营运商 RAN 架构选项:对能耗的影响

营运商 RAN 架构选项:对能耗的影响

RAN Architecture Options for Telecoms Operators: Implications for Energy Consumption

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 16 Slides | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


本报告重点关注新的无线存取网路 (RAN) 设计对能源效率的影响,并提供了一系列解决能源使用问题的选项。我们也向营运商、供应商、TowerCos、中立主机和政策制定者提供建议。


  • 随着架构和技术的发展,RAN 能源使用的当前和长期趋势
  • 可以采取哪些技术和商业措施来减少 RAN 能源使用?
  • 政策制定者和电信业正在采取哪些措施来支持减少 RAN/vRAN 能耗?
  • 政策制定者和标准机构在定义和标准化 RAN 能耗的方法和测量时应考虑哪些因素?

"A holistic approach to energy efficiency combining many levers across the RAN's radio, baseband and sites, could create energy savings of up to 50-60%."

This report focuses on the implications of new radio access network (RAN) designs for energy efficiency and provides a matrix of options for how to tackle energy use. The report also provides recommendations for operators, vendors, towercos, neutral hosts and policy makers.

Questions answered:

  • What are the current and long-term trends in energy use in the RAN as architecture and technologies evolve?
  • What technological and commercial levers can be pulled to reduce RAN energy use?
  • What are policy makers and the wider telecoms industry doing to support RAN/vRAN energy reductions?
  • What should policy makers and standards organisations consider when defining and standardising methods and measurements for RAN energy consumption?