
全球即时诊断市场 - 2024-2031

Global Point-of-Care Diagnostics Market - 2024-2031

出版日期: | 出版商: DataM Intelligence | 英文 180 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内






POC 诊断测试可快速提供结果,从而改善患者护理。即时诊断的应用包括诊断和检测血糖值、传染病、心臟检查等。这些设备用于医院、诊所和患者家中,以快速回应各种医疗测试。

即时诊断市场研究分析提供了包含定量和定性资料的市场深入展望。它根据市场细分对全球市场进行了展望和预测。它还提供了全球即时诊断市场规模和成长,以及到 2029 年全球市场(包括美国、加拿大、巴西、德国、义大利等主要国家)的最新趋势、机会和预测。 、阿拉伯联合大公国、沙乌地阿拉伯、南非、日本、中国、印度、韩国、澳洲以及全球其他国家。

在所有地区中,北美地区预计将在预测期内占据全球市场的最大份额。美国和加拿大的即时诊断市场占有最大份额。而欧洲即时诊断市场预计将在 2023 年至 2030 年期间继续在全球占有一席之地。



不断增长的技术进步是促进市场成长的关键因素之一,此外,具有多重功能的POC 考试的增长、透过会议和活动增加关注度、医疗保健分散化以及不断增长的市场将为课程的现场护理诊断创造新的可能性在预测期内。


2021 年 10 月,美国食品药物管理局 (FDA) 警告称,某些批次的 Ellume COVID-19 家庭测试因製造缺陷而出现假阳性结果。该公司自愿召回指定数量的Covid-19 抗原测试,该测试于2020 年12 月获得紧急使用授权(EUA)。 Ellume 已召回近20 万个测试套件,约占Ellume 已发货350 万个测试套件的5.6%美国约有 427,000 个检测试剂盒受到此问题的影响。因此,综合上述因素,预计市场在预测期内将受到阻碍。



COVID-19 对全球即时诊断市场的影响:

COVID-19 大流行对医疗保健系统和市场产生了积极影响。阻止 SARS-CoV-2 传播和有效管理 COVID-19 感染的最有效公共卫生措施之一是及早发现和隔离受影响人群。 SARS-CoV-2感染的诊断是基于临床症状,并透过使用逆转录聚合酶链反应在呼吸道样本中寻找病毒RNA(RT-PCR)进行验证。标准 RT-PCR 程序耗时、昂贵且技术上具有挑战性,因此在资源有限的情况下,它们不适合进行现场护理和大规模筛检。在最近开发的即时护理 (POC)、抗原和血清学检测以及监测操作中扩展 COVID-19 检测试剂盒是经济实惠的。此外,全球诊断联盟创新新诊断基金会(FIND)于2021年4月宣布将向Biomeme、Bioneer、Qlife和SD Biosensor投资2,100万美元,以加速开发、生产和推出具有成本效益的点护理分子诊断平台,可以识别多种致病病原体,包括COVID-19。因此,综合以上因素,预测期内市场可望提振。



到 2021 年,侧向层析检测领域将占据最大的市场份额。侧向层析测试也很简单,无需特殊设备、技能或经验。传统的侧向层析测试产生定性或半定量结果,而定量检测需要专业设备。例如,位于加拿大安大略省伯灵顿的生物技术公司 Cytodiagnostics 提供人类 IgG Fc 侧流检测试剂盒,该试剂盒可在 20 分钟内检测细胞培养基和纯化蛋白质样本中的人类 IgG Fc。其常见应用包括监测重组抗体的表达量和在纯化过程中追踪人类 Fc 标籤蛋白。

此外,该公司越来越注重开发基于侧流检测的创新床边 (POC) 设备。例如,雅培实验室(美国)于 2019 年推出了 ARCHITECT STAT 肌钙蛋白 I 血液检测,而西门子公司则推出了用于临床诊断的 CLINITEK 微量白蛋白 2 试纸条。因此,从上述因素来看,该细分市场在预测期内占据了最大的市场份额。



2021 年,北美占据了最大的市场份额。预测期内提振市场的一些因素。例如,根据国际糖尿病联盟(IDF) 的数据,到2021 年,北美和加勒比地区将有4,800 万成年人患有糖尿病,年龄从20 岁到79 岁不等。 % 左右括号。此外,糖尿病造成的医疗费用至少为 9,660 亿美元,占成人总支出的 9%。因此,增加了对血糖监测产品的需求。 PoC 测试广泛用于测量住院患者的血糖水平,并根据血糖变化快速决定治疗方案。 POC血糖检测要准确,必须考虑检测前、检测中和检测后的各种参数。

此外,医疗科技公司 Bond Digital Health 于 2022 年 5 月 18 日启动众筹活动,完成一轮 150 万欧盟投资。该企业坚信,数位化 PoC 诊断有潜力彻底改变医疗保健并提高全球范围内的可及性。因此,从上述因素来看,北美地区预计将在预测期内占据最大的市场份额。


床边诊断市场的主要参与者包括 F. Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd.、Abbott、Siemens Healthcare GmbH、Quidel Corporation、Cepheid、BD、Thermo Fisher Scientific、Biomerieux、Chembio Diagnostics, Inc.、EKF Diagnostics。


概述 :

Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd 是专注于研究的医疗保健领域的主要市场领导者之一,拥有製药和诊断领域的综合产品组合。它是最大的生物技术公司之一,在免疫学、传染病、肿瘤学、眼科和神经科学领域拥有真正的差异化药物。它是体外和基于组织的癌症诊断的全球领导者,也是糖尿病管理领域的领导者。其个人化医疗保健策略旨在提供药物和诊断,以实际改善患者的健康、生活品质和存活率。此外,罗氏分子是罗氏诊断解决方案以客户为中心的四个领域之一,开发、製造和供应各种创新分子诊断产品、测试、平台和技术,用于识别和量化来自不同生物体的DNA 和RNA。


cobas h 232 POC系统:cobas h 232 POC系统是一款便携式POC系统,可支援对有胸痛和呼吸困难症状的患者进行优化治疗,因为它可以根据客观结果提供对患者病情的现场诊断和评估。

全球护理点诊断市场报告将提供大约的资讯。 45+市场资料表,40+图表,180页


第 1 章:方法与范围

第 2 章:市场定义与概述

第 3 章:执行摘要

第 4 章:市场动态

  • 市场影响因素
    • 司机
      • 护理点设备开发的技术进步预计将推动市场成长。
    • 限制:
      • 护理点诊断设备的召回预计将阻碍市场成长。
    • 机会
    • 影响分析

第 5 章:产业分析

  • 波特的五力
  • 监管分析
  • 供应链分析
  • 定价分析

第 6 章:COVID-19 分析

第 7 章:按产品类型

  • 血糖监测产品
    • 条带
    • 刺血针和采血装置
    • 其他的
  • 心臟代谢监测产品
    • 心臟标记测试产品
    • 血液气体/电解质测试产品
    • HBA1C 测试产品
    • 其他的
  • 传染病检测产品
    • COVID-19 测试产品
    • 流感检测产品
    • HIV检测产品
    • 丙型肝炎检测产品
    • 艰难梭菌产品
    • 乙肝病毒检测产品
    • 肺炎或链球菌相关感染
    • 呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV) POC
    • 其他的
  • 凝血监测产品
    • PT/INR 测试产品
    • 活化凝血时间 (ACT/APTT) 测试产品
    • 其他的
  • 怀孕和生育测试产品
    • 验孕产品
    • 生育力检测产品
    • 其他的
  • 肿瘤/癌症标记检测产品
  • 滥用药物测试产品
  • 粪便隐匿性测试产品
  • 其他的

第 8 章:按平台

  • 侧流分析
  • 免疫测定
  • 微流控
  • 量油尺
  • 分子诊断
  • 其他的

第 9 章:按购买方式

  • OTC测试产品
  • 基于处方的测试产品

第 10 章:最终用户

  • 医院
  • 门诊手术中心
  • 诊断中心
  • 居家护理
  • 临床实验室
  • 其他的

第 11 章:按地区

  • 北美洲
    • 我们
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 欧洲
    • 德国
    • 英国
    • 法国
    • 义大利
    • 西班牙
    • 欧洲其他地区
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 南美洲其他地区
  • 亚太地区
    • 中国
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 澳洲
    • 亚太地区其他地区
  • 中东和非洲

第 12 章:竞争格局

  • 主要进展和策略
  • 公司股份分析
  • 产品基准化分析
  • 值得关注的重点公司名单

第 13 章:公司简介

  • F. Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd.
    • 公司概况
    • 产品组合和描述
    • 主要亮点
    • 财务概览
  • Abbott
  • Siemens Healthcare GmbH
  • Quidel Corporation
  • Cepheid
  • BD
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Biomerieux
  • Chembio Diagnostics, Inc.
  • EKF diagnostics (*LIST NOT EXHAUSTIVE)

第 14 章:数据M

Product Code: CD1063

Point-of-Care Diagnostics Market Size

The Global Point-of-Care Diagnostics Market reached US$ 49.73 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 115.75 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 11.5% during the forecast period 2024-2031.

POC diagnostic tests provide speedy findings, which improves patient care. Applications of point-of-care diagnostics include diagnosing and detecting glucose levels, infectious diseases, cardiac tests, and among others. These devices are utilized in hospitals, clinics, and patient's homes to respond quickly to various medical tests.

Point-of-Care diagnostics market study analysis offers an in-depth outlook on the market containing quantitative and qualitative data. It gives an outlook and forecast of the global market based on market segmentation. It also provides global Point-of-Care diagnostics market size, and growth, along with the latest trends, opportunities, and forecast till 2029 for the global market with esteem to major countries such as the United States, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Russia, European countries, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, and rest of the countries over the globe.

Among all regions, the North American region is expected to hold the largest share of the global market over the forecast period. The Point-of-Care diagnostics market in the United States and Canada produces the utmost share. Whereas the European Point-of-Care diagnostics market is projected to continue its presence globally during the period of 2023-2030.

Point-of-Care Diagnostics Market Dynamics

The boom in the adoption of the latest technology and growing cognizance are expected to drive market growth.

Rising technological advancements is one of the critical component enhancing the marketplace rise, additionally growing POC exams with multiplexing abilities, increasing focus through conferences and events, healthcare decentralization, and rising markets will create new possibilities for the point-of-care diagnostics for the course during the forecasting period.

Recall of Point of Care diagnostic devices is expected to hamper the market growth.

In October 2021, The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that certain batches of the Ellume COVID-19 Home Test provided false positive findings due to a manufacturing fault. The company voluntarily recalled specified quantities of its Covid-19 antigen test, which received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in December 2020. Nearly 200,000 test kits Ellume has been subject to recall make up approximately 5.6% of the 3.5 million test kits Ellume has shipped to the US, with about 427,000 test kits affected by the problem overall. Thus, from the above factors, the market is expected to be hampered in the forecast period.

Industry Analysis

The point-of-care diagnostics market provides an in-depth analysis of the market based on various industry factors such as porter five forces, regulatory approvals, supply chain analysis, pricing analysis etc.

COVID-19 Impact on the global Point-of-Care Diagnostics Market:

The COVID-19 pandemic has positively impacted healthcare systems and the market. One of the most effective public health measures to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and to effectively manage COVID-19 infections is early detection and isolation of affected people. The diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection is based on clinical symptoms and verified by employing reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction to find the viral RNA in respiratory samples (RT-PCR). Standard RT-PCR procedures are time-consuming, expensive, and technically challenging, making them a poor choice for point-of-care and mass screening in situations with limited resources. It is affordable to scale COVID-19 testing kits at the point-of-care (POC), antigen, and serological tests that have recently been developed, as well as for surveillance operations. Moreover, the global diagnostics alliance Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) announced in April 2021 that it would invest USD 21 million in Biomeme, Bioneer, Qlife, and SD Biosensor to speed up the development, production, and introduction of cost-effective point-of-care molecular diagnostic platforms that can identify multiple disease-causing pathogens, including COVID-19. Thus, from the above factors, the market is expected to boost in the forecast period.

Point-of-Care Diagnostics Market Segment Analysis

Lateral Flow Assays segment is expected to hold the largest market share in point-of-care diagnostics market

The lateral flow assays segment is accounted for the largest market share in 2021. The segment benefits because these are widely used due to their low cost, ease of use, and speed. Lateral flow tests are also simple without special equipment, skills, or experience. Traditional lateral flow tests produce qualitative or semi-quantitative results, whereas quantitative detection requires specialist equipment. For instance, Cytodiagnostics, a biotechnology company based in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, provides the Human IgG Fc Lateral Flow Assay Kit, a 20-minute assay to detect Human IgG Fc in cell culture media and purified protein samples. Its common applications include monitoring expression levels of recombinant antibodies and tracking human Fc-tagged proteins during purification.

Moreover, companies are increasingly focusing on developing innovative lateral flow assay-based point-of-care (POC) devices. For instance, Abbott Laboratories (US) introduced the ARCHITECT STAT Troponin I Blood Test in 2019, while Siemens AG introduced the CLINITEK Microalbumin 2 strips for clinical diagnostics. Thus, from the above factors, the market segment accounted for the largest market share in the forecast period.

Point-of-Care Diagnostics Market Geographical Share

North America region holds the largest market share in the global point-of-care diagnostics market

North America accounted for the largest market share in 2021. The increasing prevalence of diabetes, technological advancement in the point of care devices, the rising presence of corroborating government bodies that elevate point-of-care diagnostics or testing in the region and the launch of the product by the key market players in the region are some of the factors the market is expected to boost in the forecast period. For instance, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the North America and Caribbean region will have 48 million adults with diabetes in 2021, ranging in age from 20 to 79. This amounts to roughly 13% of the local population in this age bracket. Besides, diabetes contributed to at least USD 966 billion in medical costs, or 9% of all adult spending. Therefore, it has increased the demand for glucose monitoring products. PoC testing is widely used to measure glucose levels in hospitalized patients and quickly decide on a course of therapy in response to changes in blood sugar. POC glucose testing is to be accurate, various parameters must be considered before, during, and after the tests.

Moreover, Bond Digital Health, a MedTech company, started a crowdfunding campaign on May 18, 2022, to finish an EU 1.5 million investment round. The business is convinced that digitized PoC diagnostics have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and increase accessibility on a global scale. Thus, from the above factors, the North America region is expected to hold the largest market share in the forecast period.

Point-of-Care Diagnostics Market Companies

Major key players in the point-of-care diagnostics market are F. Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd., Abbott, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Quidel Corporation, Cepheid, BD, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Biomerieux, Chembio Diagnostics, Inc., EKF diagnostics.

F. Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd:


Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd is one of the key market leaders in research-focused healthcare with combined portfolio in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. It is one of the largest biotech companies, with truly differentiated medicines in immunology, infectious diseases, oncology, ophthalmology, and neuroscience. It is a global leader in in-vitro and tissue-based cancer diagnostics and a frontrunner in diabetes management. Its personalized healthcare strategy aims to provide medicines and diagnostics that enable tangible improvements in patients' health, quality of life and survival. Moreover, Roche Molecular, is one of four customer-focused areas of Roche Diagnostics Solutions, develops, manufactures and supplies a wide array of innovative molecular diagnostic products, tests, platforms and technologies used to identify and quantify DNA and RNA from different organisms.

Product Portfolio:

cobas h 232 POC system: cobas h 232 POC system is a portable POC system that supports the optimized treatment of patients with symptoms of chest pain and dyspnea because it provides on-the-spot diagnosis and assessment of the patient's condition based on objective results.

The global point-of-care diagnostics market report would provide an access to an approx. 45+market data table, 40+figures and 180pages

Table of Contents

1. Methodology and Scope

  • 1.1. Research Methodology
  • 1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report

2. Market Definition and Overview

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

  • 4.1. Market Impacting Factors
    • 4.1.1. Drivers
      • Technological advancements in the Point of Care device development are expected to drive market growth.
    • 4.1.2. Restraints:
      • Recall of Point of Care diagnostic devices is expected to hamper the market growth.
    • 4.1.3. Opportunity
    • 4.1.4. Impact Analysis

5. Industry Analysis

  • 5.1. Porter's Five Forces
  • 5.2. Regulatory Analysis
  • 5.3. Supply Chain Analysis
  • 5.4. Pricing Analysis

6. COVID-19 Analysis

  • 6.1. Analysis of Covid-19 on the Market
    • 6.1.1. Before COVID-19 Market Scenario
    • 6.1.2. Present COVID-19 Market Scenario
    • 6.1.3. After COVID-19 or Future Scenario
  • 6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid Covid-19
  • 6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
  • 6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
  • 6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
  • 6.6. Conclusion

7. By Product Type

  • 7.1. Introduction
    • 7.1.1. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
    • 7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Product Type Segment
  • 7.2. Glucose Monitoring Products*
    • 7.2.1. Strips
      • Introduction
      • Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2020-2029 and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2021-2029
    • 7.2.2. Meters
    • 7.2.3. Lancets & Lancing Devices
    • 7.2.4. Others
  • 7.3. Cardiometabolic Monitoring Products
    • 7.3.1. Cardiac Marker Testing Products
    • 7.3.2. Blood Gas/Electrolytes Testing Products
    • 7.3.3. HBA1C Testing Products
    • 7.3.4. Others
  • 7.4. Infectious Disease Testing Products
    • 7.4.1. COVID-19 Testing Products
    • 7.4.2. Influenza Testing Products
    • 7.4.3. HIV Testing Products
    • 7.4.4. Hepatitis C Testing Products
    • 7.4.5. Clostridium Difficile products
    • 7.4.6. HBV testing products
    • 7.4.7. Pneumonia or Streptococcus Associated Infections
    • 7.4.8. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) POC
    • 7.4.9. Others
  • 7.5. Coagulation Monitoring Products
    • 7.5.1. PT/INR Testing Products
    • 7.5.2. Activated Clotting Time (ACT/APTT) Testing Products
    • 7.5.3. Others
  • 7.6. Pregnancy & Fertility Testing Products
    • 7.6.1. Pregnancy testing products
    • 7.6.2. Fertility testing products
    • 7.6.3. Others
  • 7.7. Tumor/Cancer Marker Testing Products
  • 7.8. Drugs-of-Abuse Testing Products
  • 7.9. Fecal Occult Testing Products
  • 7.10. Others

8. By Platform

  • 8.1. Introduction
    • 8.1.1. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Platform
    • 8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Platform Segment
  • 8.2. Lateral Flow Assays*
    • 8.2.1. Introduction
    • 8.2.2. Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2020-2029 and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2021-2029
  • 8.3. Immunoassays
  • 8.4. Microfluidics
  • 8.5. Dipsticks
  • 8.6. Molecular Diagnostics
  • 8.7. Others

9. By Mode of Purchase

  • 9.1. Introduction
    • 9.1.1. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Mode of Purchase
    • 9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Mode of Purchase Segment
  • 9.2. OTC Testing Products*
    • 9.2.1. Introduction
    • 9.2.2. Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2020-2029 and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2021-2029
  • 9.3. Prescription-Based Testing Products

10. By End user

  • 10.1. Introduction
    • 10.1.1. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End user
    • 10.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By End user Segment
  • 10.2. Hospitals*
    • 10.2.1. Introduction
    • 10.2.2. Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2020-2029 and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2021-2029
  • 10.3. Ambulatory Surgical Centers
  • 10.4. Diagnostic Centers
  • 10.5. Home Care
  • 10.6. Clinical Laboratories
  • 10.7. Others

11. By Region

  • 11.1. Introduction
    • 11.1.1. Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2020-2029 and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2021-2029, By Region
    • 11.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
  • 11.2. North America
    • 11.2.1. Introduction
    • 11.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 11.2.3. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
    • 11.2.4. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Platform
    • 11.2.5. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Mode of Purchase
    • 11.2.6. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End user
    • 11.2.7. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • U.S.
      • Canada
      • Mexico
  • 11.3. Europe
    • 11.3.1. Introduction
    • 11.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 11.3.3. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
    • 11.3.4. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Platform
    • 11.3.5. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Mode of Purchase
    • 11.3.6. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End user
    • 11.3.7. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • Germany
      • U.K.
      • France
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • Rest of Europe
  • 11.4. South America
    • 11.4.1. Introduction
    • 11.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 11.4.3. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
    • 11.4.4. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Platform
    • 11.4.5. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Mode of Purchase
    • 11.4.6. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End user
    • 11.4.7. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • Brazil
      • Argentina
      • Rest of South America
  • 11.5. Asia Pacific
    • 11.5.1. Introduction
    • 11.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 11.5.3. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
    • 11.5.4. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Platform
    • 11.5.5. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Mode of Purchase
    • 11.5.6. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End user
    • 11.5.7. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • Australia
      • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • 11.6. Middle East and Africa
    • 11.6.1. Introduction
    • 11.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 11.6.3. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
    • 11.6.4. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Platform
    • 11.6.5. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Mode of Purchase
    • 11.6.6. Market Size Analysis, and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End user

12. Competitive Landscape

  • 12.1. Key Developments and Strategies
  • 12.2. Company Share Analysis
  • 12.3. Product Benchmarking
  • 12.4. List of Key Companies to Watch

13. Company Profiles

  • 13.1. F. Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd.*
    • 13.1.1. Company Overview
    • 13.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
    • 13.1.3. Key Highlights
    • 13.1.4. Financial Overview
  • 13.2. Abbott
  • 13.3. Siemens Healthcare GmbH
  • 13.4. Quidel Corporation
  • 13.5. Cepheid
  • 13.6. BD
  • 13.7. Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • 13.8. Biomerieux
  • 13.9. Chembio Diagnostics, Inc.
  • 13.10. EKF diagnostics (*LIST NOT EXHAUSTIVE)

14. DataM Intelligence

  • 14.1. Appendix
  • 14.2. About Us and Applications
  • 14.3. Contact Us