
2024 年空气品质与排放管理的 5 大成长机会

Top 5 Growth Opportunities in Air Quality and Emissions Management, 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 13 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



城市排放量约占全球温室气体 (GHG)排放的 70%,被认为是向低碳经济转型的重要参与者。全球净零排放方法为城市与整个价值链上的多元化公司合作以及从规划到实施脱碳创造了成长机会。

成为气候中和和智慧城市的竞赛正在进行,100 个欧洲城市计划在 2030 年实现净零排放。欧盟到 2050 年实现气候中和的目标将从这些城市开始,并在全部区域乃至全球整体继续下去。





2024 年主要成长机会

  • 策略要务
  • 永续性与循环经济未来的 6P 架构:事半功倍
  • 5 大成长机会
  • 成长机会 1 - 气候适应型智慧城市的即时碳追踪
  • 成长机会 2 – 船队碳追踪
  • 成长机会3-企业除碳技术
  • 成长机会 4 – 室内空气品质监测
  • 成长机会 5 - 利用地球观测卫星影像和基于人工智慧的数位双胞胎识别排放热点
  • 下一步
  • 免责声明
Product Code: MH3A-84

Tackling Urgency of Emission Monitoring and Removal Using a Digital Climate Intelligence Platform to Accelerate Urban Transitions Toward a Net Zero Future

Cities are responsible for approximately 70% of the world's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and are recognized as key players in the transition to a low-carbon economy. The global net zero approach creates growth opportunities for cities to partner with a diverse set of businesses across the value chain to move from decarbonization planning to action.

The race toward climate-neutral and smart cities is on, with 100 European cities planning to become net zero by 2030. The European Union goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 begins with these cities and will be followed by the entire region and, eventually, the entire world.

A collaborative approach to climate action enables the integration of finance, climate, and technology across sustainable city planning. Urgent, collaborative, multilateral, smart, technology-driven, and digital actions are necessary and achievable.

Cities are taking a holistic approach to reduce emissions. Digital solutions help them to develop, manage, and execute climate action plans by transforming activity-based data into actionable insights and applying AI for extrapolation and forecasting to change responsibilities and challenges into business opportunities to generate revenue.

The top growth opportunities in air quality and emissions management consider strategic imperatives and growth opportunities, with an overview of companies to action and growth accelerators. Opportunities include real-time carbon tracking for climate-smart cities; marine fleet carbon tracking; carbon removal technologies for businesses; indoor air quality monitoring; and Earth observation satellite imagery and AI-based digital twins to identify emission hot spots.

Table of Contents

Top Growth Opportunities for 2024

  • Strategic Imperatives
  • The 6P Framework for the Future of Sustainability and the Circular Economy-More with Less
  • Top 5 Growth Opportunities
  • Growth Opportunity 1-Real-Time Carbon Tracking for Climate-Smart Cities
  • Growth Opportunity 2-Marine Fleet Carbon Tracking
  • Growth Opportunity 3-Carbon Removal Technologies for Businesses
  • Growth Opportunity 4-Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
  • Growth Opportunity 5-Earth Observation Satellite Imagery and AI-based Digital Twins to Identify Emission Hot Spots
  • Next Steps
  • Legal Disclaimer