automotive Displays and Touch Screens

Table of Contents

  • 1. Scale of Global Automotive Market
  • 2. Electrification
  • 3. ADAS and ADS(Autonomous Driving)
  • 4. Smart Cockpit
  • 5. Special Topic