

Transport Networks Research Service

出版日期: 年间契约型资讯服务 | 出版商: TeleGeography | 英文


TeleGeography 自 1999 年以来一直在追踪长途网路和海底电缆市场。 我们的数据显示了像 Google 和 Meta 这样的内容提供者如何改写我们对市场的了解。 我们的服务提供以下内容来帮助您了解此类发展的流程。

  • 详细的网路和营运商概况:430 家营运商500 多家有线电视营运商
  • 频宽供应和需求分析:按区域/路线
  • 来自领先内容提供者的关键数据和分析,包括国际频宽成长指标
  • 综合批发带价格趋势



TeleGeography's Transport Networks Research Service has the pulse of the global network. This is fresh primary research, written analysis, and interactive tools for exploring long-haul network data and the undersea cable market.


Networks Database

Easily find the information that matters to you. The latest version of the Networks Database allows users to:

  • Search carriers by city, country, and region. You can also view wholesale product availability by location.
  • Search submarine networks by country and region.

For additional flexibility, any successful search can be downloaded in an Excel-compatible format.

Cost Overview, Bandwidth Prices

This analysis provides an overview of the components of network cost as they relate to sub cables and terrestrial networks, including:

  • Terrestrial network construction, upgrade, and operating costs
  • Undersea cable construction, upgrade, operating, and costs
  • Price trends for 10 Gbps and 100 Gbps wavelengths

Latency Statistics by Network

Get round-trip delay latency for nearly 2,300 submarine cable routes. Stats can be downloaded as a complete data set.

Submarine Cable Fault Dashboard

This new addition includes information on publicly-disclosed faults on subsea cables since 2017. The following data points are shown when available:

  • Date of fault
  • Date of repair
  • Location of fault

Content Provider Trends & Analysis

Content providers like Google and Meta are changing the market. Our content providers section takes a closer look at the bandwidth on major cable routes attributed to these content providers and examines emerging trends.

Supply & Demand Analysis

Our experts are ready to help you understand the market better. Analysis includes:

  • Supply-bandwidth by route and region
  • International bandwidth usage from 2011 to 2021 for more than 170 countries
  • Impact of upgrades and cable construction on supply, competition, and pricing
  • Implications of network evolution on long-haul bandwidth demand
  • Summary of planned cables, including ownership, potential capacity and construction cost, landing stations, and ready-for-service dates

Network Operator and Undersea Cable Profiles

  • 430 carrier network profiles
  • Over 500 submarine system profiles Maps, cities covered, landing points, capacity-it's all here.