欧洲 RTA(即装即用)家具市场

欧洲 RTA(即装即用)家具市场

The European Market for RTA Furniture

出版日期: | 出版商: CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies | 英文 141 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内




其重要性的原因之一是电子商务的快速扩张,据估计,电子商务占欧洲RTA家具市场总量的15%。这是一个横断面管道,包括纯电子零售商、市场和实体家具零售商的线上销售。转向网路销售也使 DIY 零售商受益。为了满足日益成长的线上需求,RTA 家具製造商重组其供应,包括产品和包装,开发更轻、更紧凑的设计,精简包装数量并确保更快的交货。




第1章 执行摘要:欧洲组装家具市场概况

  • 生产与消费趋势
  • 欧洲 RTA 家具的生产与消费:依国家细分

第2章 欧洲RTA家具消费

  • 市场演变与资料:依国家/地区
    • RTA家具消费
    • RTA 家具消费占家具总消费的百分比
  • RTA 家具市场:2025年和2026年预测
  • RTA 家具进口
    • 依国家/地区划分的进口渗透率

第3章 欧洲 RTA 家具製造

  • 市场演变与资料:依国家/地区
    • RTA 家具产量
    • RTA 家具产量占家具总产量的百分比
  • RTA 家具出口
    • 出口趋势:依国家/地区

第4章 竞争体系:欧洲最大的RTA 家具製造商

  • 发展与企业策略
  • 主要 RTA 家具製造商
    • 顶级製造商:依产量
    • 主要製造商的併购交易
  • 主要出口国
    • 出口量最大的RTA 家具製造商
  • RTA 家具业就业

第5章 供应结构:产品、材料与成品

  • 产品类型
    • 产品类型:客厅家具、卧室家具、儿童家具、桌椅、厨房家具、浴室家具、办公家具、其他
    • 样本製造商的RTA 家具製造:依产品分类
  • 补充资料
    • 依辅助材料分类:实木、木板、蜂巢板、其他
    • 样本製造商对 RTA 家具产量依辅助材料的细分
  • 表面处理:热塑性箔/片、涂漆/上漆、层压(HPL、CPL)、三聚氰胺层压板等。
    • 样本製造商对 RTA 家具产量依表面处理方式的细分

第6章 通路

  • RTA 家具市场的通路
    • 依通路细分:有组织的专业分销、DIY、电子商务、其他)
    • 样本製造商依通路划分的销售额明细
  • 欧洲主要 RTA 家具零售商的简介

第7章 欧洲RTA家具业:前15名的国家

  • 比利时、捷克、丹麦、法国、德国、义大利、立陶宛、荷兰、挪威、波兰、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、西班牙、瑞典、英国


  • RTA 家俱生产量和消费量占家具总产量的百分比,与欧洲平均相比
  • 宏观经济指标
  • 竞争系统:主要的RTA 家具製造商、市场占有率(挪威和荷兰除外)、简介
  • 分销系统:依通路划分的市场细分(不包括立陶宛、罗马尼亚和斯洛伐克)以及依总销售额划分的主要 RTA 家具零售商

第8章 其他欧洲 RTA 家具製造商


Product Code: EU10

The CSIL report "The European market for RTA furniture" offers a detailed analysis of the ready-to-assemble (RTA) furniture sector in Europe, with a focus on 15 countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) selected by their representativeness in terms of production and consumption of RTA furniture within Europe.

This report aims to provide information on the following topics:

  • The value of the RTA furniture consumption and production (2019-2024) in each market and in Europe
  • The main supply features of the industry in terms of product type, support materials, finishing
  • The main features shaping the competitive system of each country: leading manufacturers for RTA furniture production, sector concentration, mergers & acquisitions operations
  • The analysis of the distribution system for RTA furniture: breakdown of the market by distribution channels and listing of leading RTA furniture retailers (large-scale furniture distribution, DIY, e-commerce, non-specialized distribution)


The first part of the study shows the main sector figures of the European RTA furniture industry (production, consumption, exports, imports values), highlighting the most important features of the industry in terms of competitive system and distribution.

Production and consumption of RTA furniture in Europe:

  • The value of the RTA furniture consumption from 2019 to 2024, and an overview of the European RTA furniture market through tables, graphs, and maps for Europe and by country.
  • Forecasts for RTA furniture consumption in 2025 and 2026
  • Value of the European RTA furniture production (2019 and 2024) and by country.

The competitive landscape analysis identifies and analyses the Top 50 European RTA furniture manufacturers, ranked by values of RTA furniture turnover, exports, and the number of employees. A list of leading players' major M&A operations from 2003 to 2025 is also provided. Profiles of the leading 20 RTA furniture manufacturers are also included.

The supply structure analysis deals with the type of products produced by the European RTA furniture manufacturers, with tables and information on companies operating in each segment:

  • product segment (Living room, Bedrooms, Kids Furniture, Tables and chairs, Kitchen Furniture, Bathroom Furniture, Office Furniture, Other)
  • support materials (Solid wood, Wood-based panels, Honeycomb panels, Other)
  • finishings (Thermoplastic foil/sheets, Painted / Lacquered, Laminated -HPL, CPL-, Melamine faced chipboard, Other)

The distribution channels analysis includes a breakdown of the European RTA furniture market by distribution channel (large-scale furniture distribution, DIY, e-commerce, non-specialized distribution), with profiles of the main RTA furniture retailers in Europe (Web, Group, Activity, Product specialization, Furniture retail brands, Retailing format, Key figures and Revenues, Group information).


For the Top 15 countries for the RTA furniture industry (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom):

  • RTA furniture production and consumption values (2019-2024)
  • Macroeconomic indicators
  • Rankings of the leading RTA furniture manufacturers (excluding Norway and Netherlands)
  • Short Profiles of the leading players (Web, Activity, Product portfolio, Manufacturing plants)
  • Distribution system: breakdown of the RTA furniture market by distribution channel (excluding Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia)
  • Rankings of leading RTA furniture retailers by total turnover

Around 230 RTA furniture manufacturers are considered in the report.


By RTA furniture we mean the group of furnishing products which, according to the country of reference, are defined as flat-pack, ready-to-assemble (RTA), knockdown (KD), DIY (do it yourself), self-assembly or kit furniture that comes in flat-packs and includes all the hardware and instructions necessary for assembly.

Considered products: Living/dining room furniture (including sets for living/dining room, bookshelves, tables, and chairs); bedroom furniture; children furniture; furniture for office/home office; kitchen furniture; other furniture (occasional furniture, bathroom furniture, outdoor furniture, etc.). Soft furniture (upholstered furniture and mattresses) is excluded.


European Union (27) +UK+NO+CH with detailed analysis for 15 countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom)


  • What is the RTA furniture market size and how has this segment developed in Europe?
  • What are the leading manufacturers of RTA furniture in Europe?
  • How the supply system for the flat pack furniture industry is structured?
  • What are the main channels and the leading RTA furniture retailers in Europe?

Selected companies

Among the considered companies: 3B, Alsapan, BRW Black Red White, Burstadt, Composad, Crown Products, Fabryki Mebli Forte, Friul Intagli, Gautier, Gyllensvaans Mobler, HTH Kokkenner, IKEA, Kvik, Media Profili, Meubles Demeyere, Nolte Mobel, P3G Parisot, Rauch Mobelwerke, SBA Baldu, Stokke, Szynaka Meble, Tvilum, Vivonio.


Ready-to-assemble (RTA) furniture is gaining importance within the European furniture market, covering on average over 20% of the total consumption.

One of the key factors contributing to its relevance is the rapid expansion of e-commerce, which accounts for an estimated 15% of the total RTA furniture market in Europe. This is a transversal channel that includes online sales of pure e-tailers, marketplaces, and brick-and-click furniture retailers. The shift toward online sales is also benefiting DIY retailers. In response to rising online demand, RTA furniture manufacturers have re-engineered their supply both in terms of products and packaging by developing lighter, more compact designs, streamlining the number of packages, and ensuring rapid delivery.

Table of Contents (Abstract)

Methodology and Notes

1. Executive Summary: The European market for Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) Furniture figures at a glance

  • RTA furniture production and consumption. Historical series 2019-2024
  • RTA furniture production and consumption in Europe. Breakdown by countries

2. Consumption of RTA furniture in Europe

  • 2.1. RTA Furniture market evolution and figures by country
    • Consumption of RTA furniture by European Country
    • RTA furniture consumption on total furniture consumption by Country
  • 2.2. RTA Furniture Market: Forecasts 2025 and 2026
  • 2.3. RTA furniture imports
    • Import penetration of RTA furniture in Europe ane by country

3. Production of RTA furniture in Europe

  • 3.1. RTA Furniture production evolution and figures by country
    • Production of RTA furniture by European Country
    • RTA furniture production on total furniture production in Europe by country
  • 3.2. RTA furniture exports
    • Export orientation of RTA furniture by country

4. The competitive system. The largest RTA Furniture manufacturers in Europe

  • 4.1. Evolution and companies' strategies
  • 4.2. Leading RTA furniture manufacturers
    • Leading RTA furniture manufacturers by production
    • Merger&acquisitions deals of leading RTA furniture manufacturers
  • 4.3. Leading RTA furniture exporters
    • Leading RTA furniture manufacturers by exports
  • 4.4 Employment in the RTA furniture industry

5. The Supply structure: Products, Materials and Finishings

  • 5.1. Product type
    • RTA furniture production breakdown by product type (Living room, Bedrooms, Kids Furniture, Tables and chairs, Kitchen Furniture, Bathroom Furniture, Office Furniture, Other)
    • RTA furniture production by product in a sample of manufacturers
  • 5.2. Support materials
    • RTA furniture production breakdown by main support material (Solid wood, Wood-based panels, Honeycomb panels, Other)
    • RTA furniture production breakdown by main support material in a sample of manufacturers
  • 5.3. Finishing (Thermoplastic foil/sheets, Painted / Lacquered, Laminated -HPL, CPL-, Melamine faced chipboard, Other finiture)
    • RTA furniture. Breakdown of production by finishing in a sample of manufacturers

6. Distribution channels

  • 6.1. Distribution channels in the RTA furniture market
    • RTA furniture consumption breakdown by distribution channel (Organized specialist distribution, DIY, E-commerce, Other)
    • RTA furniture breakdown of sales by distribution channel in a sample of manufacturers
  • 6.2. Profiles of leading RTA Furniture Retailers in Europe

7. The Top 15 Countries in Europe for the RTA furniture industry (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom)

For each Country:

  • RTA furniture production and consumption on total furniture and comparison with the European average
  • Macroeconomic indicators
  • Competitive system: selected leading RTA furniture manufacturers, market shares (excluding Norway and the Netherlands) and short profiles
  • Distribution system: breakdown of the RTA furniture market by distribution channel (excluding Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia) and leading RTA furniture retailers by total turnover

8. Other RTA Furniture Manufacturers in Europe

ANNEX. List of mentioned manufacturers