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通过实时战术侦察、跟踪、战斗评估和地理数据来管理、调度、配置和警报任务命令。 支持战术线外的用户需要可移动技术,该技术与指挥的连接断开、不一致或有限。对于以下作战人员来说很重要
C5ISR 技术将前沿部署的战斗人员、武器和其他资产与基本情报、战术网络和分析工具连接起来,以提高态势感知和决策能力。 我们以软件为中心的 MOSA(模块化开放系统方法)采用开放式架构,可加速数据交付以及将信息转化为情报和洞察力,从而改变军事系统、战场战略和通信安全的性质。
C5ISR 集成了多个网络中的不同数据源,涵盖空中、陆地、海洋、太空、网络和电磁频谱等所有领域。 远程回程功能由集成模块化设备套件提供,其中包括大量 HD(高清)和 FMV(全动态视频)源。 在边缘捕获的数据被传送到集中式数据湖,以便在整个综合部队环境中进行处理、分析和分发。
C5ISR 系统集成了来自作战部队、后勤部队、盟军和现有民事机构的数据。 C5ISR系统创建作战态势,组织计划、命令和报告,并将信息传播给各级指挥。
以网络为中心的作战是利用信息时代的概念进行的,通过网络增强通信和态势感知,从而提高军事行动的效率和效果。 支持者认为,与非网络化部队相比,作战部队可以规模更小,行动更加自主和有效,并且可以开展更广泛的行动。
士官利用尖端的信息和网络技术,将广泛分布的人类决策者、态势和瞄准传感器、部队和武器装备整合到一个高度自适应的整体系统中,创造出前所未有的不达到任务效果的军事行动。 数据由网络传感器生成,然后数据转化为信息。 对以网络为中心的作战的需求不断增加,从而提高了态势感知和卓越的指挥与控制能力。 C5ISR 将成为实现以网络为中心的运营的重要手段。 预计这将成为推动市场增长的主要市场趋势之一。
航空测绘和数据收集需要多种性能。 先进传感器、任务设备后勤和支持,以及 EO/IR(光电/红外)FMV(全动态视频)、LiDAR、合成孔径雷达 (SAR)、高光谱成像 (HSI)、信号情报 (SIGINT) 多重智能数据收集和处理,包括开发和传播服务,是影响市场增长的一些关键技术要求和市场趋势。
国防支出的增加将有助于开展新的采购工作,并利用更新的技术和功能更新现有平台。 合成孔径雷达等新功能的采购和使用将大幅增加。 合成孔径雷达可为国防基础设施和军力增强提供卓越的图像采集能力。
市场预测包括全面的市场分析和市场规模。 市场分析包括按地区划分的市场规模、市场驱动因素、限制因素、机会等。 区域分析还包括按国家/地区划分的市场规模。
Kratos 已为其 C5ISR 生产计划获得 100 万美元的种子资金。 Kratos是一家服务于国家安全市场的科技公司,为无人机、高超音速、太空、卫星通信、推进系统、网络战和微波电子领域等关键任务项目提供系统、子系统和组件,是领先的解决方案提供商,独自赢得了这项新合同。 新合同将在 Kratos 的安全工程和製造工厂进行。 出于竞争、安全或其他原因,没有披露有关计划订单的其他信息。
QinetiQ 已获得价值 4800 万美元的合同,通过研究、开发和工程为美国陆军 C5ISR 中心提供光学解决方案提供支持。 根据协议条款,该公司将在该中心的研究技术集成部门和图像处理部门专注于图像处理和先进光学能力。 合同工作将以24个月的基本期限和24个月的可选期限完成。 据 QinetiQ 称,这笔交易将使 C5ISR 中心能够为陆军的现代化项目和跨职能团队的研究目标做出贡献。 士兵杀伤力、下一代战斗车辆和未来垂直升力是通过算法、硬件安装、编程、系统工程、增强光学、显示器和传感器保护构建的项目。一个例子。
Command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance are all examples of C4ISR. Managing the job from the top down across all military services platforms and domains, ensuring that every warfighter has the intelligence, situational awareness, and combat-ready systems to execute diverse missions in concert or standalone, as required to be organized, trained, and equipped for any instance at any level of conflict, whether at the Command unit or on the edge. It is conceivable to integrate archived and real-time data using scalable, open, modular, service-based architectures to offer accurate and fast actionable intelligence throughout the operational chain of command to maintain situational awareness for warfighters.
Management and dissemination of mission orders, as well as configuration and alerts, are possible during real-time tactical reconnaissance, tracking, combat assessment, and geographic data. Supporting users across the final tactical mile necessitates transportable technologies, which are critical for warfighters who have disconnected, inconsistent, or limited connectivity to the Command unit.
C5ISR technologies link forward-deployed warfighters, armament, and other assets to essential intelligence, tactical networks, and analytical tools to improve situational awareness and decision-making. Our software-centric Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) incorporates open architectures to accelerate data delivery and the transformation of information into intelligence and insights, which is altering the nature of military systems, battlefield strategy, and communications security.
C5ISR encompasses all domains, including air, land, sea, space, cyber, and the electromagnetic spectrum, and integrates disparate data sources across several networks. Backhaul capabilities from remote locations are provided by integrated, modular equipment suites, which include numerous High-Definition (HD) Full Motion Video (FMV) feeds. Data acquired at the edge can be routed to a centralized data lake for processing, analysis, and distribution throughout the joint force environment.
The C5ISR system combines data from operational and logistical own forces, allied forces units, and incumbent civilian agencies. It creates the operational situation, organizes plans, orders, and reports, and disseminates information to all levels of command.
Network-centric operation is executed using information age concepts to better communication and situational awareness through networking improving both the efficiency and effectiveness of military operations. Proponents argue that this allows combat units to be smaller, operate more autonomously and effectively, and carry out a wider range of operations than non-networked forces.
NCOs are military operations that use cutting-edge information and networking technology to integrate widely dispersed human decision-makers, situational and targeting sensors, forces and weapons, and forces and weapons into a highly adaptive, comprehensive system to achieve unprecedented mission effectiveness. Data is generated by networked sensors, and data is converted into information. The increasing demand for network-centric operations will increase situational awareness and superior command and control. C5ISR will be a key enabler of network-centric operation. This will a one of the key market trends that will drive the growth of the market.
Aerial mapping and data collection demand a versatile range of performances. advanced sensors, and mission equipment logistics and support along with Multi-intelligence data collection and processing, exploitation, and dissemination services including electro-optical infra-red (EO/IR) full motion video (FMV), LIDAR, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), hyperspectral imagery (HSI), signals intelligence (SIGINT) are some of the major technical requirements and market trends that will influence the growth of the market.
Increasing defense spending will enable new procurement activities and upgrades to existing platforms with newer technologies and capabilities. There will be a significant increase in procurement or utilization of newer capabilities such as Synthetic Aperture Radar. SAR will enable the collection of superior imagery for defense infrastructure and troop buildup.
The market forecast includes a comprehensive market analysis and market size. The market analysis includes regional market size, drivers, restraints, and opportunities. The regional analysis also includes country-wise market size.
Kratos obtains a million dollars in seed funding for its C5ISR production program. Kratos is a technology company in the National Security market and a leading provider of systems, subsystems, components, and solutions for mission-critical programs, including unmanned aerial drones, hypersonic, space, satellite communication, propulsion system, cyber warfare, and microwave electronic areas, has been awarded this new contract in a single award. The work under this new program award will be done at Kratos' secure engineering and manufacturing facilities. Due to competitive, security, and other reasons, no additional information about this program award will be disclosed.
QinetiQ has been awarded a $48 million contract to support the US Army C5ISR Center's optical solutions through research, development, and engineering. The company will focus on image processing and advanced optics capabilities in the center's Research & Technology Integration Directorate and Image Processing Division under the terms of the deal. The contract work will be completed over a 24-month base period and a 24-month optional period. The contract, according to QinetiQ, will allow the C5ISR Center to contribute to the army's modernization projects and cross-functional team research objectives. Soldier Lethality, the Next Generation Combat Vehicle, and Future Vertical Lift are examples of projects built through algorithms, hardware installation, programming, systems engineering, enhanced optics, display, and sensor protection.