外泌体的全球市场 - 市场规模,预测,实验,趋势 (2024年)

外泌体的全球市场 - 市场规模,预测,实验,趋势 (2024年)

The Global Exosome Market - Market Size, Forecast, Trials and Trends, 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: BioInformant | 英文 351 Pages | 订单完成后即时交付



外泌体是源自内体的细胞外囊泡(EV),其大小为 30 至 150 奈米。外泌体几乎由所有细胞类型分泌,透过携带被受体细胞选择性摄取的细胞特异性蛋白质、脂质和核酸,在细胞间通讯中扮演重要角色。




曾经被低估的外泌体领域现在正在迅速发展。最近的论文重点介绍了美国作者和中国研究人员的工作,尤其是卡罗林斯卡学院和 Unicyte AG 的 Susanne Gabrielsson 博士在相关科学文献中处于领先地位。

BioInformant 的全球策略报告详细介绍了快速成长的外泌体市场,包括专利、拨款、出版物和临床试验趋势。它还研究了行业联盟、併购 (M&A) 和融资,并包括竞争格局和到 2030 年的市场预测。

使用外泌体的诊断和治疗药物的数量正在扩大,目前有388项临床试验正在进行中。儘管外泌体疗法尚未获得上市批准,但前五种产品预计将于 2029 年上市。与传统疗法相比,外泌体具有明显的优势,包括标靶递送、减少副作用和逃避免疫检测。

除了医疗用途外,外泌体还用于化妆品中,以促进皮肤再生、伤口癒合、疤痕矫正和头髮再生。两种基于外泌体的诊断方法已获得美国 FDA 的快速批准。


  • 市场分析:外泌体治疗/诊断、产品/服务、製造技术、化妆品应用
  • 外泌体疗法的临床试验管道(包括天然外泌体和人工外泌体)
  • 已批准且即将推出的利用外泌体诊断的产品
  • 临床试验活动:按类型、地区、阶段和投资者分类
  • 关键产业指标分析:科学论文、专利、经费、临床试验等。
  • 重大融资事件(包括併购、融资事件、联合开发协议和首次公开发行)
  • 策略伙伴关係与竞争考量因素
  • 市场规模(按细分市场、地区)和预测(截至 2030 年)
  • 产业趋势与未来方向

本报告旨在为开发外泌体治疗/诊断、研究产品、製造技术、化妆品和 RTU(即用型)外泌体的公司提供市场资讯。外泌体市场挤满了竞争对手,因此这份报告提供了宝贵的资源,让您无需花费无数时间进行研究即可了解情况并抓住机会。


第1章 调查概要

第2章 外泌体的生物学和功能:概要

  • 外泌体结构
    • 外泌体的分子含有量
    • 外泌体的薄膜和内腔的结构要素
    • 由于外泌体的来源的分类
    • 合成外泌体
  • 细胞治疗和基因治疗的差异
  • 从细胞疗法外泌体疗法的转变
  • 今后10年的外泌体

第3章 外泌体工程:新的技术平台

  • 内部修饰
    • 分离前内部修饰方法
    • 孵化
    • 遗传基因编辑
    • 分离后内部修饰方法
  • 表面改性
    • 亲代细胞的表面修饰
    • 直接表面改性
    • 外泌体内分子的展示
  • 内部修改
    • 分离前的内部修改方法
    • 分离后的修改方法
  • 表面/内部修饰的外泌体
    • 亲水性物质装入外泌体腔的范例

第4章 外泌体相关科学出版刊物

  • 外泌体诊断方法和治疗的发表趋势
  • 关于治疗性外泌体关键技术的 PubMed 出版物
  • 来自 PubMed 的外泌体分离与纯化技术文章
  • 关于脂质奈米粒子和外泌体作为药物载体的 PubMed 文章
  • 外泌体出版物的分布:依疾病类型
  • 外泌体出版品:依癌症类型分类

第5章 外泌体专利概要

  • 外泌体的专利公开的转变
  • 外泌体专利:治疗用和诊断用
  • 外吐小体专利申请:外吐小体的供给来源
  • 专利/专利申请:分离·精製各技术
  • 专利/专利申请:货物类别
  • 专利/专利申请:货物的装载各方法
  • 专利/专利申请:各治疗领域
  • 外泌体专利的主要受让人
    • 取得专利的分离·製作技术类型:各申请人
    • 受让人使用的货物的种类
    • 货物的装载方法:各申请人
    • 治疗领域:各申请人
    • 受让人的类别
  • 外吐小体专利的申请数量:各管辖地区
  • 外泌体专利的申请人
  • 外泌体专利的发明者
  • 外吐小体专利的所有者
  • 外泌体专利法律上的地位

第6章 外泌体:临床试验的形势

  • 外泌体临床试验:研究各阶段
  • 外泌体临床试验:各资金提供者类型
  • 外泌体临床试验:各技术
  • 利用外泌体治疗疾病的临床试验现状
  • 使用外泌体进行诊断研究的临床试验
  • 主要外泌体研发公司
  • 临床前开发中的外泌体疗法

第7章 外泌体分离/精製技术:概要

  • 超离心分离 (UC)
    • 刻度超离心分离
    • 密度倾斜超离心分离 (DGU)
  • 超过滤 (UF)
    • 串联结构的超过滤
    • 连续超过滤
  • 粒径筛析层析法 (SEC)
  • 聚合物沉淀法
  • 免疫亲和性理解法
  • 适配体为基础的方法
  • 微流体技术

第8章 外泌体企业的专利技术平台

  • 所选外泌体技术平台的说明
    • AGLE-102
    • Hybridosome
    • AB126
    • CAP-1002 (Deramiocel)
    • REGENT
    • ExoFlo
    • DeliverEX
    • EXOVEX
    • ExoSCRT
    • LEAP
    • ExoDx
    • EXPLOR
    • Exo-Target

第9章 外泌体工程技术:概要

  • 孵化法
  • 转染法
  • 超音波处理法
  • 电穿孔法
  • 押出法
  • 冻结融化法
  • 遗传因子工程学的手法

第10章 外泌体的治疗的应用:概要

  • 外泌体治疗领域的主要企业
    • Nano24EXO-CD24 (OBCTCD24)
    • The Hemopurifier
    • Carmine Therapeutics的REGENT
    • Ciola的外泌体客制化技术
    • Capricor Therapeutics的CAP-1002 (Deramioce)
    • ILIAS Biologics的EXPLOR
    • Aruna Bio的AB126
    • Aegle Therapeutics的AGLE-102
    • OmniSpirant Therapeutics的OmniSomes
    • Exogenus Therapeutics的EXO-101
    • RION的精製外泌体产品 (PEP)

第11章 外泌体的诊断的应用

  • 诊断用途的优点
  • 诊断重点的主要适应症
  • 最常见的标的外泌体生物标记
    • 诊断用途的外泌体蛋白质
    • 癌症诊断药的外泌体miRNA
  • 诊断用外泌体的研究
  • 外泌体诊断药的开发的主要企业
    • BioFluidica 的 LiquidScan
    • ExoCan 的 ExoEnrich
    • Exosome Diagnostics, Inc. 提供的 ExoDx 前列腺测试
    • Exosome Science 的 Tausome 测试
    • 使用 Exosomics SpA 进行癌症诊断
    • Guardant Health 的 Guardant360 CDx
    • Mursla Bio 的肝癌检测研究
    • NanoSomiX BDE 生物标记检测
    • Theoria Science 的 ExoScreen 检测

第12章 美容的外泌体的应用

  • 美容外泌体治疗
    • 脸部回春的外泌体
    • 育髮的外泌体
    • 除疤的外泌体
    • 丰胸手术的外泌体
  • 美容目的外泌体的供给来源
  • 皮肤科学相关的外泌体的科学
  • 主要业者与产品
  • 受欢迎的外泌体为基础的美容
    • AnteAGE Pro系统
    • Cartessa的ExoCR
    • ELEVAI Labs的ELEVAI enfinity
    • Exoceuticals的EXO PLUS
    • Kimera Labs的Vive
    • RION Aesthetics的CALM Serum
    • ExoCoBio的ASCE Exosomes

第13章 外吐小体领域的交易与资金筹措

  • 对外泌体企业的创业投资资金
    • EXO Biologics
    • Exogenus Therapeutics
    • Mantra Bio
    • Anjarium Biosciences
    • Evox Therapeutics, Ltd.
    • ILIAS Biologics
    • ExoCoBio, Inc.
    • Aegle Therapeutics
    • Evox Therapeutics
    • Evox Therapeutics
    • Codiak BioSciences
    • Codiak BioSciences
    • Exosome Diagnostics
    • Exosome Diagnostics, Inc
    • EXO生物製剂
  • 外吐小体领域的伙伴关係契约
    • Cytiva和Rooster Bio
    • SomesTech和ConvEyXO
    • RoosterBio, Inc.和FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies
    • Evox Therapeutics和Eli Lilly
    • Exopharm和Astellas
    • Univercells Technologies和RoosterBio
    • AgeX Therapeutics和UCI
    • VivaZome和La Trobe University
    • Evotec SE和Curexsys GmbH
    • Bio-Techne和QIAGEN
    • InnoCan Pharma和Recipharms
    • Codiak BioSciences和Sarepta
    • Evox Therapeutics和Takeda
    • PureTech和Roche
    • Evox Therapeutics和Boehringer Ingelheim
    • Sarpeta Therapeutics和Codiak Biosciences
    • Navigo Proteins和MDimune
    • Jazz Pharmaceuticals和Codiak BioSciences
    • Exosome Diagnostics和Intezyne
    • Evox Therapeutics和Boehringer Ingelheim
  • 企业收购交易
    • ExoCoBio和BENEV
    • Evox Therapeutics和Codiak Biosciences' Technology
    • Lonza和Exosomics
    • Lonza和Codiak Biosciences
    • Bio-Techne Corporation和Exosome Diagnostics
    • Lonza和HansaBioMed
  • 授权交易
    • EVerZom和Erganeo
    • Elevai Labs和Yuva Biosciences
    • TOPPAN和Dai Nippon Toryo
    • Carnegie Mellon University (CMU和)Coya Therapeutics
    • INOVIQ, Ltd.和ResearchDx, Inc.
    • ATUM和Codiak BioSciences
    • Johns Hopkins University和Capricor Therapeutics
    • Evox Therapeutics和Eli Lily
    • Codiak BioSciences和Sarepta
    • VivaZome Therapeutics和University of Adelaide
    • Evox Therapeutics和Takeda
    • CEVEC和Evox Therapeutics
    • Orgenesis和Excella Bio
    • System Biosciences和QIAGEN
    • PureTech Health和3D Biotechnologies
  • 首次股票公开发行
    • Elevai Labs
    • Codiak Biosciences
    • Codiak Biosciences
    • Codiak BioSciences

第14章 外泌体市场分析

  • 外泌体治疗药的市场
  • 全球RTU (Ready-to-Use) 精製外泌体市场:各类型
    • 外泌体的市场规模:亲代细胞类别
  • 外泌体诊断药的市场
  • 全球外泌体技术市场:各产品种类
  • 全球外泌体为基础的美容品 (化妆品) 市场
  • 外泌体的市场全体
  • 外泌体疗法的市场牵引角色

第15章 外泌体市场竞争企业的简介

  • 101 Bio
  • Abbexa, Ltd.
  • AcouSort AB
  • Aegle Therapeutics
  • Aethlon Medical, Inc.
  • Akrivis Health Care Pvt., Ltd.
  • AM BioTech
  • AMS Biotechnology, Ltd. (AMSBIO)
  • AnteAGE
  • Aposcience AG
  • Aruna Bio
  • BENEV Company, Inc. (ExoCoBio)
  • BioCat GmbH
  • BioFluidica
  • Biological Dynamics, Inc.
  • Biorbyt, Ltd.
  • Bioscience Institute
  • Biosynth International, Inc.
  • BreStem Therapeutics, Inc.
  • Capricor Therapeutics
  • Carmine Therapeutics
  • Cellarcus Biosciences, Inc.
  • Cell Care Therapeutics
  • Cells for Cells
  • Cell Guidance Systems, Ltd.
  • Ciloa
  • ConvEyXO
  • Craif, Inc.
  • Creative Bioarray
  • Creative Biostructure
  • Creative Biolabs
  • Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc.
  • Creative Proteomics
  • CUSABIO Technology LLC
  • Diadem Biotherapeutics
  • Direct Biologics
  • Elevai Labs, Inc.
  • Entelexo Biotherapeutics
  • EriVan Bio
  • EVerZom
  • Evolutionary Biologics, Inc.
  • Evomic Science LLC
  • Evox Therapeutics, Ltd.
  • EXO Biologics
  • ExoCan Healthcare Technologies Pvt., Ltd.
  • Exocel Bio
  • Exogenus Therapeutics
  • Exokeryx, Inc.
  • ExoProTher Medical
  • ExoQure
  • EXORPHIA, Inc.
  • ExosomeDx (biotechne)
  • ExosomePlus
  • Exosome Sciences
  • ExoStemTech Co., Ltd.
  • ExoVectory
  • ExSURE Pvt. Ltd.
  • Florica Therapeutics
  • HansaBioMed Life Sciences, Ltd.
  • ILIAS Biologics, Inc.
  • Innocan Pharma
  • Innovex Therapeutics, SL
  • INOVIQ, Ltd.
  • Irazu Oncology
  • Izon Science, Ltd.
  • Kimera Labs, Inc.
  • Leading Biology, Inc.
  • LifeSpan Biosciences, Inc.
  • Lonza Group, Ltd.
  • Mantra Bio
  • Mercury Bio
  • Mercy Bioanalytics
  • Micregen, Ltd.
  • Microgentas
  • miR Scientific
  • Liver EV Liquid Biopsy Platform
  • MyBioSource, Inc.
  • Nano 24 (OBCDCT24)
  • NanoSomiX, Inc.
  • Nanovex Biotechnologies
  • NeurExo Sciences
  • NeuroDex, Inc.
  • Norgen Biotek Corporation
  • Novaxomx GmbH
  • Novus Biologicals
  • NurExone Biologic, Inc.
  • Oasis Diagnostics Corporation
  • NX Prenatal, Inc.
  • OmniSpirant Therapeutics
  • OncoXome, Inc.
  • Paracrine Therapeutics Pte, Ltd.
  • Reactive Medical Labs
  • ReNeuron
  • RION Aesthetics, Inc.
  • Rivela Diagnostics
  • RoosterBio, Inc.
  • ShiftBIO
  • SOL Bio Corporation
  • SomesTech
  • Stem Cell Medicine, Ltd.
  • System Biosciences
  • Theoria Science, Inc.
  • TheraXyte
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • TheraXyte Bioscience
  • The Tiny Cargo Company
  • TransGen Biotech, Co., Ltd.
  • Tymora Analytical
  • Unicyte AG
  • Urvogelbio Pvt, Ltd.
  • Versatope Therapeutics
  • VesiCURE Therapeutics
  • Vesigen Therapeutics, Inc.
  • VivaZome Therapeutics
  • ZEO ScientifiX, Inc.
  • Xosomix





Exosomes are extracellular vesicles (EVs) originating from endosomes, with sizes ranging from 30 to 150 nanometers. Secreted by nearly all cell types, exosomes play a key role in cell communication by carrying cell-specific proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids that are selectively absorbed by recipient cells.

Recent advancements in exosome technology are driving growth in their application across liquid biopsy, precision medicine, and regenerative medicine. Cancer-derived exosomes, in particular, are valuable for their ability to regulate angiogenesis, metastasis, and immunity, making them crucial for cancer detection, diagnosis, and treatment selection.

Exosome cargos offer prognostic insights for various diseases, including cardiovascular, renal, neurodegenerative, and metabolic disorders, as well as cancer. The discovery of numerous biomolecules within exosomes has spurred extensive research into their use as cancer biomarkers for detection, monitoring, and treatment.

Exosomes are present in many biofluids such as serum, plasma, urine, and saliva, making them ideal for minimally invasive diagnostics. They also serve as prognostic indicators and predictors of treatment responses. Furthermore, exosomes are being investigated for therapeutic use. For instance, exosomes can be engineered to carry therapeutic siRNA or proteins for targeted treatment of diseases caused by defective or missing molecules. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) derived exosomes have shown potential in reducing inflammation, preventing scar tissue formation, and modulating immune responses.

The exosome field, once underappreciated, is now rapidly evolving. Recent publications highlight the significant contributions of U.S. authors and Chinese researchers, with Dr. Susanne Gabrielsson from the Karolinska Institutet and Unicyte AG leading in relevant scientific literature.

BioInformant's global strategic report details the burgeoning exosome market, including trends in patents, grants, publications, and clinical trials. It covers industry partnerships, M&A activities, and financing, with insights into the competitive landscape and market forecasts through 2030.

Exosome-based diagnostics and therapeutics are expanding, with 388 clinical trials currently underway. Although no exosome therapeutics have received marketing approval yet, the first five products are anticipated by 2029. Exosomes offer promising advantages over traditional therapies, including targeted delivery, reduced side effects, and avoidance of immune detection.

In addition to medical applications, exosomes are also being used within cosmetics to promote skin rejuvenation, wound healing, scar revision, and hair restoration. Two exosome-based diagnostics have already received Fast Track approval from the U.S. FDA.

This comprehensive report provides:

  • Market analysis for exosome therapeutics, diagnostics, product/services, manufacturing technologies, and cosmetic applications
  • The clinical trial pipeline for exosome therapeutics, including both naive and engineered exosomes
  • Approved and forthcoming products leveraging exosome diagnostics
  • Clinical trial activity by type, region, phase, and sponsor
  • Analysis of key industry metrics, including scientific publications, patents, grants, and clinical trials
  • Key funding events, including M&A, financing events, co-development agreements, and IPOs
  • Strategic partnerships and competitive insights
  • Market size figures, broken down by market segment and geography, with forecasts through 2030
  • Industry trends and future directions

This report is designed to inform market competitors who are developing exosome therapeutics, diagnostics, research products, manufacturing technologies, cosmeceuticals, and of course, ready-to-use exosomes. With the competitive nature of the exosome market, this report offers a valuable resource to stay informed and seize opportunities, without spending countless hours on research.



  • 1.1. Statement of the Report
  • 1.2. Target Demographic
  • 1.3. Report Sources
  • 1.4. Purpose of the Report
  • 1.5. Executive Summary
  • 1.6. Introduction


  • 2.1. Structure of an Exosome
    • 2.1.1. Molecular Contents of Exosomes
      • Proteins in Exosomes
      • Lipid Contents of Exosomes
      • Nucleic Acids in Exosomes
    • 2.1.2. Membrane and Lumen Components of Exosomes
    • 2.1.3. Classification of Exosomes by Origin
      • Natural Exosomes
        • Isolation of Natural Exosomes
      • Modified Exosomes
        • Types of Therapeutic Cargos Loaded into Exosomes
        • Biomedical Applications of Engineered Exosomes
    • 2.1.4. Synthetic Exosomes
  • 2.2. Differences between Cell Therapy and Gene Therapy
  • 2.3. The Shift from Cell Therapy to Exosome Therapy
  • 2.4. Exosomes in the Next Ten Years


  • 3.1. Interior Modification
    • 3.1.1. Pre-Isolation Interior Modification Methods
    • 3.1.2. Incubation
    • 3.1.3. Gene Editing
    • 3.1.4. Post-Isolation Interior Modification Methods
  • 3.2. Surface Modifications
    • 3.2.1. Surface Modification through Parent Cell
    • 3.2.2. Direct Surface Modification
    • 3.2.3. Displayed Molecules in Exosomes
  • 3.3. Interior Modification
    • 3.3.1. Pre-Isolation Interior Modification
    • 3.3.2. Post-Isolation Modification Methods
  • 3.4. An Exosome Showing Modified Surface and Modified Interior
    • 3.4.1. Examples of Hydrophilic Cargo Loaded into Exosome Lumen


  • 4.1. Publication Trends of Exosome Diagnostics and Therapeutics
  • 4.2. PubMed Publications on Therapeutic Exosomes by Loading Technology
  • 4.3. PubMed Papers on Exosome Isolation & Purification by Technology
  • 4.4. PubMed Papers on Lipid Nanoparticles and Exosomes as Drug Carriers
  • 4.5. Distribution of Exosome Publications by Disease Type
  • 4.6. Exosome Publications by Cancer Type


  • 5.1. Exosome Patent Publications over Time
  • 5.2. Exosome Patents: Therapeutic vs. Diagnostics
  • 5.3. Exosome Patent Applications by Exosome Source
  • 5.4. Patents/Patent Applications by Isolation/Purification Technologies
  • 5.5. Patents/Patent Applications by Type of Cargo
  • 5.6. Patents/Patent Applications by Cargo Loading Methods
  • 5.7. Patents/Patent Applications by Therapy Area
  • 5.8. Leading Assignees of Exosome Patents
    • 5.8.1. Types of Patented Isolation/Preparations Technologies by Assignees
    • 5.8.2. Types of Cargos Employed by Assignees
    • 5.8.3. Cargo Loading Methods by Assignees
    • 5.8.4. Therapy Areas by Assignees
    • 5.8.5. Assignee Categories
  • 5.9. Exosome Patent Applications by Jurisdiction
  • 5.10. Exosome Patent Applicants
  • 5.11. Exosome Patent Inventors
  • 5.12. Exosome Patent Owners
  • 5.13. Legal Status of Exosome Patents


  • 6.1. Exosome Clinical Trials by Phase of Study
  • 6.2. Exosome Clinical Trials by Funder Type
  • 6.3. Exosome Clinical Trials by Technology
  • 6.4. Current Status of Clinical Trials using Exosomes in Treating Diseases
  • 6.5. Clinical Trials using Exosomes for Diagnostic Studies
  • 6.6. Major Exosome R&D Companies
  • 6.7. Exosome Therapeutics in Preclinical Development


  • 7.1. Ultracentrifugation (UC)
    • 7.1.1. Differential Ultracentrifugation
    • 7.1.2. Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation (DGU)
  • 7.2. Ultrafiltration (UF)
    • 7.2.1. Tandem-Configured Ultrafiltration
    • 7.2.2. Sequential Ultrafiltration
  • 7.3. Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC)
  • 7.4. Polymer Precipitation Method
  • 7.5. Immunoaffinity Capture Method
  • 7.6. Aptamer-Based Method
  • 7.7. Microfluidic Technique


  • 8.1. Description of Select Exosome Technology Platforms
    • 8.1.1. AGLE-102
    • 8.1.2. Hybridosome
    • 8.1.3. AB126
    • 8.1.4. CAP-1002 (Deramiocel)
    • 8.1.5. REGENT
    • 8.1.6. ExoFlo
    • 8.1.7. DeliverEX
    • 8.1.8. EXOVEX
    • 8.1.9. ExoSCRT
    • 8.1.10. LEAP
    • 8.1.11. ExoDx
    • 8.1.12. EXPLOR
    • 8.1.13. Exo-Target


  • 9.1. Incubation Method
  • 9.2. Transfection Method
  • 9.3. Sonication Method
  • 9.4. Electroporation Method
  • 9.5. Extrusion Method
  • 9.6. Freeze/Thaw Method
  • 9.7. Genetic Engineering Method


  • 10.1. Key Players in the Exosome Therapeutic Space
    • 10.1.1. EXO-CD24 from Nano24 (OBCTCD24)
    • 10.1.2. The Hemopurifier
      • Hemopurifier in Cancer
      • Hemopurifier in Infectious Diseases
    • 10.1.3. REGENT from Carmine Therapeutics
    • 10.1.4. Exosome Customization Technology from Ciola
    • 10.1.5. CAP-1002 (Deramioce) from Capricor Therapeutics
    • 10.1.6. EXPLOR from ILIAS Biologics
    • 10.1.7. AB126 from Aruna Bio
    • 10.1.8. AGLE-102 from Aegle Therapeutics
    • 10.1.9. OmniSomes from OmniSpirant Therapeutics
    • 10.1.10. EXO-101 from Exogenus Therapeutics
    • 10.1.11. Purified Exosome Product (PEP) from RION


  • 11.1. Advantages in Diagnostic Applications
  • 11.2. Major Indications Focused for Diagnosis
  • 11.3. Most Common Targeted Exosome Biomarkers
    • 11.3.1. Exosomal Proteins for Diagnostic Applications
    • 11.3.2. Exosomal miRNAs as Cancer Diagnostic Agents
  • 11.4. Diagnostic Exosome Research
  • 11.5. Key Players in the Development of Exosome Diagnostics
    • 11.5.1. LiquidScan from BioFluidica
    • 11.5.2. ExoEnrich from ExoCan
    • 11.5.3. ExoDx Prostate Test from Exosome Diagnostics, Inc.
    • 11.5.4. TauSome Test from Exosome Sciences
    • 11.5.5. Cancer Diagnosis from Exosomics S.p.A
    • 11.5.6. Guardant360 CDx from Guardant Health
    • 11.5.7. Liver Cancer Detection study by Mursla Bio
    • 11.5.8. BDE Biomarker Assay from NanoSomiX
    • 11.5.9. ExoScreen Assay from Theoria Science


  • 12.1. Aesthetic Exosome Treatments
    • 12.1.1. Exosomes in Facial Rejuvenation
    • 12.1.2. Exosomes in Hair Restoration
    • 12.1.3. Exosomes in Scar Reduction
    • 12.1.4. Exosomes in Breast Augmentation
  • 12.2. Sources of Exosomes for Aesthetic Use
  • 12.3. Science behind Dermatologically Relevant Exosomes
  • 12.4. Key Players & Products
  • 12.5. Popular Exosome-Based Aesthetics
    • 12.5.1. AnteAGE Pro System
    • 12.5.2. ExoCR from Cartessa
    • 12.5.3. ELEVAI enfinity from ELEVAI Labs
    • 12.5.4. EXO PLUS from Exoceuticals
    • 12.5.5. Vive from Kimera Labs
    • 12.5.6. CALM Serum from RION Aesthetics
    • 12.5.7. ASCE Exosomes from ExoCoBio


  • 13.1. Venture Capital Funding for Exosome companies
    • 13.1.1. EXO Biologics
    • 13.1.2. Exogenus Therapeutics
    • 13.1.3. INEXOPLAT
    • 13.1.4. Mantra Bio
    • 13.1.5. Anjarium Biosciences
    • 13.1.6. Evox Therapeutics, Ltd.
    • 13.1.7. ILIAS Biologics
    • 13.1.8. ExoCoBio, Inc.
    • 13.1.9. Aegle Therapeutics
    • 13.1.10. Evox Therapeutics
    • 13.1.11. Evox Therapeutics
    • 13.1.12. Codiak BioSciences
    • 13.1.13. Codiak BioSciences
    • 13.1.14. Exosome Diagnostics
    • 13.1.15. Exosome Diagnostics, Inc
  • 13.2. Partnership Deals in Exosome Space
    • 13.2.1. Cytiva & Rooster Bio
    • 13.2.2. SomesTech & ConvEyXO
    • 13.2.3. RoosterBio, Inc. & FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies
    • 13.2.4. Evox Therapeutics & Eli Lilly
    • 13.2.5. Exopharm & Astellas
    • 13.2.6. Univercells Technologies & RoosterBio
    • 13.2.7. AgeX Therapeutics & UCI
    • 13.2.8. VivaZome & La Trobe University
    • 13.2.9. Evotec SE & Curexsys GmbH
    • 13.2.10. Bio-Techne & QIAGEN
    • 13.2.11. InnoCan Pharma & Recipharms
    • 13.2.12. Codiak BioSciences & Sarepta
    • 13.2.13. Evox Therapeutics & Takeda
    • 13.2.14. PureTech & Roche
    • 13.2.15. Evox Therapeutics & Boehringer Ingelheim
    • 13.2.16. Sarpeta Therapeutics & Codiak Biosciences
    • 13.2.17. Navigo Proteins & MDimune
    • 13.2.18. Jazz Pharmaceuticals & Codiak BioSciences
    • 13.2.19. Exosome Diagnostics & Intezyne
    • 13.2.20. Evox Therapeutics & Boehringer Ingelheim
  • 13.3. Acquisition Deals
    • 13.3.1. ExoCoBio & BENEV
    • 13.3.2. Evox Therapeutics & Codiak Biosciences' Technology
    • 13.3.3. Lonza & Exosomics
    • 13.3.4. Lonza & Codiak Biosciences
    • 13.3.5. Bio-Techne Corporation & Exosome Diagnostics
    • 13.3.6. Lonza & HansaBioMed
  • 13.4. Licensing Deals
    • 13.4.1. EVerZom & Erganeo
    • 13.4.2. Elevai Labs & Yuva Biosciences
    • 13.4.3. TOPPAN & Dai Nippon Toryo
    • 13.4.4. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) & Coya Therapeutics
    • 13.4.5. INOVIQ, Ltd. & ResearchDx, Inc.
    • 13.4.6. ATUM & Codiak BioSciences
    • 13.4.7. Johns Hopkins University & Capricor Therapeutics
    • 13.4.8. Evox Therapeutics & Eli Lily
    • 13.4.9. Codiak BioSciences & Sarepta
    • 13.4.10. VivaZome Therapeutics & University of Adelaide
    • 13.4.11. Evox Therapeutics & Takeda
    • 13.4.12. CEVEC & Evox Therapeutics
    • 13.4.13. Orgenesis & Excella Bio
    • 13.4.14. System Biosciences & QIAGEN
    • 13.4.15. PureTech Health & 3D Biotechnologies
  • 13.5. IPO
    • 13.5.1. Elevai Labs
    • 13.5.2. Codiak Biosciences
    • 13.5.3. Codiak Biosciences
    • 13.5.4. Codiak BioSciences


  • 14.1. Market for Exosome Therapeutics
  • 14.2. The Global Market for Ready-to-Use Purified Exosomes by Type
    • 14.2.1. Market Size of Exosomes by Parent Cell Type
  • 14.3. Market for Exosome Diagnostics
  • 14.4. Global Exosome Technologies Market by Product Type
  • 14.5. Global Exosome-Based Aesthetics (Cosmeceuticals) Market
  • 14.6. The Overall Market for Exosomes
  • 14.7. The Market Driver of Exosome Therapies


  • 15.1. 101 Bio
    • 15.1.1. PureExo Exosome Isolation Kit
  • 15.2. Abbexa, Ltd.
  • 15.3. AcouSort AB
    • 15.3.1. Technology: Acoustic Separation
    • 15.3.2. EIC Award
  • 15.4. Aegle Therapeutics
    • 15.4.1. Research & Development
  • 15.5. Aethlon Medical, Inc.
    • 15.5.1. Hemopurifier
  • 15.6. Akrivis Health Care Pvt., Ltd.
  • 15.7. AM BioTech
    • 15.7.1. Bio-Pulsed Technology
    • 15.7.2. ExoGiov
    • 15.7.3. LA EXO Exosome Cosmetics
  • 15.8. AMS Biotechnology, Ltd. (AMSBIO)
  • 15.9. AnteAGE
    • 15.9.1. At-Home Skincare Products
    • 15.9.2. At-Home Brow & Lash Products
    • 15.9.3. VRS Box (6 Pack) [$150]
    • 15.9.4. Professional Skincare Products
    • 15.9.5. Growth Factor Microneedling Products
    • 15.9.6. Stem Cell Facial Microchanneling Products
    • 15.9.7. Medical Skin Care Products
    • 15.9.8. Growth Factor Skin Treatment Products
    • 15.9.9. Growth Factor Hair Regeneration Products
  • 15.10. Aposcience AG
    • 15.10.1. Wound Healing
    • 15.10.2. Myocardial Infarction
  • 15.11. Aruna Bio
    • 15.11.1. AB126 (Neural Exosome)
  • 15.12. BENEV Company, Inc. (ExoCoBio)
    • 15.12.1. Exosome Regenerative Complex
    • 15.12.2. Exosome Regenerative Complex +
    • 15.12.3. EXO-XOM Facial
  • 15.13. BioCat GmbH
    • 15.13.1. ExoQuick Exosome Precipitation
    • 15.13.2. Exosome RNA & DNA Purification
    • 15.13.3. Exosome RNA Amplification & Profiling
    • 15.13.4. Exosome Quantification
    • 15.13.5. Exosome Antibody Array
    • 15.13.6. ExoGlow EV Labeling Kits
    • 15.13.7. Exosome Engineering
  • 15.14. BioFluidica
    • 15.14.1. LiquidScan
    • 15.14.2. Exosome Isolation
  • 15.15. Biological Dynamics, Inc.
    • 15.15.1. Verita Technology
    • 15.15.2. ExoVerita Pro Exosome Enrichment Platform
    • 15.15.3. Exosome Isolation & Analysis Services
  • 15.16. Biorbyt, Ltd.
  • 15.17. Bioscience Institute
    • 15.17.1. Bioscience Clinic Middle East
    • 15.17.2. Bioscience Genomics
    • 15.17.3. Services
      • ExoSkin Therapy
      • ExoHair Therapy
      • ExoJoints Therapy
      • ExoMale Therapy
      • ExoFemale Therapy
      • XOLINE Exosome Cosmetics
  • 15.18. Biosynth International, Inc.
    • 15.18.1. ME Kit (Microvesicle Extraction Kit)
  • 15.19. BreStem Therapeutics, Inc.
  • 15.20. Capricor Therapeutics
    • 15.20.1. Portfolio
    • 15.20.2. StealthX Technology
  • 15.21. Carmine Therapeutics
    • 15.21.1. REGENT Platform
  • 15.22. Cellarcus Biosciences, Inc.
    • 15.22.1. vFC Vesicle Analysis Assays
    • 15.22.2. vTAG Antibodies
    • 15.22.3. Vesicles and Vesicle Assay Standards
  • 15.23. Cell Care Therapeutics
    • 15.23.1. CCT-101
  • 15.24. Cells for Cells
    • 15.24.1. Current Clinical Trial using Exosomes
  • 15.25. Cell Guidance Systems, Ltd.
    • 15.25.1. Exosome Products
    • 15.25.2. Exo-spin Purification
    • 15.25.3. ExoLISA Technology: Exosome Detection
    • 15.25.4. Exosome Validated Antibodies
    • 15.25.5. Instant Exosomes
    • 15.25.6. NTA Size Profiling Service
  • 15.26. Ciloa
    • 15.26.1. Antibodies against Undruggable Targets
    • 15.26.2. Adjuvant & Virus-Free Vaccines
    • 15.26.3. Virus-Free Therapeutic Vectors
    • 15.26.4. Technology
  • 15.27. ConvEyXO
    • 15.27.1. Exo-Harvest Technology
    • 15.27.2. XomeXBio Technology
  • 15.28. Craif, Inc.
    • 15.28.1. NANO IP (Nano Intelligence Platform)
  • 15.29. Creative Bioarray
    • 15.29.1. Exosome Antibodies
    • 15.29.2. Exosome DNA-RNA Extraction Kits
    • 15.29.3. Exosome Isolation Tools
    • 15.29.4. Exosome Standards
    • 15.29.5. Fluorescent Exosome Standards
    • 15.29.6. Liquid Biopsy
    • 15.29.7. Exosome Research Services
  • 15.30. Creative Biostructure
    • 15.30.1. Exosome Products
    • 15.30.2. Exosome Services
      • Exosome Isolation Services
      • Exosome Analysis Services
      • Exosome Characterization Services
      • Exosome Engineering Services
      • Exosome In Vitro Functional Assay
      • Exosome In Vitro Functional Assay
  • 15.31. Creative Biolabs
    • 15.31.1. Exosome Products
    • 15.31.2. Exosome Isolation Tools
    • 15.31.3. Exosome Capture & Quantification Kits
    • 15.31.4. Exosome Antibody Products
    • 15.31.5. Exosome Standards
    • 15.31.6. Exosome Labeling Kits
    • 15.31.7. Exosomes Surface Modification Kits
    • 15.31.8. Exosome Identification Kits
    • 15.31.9. Exosome Marker cDNA Plasmid Products
    • 15.31.10. Exosome Release Modulation Reagents
    • 15.31.11. LipidSync Exosomes
    • 15.31.12. Exosome Services
  • 15.32. Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc.
    • 15.32.1. AmnioStem Stroke Therapy
  • 15.33. Creative Proteomics
    • 15.33.1. Exosome Services
  • 15.34. CUSABIO Technology LLC
    • 15.34.1. Exosome Isolation Kits
  • 15.35. Diadem Biotherapeutics
    • 15.35.1. Technology
  • 15.36. Direct Biologics
    • 15.36.1. ExoFlo
    • 15.36.2. AmnioWrap
  • 15.37. Elevai Labs, Inc.
    • 15.37.1. ELEVAI enfinity
    • 15.37.2. ELEVAI empower
    • 15.37.3. ELEVAI Root Renewal System
  • 15.38. Entelexo Biotherapeutics
  • 15.39. EriVan Bio
    • 15.39.1. Services
    • 15.39.2. Research Products
  • 15.40. EVerZom
    • 15.40.1. EVerZom Platform
  • 15.41. Evolutionary Biologics, Inc.
    • 15.41.1. EXO ELIXIR
    • 15.41.2. EVO GROW
    • 15.41.3. EVO JEL
    • 15.41.4. EXO RNA
    • 15.41.5. EVO HYBRID
    • 15.41.6. EXO PERIO
  • 15.42. Evomic Science LLC
    • 15.42.1. ExoEZ Exosome Isolation Kit
  • 15.43. Evox Therapeutics, Ltd.
    • 15.43.1. Gene Therapy
    • 15.43.2. Gene Editing
    • 15.43.3. RNA Therapeutics
    • 15.43.4. Precision Therapeutic Targeting
    • 15.43.5. Protein Therapeutics
    • 15.43.6. Manufacturing Exosomes
    • 15.43.7. Focus on Rare Diseases
  • 15.44. EXO Biologics
    • 15.44.1. Lead Product Candidate
  • 15.45. ExoCan Healthcare Technologies Pvt., Ltd.
    • 15.45.1. ExoEnrich
    • 15.45.2. ExoEngineering
    • 15.45.3. SAC-3D
    • 15.45.4. Services
      • Multiphenotype Screen
      • Small Molecule Screening
      • Exo-BiDD
  • 15.46. Exocel Bio
    • 15.46.1. Services
      • Exosome Isolation via Ultracentrifugation
      • Nanoparticle Analysis for Size Distribution and Concentration
      • Custom Experiments with NTA
      • Custom Growth Factors Production
    • 15.46.2. Products
      • Exovex REVIVE
      • Exovex RENEW
      • Exovex REVEAL
      • Exovex REFINE
      • Exovex RESTORE
      • Exovex EQUUSOME
      • Exovex CANISOME
      • Exovex FELISOM
  • 15.47. Exogenus Therapeutics
    • 15.47.1. Exo-101
    • 15.47.2. ExoWound
  • 15.48. Exokeryx, Inc.
    • 15.48.1. Demeter EVPrep
    • 15.48.2. ExoScan
  • 15.49. ExoProTher Medical
  • 15.50. ExoQure
    • 15.50.1. Technology
    • 15.50.2. Products
  • 15.51. EXORPHIA, Inc.
    • 15.51.1. Activation Technology to produce Prime-EV
    • 15.51.2. Modification Technology to Produce Smart-EV
    • 15.51.3. INPACT-EV Technology
    • 15.51.4. EV Analysis Technology: EV-QUEST
    • 15.51.5. EXORPHIA's Product Pipeline
  • 15.52. ExosomeDx (biotechne)
    • 15.52.1. ExoDx Prostate Test
    • 15.52.2. Pharma Services
    • 15.52.3. Biomarker Discovery Services
  • 15.53. ExosomePlus
    • 15.53.1. MSC-Derived Exosomes
    • 15.53.2. ExoCope Technology
  • 15.54. Exosome Sciences
    • 15.54.1. TauSome (Exosomal Tau) Biomarker
  • 15.55. ExoStemTech Co., Ltd.
    • 15.55.1. Cartisome
    • 15.55.2. EST-T-EXO
    • 15.55.3. Hepatosome
    • 15.55.4. Hypoxisome
    • 15.55.5. Exosome Manufacturing Platform
    • 15.55.6. Protein Loading & Delivery Platform
  • 15.56. ExoVectory
    • 15.56.1. Technology
    • 15.56.2. Therapeutic Areas Focused
    • 15.56.3. Exosome Immunotherapy for Cancer
    • 15.56.4. Exosome Gene Therapy
  • 15.57. ExSURE Pvt. Ltd.
  • 15.58. Florica Therapeutics
  • 15.59. HansaBioMed Life Sciences, Ltd.
    • 15.59.1. Products
    • 15.59.2. Services
  • 15.60. ILIAS Biologics, Inc.
    • 15.60.2. Cargo Loading Process
    • 15.60.3. Exo-Target: Platform Technology
  • 15.61. INEXOPLAT, Inc.
  • 15.62. Innocan Pharma
    • 15.62.1. Cannabidiol (CBD)-Loaded Exosomes
  • 15.63. Innovex Therapeutics, SL
    • 15.63.1. Research & Development
    • 15.63.2. Vaccine against Plasmodium vivax malaria (PvRexVac)
    • 15.63.3. Vaccine against COVID-19 (ExoCoVac)
    • 15.63.4. Vaccine against PRRSV (PrrsvExoVac)
  • 15.64. INOVIQ, Ltd.
    • 15.64.1. NETs Technology
    • 15.64.2. EXO-NET Pan Exosome
  • 15.65. Irazu Oncology
  • 15.66. Izon Science, Ltd.
    • 15.66.1. qEV Isolation
    • 15.66.2. qEV Automation
    • 15.66.3. qEV Zenco
    • 15.66.4. Robotic System for Diagnostic Development
    • 15.66.5. qEV Magnetic Concentration Kit
    • 15.66.6. Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensing (TRPS)
  • 15.67. Kimera Labs, Inc.
    • 15.67.1. Vive
    • 15.67.2. Luxir & Luxir+
  • 15.68. Leading Biology, Inc.
  • 15.69. LifeSpan Biosciences, Inc.
  • 15.70. Lonza Group, Ltd.
    • 15.70.1. Exosome Service
  • 15.71. Mantra Bio
    • 15.71.1. REVEAL
    • 15.71.2. Partnering
  • 15.72. Mercury Bio
    • 15.72.1. The Chimeric yEV System
  • 15.73. Mercy Bioanalytics
    • 15.73.1. The Mercy Halo Test
  • 15.74. Micregen, Ltd.
    • 15.74.1. Secretomix
  • 15.75. Microgentas
    • 15.75.1. Products
      • Exo TFF
      • ExoFilter
      • ExoCAS-2 (Exosome Clustering and Scattering)
      • ExoPAS Advanced (Exosome Precipitation and Scattering)
      • miRQuick (Exosomal miRNA)
      • PIBEX System
      • Plant Exosomes for Cosmetics
      • Centella Asiatica Extracellular Vesicles (CICA EVs)
    • 15.75.2. Services
  • 15.76. miR Scientific
    • 15.76.1. miR Sentinel
  • 15.77. Mursla Bio
    • 15.77.1. Liver EV Liquid Biopsy Platform
  • 15.78. MyBioSource, Inc.
  • 15.79. Nano 24 (OBCDCT24)
  • 15.80. NanoSomiX, Inc.
    • 15.80.1. Technology
  • 15.81. Nanovex Biotechnologies
    • 15.81.1. Technology
    • 15.81.2. Synthetic Exosomes
  • 15.82. NeurExo Sciences
    • 15.82.1. Research & Development Programs
  • 15.83. NeuroDex, Inc.
    • 15.83.1. ExoSORT
    • 15.83.2. Lumin-EV
    • 15.83.3. Alpha-synuclein Assay
    • 15.83.4. TDP43 Assay
    • 15.83.5. Synaptic Protein Assay
    • 15.83.6. Autophagy Assay
    • 15.83.7. Biomarker Discovery Services
    • 15.83.8. LuminEV Kit
  • 15.84. Norgen Biotek Corporation
    • 15.84.1. Exosome Kits
      • Intact Exosome Purification
      • RNA Isolation from Intact Exosomes
      • Exosome Purification, Exosome RNA and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation
      • RNA Isolation from Purified Intact Exosomes
      • Exosome Depletion
      • Exosome Labeling and Cleaning Kit
      • Isolation Services
      • Contract Manufacturing Services
  • 15.85. Novaxomx GmbH
    • 15.85.1. Technology
  • 15.86. Novus Biologicals
    • 15.86.1. Exosome Research Tools
  • 15.87. NurExone Biologic, Inc.
    • 15.87.1. ExoTherapy
  • 15.88. Oasis Diagnostics Corporation
    • 15.88.1. Pure.SAL
  • 15.89. NX Prenatal, Inc.
    • 15.89.1. Technology
  • 15.90. OmniSpirant Therapeutics
    • 15.90.1. OmniSome Therapeutic Platform
  • 15.91. OncoXome, Inc.
    • 15.91.1. OncoXome's Exosomes
  • 15.92. Paracrine Therapeutics Pte, Ltd.
    • 15.92.1. Science
  • 15.93. QIAGEN
    • 15.93.1. exoEasy Maxi Kit
    • 15.93.2. exoRNeasy Midi Kit
    • 15.93.3. mercury LNA miRNA Focus PCR Panels
    • 15.93.4. miRCURY Exosome Serum/Plasma Kit
  • 15.94. Reactive Medical Labs
  • 15.95. ReNeuron
    • 15.95.1. CustomEX - A Customizable Exosome Platform
  • 15.96. RION Aesthetics, Inc.
    • 15.96.1. Products
      • INTENSE Serum
      • DAILY Serum
      • CALM Serum
      • HAIR Serum
  • 15.97. Rivela Diagnostics
    • 15.97.1. Technology
  • 15.98. RoosterBio, Inc.
    • 15.98.1. MSC-derived Exosomes
    • 15.98.2. QuickShip Exosomes
    • 15.98.3. QuickShip MSC and Exosome Media
    • 15.98.4. XF Bioreactor MSC & EV Development Kits
    • 15.98.5. XF Bioreactor MSC & EV Scale-Up Kits
    • 15.98.6. XF Bioreactor MSC & EV Starter Kits
    • 15.98.7. RoosterCollect-EV-CC
  • 15.99. ShiftBIO
    • 15.99.1. NSM Platform Technology
  • 15.100. SOL Bio Corporation
    • 15.100.1. Business Model
    • 15.100.2. NeutraRelease Technology
    • 15.100.3. ExoMain
    • 15.100.4. ExoBead
  • 15.101. SomesTech
    • 15.101.1. Products & Solutions
      • ExoNP
      • ExoLoad
      • AI + DDS
  • 15.102. Stem Cell Medicine, Ltd.
    • 15.102.1. SCM's Pipeline
  • 15.103. System Biosciences
    • 15.103.1. Products
      • Exosome Isolation Products
      • Exosome Detection Products
      • Exosome Quantitation Products
      • Exosome Labeling Kit Products
      • Exosome Biomarker Discovery Products
      • Exosome Engineering & Design Products
    • 15.103.2. Services
  • 15.104. Theoria Science, Inc.
    • 15.104.1. ExoScreen Technology
  • 15.105. TheraXyte
    • 15.105.1. TAXY - A Programmable Drug Delivery System
  • 15.106. Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • 15.106.1. Exosome Products for Testing & Research
  • 15.107. TheraXyte Bioscience
    • 15.107.1. TAXY
  • 15.108. The Tiny Cargo Company
  • 15.109. TransGen Biotech, Co., Ltd.
    • 15.109.1. Products
      • TransExo Cell Media Exosome Kit
      • TransExo Urine Exosome Kit
      • TransExo Serum/Plasma Exosome Kit
      • TransExo Serum/Plasma Exosome Total RNA Extraction Kit
      • TransExo Serum/Plasma Exosome Total miRNA Extraction Kit
  • 15.110. Tymora Analytical
    • 15.110.1. Services
      • Plasma Proteomics (PTMs)
      • Urine Proteomics
      • Saliva Proteomics
      • Tissue Proteomics
  • 15.111. Unicyte AG
    • 15.111.1. Technology
  • 15.112. Urvogelbio Pvt, Ltd.
  • 15.113. Versatope Therapeutics
    • 15.113.1. Technology
    • 15.113.2. Universal Influenza Vaccine
  • 15.114. VesiCURE Therapeutics
    • 15.114.1. modEXO Platform
    • 15.114.2. dilEVery Delivery System
  • 15.115. Vesigen Therapeutics, Inc.
    • 15.115.1. ARMMs
    • 15.115.2. Disease Areas of Focus
      • Ocular
      • Immunology
      • Neurology
      • Hematology
  • 15.116. VivaZome Therapeutics
    • 15.116.1. VivaZome's Clinical Targets
  • 15.117. ZEO ScientifiX, Inc.
    • 15.117.1. Aesthetic Exosomes
    • 15.117.2. PPX
  • 15.118. Xosomix


  • FIGURE 2.1: Classification of Extracellular Vesicles
  • FIGURE 2.2: Exosome Formation
  • FIGURE 2.3: Exosome Uptake by Target Cells
  • FIGURE 2.4: Structure of an Exosome
  • FIGURE 2.5: Membrane Lumen Components of Exosomes
  • FIGURE 2.6: Classification of Exosomes by Origin
  • FIGURE 2.7: Exosome Isolation Methods
  • FIGURE 2.8: Exosomes with Loaded Therapeutics in the Lumen and Surface Display
  • FIGURE 3.1: Pre-Isolation Interior Modification Methods
  • FIGURE 3.2: Post-Isolation Interior Modification Methods
  • FIGURE 3.3: Surface Modification through Parent Cell
  • FIGURE 3.4: Direct Surface Modification
  • FIGURE 3.5: Pre-Isolation Interior Modification Methods
  • FIGURE 3.6: Post-Isolation Interior Modification Methods
  • FIGURE 3.7: An Engineered Exosome showing Surface and Interior Modifications
  • FIGURE 4.1: Number of PubMed.gov Publications, 2000-2024
  • FIGURE 4.2: Publication Trends of Exosome Diagnostics and Therapeutics
  • FIGURE 4.3: Number of PubMed Papers on Exosome Cargo-Loading by Technology
  • FIGURE 4.4: PubMed Papers on Exosome Isolation & Purification by Technology
  • FIGURE 4.5: PubMed Papers on Lipid Nanoparticles and Exosomes as Drug Carriers
  • FIGURE 4.6: Distribution of Exosome Publications by Disease Type
  • FIGURE 4.7: Exosome Publications by Cancer Type
  • FIGURE 5.1: Exosome Patent Publications over Time, 2000-June 2024
  • FIGURE 5.2: Exosome Patents: Therapeutic vs. Diagnostics
  • FIGURE 5.3: Exosome Patents/Patent Applications by Exosome Sources
  • FIGURE 5.4: Patents/Patent Applications by Isolation-Preparation Technologies
  • FIGURE 5.5: Patents/Patent Applications by Type of Cargo
  • FIGURE 5.6: Patents/Patent Applications by Cargo Loading Methods
  • FIGURE 5.7: Patents/Patent Applications by Therapy Area
  • FIGURE 5.8: Leading Assignees of Exosome Patents
  • FIGURE 5.9: Top Five Countries with Exosome Patents
  • FIGURE 6.1: Percent Share of Clinical Trials by Application
  • FIGURE 7.1: Schematic of Differential Ultracentrifugation
  • FIGURE 7.2: Schematic of Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation
  • FIGURE 7.3: Schematic of Tandem Configured Ultrafiltration
  • FIGURE 7.4: Sequential Ultrafiltration
  • FIGURE 7.5: Schematic of Size Exclusion Chromatography
  • FIGURE 7.6: Schematic of Polymer Precipitation Method
  • FIGURE 7.7: Schematic of Immunoaffinity Capture Method
  • FIGURE 7.8: Diagram of Working Principle of Microfluidic Device
  • FIGURE 9.1: Schematic of Incubation Method of Drug Loading
  • FIGURE 9.2: Schematic of Transfection Method
  • FIGURE 9.3: Schematic Illustration of Sonication Method
  • FIGURE 9.4: Schematic Illustration of the Principle of Electroporation
  • FIGURE 9.5: Schematic Illustration of Drug Loading by Extrusion Method
  • FIGURE 9.6: Schematic Illustration of Genetic Modification of Exosome
  • FIGURE 10.1: Schematic Illustration of the Structure of EXO-CD24
  • FIGURE 10.2: Aethlon's Hemopurifier
  • FIGURE 10.3: Ciola's Unique in vivo Technology
  • FIGURE 10.4: Schematic of EXPLOR
  • FIGURE 10.5: CNS Specificity of AB126
  • FIGURE 10.6: OmniSomes from OmniSpirant
  • FIGURE 10.7: EXO-101 from Exogenus
  • FIGURE 11.1: Great Things in Tiny Packages
  • FIGURE 11.2: Major Indications Focused for Diagnosis
  • FIGURE 11.3: LiquidScan from BioFluidica
  • FIGURE 11.4: Exosome Isolation by ExoEnrich
  • FIGURE 11.5: Features of ExoDx Prostate Test
  • FIGURE 11.6: ExoScreen Assay from Theoria Science
  • FIGURE 12.1: Exosomes in Facial Rejuvenation using DermaPen
  • FIGURE 12.2: Exosome Therapy for Hair Restoration
  • FIGURE 12.3: Exosomes in Scar Reuction
  • FIGURE 12.4: AnteAGE Pro System
  • FIGURE 12.5: ExoCR from Cartessa
  • FIGURE 12.6: ELEVAI enfinity
  • FIGURE 12.7: EXO PLUS from Exoceuticals
  • FIGURE 12.8: Vive from Kimera Labs
  • FIGURE 12.9: CALM Serum from RION Aesthetics
  • FIGURE 12.10: ASCE Exosomes from ExoCoBio
  • FIGURE 14.1: Market for the Likely-to-be Approved Exosome Therapeutics, 2029-2035
  • FIGURE 14.2: Global Market for Ready-to-Use Exosomes by Type, 2023
  • FIGURE 14.3: Global Exosome Therapy Market by Parent Cell Type, 2023
  • FIGURE 14.4: Global Market for Exosome Diagnostics by Geography, 2023-2031
  • FIGURE 14.5: Global Exosome Technologies Market by Products, 2023-2031
  • FIGURE 14.6: Global Market for Exosome-based Aesthetic Products by Segment
  • FIGURE 14.7: The Overall Exosome Market by Segment, 2031
  • FIGURE 15.1: Aethlon's Hemopurifier
  • FIGURE 15.2: qEV Zenco for Therapeutic Development
  • FIGURE 15.3: Robotic System for Diagnostic Development


  • TABLE 2.1: Number of Molecular Contents identified in Exosomes
  • TABLE 2.2: Proteins Identified in Exosomes
  • TABLE 2.3: Common Lipid Contents of Exosomes
  • TABLE 2.4: Nucleic Acids Present in Cancer-Derived Exosomes
  • TABLE 2.5: Types of Therapeutic Cargos Loaded into Exosomes
  • TABLE 2.6: Differences between Cell Therapy and Exosome Therapy
  • TABLE 3.1: Hydrophobic Cargo Incorporated in Exosome Mmbrane
  • TABLE 3.2: Examples of Hydrophilic Cargo Loaded into Exosome Lumen
  • TABLE 5.1: Exosome Patent Applications by Jurisdiction as of June 23, 2024
  • TABLE 5.2: Exosome Patent Applicants
  • TABLE 5.3: Exosome Patent Inventors
  • TABLE 5.4: Exosome Patent Owners
  • TABLE 5.5: Legal Status of Exosome Patents as of June 22, 2024
  • TABLE 6.1: Exosome Clinical Trials by Phase of Study
  • TABLE 6.2: Exosome Clinical Trials by Funder Type
  • TABLE 6.3: Exosome Clinical Trials by Technology
  • TABLE 6.4: Current Status of Clinical Trials using Exosomes in Treating Diseases
  • TABLE 6.5: Clinical Trials using Exosomes for Diagnostic Studies
  • TABLE 6.6: Major Exosome R&D Companies
  • TABLE 6.7: Exosome Therapeutics in Preclinical Development
  • TABLE 8.1: Exosome Technology Platforms Developed by Commercial Companies
  • TABLE 10.1: Key Players in Therapeutic Exosome Research
  • TABLE 11.1: Most Common Targeted Exosome Biomarkers
  • TABLE 11.2: Exosomal Proteins for Diagnostic Applications
  • TABLE 11.3: Exosomal miRNAs as Cancer Diagnostic Agents
  • TABLE 11.4: A Sample of Exosome Diagnostic Clinical Trials
  • TABLE 11.5: Key Players in the Development of Exosome Diagnostics
  • TABLE 12.1: Key Players in Exosome-based Aesthetics
  • TABLE 13.1: Venture Capital Funding raised by Exosome Companies
  • TABLE 13.2: Partnership/Collaboration Deals in Exosome Space
  • TABLE 13.3: Acquisition Deals in Exosome Space
  • TABLE 13.4: Licensing Deals in Exosome Space
  • TABLE 13.5: Exosome Companies raising IPO Funds
  • TABLE 14.1: Likely-to-be Approved Exosome Therapeutics between 2026 and 2029
  • TABLE 14.2: Market for the Likely-to-be Approved Exosome Therapeutics, 2029-2035
  • TABLE 14.3: Global Market for Ready-to-Use Exosomes by Type, 2023-2031
  • TABLE 14.4: Global Exosome Therapy Market by Parent Cell Type, 2023-2031
  • TABLE 14.5: Global Market for Exosome Diagnostics by Geography, 2023-2031
  • TABLE 14.6: Global Exosome Technologies Market by Products, 2023-2031
  • TABLE 14.7: Global Market for Exosome-based Aesthetic Products by Segment
  • TABLE 14.8: The Overall Market for Exosomes
  • TABLE 15.1: Aegle's Product Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.2: Aruna Bio's Product Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.3: BreStem Therapeutics' Product Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.4: Capricor's Multi-Stage Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.5: Entelexo's Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.6: Evox Therapeutics' Product Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.7: EXO Biologic's Product Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.8: EXORPHIA's Product Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.9: ExoStemTech's Pipeline Products
  • TABLE 15.10: ILIAS' Product Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.11: INOVIQ's Development Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.12: NeurExo's Research & Development Programs
  • TABLE 15.13: NeuroDex's Pipeline
  • TABLE 15.14: ShiftBIO's Natural Drug Delivery Platform-based Programs
  • TABLE 15.15: Unicyte's Pipeline