製药市场- 成长,未来展望,竞争分析,2024年~2032年

製药市场- 成长,未来展望,竞争分析,2024年~2032年

Pharmerging Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2024 - 2032

出版日期: | 出版商: Acute Market Reports | 英文 180 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


医药市场是指新兴国家的医药市场,预计将快速成长,并在全球医药产业中发挥越来越重要的作用。这些市场的特点是人口众多、中产阶级不断壮大、医疗基础设施改善以及获得医疗服务的机会增加,这些都推动了药品需求。预计到 2032 年,药品市场将成长 11.5%。医药市场的简要概述强调了影响其成长的几个关键因素。首先,新兴国家的经济发展带来了可支配收入的增加和健康意识的提高,从而促进了对医疗服务和产品的需求增加。其次,这些地区的政府正在大力投资医疗基础设施,包括医院和诊所,以增加获得各种治疗的机会。此外,旨在鼓励本地药品生产的监管改革和政府支持政策正在刺激国内企业的成长并吸引外资。最后,慢性病的盛行率不断上升,加上人口的快速成长,增加了扩大对医疗保健服务和药物的需求。










当医药市场依产品分类时,可以看出药品和保健品是两个重要的类别。由于新兴市场疾病负担的增加和医疗保健机会的扩大,对药品的持续需求,药品始终是最高的收入。该细分市场受益于需要持续药物干预的慢性病的流行以及传染病所需的急性治疗。同时,包括服务、医疗保健 IT 和医疗设备在内的医疗保健产业预计将具有最高的复合年增长率 (CAGR)。这种快速增长的推动因素包括政府努力改善卫生基础设施、增加对医院设施的私人投资以及随着世界转向更有效率的医疗保健服务系统而对远距医疗和数位医疗解决方案的重视。






地理趋势突显了医药市场各个地区的显着成长,其中亚太地区在复合年增长率 (CAGR) 和销售额方面均处于领先地位。 2023年,中国和印度等国家由于人口众多、医疗成本上升以及药品製造能力不断扩大而主导了市场收入。由于政府的支持性政策和中产阶级的崛起,这些国家已成为药品创新和生产的中心。展望2024年至2032年的预测期间,由于都市化进程加快、医疗基础设施改善以及慢性病增加,亚太地区预计将维持成长率领先地位。在类似的医疗改革和经济发展趋势的推动下,拉丁美洲和东欧预计也将显着成长,但与亚太地区相比,其整体市场占有率仍然较小。


从竞争趋势来看,市场竞争的特征是主要製药公司之间的激烈竞争和区域新进入者的动态进入。 2023 年,雅培实验室、荷兰皇家飞利浦公司、罗氏公司、默克公司、诺华公司、强生公司、梯瓦製药工业有限公司、阿斯特捷利康、葛兰素史克公司、Lupin、塔塔咨询服务有限公司。这些公司专注于策略联盟、併购和收购,以巩固其市场地位,同时大力投资研发,以创新复杂疾病的新疗法。在 2024 年至 2032 年的预测期内,这些公司预计将继续专注于渗透未开发的市场,提供显着的成长机会,特别是对于仿製药和生物製剂。此外,在印度和中国等地区,当地製造商预计将透过利用成本优势和当地监管支援来加强其市场占有率,从而加剧竞争格局。这些趋势正在塑造製药市场的策略方向,迫使公司不断适应这些动态地区不断变化的医疗保健需求和监管环境。




2032 年之前的预估与市场预测










  • 报告内容
    • 报告的目的
    • 对象者
    • 主要的提供
  • 市场区隔
  • 调查手法
    • 阶段Ⅰ-二次调查
    • 阶段Ⅱ-一次调查
    • 阶段Ⅲ-有学识者检讨
    • 前提条件
    • 采用的方法

第2章 摘要整理

第3章 製药市场:竞争分析

  • 主要供应商的市场定位
  • 供应商采用的策略
  • 主要的产业策略
  • 层级分析:2023 vs 2032

第4章 製药市场:常量分析和市场动态

  • 简介
  • 全球製药市场金额 2022-2032
  • 市场动态
    • 推动市场要素
    • 阻碍市场要素
    • 主要课题
    • 主要的机会
  • 促进因素与阻碍因素的影响分析
  • Seesaw分析
  • 波特的五力分析
    • 供应商电力
    • 买主电力
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 新加入厂商业者的威胁
    • 竞争企业间的敌对关係
  • PESTEL分析
    • 政治形势
    • 经济形势
    • 科技的形势
    • 法律上的形势
    • 社会形势

第5章 製药市场:各产品 2022-2032

  • 市场概要
  • 成长·收益分析:2023 vs 2032
  • 市场区隔
    • 医药品
      • 品牌处方药
      • 学名药
      • 成药
    • 医疗保健
      • 医疗设备
      • 诊断设备
      • 其他(IT及记录管理)

第6章 製药市场:各适应症 2022-2032

  • 市场概要
  • 成长·收益分析:2023 vs 2032
  • 市场区隔
    • 文明病
    • 癌症和自体免疫疾病
    • 感染疾病
    • 其他

第7章 製药市场:各流通管道 2022-2032

  • 市场概要
  • 成长·收益分析:2023 vs 2032
  • 市场区隔
    • 医院
    • 诊所
    • 零售药局
    • 电子商务
    • 药妆店

第8章 北美的製药市场 2022-2032

  • 市场概要
  • 製药市场:各产品 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各适应症 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各流通管道 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各地区 2022-2032
    • 北美
      • 美国
      • 加拿大
      • 其他北美地区

第9章 英国和欧洲联盟的製药市场 2022-2032

  • 市场概要
  • 製药市场:各产品 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各适应症 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各流通管道 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各地区 2022-2032
    • 英国和欧洲联盟
      • 英国
      • 德国
      • 西班牙
      • 义大利
      • 法国
      • 其他欧洲地区

第10章 亚太地区的製药市场 2022-2032

  • 市场概要
  • 製药市场:各产品 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各适应症 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各流通管道 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各地区 2022-2032
    • 亚太地区
      • 中国
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 澳洲
      • 韩国
      • 其他亚太地区

第11章 南美的製药市场 2022-2032

  • 市场概要
  • 製药市场:各产品 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各适应症 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各流通管道 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各地区 2022-2032
    • 南美
      • 巴西
      • 墨西哥
      • 其他南美国家地区

第12章 中东·非洲的製药市场 2022-2032

  • 市场概要
  • 製药市场:各产品 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各适应症 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各流通管道 2022-2032
  • 製药市场:各地区 2022-2032
    • 中东·非洲
      • GCC
      • 非洲
      • 其他中东·非洲地区

第13章 企业简介

  • Abbott Laboratories
  • Koninklijke Philips N.V.
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
  • Merck & Co. Inc.
  • Novartis AG
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
  • AstraZeneca
  • GlaxoSmithKline plc
  • Lupin
  • Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
  • Huadong Medicine Co. Ltd.
  • 其他的主要企业
Product Code: 599-07-24

The pharmerging market refers to pharmaceutical markets in emerging economies that are expected to grow rapidly and play an increasingly significant role in the global pharmaceutical industry. These markets are characterized by their large populations, rising middle class, improving healthcare infrastructure, and increasing access to medical care, which collectively drive the demand for pharmaceutical products. The pharmerging market is expected to grow at 11.5% by 2032. A brief overview of the pharmerging market highlights several key factors influencing its growth. First, economic development in these countries leads to higher disposable incomes and greater health awareness, contributing to a higher demand for healthcare services and products. Second, governments in these regions are making significant investments in healthcare infrastructure, including hospitals and clinics, which increases accessibility to a wider range of medical treatments. Additionally, regulatory reforms and supportive government policies aimed at encouraging local production of pharmaceuticals stimulate the growth of domestic companies and attract foreign investment. Finally, the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, coupled with a burgeoning population, underscores the need for expanded healthcare services and pharmaceutical products.

Economic Growth and Increased Healthcare Spending

One of the primary drivers of the pharmerging market is the robust economic growth observed in emerging economies, which has led to increased healthcare spending. As countries like China, India, and Brazil experience GDP growth, there is a corresponding rise in disposable incomes and living standards. This economic prosperity allows more people to afford healthcare services and pharmaceuticals. Government policies in these countries further support this trend by increasing healthcare budget allocations, aiming to provide universal health coverage and improve healthcare infrastructure. This surge in healthcare investment not only boosts the availability of medical treatments but also enhances the overall health awareness among the populace, leading to increased demand for pharmaceutical products.

Expansion of Healthcare Infrastructure

A significant opportunity within the pharmerging market lies in the expansion of healthcare infrastructure. Emerging economies are rapidly building hospitals, clinics, and distribution networks to make healthcare more accessible to their growing populations. This expansion is not limited to urban areas but extends to rural regions, which historically have been underserved. The increase in healthcare facilities necessitates a corresponding increase in pharmaceutical supplies, creating substantial opportunities for pharmaceutical companies to penetrate new markets and establish robust distribution channels.

Regulatory Heterogeneity

Regulatory heterogeneity serves as a key restraint in the pharmerging market. Emerging markets often have diverse and evolving regulatory frameworks that can vary significantly from one country to another. This variability can pose challenges for pharmaceutical companies looking to launch products simultaneously in multiple markets. Navigating these different regulatory environments requires significant resources and expertise, which can delay product launches and increase the cost of market entry.

Competition with Local Manufacturers

A major challenge in the pharmerging market is the competition posed by local pharmaceutical manufacturers. These local companies often have a better understanding of the regional market dynamics and regulatory nuances. They also benefit from established relationships within local healthcare systems and may be viewed more favorably by local consumers. Additionally, local manufacturers can often produce pharmaceuticals at a lower cost due to cheaper labor and materials, making it difficult for international companies to compete on price. This intense competition requires multinational pharmaceutical companies to innovate in terms of product offerings, market strategies, and pricing models to gain a foothold and expand their presence in these regions.

Market Segmentation by Product

In the pharmerging market, segmentation by product reveals that Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare are two significant categories. Pharmaceuticals consistently drive the highest revenue due to the persistent need for medications, driven by an increasing burden of diseases and expanding healthcare access in emerging markets. This segment benefits from both the widespread chronic conditions requiring ongoing pharmaceutical interventions and the acute treatments needed for communicable diseases. On the other hand, the Healthcare segment, encompassing services, healthcare IT, and medical equipment, is projected to experience the highest Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). This surge is fueled by governmental efforts to improve healthcare infrastructure, increasing private investments in hospital facilities, and a growing emphasis on telemedicine and digital health solutions in response to the global push for more efficient healthcare delivery systems.

Market Segmentation by Indication

Market segmentation by indication includes Lifestyle Diseases, Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and others. The segment for Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases is expected to witness the highest revenue, largely due to the high cost of treatments and ongoing pharmaceutical innovation aimed at these complex conditions. Additionally, the increasing prevalence of these diseases in emerging markets as populations age and adopt more Western lifestyles contributes to this trend. Conversely, the segment dealing with Lifestyle Diseases such as diabetes and hypertension is anticipated to register the highest CAGR. This growth is primarily driven by the rapid increase in these conditions among populations in emerging markets, spurred by changing diets, increasing urbanization, and more sedentary lifestyles.

Market Segmentation by Distribution Channel

Regarding the market segmentation by distribution channel, Hospitals and Retail Pharmacies are key players. Hospitals account for the highest revenue within this segment, as they are the primary health service delivery points offering both inpatient and outpatient care. The comprehensive care requirements and the need for specialized pharmaceuticals fuel their dominant revenue position. Retail Pharmacies are projected to see the highest CAGR, attributed to the growing trend of self-medication, increased accessibility, and the expansion of pharmacy networks across urban and rural areas. Moreover, the rising confidence in pharmaceutical retail through chain pharmacies and the growing acceptance of generic drugs play crucial roles in this growth. Additionally, e-commerce channels are rapidly gaining traction due to the convenience of online ordering and the increasing penetration of internet services, indicating a potential shift in consumer behavior in the pharmaceutical distribution landscape in emerging markets.

Regional Insights

In the pharmerging market, geographic trends highlight significant growth across various regions, with Asia-Pacific leading in terms of both the highest Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) and revenue generation. In 2023, countries like China and India dominated the market revenue due to their large populations, increasing healthcare expenditure, and expanding pharmaceutical manufacturing capabilities. These nations have become hubs for pharmaceutical innovation and production, driven by supportive government policies and a rising middle class. Looking forward to the forecast period of 2024 to 2032, Asia-Pacific is expected to maintain its lead in growth rates due to ongoing urbanization, healthcare infrastructure improvements, and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Latin America and Eastern Europe are also expected to witness notable growth, driven by similar trends of healthcare reforms and economic development, though their overall market share remains smaller compared to Asia-Pacific.

Competitive Trends

In terms of competitive trends, the pharmerging market is characterized by a mix of intense competition among leading pharmaceutical companies and dynamic entries by new regional players. In 2023, top players like Abbott Laboratories, Koninklijke Philips N.V., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Merck & Co., Inc., Novartis AG, Johnson & Johnson, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Lupin, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. showcased substantial revenues by leveraging their extensive product portfolios and robust distribution networks. These companies focused on strategic alliances, mergers, and acquisitions to consolidate their market positions, while also investing heavily in research and development to innovate new treatments for complex diseases. Looking into the forecast period of 2024 to 2032, these companies are expected to continue their emphasis on expanding into untapped markets, particularly focusing on generic drugs and biologics, which are anticipated to offer substantial growth opportunities. Additionally, local manufacturers in regions such as India and China are expected to strengthen their market presence by capitalizing on cost advantages and local regulatory support, thereby intensifying the competitive landscape. These trends are poised to define the strategic directions of the pharmerging market, with companies constantly adapting to the evolving healthcare demands and regulatory environments in these dynamic regions.

Historical & Forecast Period

This study report represents an analysis of each segment from 2022 to 2032 considering 2023 as the base year. Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for each of the respective segments estimated for the forecast period of 2024 to 2032.

The current report comprises quantitative market estimations for each micro market for every geographical region and qualitative market analysis such as micro and macro environment analysis, market trends, competitive intelligence, segment analysis, porters five force model, top winning strategies, top investment markets, emerging trends & technological analysis, case studies, strategic conclusions and recommendations and other key market insights.

Research Methodology

The complete research study was conducted in three phases, namely: secondary research, primary research, and expert panel review. The key data points that enable the estimation of Pharmerging market are as follows:

Research and development budgets of manufacturers and government spending

Revenues of key companies in the market segment

Number of end users & consumption volume, price, and value.

Geographical revenues generated by countries considered in the report

Micro and macro environment factors that are currently influencing the Pharmerging market and their expected impact during the forecast period.

Market forecast was performed through proprietary software that analyzes various qualitative and quantitative factors. Growth rate and CAGR were estimated through intensive secondary and primary research. Data triangulation across various data points provides accuracy across various analyzed market segments in the report. Application of both top-down and bottom-up approach for validation of market estimation assures logical, methodical, and mathematical consistency of the quantitative data.

Market Segmentation


  • Pharmaceuticals

Branded Prescription Drugs

Generic Drugs

Branded Generics

Unbranded Generics

OTC Drugs

  • Healthcare

Medical Devices

Diagnostic Instruments

Others (IT and Record Management)


  • Lifestyle Diseases
  • Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Others

Distribution Channel

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Retail Pharmacies
  • E-commerce
  • Drugs Stores

Region Segment (2022-2032; US$ Million)

North America



Rest of North America

UK and European Union






Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific





South Korea

Rest of Asia Pacific

Latin America



Rest of Latin America

Middle East and Africa



Rest of Middle East and Africa

Key questions answered in this report

What are the key micro and macro environmental factors that are impacting the growth of Pharmerging market?

What are the key investment pockets concerning product segments and geographies currently and during the forecast period?

Estimated forecast and market projections up to 2032.

Which segment accounts for the fastest CAGR during the forecast period?

Which market segment holds a larger market share and why?

Are low and middle-income economies investing in the Pharmerging market?

Which is the largest regional market for Pharmerging market?

What are the market trends and dynamics in emerging markets such as Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa?

Which are the key trends driving Pharmerging market growth?

Who are the key competitors and what are their key strategies to enhance their market presence in the Pharmerging market worldwide?

Table of Contents

1. Preface

  • 1.1. Report Description
    • 1.1.1. Purpose of the Report
    • 1.1.2. Target Audience
    • 1.1.3. Key Offerings
  • 1.2. Market Segmentation
  • 1.3. Research Methodology
    • 1.3.1. Phase I - Secondary Research
    • 1.3.2. Phase II - Primary Research
    • 1.3.3. Phase III - Expert Panel Review
    • 1.3.4. Assumptions
    • 1.3.5. Approach Adopted

2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1. Market Snapshot: Global Pharmerging Market
  • 2.2. Global Pharmerging Market, By Product, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.3. Global Pharmerging Market, By Indication, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.4. Global Pharmerging Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.5. Global Pharmerging Market, By Geography, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.6. Attractive Investment Proposition by Geography, 2023

3. Pharmerging Market: Competitive Analysis

  • 3.1. Market Positioning of Key Pharmerging Market Vendors
  • 3.2. Strategies Adopted by Pharmerging Market Vendors
  • 3.3. Key Industry Strategies
  • 3.4. Tier Analysis 2023 Versus 2032

4. Pharmerging Market: Macro Analysis & Market Dynamics

  • 4.1. Introduction
  • 4.2. Global Pharmerging Market Value, 2022 - 2032, (US$ Million)
  • 4.3. Market Dynamics
    • 4.3.1. Market Drivers
    • 4.3.2. Market Restraints
    • 4.3.3. Key Challenges
    • 4.3.4. Key Opportunities
  • 4.4. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
  • 4.5. See-Saw Analysis
  • 4.6. Porter's Five Force Model
    • 4.6.1. Supplier Power
    • 4.6.2. Buyer Power
    • 4.6.3. Threat Of Substitutes
    • 4.6.4. Threat Of New Entrants
    • 4.6.5. Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.7. PESTEL Analysis
    • 4.7.1. Political Landscape
    • 4.7.2. Economic Landscape
    • 4.7.3. Technology Landscape
    • 4.7.4. Legal Landscape
    • 4.7.5. Social Landscape

5. Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 5.1. Market Overview
  • 5.2. Growth & Revenue Analysis: 2023 Versus 2032
  • 5.3. Market Segmentation
    • 5.3.1. Pharmaceuticals
      • Branded Prescription Drugs
      • Generic Drugs
        • Branded Generics
        • Unbranded Generics
      • OTC Drugs
    • 5.3.2. Healthcare
      • Medical Devices
      • Diagnostic Instruments
      • Others (IT and Record Management)

6. Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 6.1. Market Overview
  • 6.2. Growth & Revenue Analysis: 2023 Versus 2032
  • 6.3. Market Segmentation
    • 6.3.1. Lifestyle Diseases
    • 6.3.2. Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases
    • 6.3.3. Infectious Diseases
    • 6.3.4. Others

7. Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 7.1. Market Overview
  • 7.2. Growth & Revenue Analysis: 2023 Versus 2032
  • 7.3. Market Segmentation
    • 7.3.1. Hospitals
    • 7.3.2. Clinics
    • 7.3.3. Retail Pharmacies
    • 7.3.4. E-commerce
    • 7.3.5. Drugs Stores

8. North America Pharmerging Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 8.1. Market Overview
  • 8.2. Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 8.3. Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 8.4. Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 8.5.Pharmerging Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 8.5.1.North America
      • U.S.
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Canada
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of North America
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

9. UK and European Union Pharmerging Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 9.1. Market Overview
  • 9.2. Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 9.3. Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 9.4. Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 9.5.Pharmerging Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 9.5.1.UK and European Union
      • UK
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Germany
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Spain
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Italy
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • France
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of Europe
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

10. Asia Pacific Pharmerging Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 10.1. Market Overview
  • 10.2. Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 10.3. Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 10.4. Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 10.5.Pharmerging Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 10.5.1.Asia Pacific
      • China
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Japan
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • India
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Australia
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • South Korea
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of Asia Pacific
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

11. Latin America Pharmerging Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 11.1. Market Overview
  • 11.2. Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 11.3. Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 11.4. Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 11.5.Pharmerging Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 11.5.1.Latin America
      • Brazil
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Mexico
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of Latin America
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

12. Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 12.1. Market Overview
  • 12.2. Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 12.3. Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 12.4. Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 12.5.Pharmerging Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 12.5.1.Middle East and Africa
      • GCC
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Africa
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of Middle East and Africa
        • Pharmerging Market: By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Pharmerging Market: By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

13. Company Profile

  • 13.1. Abbott Laboratories
    • 13.1.1. Company Overview
    • 13.1.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.1.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.1.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.2. Koninklijke Philips N.V.
    • 13.2.1. Company Overview
    • 13.2.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.2.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.2.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.3. F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
    • 13.3.1. Company Overview
    • 13.3.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.3.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.3.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.4. Merck & Co., Inc.
    • 13.4.1. Company Overview
    • 13.4.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.4.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.4.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.5. Novartis AG
    • 13.5.1. Company Overview
    • 13.5.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.5.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.5.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.6. Johnson & Johnson
    • 13.6.1. Company Overview
    • 13.6.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.6.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.6.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.7. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
    • 13.7.1. Company Overview
    • 13.7.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.7.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.7.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.8. AstraZeneca
    • 13.8.1. Company Overview
    • 13.8.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.8.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.8.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.9. GlaxoSmithKline plc
    • 13.9.1. Company Overview
    • 13.9.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.9.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.9.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.10. Lupin
    • 13.10.1. Company Overview
    • 13.10.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.10.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.10.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.11. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
    • 13.11.1. Company Overview
    • 13.11.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.11.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.11.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.12. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
    • 13.12.1. Company Overview
    • 13.12.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.12.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.12.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.13. Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd.
    • 13.13.1. Company Overview
    • 13.13.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.13.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.13.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 13.14. Other Notable Players
    • 13.14.1. Company Overview
    • 13.14.2. Financial Performance
    • 13.14.3. Product Portfolio
    • 13.14.4. Strategic Initiatives

List of Tables

  • TABLE 1 Global Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 2 Global Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 3 Global Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 4 Global Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 5 Global Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 6 Global Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 7 North America Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 8 North America Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 9 North America Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 10 North America Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 11 North America Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 12 North America Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 13 U.S. Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 14 U.S. Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 15 U.S. Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 16 U.S. Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 17 U.S. Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 18 U.S. Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 19 Canada Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 20 Canada Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 21 Canada Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 22 Canada Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 23 Canada Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 24 Canada Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 25 Rest of North America Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 26 Rest of North America Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 27 Rest of North America Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 28 Rest of North America Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 29 Rest of North America Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 30 Rest of North America Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 31 UK and European Union Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 32 UK and European Union Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 33 UK and European Union Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 34 UK and European Union Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 35 UK and European Union Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 36 UK and European Union Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 37 UK Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 38 UK Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 39 UK Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 40 UK Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 41 UK Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 42 UK Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 43 Germany Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 44 Germany Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 45 Germany Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 46 Germany Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 47 Germany Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 48 Germany Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 49 Spain Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 50 Spain Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 51 Spain Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 52 Spain Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 53 Spain Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 54 Spain Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 55 Italy Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 56 Italy Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 57 Italy Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 58 Italy Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 59 Italy Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 60 Italy Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 61 France Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 62 France Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 63 France Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 64 France Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 65 France Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 66 France Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 67 Rest of Europe Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 68 Rest of Europe Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 69 Rest of Europe Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 70 Rest of Europe Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 71 Rest of Europe Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 72 Rest of Europe Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 73 Asia Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 74 Asia Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 75 Asia Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 76 Asia Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 77 Asia Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 78 Asia Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 79 China Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 80 China Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 81 China Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 82 China Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 83 China Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 84 China Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 85 Japan Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 86 Japan Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 87 Japan Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 88 Japan Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 89 Japan Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 90 Japan Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 91 India Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 92 India Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 93 India Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 94 India Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 95 India Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 96 India Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 97 Australia Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 98 Australia Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 99 Australia Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 100 Australia Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 101 Australia Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 102 Australia Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 103 South Korea Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 104 South Korea Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 105 South Korea Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 106 South Korea Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 107 South Korea Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 108 South Korea Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 109 Latin America Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 110 Latin America Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 111 Latin America Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 112 Latin America Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 113 Latin America Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 114 Latin America Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 115 Brazil Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 116 Brazil Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 117 Brazil Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 118 Brazil Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 119 Brazil Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 120 Brazil Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 121 Mexico Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 122 Mexico Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 123 Mexico Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 124 Mexico Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 125 Mexico Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 126 Mexico Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 127 Rest of Latin America Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 128 Rest of Latin America Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 129 Rest of Latin America Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 130 Rest of Latin America Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 131 Rest of Latin America Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 132 Rest of Latin America Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 133 Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 134 Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 135 Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 136 Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 137 Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 138 Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 139 GCC Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 140 GCC Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 141 GCC Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 142 GCC Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 143 GCC Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 144 GCC Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 145 Africa Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 146 Africa Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 147 Africa Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 148 Africa Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 149 Africa Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 150 Africa Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 151 Rest of Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Product, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 152 Rest of Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Pharmaceuticals, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 153 Rest of Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Generic Drugs, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 154 Rest of Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Healthcare, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

TABLE 155 Rest of Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Indication, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • TABLE 156 Rest of Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market By Distribution Channel, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

List of Figures

  • FIG. 1 Global Pharmerging Market: Market Coverage
  • FIG. 2 Research Methodology and Data Sources
  • FIG. 3 Market Size Estimation - Top Down & Bottom-Up Approach
  • FIG. 4 Global Pharmerging Market: Quality Assurance
  • FIG. 5 Global Pharmerging Market, By Product, 2023
  • FIG. 6 Global Pharmerging Market, By Indication, 2023
  • FIG. 7 Global Pharmerging Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023
  • FIG. 8 Global Pharmerging Market, By Geography, 2023
  • FIG. 9 Market Geographical Opportunity Matrix - Global Pharmerging Market, 2023

FIG. 10Market Positioning of Key Pharmerging Market Players, 2023

FIG. 11Global Pharmerging Market - Tier Analysis - Percentage of Revenues by Tier Level, 2023 Versus 2032

  • FIG. 12 Global Pharmerging Market, By Product, 2023 Vs 2032, %
  • FIG. 13 Global Pharmerging Market, By Indication, 2023 Vs 2032, %
  • FIG. 14 Global Pharmerging Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 Vs 2032, %
  • FIG. 15 U.S. Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 16 Canada Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 17 Rest of North America Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 18 UK Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 19 Germany Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 20 Spain Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 21 Italy Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 22 France Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 23 Rest of Europe Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 24 China Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 25 Japan Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 26 India Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 27 Australia Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 28 South Korea Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 29 Rest of Asia Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 30 Brazil Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 31 Mexico Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 32 Rest of Latin America Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 33 GCC Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 34 Africa Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 35 Rest of Middle East and Africa Pharmerging Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032