
自动体外心臟去颤器市场,按产品类型、患者、最终用户、国家和地区 - 2024-2032 年行业分析、市场规模、市场份额和预测

Automated External Defibrillators Market, By Product Type, By Patient, By End User, By Country, and By Region - Industry Analysis, Market Size, Market Share & Forecast from 2024-2032

出版日期: | 出版商: AnalystView Market Insights | 英文 276 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内



2023 年自动体外心臟去颤器市场规模为 12.9843 亿美元,2024 年至 2032 年复合年增长率为 6.9%。


冠状动脉疾病(CAD)发生率的上升推动了 AED 市场的成长。

冠状动脉疾病(CAD)盛行率的增加是推动自动体外去颤器(AED)市场成长的重要因素。据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 称,CAD 是全球主要死亡原因,每年导致超过 1700 万人死亡。 CAD 包括心臟病发作和心臟骤停 (SCA) 等疾病,这些疾病可能会袭击没有症状的人。

世界各地与心臟相关的组织和卫生机构强调早期介入心臟紧急情况以提高存活率的重要性。 AED 在这方面发挥关键作用,它可以在 SCA 期间及时提供电击以恢復正常心律,从而显着增加生存机会。由于人口老化、久坐生活方式以及肥胖和糖尿病发病率上升,冠心病持续上升,对 AED 的需求预计将稳步增长,以满足公共场所、工作场所和社区旨在加强心臟急救准备的需求。

自动体外心臟去颤器市场 - 关键见解

根据我们的研究分析师分享的分析,预计全球市场在预测期内(2024-2032 年)每年将以 6.9% 左右的复合年增长率成长

根据产品类型细分,预计全自动体外心臟去颤器将在 2023 年占据最大市场份额


按地区划分,北美是 2023 年的主要收入来源



根据产品类型,市场分为两类:半自动体外心臟去颤器和全自动体外心臟去颤器。全自动体外心臟去颤器 (FAED) 之所以受到欢迎,主要是因为其简单性和在紧急情况下的有效性。这些设备的设计易于使用且简单明了,只需最少的操作训练。 FAED 可以自动执行整个去颤过程,从分析心律到在必要时进行电击,使用者无需按任何按钮。

市场根据患者分为两类:成人和儿童。在 AED 市场中,为成年患者量身定制的设备通常占据主导地位,因为它们的应用范围更广,公共场所、工作场所和医疗机构的需求也更高。成人的 AED 旨在有效管理成人的心臟紧急情况,提供专门满足心臟骤停成人患者需求的特性和功能。

自动体外心臟去颤器市场 - 地理洞察

由于强烈的意识和支持法规的推动,北美地区 AED 市场得到了广泛采用。公众意识宣传活动和积极主动的法律促进了 AED 在学校、机场和工作场所等重要公共场所的安置。例如,美国伊利诺伊州最近立法要求学校配备 AED,并要求工作人员接受心肺復苏术和 AED 使用培训,作为综合心臟反应计画的一部分。这些措施旨在加强整个非洲大陆心臟病事件的紧急准备并改善结果。该地区受益于强大的医疗保健基础设施,有助于将 AED 整合到紧急应变协议中,确保在心臟紧急情况下快速获取和部署。

技术进步对于北美 AED 市场的主导地位也发挥着至关重要的作用,各公司不断创新以增强设备功能。这些创新包括自动语音指令、即时心肺復苏回馈以及与紧急医疗服务 (EMS) 系统整合以实现无缝协调等功能。


在AED市场,皇家飞利浦公司、史赛克公司、ZOLL医疗公司、美敦力集团、日本光电公司等竞争激烈。飞利浦以用户友好的创新而闻名,而史赛克则强调无缝整合。 ZOLL 提供即时心肺復苏术 (CPR) 回馈,美敦力 (Medtronic) 专注于全面的心血管解决方案,而日本光电 (Nihon Kohden) 则专注于可靠的医院整合 AED。每家公司的独特优势都有助于形成旨在提高紧急心臟护理效果的竞争格局。

併购 (M&A) 对于塑造 AED 市场格局至关重要。例如,Zoll Medical 最近完成了对 Cardiac Science 的收购。此举巩固了他们的市场地位并扩大了他们的产品组合,因为两家公司都在公共安全市场的各个领域提供值得信赖的 AED 解决方案。


2023 年 12 月,在哥德堡郊区进行的为期 11 个月的试验中,瑞典研究人员利用无人机将 AED 直接运送给患者。他们的成功率为 67%,始终比救护车更快到达医疗紧急情况现场。

2023 年 2 月,两款美敦力植入式除颤器 Aurora EV-ICD MRI SureScan 和 Epsila EV MRI SureScan 获得了 CE 标誌批准。这些设备旨在调节异常心律。


第 1 章:自动体外心臟去颤器市场概述

  • 研究范围
  • 市场预估年份

第 2 章:执行摘要

  • 市场片段
    • 按产品类型分類的自动体外心臟去颤器市场片段
    • 自动体外心臟去颤器市场片段(依患者)
    • 最终用户自动体外除颤器市场片段
    • 按国家/地区分類的自动体外心臟去颤器市场片段
    • 按地区分類的自动体外心臟去颤器市场片段
  • 竞争洞察

第 3 章:自动体外心臟去颤器主要市场趋势

  • 自动体外心臟去颤器市场驱动因素
    • 市场驱动因素的影响分析
  • 自动体外心臟去颤器市场限制
    • 市场限制影响分析
  • 自动体外心臟去颤器市场机会
  • 自动体外心臟去颤器市场未来趋势

第 4 章:自动体外心臟去颤器产业研究

  • PEST分析
  • 波特五力分析
  • 成长前景图
  • 规范架构分析

第 5 章:自动体外心臟去颤器市场:COVID-19 影响分析

  • COVID-19 之前的影响分析
  • COVID-19 后影响分析
    • 表现最佳的市场区隔
    • 边际增长部分
    • 最鬆散的部分
    • 边际损失部分

第 6 章:自动体外心臟去颤器市场格局

  • 2023 年自动体外心臟去颤器市场占有率分析
  • 按主要製造商分類的故障数据
    • 既定玩家分析
    • 新兴玩家分析

第 7 章:自动体外心臟去颤器市场 - 依产品类型

  • 概述
    • 按产品类型分類的细分市场占有率分析
    • 半自动体外心臟去颤器
    • 全自动体外心臟去颤器

第 8 章:自动体外心臟去颤器市场 - 依患者分类

  • 概述
    • 按患者分類的细分市场份额分析
    • 成人
    • 儿科

第 9 章:自动体外心臟去颤器市场 - 按下最终用户

  • 概述
    • 按最终用户分類的细分市场占有率分析
    • 医院
    • 院前救护
    • 居家护理
    • 其他

第 10 章:自动体外心臟去颤器市场 - 依地理位置

  • 介绍
    • 按地理位置分類的细分市场占有率分析
  • 北美洲
    • 概述
    • 自动体外心臟去颤器北美主要製造商
    • 北美市场规模和预测(按国家)
    • 北美市场规模和预测(按产品类型)
    • 北美市场规模和预测(按患者)
    • 北美市场规模和预测(按最终用户)
    • 我们
    • 加拿大
  • 欧洲
    • 概述
    • 自动体外心臟去颤器欧洲主要製造商
    • 欧洲市场规模和预测(按国家)
    • 欧洲市场规模和预测(按产品类型)
    • 欧洲市场规模与预测(按患者)
    • 欧洲市场规模和预测(按最终用户)
    • 德国
    • 义大利
    • 英国
    • 法国
    • 俄罗斯
    • 荷兰
    • 瑞典
    • 波兰
    • 欧洲其他地区
  • 亚太地区 (APAC)
    • 概述
    • 自动体外心臟去颤器亚太地区主要製造商
    • 亚太地区市场规模与预测(按国家)
    • 亚太地区市场规模与预测(依产品类型)
    • 亚太地区市场规模与预测(按患者)
    • 亚太地区市场规模和预测(按最终用户)
    • 印度
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • 韩国
    • 澳洲
    • 泰国
    • 印尼
    • 菲律宾
    • 亚太地区其他地区
  • 拉丁美洲
    • 概述
    • 自动体外心臟去颤器拉丁美洲主要製造商
    • 拉丁美洲市场规模与预测(按国家)
    • 拉丁美洲市场规模与预测(按产品类型)
    • 拉丁美洲市场规模与预测(按患者)
    • 拉丁美洲市场规模和预测(按最终用户)
    • 巴西
    • 墨西哥
    • 阿根廷
    • 哥伦比亚
    • 拉丁美洲其他地区
  • 中东和非洲
    • 概述
    • 自动体外心臟去颤器中东和非洲主要製造商
    • 中东和非洲市场规模及预测(按国家)
    • 中东和非洲市场规模及预测(按产品类型)
    • 中东和非洲市场规模及预测(按病人)
    • 中东和非洲市场规模和预测(按最终用户)
    • 沙乌地阿拉伯
    • 阿拉伯聯合大公国
    • 以色列
    • 土耳其
    • 阿尔及利亚
    • 埃及
    • MEA 的其余部分

第 11 章:主要供应商分析 - 自动体外心臟去颤器产业

  • 竞争仪表板
  • 公司简介
    • Amiitalia
    • BPL Medical Technologies Pvt Ltd.
    • CU Medical Germany GmbH
    • Meditech Group
    • Mindray Medical International Limited
    • Nihon Kohden Corporation
    • Koninklijke Philips NV
    • Schiller AG
    • Stryker Corporation
    • ZOLL Medical Corporation
    • Progetti Srl
    • Mediana Co., Ltd.

第 12 章:360 度分析师视角

第 13 章:附录

  • 研究方法论
  • 参考
  • 缩写
  • 免责声明
  • 联络我们
Product Code: ANV3322


Automated External Defibrillators Market size was valued at USD 1,298.43 Million in 2023, expanding at a CAGR of 6.9% from 2024 to 2032.

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a portable device designed to detect and treat sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) by delivering an electric shock to the heart. It works by analyzing the heart's rhythm through electrode pads placed on the chest of a person in cardiac arrest. If the device detects a life-threatening arrhythmia like ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia, it prompts the user to administer a shock to restore normal heart rhythm. AEDs are equipped with intuitive audio and visual instructions, making them accessible to bystanders and individuals with minimal medical training. They are widely used in public spaces, workplaces, schools, and healthcare settings to provide immediate intervention during cardiac emergencies, significantly improving the chances of survival for SCA victims.

Automated External Defibrillators Market- Market Dynamics

The rising incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD) is fueling growth in the AED market.

The increasing prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) is a significant factor driving the growth of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) market. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), CAD is the leading cause of death globally, accounting for over 17 million deaths annually. CAD encompasses conditions such as heart attacks and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), which can strike individuals without prior symptoms.

Heart-related organizations and health agencies worldwide emphasize the importance of early intervention in cardiac emergencies to improve survival rates. AEDs play a critical role in this regard by delivering timely electrical shocks to restore normal heart rhythm during SCA, significantly increasing the chances of survival. As CAD continues to rise due to ageing populations, sedentary lifestyles, and increasing rates of obesity and diabetes, the demand for AEDs is expected to grow steadily to meet the needs of public spaces, workplaces, and communities aiming to enhance cardiac emergency preparedness.

Automated External Defibrillators Market- Key Insights

As per the analysis shared by our research analyst, the global market is estimated to grow annually at a CAGR of around 6.9% over the forecast period (2024-2032)

Based on Product Type segmentation, fully automated external defibrillators were predicted to show maximum market share in the year 2023

Based on Patient segmentation, Adult was the leading type in 2023

Based on region, North America was the leading revenue generator in 2023

Automated External Defibrillators Market- Segmentation Analysis:

The Global Automated External Defibrillators Market is segmented based on Product Type, Patient, End User, and Region.

The market is divided into two categories based on Product Type: Semi-automated external defibrillators and fully automated external defibrillators. Fully automated external defibrillators (FAEDs) have gained popularity primarily due to their simplicity and effectiveness in emergencies. These devices are designed to be accessible and straightforward, requiring minimal training for operation. FAEDs automate the entire defibrillation process, from analyzing the heart rhythm to delivering a shock, if necessary, without the user needing to press any buttons.

The market is divided into two categories based on Patient: Adult and Pediatric. In the AED market, devices tailored for adult patients generally dominate due to their broader application and higher demand across public spaces, workplaces, and healthcare settings. Adult-focused AEDs are designed to effectively manage cardiac emergencies in adults, offering features and capabilities that cater specifically to the needs of adult patients experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

Automated External Defibrillators Market- Geographical Insights

North America leads the AED market thanks to widespread adoption fueled by strong awareness and supportive regulations. Public awareness campaigns and proactive laws have promoted AED placement in crucial public locations like schools, airports, and workplaces. For example, recent legislation in Illinois (US) mandates schools to have AEDs and requires staff to undergo training in CPR and AED use as part of a comprehensive cardiac response plan. These measures aim to enhance emergency preparedness and improve outcomes during cardiac incidents across the continent. The region benefits from a strong healthcare infrastructure that facilitates the integration of AEDs into emergency response protocols, ensuring rapid access and deployment during cardiac emergencies.

Technological advancements also play a crucial role in North America's AED market dominance, with companies continuously innovating to enhance device functionality. These innovations include features like automated voice instructions, real-time CPR feedback, and integration with emergency medical services (EMS) systems for seamless coordination.

Automated External Defibrillators Market- Competitive Landscape:

In the AED market, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Stryker Corporation, ZOLL Medical Corporation, Medtronic Group, and Nihon Kohden Corporation compete vigorously. Philips is renowned for user-friendly innovations, while Stryker emphasizes seamless integration. ZOLL offers real-time CPR feedback, Medtronic focuses on comprehensive cardiovascular solutions, and Nihon Kohden specializes in reliable, hospital-integrated AEDs. Each company's distinct strengths contribute to a competitive landscape aimed at enhancing emergency cardiac care outcomes.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are crucial in shaping the AED market landscape. For instance, Zoll Medical recently completed the acquisition of Cardiac Science. This move consolidates their market presence and expands their product portfolios, as both companies provide trusted AED solutions across various segments of the public safety market.

Recent Developments:

In December 2023, during an 11-month trial in the suburbs of Gothenburg, Swedish researchers utilized drones to deliver AEDs directly to patients. They demonstrated a success rate of 67%, consistently reaching the scene of a medical emergency faster than ambulances.

In February 2023, two Medtronic implantable defibrillators, Aurora EV-ICD MRI SureScan and Epsila EV MRI SureScan, received CE Mark approval. These devices are designed to regulate abnormal heart rhythms.


The scope of this report covers the market by its major segments, which include as follows:



BPL Medical Technologies Pvt Ltd.

CU Medical Germany GmbH

Meditech Group

Mindray Medical International Limited

Nihon Kohden Corporation

Koninklijke Philips N.V.

Schiller AG

Stryker Corporation

ZOLL Medical Corporation

Progetti Srl

Mediana Co., Ltd.


  • Semi-automated external defibrillator
  • Fully automated external defibrillator


  • Adult
  • Pediatric


  • Hospitals
  • Prehospital care
  • Homecare
  • Other


  • North America
  • The U.S.
  • Canada
  • Europe
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • Russia
  • Netherlands
  • Sweden
  • Poland
  • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • India
  • China
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Philippines
  • Rest of APAC
  • Latin America
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Rest of LATAM
  • The Middle East and Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Israel
  • Turkey
  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Rest of MEA

Table of Contents

1. Automated External Defibrillators Market Overview

  • 1.1. Study Scope
  • 1.2. Market Estimation Years

2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1. Market Snippet
    • 2.1.1. Automated External Defibrillators Market Snippet by Product Type
    • 2.1.2. Automated External Defibrillators Market Snippet by Patient
    • 2.1.3. Automated External Defibrillators Market Snippet by End User
    • 2.1.4. Automated External Defibrillators Market Snippet by Country
    • 2.1.5. Automated External Defibrillators Market Snippet by Region
  • 2.2. Competitive Insights

3. Automated External Defibrillators Key Market Trends

  • 3.1. Automated External Defibrillators Market Drivers
    • 3.1.1. Impact Analysis of Market Drivers
  • 3.2. Automated External Defibrillators Market Restraints
    • 3.2.1. Impact Analysis of Market Restraints
  • 3.3. Automated External Defibrillators Market Opportunities
  • 3.4. Automated External Defibrillators Market Future Trends

4. Automated External Defibrillators Industry Study

  • 4.1. PEST Analysis
  • 4.2. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • 4.3. Growth Prospect Mapping
  • 4.4. Regulatory Framework Analysis

5. Automated External Defibrillators Market: COVID-19 Impact Analysis

  • 5.1. Pre-COVID-19 Impact Analysis
  • 5.2. Post-COVID-19 Impact Analysis
    • 5.2.1. Top Performing Segments
    • 5.2.2. Marginal Growth Segments
    • 5.2.3. Top Looser Segments
    • 5.2.4. Marginal Loss Segments

6. Automated External Defibrillators Market Landscape

  • 6.1. Automated External Defibrillators Market Share Analysis, 2023
  • 6.2. Breakdown Data, by Key Manufacturer
    • 6.2.1. Established Players' Analysis
    • 6.2.2. Emerging Players' Analysis

7. Automated External Defibrillators Market - By Product Type

  • 7.1. Overview
    • 7.1.1. Segment Share Analysis, By Product Type, 2023 & 2032 (%)
    • 7.1.2. Semi-automated external defibrillator
    • 7.1.3. Fully automated external defibrillator

8. Automated External Defibrillators Market - By Patient

  • 8.1. Overview
    • 8.1.1. Segment Share Analysis, By Patient, 2023 & 2032 (%)
    • 8.1.2. Adult
    • 8.1.3. Paediatric

9. Automated External Defibrillators Market - By End User

  • 9.1. Overview
    • 9.1.1. Segment Share Analysis, By End User, 2023 & 2032 (%)
    • 9.1.2. Hospitals
    • 9.1.3. Prehospital care
    • 9.1.4. Homecare
    • 9.1.5. Other

10. Automated External Defibrillators Market- By Geography

  • 10.1. Introduction
    • 10.1.1. Segment Share Analysis, By Geography, 2023 & 2032 (%)
  • 10.2. North America
    • 10.2.1. Overview
    • 10.2.2. Automated External Defibrillators Key Manufacturers in North America
    • 10.2.3. North America Market Size and Forecast, By Country, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.2.4. North America Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.2.5. North America Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.2.6. North America Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.2.7. U.S.
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • U.S. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • U.S. Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • U.S. Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.2.8. Canada
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Canada Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Canada Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Canada Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
  • 10.3. Europe
    • 10.3.1. Overview
    • 10.3.2. Automated External Defibrillators Key Manufacturers in Europe
    • 10.3.3. Europe Market Size and Forecast, By Country, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.4. Europe Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.5. Europe Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.6. Europe Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.7. Germany
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Germany Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Germany Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Germany Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.8. Italy
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Italy Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Italy Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Italy Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.9. United Kingdom
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • United Kingdom Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • United Kingdom Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • United Kingdom Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.10. France
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • France Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • France Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • France Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.11. Russia
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Russia Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Russia Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Russia Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.12. Netherlands
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Netherlands Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Netherlands Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Netherlands Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.13. Sweden
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Sweden Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Sweden Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Sweden Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.14. Poland
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Poland Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Poland Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Poland Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.3.15. Rest of Europe
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Rest of the Europe Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of the Europe Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of the Europe Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
  • 10.4. Asia Pacific (APAC)
    • 10.4.1. Overview
    • 10.4.2. Automated External Defibrillators Key Manufacturers in Asia Pacific
    • 10.4.3. Asia Pacific Market Size and Forecast, By Country, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.4. Asia Pacific Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.5. Asia Pacific Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.6. Asia Pacific Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.7. India
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • India Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • India Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • India Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.8. China
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • China Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • China Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • China Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.9. Japan
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Japan Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Japan Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Japan Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.10. South Korea
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • South Korea Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • South Korea Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • South Korea Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.11. Australia
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Australia Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Australia Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Australia Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.12. Thailand
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Thailand Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Thailand Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Thailand Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.13. Indonesia
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Indonesia Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Indonesia Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Indonesia Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.14. Philippines
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Philippines Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Philippines Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Philippines Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.4.15. Rest of APAC
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Rest of APAC Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of APAC Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of APAC Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
  • 10.5. Latin America
    • 10.5.1. Overview
    • 10.5.2. Automated External Defibrillators Key Manufacturers in Latin America
    • 10.5.3. Latin America Market Size and Forecast, By Country, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.5.4. Latin America Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.5.5. Latin America Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.5.6. Latin America Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.5.7. Brazil
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Brazil Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Brazil Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Brazil Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.5.8. Mexico
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Mexico Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Mexico Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Mexico Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.5.9. Argentina
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Argentina Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Argentina Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Argentina Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.5.10. Colombia
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Colombia Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Colombia Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Colombia Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.5.11. Rest of LATAM
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Rest of LATAM Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of LATAM Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of LATAM Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
  • 10.6. Middle East and Africa
    • 10.6.1. Overview
    • 10.6.2. Automated External Defibrillators Key Manufacturers in Middle East and Africa
    • 10.6.3. Middle East and Africa Market Size and Forecast, By Country, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.4. Middle East and Africa Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.5. Middle East and Africa Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.6. Middle East and Africa Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.7. Saudi Arabia
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Saudi Arabia Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Saudi Arabia Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Saudi Arabia Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.8. United Arab Emirates
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • United Arab Emirates Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • United Arab Emirates Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • United Arab Emirates Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.9. Israel
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Israel Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Israel Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Israel Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.10. Turkey
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Turkey Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Turkey Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Turkey Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.11. Algeria
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Algeria Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Algeria Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Algeria Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.12. Egypt
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Egypt Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Egypt Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Egypt Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
    • 10.6.13. Rest of MEA
      • Overview
      • Market Analysis, Forecast, and Y-O-Y Growth Rate, 2019 - 2032, (US$ Million)
      • Rest of MEA Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of MEA Market Size and Forecast, By Patient, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of MEA Market Size and Forecast, By End User, 2019 - 2032 (US$ Million)

11. Key Vendor Analysis- Automated External Defibrillators Industry

  • 11.1. Competitive Dashboard
  • 11.2. Company Profiles
    • 11.2.1. Amiitalia
    • 11.2.2. BPL Medical Technologies Pvt Ltd.
    • 11.2.3. CU Medical Germany GmbH
    • 11.2.4. Meditech Group
    • 11.2.5. Mindray Medical International Limited
    • 11.2.6. Nihon Kohden Corporation
    • 11.2.7. Koninklijke Philips N.V.
    • 11.2.8. Schiller AG
    • 11.2.9. Stryker Corporation
    • 11.2.10. ZOLL Medical Corporation
    • 11.2.11. Progetti Srl
    • 11.2.12. Mediana Co., Ltd.

12. 360 Degree Analyst View

13. Appendix

  • 13.1. Research Methodology
  • 13.2. References
  • 13.3. Abbreviations
  • 13.4. Disclaimer
  • 13.5. Contact Us

List of Tables

  • TABLE List of data sources
  • TABLE Market drivers; Impact Analysis
  • TABLE Market restraints; Impact Analysis
  • TABLE Automated External Defibrillators Market: Product Type Snapshot (2023)
  • TABLE Segment Dashboard; Definition and Scope, by Product Type
  • TABLE Global Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Product Type 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Automated External Defibrillators Market: Patient Snapshot (2023)
  • TABLE Segment Dashboard; Definition and Scope, by Patient
  • TABLE Global Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Patient 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Automated External Defibrillators Market: End User Snapshot (2023)
  • TABLE Segment Dashboard; Definition and Scope, by End User
  • TABLE Global Automated External Defibrillators Market, by End User 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Automated External Defibrillators Market: Regional snapshot (2023)
  • TABLE Segment Dashboard; Definition and Scope, by Region
  • TABLE Global Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Region 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE North America Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Country, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE North America Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Product Type, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE North America Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Patient, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE North America Automated External Defibrillators Market, by End User, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Europe Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Country, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Europe Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Product Type, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Europe Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Patient, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Europe Automated External Defibrillators Market, by End User, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Asia Pacific Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Country, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Asia Pacific Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Product Type, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Asia Pacific Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Patient, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Asia Pacific Automated External Defibrillators Market, by End User, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Latin America Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Country, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Latin America Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Product Type, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Latin America Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Patient, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Latin America Automated External Defibrillators Market, by End User, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Middle East and Africa Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Country, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Middle East and Africa Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Product Type, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Middle East and Africa Automated External Defibrillators Market, by Patient, 2019-2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE Middle East and Africa Automated External Defibrillators Market, by End User, 2019-2032 (USD Million)

List of Figures

  • FIGURE Automated External Defibrillators Market Segmentation
  • FIGURE Market research methodology
  • FIGURE Value chain analysis
  • FIGURE Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • FIGURE Market Attractiveness Analysis
  • FIGURE COVID-19 Impact Analysis
  • FIGURE Pre & Post COVID-19 Impact Comparision Study
  • FIGURE Competitive Landscape; Key company market share analysis, 2023
  • FIGURE Product Type segment market share analysis, 2023 & 2032
  • FIGURE Product Type segment market size forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Patient segment market share analysis, 2023 & 2032
  • FIGURE Patient segment market size forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE End User segment market share analysis, 2023 & 2032
  • FIGURE End User segment market size forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Regional segment market share analysis, 2023 & 2032
  • FIGURE Regional segment market size forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE North America Automated External Defibrillators Market share and leading players, 2023
  • FIGURE Europe Automated External Defibrillators Market share and leading players, 2023
  • FIGURE Asia Pacific Automated External Defibrillators Market share and leading players, 2023
  • FIGURE Latin America Automated External Defibrillators Market share and leading players, 2023
  • FIGURE Middle East and Africa Automated External Defibrillators Market share and leading players, 2023
  • FIGURE North America market share analysis by country, 2023
  • FIGURE U.S. Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Canada Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Europe Automated External Defibrillators Market share analysis by country, 2023
  • FIGURE Germany Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Spain Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Italy Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE France Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE UK Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Russia Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Netherlands Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Sweden Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Poland Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Rest of the Europe Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Asia Pacific Automated External Defibrillators Market share analysis by country, 2023
  • FIGURE India Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE China Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Japan Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE South Korea Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Australia Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Thailand Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Indonesia Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Philippines Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Rest of APAC Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Latin America Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Latin America Automated External Defibrillators Market share analysis by country, 2023
  • FIGURE Brazil Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Mexico Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Argentina Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Colombia Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Rest of LATAM Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Middle East and Africa Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Middle East and Africa Automated External Defibrillators Market share analysis by country, 2023
  • FIGURE Saudi Arabia Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE United Arab Emirates Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Israel Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Turkey Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Algeria Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Egypt Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)
  • FIGURE Rest of MEA Automated External Defibrillators Market size, forecast and trend analysis, 2019 to 2032 (USD Million)