
高超音速飞弹的全球市场 (2024~2034年)

Global Hypersonic Missiles Market 2024-2034

出版日期: | 出版商: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D) | 英文 150+ Pages | 商品交期: 3个工作天内



Global Hypersonic Missiles Market-IMG1


高超音速飞弹是现代防御系统中最先进、最具潜在变革性的技术之一。高超音速飞弹的定义是其飞行速度超过 5 马赫,即音速的五倍(约每小时 3,836 英里)。这种高速使得高超音速飞弹能够比常规飞弹更快到达目标,从而使其极难拦截或防御。高超音速飞弹技术的发展是由空气动力学、推进系统和材料科学的进步共同推动的。高超音速飞弹通常分为两种类型:高超音速滑翔飞行器(HGV)和高超音速巡航飞弹(HCM)。 HGV 由火箭助推器发射到高层大气,并利用空气动力升力以高超音速滑向目标。同时,HCM 在飞行中由先进的超燃冲压发动机提供动力,可在大气层内保持高超音速。这两种类型的高超音速飞弹都具有独特的优势,包括更高的机动性、准确性以及穿透先进飞弹防御系统的能力。


高超音速飞弹技术的影响是深远的,跨越了几个重要领域。主要发展之一是推进系统,其中超燃冲压发动机的发展至关重要。这些引擎旨在利用飞弹的高速运动来压缩进入的空气,从而在高超音速下高效运行。这使得持续燃烧和推进速度超过 5 马赫,这是传统火箭系统的重大进步。这项技术是高超音速巡航飞弹操作的核心,可显着扩展其射程和有效性。另一个具有重大技术影响的领域是热保护。在高超音速下,飞弹与大气之间的摩擦会产生强烈的热量,如果处理不当,可能会损坏或摧毁飞弹。为了应对这项课题,采用了先进的热保护系统。这些系统包括耐热材料和主动冷却技术,以帮助维持飞弹在飞行过程中的结构完整性和功能。高温复合材料和陶瓷等材料科学的创新在确保飞弹在这种极端条件下的生存能力方面发挥关键作用。导引和控制系统对于高超音速飞弹的运作也至关重要。这些系统必须够先进,能够处理高超音速飞行所特有的极限速度和快速变化的轨迹。整合了惯性导航系统 (INS)、GPS 和机载感测器等技术,以提供精确的瞄准和机动性。高速度需要复杂的演算法和即时数据处理,以确保精确导引和目标交战,使这些系统成为飞弹有效性的核心。最后,机动性是高超音速飞弹的一大优势。动态改变飞行路径的能力不仅提高了飞弹的效能,而且使拦截行动变得复杂。先进的空气动力学设计和控制面允许导弹在飞行过程中进行调整,使传统导弹防御系统更难以预测和拦截。这种能力显着提高了飞弹的作战效能和生存能力,进一步凸显了高超音速飞弹系统技术进步的变革性影响。




高超音速飞弹开发和部署的区域趋势由地缘政治优先事项、国防预算和技术能力决定。在保持技术优势和应对新威胁的需要的推动下,美国处于高超音速飞弹研发的前沿。美国国防部已启动多个高超音速飞弹计划,重点关注滑翔飞弹和巡航飞弹。为了加速这些技术的发展,我们正在对先进的测试设施以及与国防公司的合作进行大量投资。此外,美国正在探索将高超音速飞弹纳入其更广泛的战略和战术框架的方法。俄罗斯在高超音速飞弹技术,特别是高超音速滑翔飞行器的研发和部署方面取得了重大进展。俄罗斯军方已成功测试和部署了多种高超音速系统,包括 "先锋" 高超音速滑翔飞行器和 "锆石" 高超音速巡航飞弹。这些进展表明俄罗斯致力于加强其战略能力并应对来自北约和其他对手的威胁。对高超音速技术的投资是更广泛的现代化努力的一部分,旨在巩固其作为全球领先大国的地位。作为大规模军事现代化努力的一部分,中国正在迅速增强其高超音速飞弹能力。中国政府正大力投资高超音速研发,包括滑翔机和巡弋飞弹。中国已经成功测试了高超音速系统,包括DF-17高超音速滑翔飞行器。这些进步反映了中国在技术上与其他军事强国匹敌并加强其在区域和全球战略地位的雄心。印度也积极寻求高超音速飞弹技术,作为其国防现代化战略的一部分。印度军方正在开发自己的高超音速系统,包括高超音速技术演示车(HTDV)。印度对高超音速技术的关注凸显了其提高战略能力和应对区域安全课题的承诺。这一发展被视为加强印度在全球国防领域地位的一种方式。包括欧洲和中东在内的其他地区也在研究高超音速飞弹技术,但其专案普遍不如美国、俄罗斯、中国和印度先进。欧洲国家正透过联合防御计画合作进行高超音速研究,一些中东国家正在投资高超音速技术以增强其军事能力。这些地区的高超音速飞弹发展往往受到战略伙伴关係、国防合作和新出现的安全威胁的影响。


俄罗斯海军再次测试高超音速飞弹的潜力,展示了军方在乌克兰衝突中实施远程打击的能力。据国防部称, "锆石" 巡航飞弹是从位于白海的北方舰队 "戈尔什科夫海军上将" 号护卫舰发射的,从距离约1000公里(540海??里)的巴伦支海成功击中了白海的训练目标。 Zircon 的发射是一系列测试中的最新一项,将于今年稍后开始运作。根据俄罗斯总统普丁介绍,锆石的射程为1000公里,可以以九倍音速(620英里)的速度飞行。





  • 各地区
  • 各产品
  • 按诱导方式

高超音速飞弹市场分析 (今后10年)




  • 北美
    • 促进·阻碍因素,课题
    • PEST分析
    • 市场预测情势分析
    • 主要企业
    • 供应商阶层的形势
    • 企业的基准
  • 欧洲
  • 中东
  • 亚太地区
  • 南美


  • 美国
    • 防卫计划
    • 最新趋势
    • 专利
    • 这个市场上目前技术成熟层级
    • 市场预测情势分析
  • 加拿大
  • 义大利
  • 法国
  • 德国
  • 荷兰
  • 比利时
  • 西班牙
  • 瑞典
  • 希腊
  • 澳洲
  • 南非
  • 印度
  • 中国
  • 俄罗斯
  • 韩国
  • 日本
  • 马来西亚
  • 新加坡
  • 巴西




Aviation and Defense Market 关于Reports

Product Code: AND124

The Global Hypersonic Missiles Market is estimated at USD 12.04 billion in 2024, projected to grow to USD 25.85 billion by 2034 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.94% over the forecast period 2024-2034

Global Hypersonic Missiles Market - IMG1

Introduction to Hypersonic Missiles Market:

Hypersonic missiles represent one of the most advanced and potentially transformative technologies in modern defense systems. These missiles are defined by their capability to travel at speeds greater than Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound, which is approximately 3,836 miles per hour (6,174 kilometers per hour). This high velocity allows hypersonic missiles to reach their targets faster than conventional missiles, making them extremely challenging to intercept and defend against. The development of hypersonic missile technology is driven by a combination of advancements in aerodynamics, propulsion systems, and materials science. Hypersonic missiles are generally categorized into two types: hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs) and hypersonic cruise missiles (HCMs). HGVs are launched into the upper atmosphere by a rocket booster and then glide towards their target at hypersonic speeds, utilizing aerodynamic lift. HCMs, on the other hand, are powered throughout their flight by advanced scramjet engines, allowing them to sustain hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere. Both types of hypersonic missiles offer unique advantages, including improved maneuverability, precision, and the ability to penetrate advanced missile defenses.

Technology Impact in Hypersonic Missiles

The impact of technology on hypersonic missiles is profound and spans several critical areas. One of the key advancements is in propulsion systems, where the development of scramjet engines has been pivotal. These engines are designed to operate efficiently at hypersonic speeds by utilizing the missile's high-speed motion to compress incoming air. This enables sustained combustion and propulsion at speeds exceeding Mach 5, marking a significant advancement from traditional rocket-based systems. This technology is central to the operation of hypersonic cruise missiles, significantly extending their range and effectiveness. Another major area of technological impact is thermal protection. At hypersonic speeds, the friction between the missile and the atmosphere generates intense heat, which can damage or destroy the missile if not properly managed. To address this challenge, advanced thermal protection systems are employed. These systems include heat-resistant materials and active cooling techniques that help maintain the missile's structural integrity and functionality during its flight. Innovations in materials science, such as high-temperature composites and ceramics, play a crucial role in ensuring the missile's survivability in these extreme conditions. Guidance and control systems are also crucial for the operation of hypersonic missiles. These systems must be advanced enough to handle the extreme speeds and rapid changes in trajectory that characterize hypersonic flight. Technologies such as inertial navigation systems (INS), GPS, and onboard sensors are integrated to provide precise targeting and maneuverability. The high speeds necessitate sophisticated algorithms and real-time data processing to ensure accurate guidance and successful target engagement, making these systems central to the missile's effectiveness. Finally, maneuverability is a significant advantage of hypersonic missiles. The ability to alter their flight path dynamically enhances their effectiveness and complicates interception efforts. Advanced aerodynamic designs and control surfaces allow the missile to make in-flight adjustments, which makes it more challenging for traditional missile defense systems to predict and intercept. This capability significantly improves the missile's operational effectiveness and survivability, further underscoring the transformative impact of technological advancements in hypersonic missile systems.

Key Drivers in Hypersonic Missiles Market:

Several factors drive the development and deployment of hypersonic missiles. A primary factor is the strategic advantage they offer, providing faster and more unpredictable strike capabilities. Hypersonic missiles can reach their targets in a fraction of the time compared to conventional missiles, making them valuable assets for both offensive and defensive operations. This significant strategic benefit compels nations to invest heavily in their development and integration. Technological competition among major military powers is another driving force. Nations such as the United States, Russia, and China are investing heavily in research and development to secure a technological edge over their adversaries. This intense competition accelerates advancements and innovations in hypersonic missile technology, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The evolving nature of global threats also fuels the demand for hypersonic missiles. As advanced missile defense systems proliferate and new adversaries emerge, there is a need for more effective weapons. Hypersonic missiles are seen as a solution to counter sophisticated missile defense systems, which may struggle to intercept fast-moving and highly maneuverable hypersonic threats. Increased defense spending further drives the development of hypersonic missiles. Governments are allocating substantial resources to advanced military technologies to maintain a technological advantage and address emerging security challenges. The significant financial commitment to hypersonic missile programs highlights their critical role in national security strategies.

Regional Trends in Hypersonic Missiles Market:

Regional trends in the development and deployment of hypersonic missiles are shaped by geopolitical priorities, defense budgets, and technological capabilities. The United States is at the forefront of hypersonic missile research and development, driven by the need to maintain technological superiority and address emerging threats. The U.S. Department of Defense has initiated several hypersonic missile programs, focusing on both glide vehicles and cruise missiles. Significant investments are being made in advanced testing facilities and partnerships with defense contractors to accelerate these technologies. Additionally, the U.S. is exploring ways to integrate hypersonic missiles into its broader strategic and tactical frameworks. In Russia, there has been notable progress in hypersonic missile technology, particularly with a focus on developing and deploying hypersonic glide vehicles. The Russian military has successfully tested and deployed several hypersonic systems, including the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle and the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile. These advancements demonstrate Russia's commitment to enhancing its strategic capabilities and countering perceived threats from NATO and other adversaries. The country's investment in hypersonic technology is part of a broader modernization effort to reinforce its position as a major global power. China is rapidly advancing its hypersonic missile capabilities as part of its extensive military modernization efforts. The Chinese government has invested heavily in hypersonic research and development, working on both glide vehicles and cruise missiles. China has conducted successful tests of hypersonic systems, such as the DF-17 hypersonic glide vehicle. These advancements reflect China's ambition to achieve technological parity with other major military powers and to enhance its strategic posture both regionally and globally. India is also actively pursuing hypersonic missile technology as part of its defense modernization strategy. The Indian military is developing its own hypersonic systems, including the Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HTDV). India's focus on hypersonic technology underscores its commitment to improving its strategic capabilities and addressing regional security challenges. This development is viewed as a way to strengthen India's position in the global defense arena. Other regions, including Europe and the Middle East, are exploring hypersonic missile technology, though their programs are generally less advanced compared to those in the United States, Russia, China, and India. European countries are collaborating on hypersonic research through joint defense initiatives, while some Middle Eastern nations are investing in hypersonic technologies to enhance their military capabilities. The development of hypersonic missiles in these areas is often influenced by strategic partnerships, defense collaborations, and emerging security threats.

Key Hypersonic Missiles Program:

A potential hypersonic missile underwent another test by the Russian navy, showcasing the military's ability to launch a long-range strike amid the conflict in Ukraine. According to the Defense Ministry, the Zircon cruise missile was fired from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate of the Northern Fleet in the White Sea and successfully struck a practise target in the White Sea from a distance of about 1,000 kilometres (540 nautical miles), which is in the Barents Sea. The launch of Zircon, which will go into service later this year, was the most recent in a series of tests. Zircon has a range of 1,000 kilometres and can fly at nine times the speed of sound, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin (620 miles).

To counter Russia's threat of using hypersonic missiles, ROLLS-ROYCE is creating a swift and effective version of its own. Obtain travel news, updates, and advice. The news is released while key world countries devote military resources to creating the incredibly rapid projectiles in order to raise further concerns about the security of the entire world. A precedent for future conflict and deterrence has been created by the research and development of such weapons by Russia, China, North Korea, and the United States.

Table of Contents

Hypersonic Missiles Market Report Definition

Hypersonic Missiles Market Segmentation

By Region

By Product

By Guidance

Hypersonic Missiles Market Analysis for next 10 Years

The 10-year Hypersonic Missiles Market analysis would give a detailed overview of Hypersonic Missiles Market growth, changing dynamics, technology adoption overviews and the overall market attractiveness is covered in this chapter.

Market Technologies of Hypersonic Missiles Market

This segment covers the top 10 technologies that is expected to impact this market and the possible implications these technologies would have on the overall market.

Global Hypersonic Missiles Market Forecast

The 10-year hypersonic missiles market forecast of this market is covered in detailed across the segments which are mentioned above.

Regional Hypersonic Missiles Market Trends & Forecast

The regional hypersonic missiles market trends, drivers, restraints and Challenges of this market, the Political, Economic, Social and Technology aspects are covered in this segment. The market forecast and scenario analysis across regions are also covered in detailed in this segment. The last part of the regional analysis includes profiling of the key companies, supplier landscape and company benchmarking. The current market size is estimated based on the normal scenario.

North America

Drivers, Restraints and Challenges


Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis

Key Companies

Supplier Tier Landscape

Company Benchmarking


Middle East


South America

Country Analysis of Hypersonic Missiles Market

This chapter deals with the key defense programs in this market, it also covers the latest news and patents which have been filed in this market. Country level 10 year market forecast and scenario analysis are also covered in this chapter.


Defense Programs

Latest News


Current levels of technology maturation in this market

Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis











South Africa




South Korea





Opportunity Matrix for Hypersonic Missiles Market

The opportunity matrix helps the readers understand the high opportunity segments in this market.

Expert Opinions on Hypersonic Missiles Market Report

Hear from our experts their opinion of the possible analysis for this market.


About Aviation and Defense Market Reports

List of Tables

  • Table 1: 10 Year Market Outlook, 2024-2034
  • Table 2: Drivers, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 3: Restraints, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 4: Challenges, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 5: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 6: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 7: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 8: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 9: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 10: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 11: Drivers, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 12: Restraints, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 13: Challenges, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 14: Drivers, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 15: Restraints, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 16: Challenges, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 17: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Table 18: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Product, 2024-2034
  • Table 19: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Guidance, 2024-2034
  • Table 20: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Table 21: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Product, 2024-2034
  • Table 22: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Guidance, 2024-2034

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global Hypersonic Missiles Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 2: Global Hypersonic Missiles Market Forecast, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Figure 3: Global Hypersonic Missiles Market Forecast, By Product, 2024-2034
  • Figure 4: Global Hypersonic Missiles Market Forecast, By Guidance, 2024-2034
  • Figure 5: North America, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 6: Europe, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 7: Middle East, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 8: APAC, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 9: South America, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 10: United States, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 11: United States, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 12: Canada, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 13: Canada, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 14: Italy, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 15: Italy, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 16: France, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 17: France, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 18: Germany, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 19: Germany, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 20: Netherlands, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 21: Netherlands, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 22: Belgium, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 23: Belgium, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 24: Spain, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 25: Spain, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 26: Sweden, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 27: Sweden, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 28: Brazil, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 29: Brazil, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 30: Australia, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 31: Australia, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 32: India, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 33: India, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 34: China, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 35: China, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 36: Saudi Arabia, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 37: Saudi Arabia, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 38: South Korea, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 39: South Korea, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 40: Japan, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 41: Japan, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 42: Malaysia, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 43: Malaysia, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 44: Singapore, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 45: Singapore, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 46: United Kingdom, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 47: United Kingdom, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 48: Opportunity Analysis, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Region (Cumulative Market), 2024-2034
  • Figure 49: Opportunity Analysis, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Region (CAGR), 2024-2034
  • Figure 50: Opportunity Analysis, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Product (Cumulative Market), 2024-2034
  • Figure 51: Opportunity Analysis, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Product (CAGR), 2024-2034
  • Figure 52: Opportunity Analysis, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Guidance (Cumulative Market), 2024-2034
  • Figure 53: Opportunity Analysis, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Guidance (CAGR), 2024-2034
  • Figure 54: Scenario Analysis, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Cumulative Market, 2024-2034
  • Figure 55: Scenario Analysis, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Global Market, 2024-2034
  • Figure 56: Scenario 1, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Total Market, 2024-2034
  • Figure 57: Scenario 1, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Figure 58: Scenario 1, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Product, 2024-2034
  • Figure 59: Scenario 1, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Guidance, 2024-2034
  • Figure 60: Scenario 2, Hypersonic Missiles Market, Total Market, 2024-2034
  • Figure 61: Scenario 2, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Figure 62: Scenario 2, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Product, 2024-2034
  • Figure 63: Scenario 2, Hypersonic Missiles Market, By Guidance, 2024-2034
  • Figure 64: Company Benchmark, Hypersonic Missiles Market, 2024-2034