
2024-2029 年私人 MEC(多接取边缘运算)电信公司成长机会

Growth Opportunities for Telecommunications Companies in Private Multi-access Edge Computing, 2024-2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 56 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



私有MEC(多接取边缘运算)在客户端部署专用运算和网路资源。它优先考虑超低延迟、资料安全和客製化,非常适合工业自动化、智慧工厂以及需要即时控制和严格资料隐私的应用。 MEC 产业的这一领域正在经历显着成长,北美、欧洲、中东和亚太地区的供应商推出了商业服务并不断增加采用率。未来五年,边缘运算将彻底改变产业和消费者生活方式、改变组织结构并推动创新。私人 MEC 为电信公司提供了创建创新 B2B 服务的机会,例如基于边缘的物联网、分析和人工智慧资料收益。这个快速成长的市场是由企业对即时资料处理和网路弹性的需求所推动的。

这项研究确定了电信公司在全球私人 MEC 领域的成长机会。我们提供潜在收益来源、电信公司 TAM 的列表,并深入了解哪些领域预计会产生最多收益。它还评估成长机会(从 1 亿美元到超过 10 亿美元),对其进行定性分析,并就电信公司如何利用该领域出现的变化提出建议。本研究的基准年为2023年,预测期间为2024-2029年。



  • 为什么成长如此困难?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 主要策略要务对私营 MEC 产业的影响
  • 成长机会推动Growth Pipeline Engine(TM)


  • 分析范围
  • 市场定义 - 边缘运算与 MEC 概念
  • 市场定义 - 私人 MEC
  • 主要私营 MEC 竞争对手
  • 成长指标
  • 成长环境
  • 生长促进因子
  • 成长抑制因素
  • 预测假设
  • 收益预测
  • 按类型分類的收益预测
  • 收益预测分析
  • 按类型分類的收益预测分析
  • 私人 MEC 中的电信收益来源
  • 各行业私有MEC应用
  • 竞争环境
  • MEC标准化和互通性合作协议


  • 成长机会 1:硬体转售作为收益来源
  • 成长机会2:专业服务与电信优势
  • 成长机会三:加强互联互通
  • 成长机会 4:软体作为收益来源
  • 成长机会 5:託管服务作为收益来源
  • 成长机会 6:云端服务作为收益来源
  • 成长机会 7:应用程式託管和管理作为收益来源
  • 成长机会8:附加价值服务与电信优势
  • 材料清单
  • 免责声明
Product Code: KA0C-67

Opportunities Beyond Connectivity and Managed Services Enable New Revenue Streams

Private multi-access edge computing (MEC) involves deploying dedicated computing and networking resources on a client's premises. It prioritizes ultra-low latency, data security, and customization, making it ideal for industrial automation, smart factories, and applications demanding real-time control and stringent data privacy. This segment of the MEC industry is experiencing significant growth, with providers in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific launching commercial offerings and experiencing increased adoption. In the next 5 years, edge computing is poised to revolutionize the way industries operate and consumers live, transform organizational structures, and drive innovation. Private MEC offers telecommunication companies (telcos) a chance to create innovative business-to-business (B2B) services like data monetization through edge-based Internet of Things (IoT), analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI). This high-growth market is driven by the need for real-time data processing and network resilience for businesses.

This study identifies growth opportunities for telcos in the global private MEC sector. It provides a list of potential revenue streams, the telcos' total addressable market (TAM), and insights into which areas are expected to generate the most revenue. The study also sizes the growth opportunities (ranging from $100 million to over a billion) and analyzes them qualitatively, offering recommendations on how telcos should leverage the changes emerging from this space. The base year for the study is 2023, and the forecast period is from 2024 to 2029.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Private Multi-access Edge Computing Industry
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Scope of Analysis
  • Market Definition-Edge Computing and MEC Concepts
  • Market Definition-Private MEC
  • Key Private MEC Competitors
  • Growth Metrics
  • Growth Environment
  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints
  • Forecast Assumptions
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Type
  • Revenue Forecast Analysis
  • Revenue Forecast Analysis by Type
  • Revenue Streams for Telcos in Private MEC
  • Private MEC Applications Across Industries
  • Competitive Environment
  • Cooperation Agreements for MEC Standardization and Interoperability

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Hardware Reselling as a Revenue Stream
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Professional Services and the Telco Advantage
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Enhanced Connectivity
  • Growth Opportunity 4: Software as a Revenue Stream
  • Growth Opportunity 5: Managed Services as a Revenue Stream
  • Growth Opportunity 6: Cloud Services as a Revenue Stream
  • Growth Opportunity 7: Application Hosting and Management as a Revenue Stream
  • Growth Opportunity 8: Value-added Services and the Telco Advantage
  • List of Exhibits
  • Legal Disclaimer