
2023-2030 年全球纤维素醚市场

Global Cellulose Ethers Market - 2023-2030

出版日期: | 出版商: DataM Intelligence | 英文 223 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内





纤维素醚的全球市场是 预计在预测期内 (2023-2030) 将以復合年增长率 YY% 的速度实现显着增长。

纤维素醚是以木纤维和棉的细小短纤维为主要原料,经化学混合,与氯化乙烯、氯化丙烯、环氧乙烷等醚化剂反应而得的聚合物。 这些是经过醚化过程的纤维素聚合物。 纤维素醚用于各种应用,包括增稠、粘合、保水、个人护理产品、建筑材料、纺织品和油田化合物。 在选择要使用的确切产品时,性能、可用□□性和配方修改的难易程度是需要考虑的因素。


食品和饮料行业对纤维素醚的需求激增预计将在预测期内提振纤维素醚市场。 然而,原材料价格的波动可能是一个主要的市场製约因素。


纤维素醚可用作食品混合物中的胶凝剂、馅饼馅料和调味料中的增稠剂,以及果汁和乳製品中的悬浮剂。 在食品和饮料行业,纤维素醚在果酱、糖、水果糖浆和芥末鳕鱼子的製造过程中用作粘合剂的填充剂。 它也被用于各种甜点配方中,因为它使结构均匀精细,外观美观。

各种监管机构鼓励使用纤维素醚作为食品添加剂。 例如,羟丙基甲基纤维素、羟乙基纤维素和羧甲基纤维素在美国、欧盟和许多其他国家被允许作为食品添加剂。 欧盟强调L-HPC和羟乙基纤维素可以作为批准的增稠剂和胶凝剂。 甲基纤维素、羟丙基甲基纤维素、HPC、HEMC和羧甲基纤维素通过了FAO/WHO食品添加剂联合专家委员会的验证。

美国食品化学法典列出了羧甲基纤维素、羟丙基甲基纤维素和乙基纤维素作为食品添加剂的标准。 中国还制定了食品用羧甲基纤维素的质量标准。 食品级羧甲基纤维素作为一种理想的食品添加剂也得到了犹太人的认可。 随着政府法规的支持,食品和饮料行业的增长预计将推动全球纤维素醚市场。


棉花、废纸、木质纤维素和甘蔗等各种原材料被用来製成粉末状纤维素醚生物聚合物。 棉短绒最先被用作纤维素醚的原料。 但受极端天气等多方面因素影响,棉短绒产量呈下降趋势。 棉短绒的成本正在上升,从长远来看会影响纤维素醚製造商的利润率。


由于下游需求和现货供应,预计这些原材料的价格波动将成为纤维素酯製造商面临的一个问题。 此外,纤维素醚市场还受到燃料价格上涨导致运输成本上涨以及能源成本上涨导致製造成本上涨的影响。 这些事实也给纤维素醚製造商带来风险,并有望降低利润率。

COVID-19 影响分析

甚至在 COVID-19 之前,纤维素醚就已经拥有巨大的市场,它们的特性使它们无法被其他更便宜的替代品所取代。 此外,製造相关原材料的可用性和低製造成本预计将推动纤维素醚市场。

COVID-19 的爆发减少了几个製造厂的纤维素醚产量,并减少了中国、印度、美国、英国和德国等主要国家/地区的建筑活动。 下降的原因是供应链中断、原材料短缺、产品需求减少以及主要国家的封锁。 建筑行业对纤维素醚市场具有重大影响。 COVID-19 最广为人知的影响是严重的劳动力短缺。 根据中国国家统计局的数据,中国的建筑业依赖农民工,有 5400 万农民工在该行业工作。 封城后返乡的农民工无法復工。

根据中国建筑业协会2020年4月15日对804家企业的调查,90.55%的企业回答“进展受阻”,66.04%的企业回答“用工荒”。 自 2020 年 2 月以来,作为准政府机构的中国国际贸易促进委员会 (CCPIT) 已经签发了数千份“不可抗力证明”,以保护中国企业并帮助他们处理与海外合作伙伴之间的问题。给中国企业。 该证明证明封锁发生在中国特定省份,支持当事人关于无法履行合同的主张。 由于建筑行业对增稠剂、粘合剂和保水剂的需求增加,预计 2019 年对纤维素醚的需求将与 COVID-19 流行之前相似。

纤维素醚在食品、药品、个人护理、化学品、纺织品、建筑、造纸、粘合剂等领域用作稳定剂、增稠剂和增稠剂。 政府取消了所有商业限制。 随着所需商品和服务的生产,供应链正在恢復正常步伐。

预计亚太地区在预测期内将快速增长。 未来几年,该地区的纤维素醚市场将受到中国和印度建筑支出增加以及个人护理、化妆品和药品需求增加的推动。 预计亚太市场将受益于中国纤维素醚产量的增加和当地生产商产能的增加。


第 1 章纤维素醚的全球市场-研究方法和范围

  • 调查方法
  • 调查目的和范围

第 2 章全球纤维素醚市场 - 市场定义和概述

第 3 章全球纤维素醚市场 - 执行摘要

  • 按产品细分的市场
  • 按应用划分的市场细分
  • 按地区划分的市场细分

第 4 章全球纤维素醚市场 - 市场动态

  • 市场影响因素
    • 司机
      • 食品和饮料行业对纤维素醚的需求激增
    • 约束因素
      • 原材料价格剧烈波动
    • 商机
    • 影响分析


  • 波特的五力分析
  • 供应链分析
  • 定价分析
  • 监管分析

第 6 章全球纤维素醚市场 - COVID-19 分析

  • COVID-19 市场分析
    • COVID-19 之前的市场准入情景
    • COVID-19 的当前市场情景
    • COVID-19 后或未来情景
  • COVID-19 期间的价格动态
  • 供需范围
  • 大流行期间与市场相关的政府举措
  • 製造商的战略举措
  • 总结

第 7 章全球纤维素醚市场 - 按产品分类

  • 羧甲基纤维素 (CMC)
  • 甲基纤维素 (MC) 及其衍生物
  • 羟乙基纤维素 (HEC)
  • 乙基纤维素 (EC)
  • 羟丙基纤维素 (HPC)
  • 其他

第 8 章全球纤维素醚市场-按应用

  • 食物和饮料
  • 医药
  • 建筑学
  • 化妆品和个人护理
  • 其他

第 9 章全球纤维素醚市场 - 按地区

  • 北美
    • 美国
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 欧洲
    • 德国
    • 英国
    • 法国
    • 意大利
    • 俄罗斯
    • 其他欧洲
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 其他南美洲
  • 亚太地区
    • 中国
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 澳大利亚
    • 其他亚太地区
  • 中东和非洲


  • 竞争场景
  • 市场情况/份额分析
  • 併购分析

第 11 章全球纤维素醚市场 - 公司简介

  • 亚甚兰全球控股公司
    • 公司简介
    • 产品组合和说明
    • 主要亮点
    • 财务摘要
  • LOTTE Fine Chemical Co, Ltd.
  • Nouryon
  • Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co., Ltd.
  • The Dow Chemical Company
  • Shandong Head Co Ltd
  • Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • CP Kelco
  • Fenchem Biotek Ltd.
  • Sidley Chemical Co., Ltd

第 12章 全球纤维素醚市场 - 关键考虑因素

第13章 全球纤维素醚市场-DataM

Product Code: DMCH763

Market Overview

The global cellulose ethers market reached US$ XX million in 2022 and is expected to record significant growth by reaching up to US$ XX million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of YY% during the forecast period (2023-2030).

Cellulose ethers are polymers created from wood fiber or fine short cotton fiber as the primary raw material after chemical mixing and the reaction of etherifying marketers, such as chlorinated ethylene, chlorinated propylene and oxidized ethylene. They are cellulose-based polymers that have gone through the etherification process. There are many applications for cellulose ethers, including thickening, binding, water retention, personal care products, building materials, textiles and chemical compounds for oil fields. When selecting the exact product to be used, performance, availability and ease of changing formulations are considered.

Market Dynamics

The surging demand for cellulose ethers in the food and beverage industry is expected to boost the market for cellulose ethers in the forecast period. However, volatility in raw material prices could be a major market restraint.

The surging demand for cellulose ethers in the food and beverage industry

Cellulose ethers are a gelling agent in mixing food, thickeners in pie fillings and seasonings and suspending agents in fruit juice and dairy products. In the food and beverage industry, cellulose ether is used as an extender of the adhesive agent in the process of jam, sugar, fruit syrup and pungent sauce. It is also used in various dessert preparations as it makes the tissue homogeneous and fine, making its appearance beautiful.

Various regulatory bodies are encouraging the use of cellulose ethers as food additives. For instance, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, hydroxy ethyl cellulose and carboxymethyl cellulose are allowed as food additives in the U.S., the European Union and many other countries. The European Union emphasizes that L-HPC and hydroxy ethyl cellulose can be licensed thickeners and gelling agents. Methylcellulose, Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, HPC, HEMC and carboxymethyl cellulose have passed the FAO / WHO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives identification.

U.S. Food Chemicals Codex listed the standards of carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose and ethyl cellulose as food additives. China has also established quality standards for food-grade carboxymethyl cellulose. Food-grade carboxymethyl cellulose as an ideal food additive has also passed the permission of the Jews. Along with supporting government regulations, the growing food and beverage industry is expected to drive the global cellulose ethers market.

Volatility in raw material prices

Various raw materials such as cotton, recycled paper, wood cellulose and sugarcane are used to make cellulose ether biopolymers in powder form. The first raw material used for making cellulose ethers is cotton linter. However, factors such as extreme weather conditions and different elements have contributed to the low manufacturing of cotton linter. The cost of cotton linter has elevated and, in the long run, affected cellulose ether manufacturers' margins.

Other raw materials used in manufacturing cellulose ethers include wood pulp and purified plant-derived cellulose.

Due to downstream demand and spot availability, fluctuations in the prices of these raw materials are expected to act as a challenge for cellulose ester manufacturers. The cellulose ethers market is also affected by high transport costs driven by rising fuel prices and higher manufacturing costs resulting from increasing energy costs. The respective fact also poses a risk to the cellulose ether manufacturers and is expected to bring down profit margins

COVID-19 Impact Analysis

A large market existed for cellulose ether before COVID-19 because of its distinct characteristics, which cannot be replaced by any other, more affordable option. Furthermore, it was anticipated that the availability of manufacturing-related raw materials and the low production cost would drive the cellulose ether market.

The COVID-19 outbreak has reduced cellulose ether output in several manufacturing plants and major nations like China, India, U.S., UK and Germany have seen a decline in construction activity. It has fallen due to supply chain interruptions, a lack of raw materials, a decline in product demand and lockdowns in important nations. The building industry has a significant impact on the cellulose ethers market. The most widely documented effect of COVID-19 is a severe labor shortage. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the construction sector in China relies on rural migrant workers, with 54 million rural migrant workers employed in the industry. After the lockdown, migrant employees who had returned to their hometowns could not return to work.

In a poll by the China Construction Industry Association completed by 804 businesses on April 15, 2020, 90.55% of respondents stated progress had been hampered and 66.04% indicated a labor shortage. Since February 2020, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), a quasi-governmental agency, has granted thousands of "force majeure certificates" to PRC enterprises to protect them and aid them in dealing with problems with foreign partners. These certifications attest that the lockdowns took place in a specific province of the PRC and back up a party's claim of being unable to perform a contract. Because of its growing demand in construction as thickeners, binders and water-retention agents, cellulose ethers demand will be similar to before the COVID-19 epidemic in 2019.

Food, medicines, personal care, chemicals, textiles, construction, paper and adhesives use cellulose ethers as stabilizers, viscosity agents and thickeners. The government of various countries has lifted all business limitations. Along with the production of needed goods and services, the supply chain has resumed its normal pace.

Over the forecast period, Asia-Pacific is expected to grow rapidly. Over the upcoming years, the cellulose ethers market in the region is likely to be driven by rising construction spending in China and India and rising demand for personal care, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The Asia-Pacific market will likely gain from increased cellulose ether production in China and capacity expansions by current regional producers.

Segment Analysis

The global cellulose ethers market is classified based on product, application and region.

Growing construction industry and increasing applications of cellulose ethers in the construction sector

Cellulose ethers are extensively used in the construction industry owing to their nontoxic character and water-retention ability in cement mortars. The most used cellulose ethers in the construction industry are methyl cellulose (MC), HPMC, MHEC and CMHEC. Cellulose ethers serve as thickeners, binders, film formers, and water-retention agents for construction goods. They serve as emulsifiers, protective colloids, lubricants, surfactants, and suspension aids.

The ability of a render or plaster to keep its constitutive water is typically improved by the use of polymers derived from cellulose ether (CE) and hydroxypropyl guar (HPG) in construction materials. Cellulose derivatives such as MC, CMC, HEC and HPMC can be used in emulsion and latex paints. Their main function is thickening to make the paint achieve the desired storage and viscosity for construction without severe delamination during storage or dripping and sagging phenomena during use.

Moreover, improving living standards requires that modern buildings have good insulation properties. The government has also put forward the corresponding requirements for energy-saving buildings. The aforementioned fact promotes the subject of wall insulation to be on the agenda. The addition of water-soluble cellulose ethers in the mortar can increase the binding force between the mortar and the polystyrene board and improve the workability and water-holding capacity of the mortar and make it not easy to crack. The application of cellulose ether in dry mix mortar for self-leveling floors has mainly used its excellent water-holding properties.

The growth is attributed to the growing construction industry and increasing applications of cellulose ethers in the construction sector. Asia-Pacific is expected to witness significant growth in the construction industry due to increasing investments in infrastructure development and affordable labor. Key companies offering cellulose ethers for construction applications include The Dow Chemical Company, DOOLCELL, Nouryon and Sidley Chem.

Geographical Analysis

The growing food and beverage industry in North America, particularly in U.S.

The food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries are significant contributors to the cellulose ethers market in this region, especially in U.S. The food and beverage industries are an essential part of U.S. economy. Between agriculture, manufacturing, retail and food service, the sector makes up roughly 5% of the country's GDP and 10% of employment. Its sales total US$1.4 trillion.

According to a report by the US Committee for Economic Development, the food and beverage industry comprises close to 27,000 organizations and employs almost 1.5 million people. While growth is relatively low, the market has been more stable than other US manufacturing industries, as demand for food remains steady. Cellulose ethers are widely used in the food and beverage industry as it has a high viscosity and strong shape-preserving capacity, making them a preferred choice for the food and beverage industry. Hence, the growing food and beverage industry is expected to drive the usage of cellulose ethers in U.S.

Competitive Landscape

The global cellulose ethers market is huge and is becoming increasingly competitive due to the presence of major players such as Ashland Global Holdings Inc., LOTTE Fine Chemical Co, Ltd., Nouryon, Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co., Ltd., The Dow Chemical Company, Shandong Head Co Ltd, Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., CP Kelco, Fenchem Biotek Ltd. and Sidley Chemical Co., Ltd. The market is fragmented and market players employ market tactics such as mergers, acquisitions, product launches, contributions and collaborations to gain a competitive advantage and recognition.

Ashland Global Holdings Inc.

Overview: Ashland Global Holdings Inc. is a global specialty chemicals company serving customers in various consumer and industrial markets, including adhesives, architectural coatings, automotive, construction, energy, food and beverage, personal care and pharmaceutical. Ashland has 21 R&D labs, 41 manufacturing facilities and 32 offices worldwide. Specialty Ingredients is a major producer and supplier of cellulose ethers and companion products for the construction industry.

Product Portfolio:

  • Aqualon ethylcellulose (EC): Aqualon ethylcellulose (EC) is a versatile cellulose ether distinguished. Aqualon EC is a non-swellable, insoluble component in matrix or coating systems. Aqualon ethylcellulose is used in products as diverse as pharmaceuticals and printing ink.

Key Development:

  • Ashland started ramping up production of Benecel cellulose ethers at their facility in Doel, Belgium, on January 14, 2022. When finished in 2023, capacity will have more than doubled to meet the rising demand for goods used in specialized applications such as pharmaceuticals, nutrition and performance.

Why Purchase the Report?

  • To visualize the global cellulose ethers market segmentation based on product, application and region, as well as understand key commercial assets and players.
  • Identify commercial opportunities in the global cellulose ethers market by analyzing trends and co-development.
  • Excel data sheet with numerous cellulose ethers market-level data points with four segments.
  • PDF report consisting of cogently put together market analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and in-depth market study.
  • Product mapping available as excel consisting of key products of all the major market players

The global cellulose ethers market report would provide approximately 53 tables, 52 figures and almost 223 pages.

Target Audience

  • Manufacturers/ Buyers
  • Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
  • Research Professionals
  • Emerging Companies

Table of Contents

1. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - Methodology and Scope

  • 1.1. Research Methodology
  • 1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report

2. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - Market Definition and Overview

3. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - Executive Summary

  • 3.1. Market Snippet by Product
  • 3.2. Market Snippet by Application
  • 3.3. Market Snippet by Region

4. Global Cellulose Ethers Market-Market Dynamics

  • 4.1. Market Impacting Factors
    • 4.1.1. Drivers
      • The surging demand for cellulose ethers in the food and beverage industry
      • XX
    • 4.1.2. Restraints
      • Volatility in raw material prices
      • XX
    • 4.1.3. Opportunity
      • XX
    • 4.1.4. Impact Analysis

5. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - Industry Analysis

  • 5.1. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • 5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
  • 5.3. Pricing Analysis
  • 5.4. Regulatory Analysis

6. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - COVID-19 Analysis

  • 6.1. Analysis of COVID-19 on the Market
    • 6.1.1. Before COVID-19 Market Scenario
    • 6.1.2. Present COVID-19 Market Scenario
    • 6.1.3. After COVID-19 or Future Scenario
  • 6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid COVID-19
  • 6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
  • 6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During the Pandemic
  • 6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
  • 6.6. Conclusion

7. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - By Product

  • 7.1. Introduction
    • 7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
    • 7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Product
  • 7.2. Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC)*
    • 7.2.1. Introduction
    • 7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
  • 7.3. Methyl Cellulose (MC) & Derivatives
  • 7.4. Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC)
  • 7.5. Ethyl Cellulose (EC)
  • 7.6. Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (HPC)
  • 7.7. Others

8. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - By Application

  • 8.1. Introduction
    • 8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
  • 8.2. Food and Beverage*
    • 8.2.1. Introduction
    • 8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
  • 8.3. Pharmaceuticals
  • 8.4. Construction
  • 8.5. Cosmetics and Personal Care
  • 8.6. Others

9. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - By Region

  • 9.1. Introduction
    • 9.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
    • 9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
  • 9.2. North America
    • 9.2.1. Introduction
    • 9.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.2.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
    • 9.2.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 9.2.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • U.S.
      • Canada
      • Mexico
  • 9.3. Europe
    • 9.3.1. Introduction
    • 9.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.3.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
    • 9.3.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 9.3.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • Germany
      • UK
      • France
      • Italy
      • Russia
      • Rest of Europe
  • 9.4. South America
    • 9.4.1. Introduction
    • 9.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
    • 9.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 9.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • Brazil
      • Argentina
      • Rest of South America
  • 9.5. Asia-Pacific
    • 9.5.1. Introduction
    • 9.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
    • 9.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 9.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • Australia
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • 9.6. Middle East and Africa
    • 9.6.1. Introduction
    • 9.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
    • 9.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application

10. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - Competitive Landscape

  • 10.1. Competitive Scenario
  • 10.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
  • 10.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis

11. Global Cellulose Ethers Market- Company Profiles

  • 11.1. Ashland Global Holdings Inc.*
    • 11.1.1. Company Overview
    • 11.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
    • 11.1.3. Key Highlights
    • 11.1.4. Financial Overview
  • 11.2. LOTTE Fine Chemical Co, Ltd.
  • 11.3. Nouryon
  • 11.4. Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co., Ltd.
  • 11.5. The Dow Chemical Company
  • 11.6. Shandong Head Co Ltd
  • 11.7. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • 11.8. CP Kelco
  • 11.9. Fenchem Biotek Ltd.
  • 11.10. Sidley Chemical Co., Ltd


12. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - Premium Insights

13. Global Cellulose Ethers Market - DataM

  • 13.1. Appendix
  • 13.2. About Us and Services
  • 13.3. Contact Us