2021-2028 年全球资料收集市场成长机会Growth Opportunities in the Data Acquisition Market, Global, 2021-2028 |
在现代商业中,资料是做出关键决策的重要组成部分。推动资料采集 (DAQ) 市场成长的驱动因素有通用:从设计到製造再到营运的每个阶段都需要资料分析。推动该市场发展的因素有很多,包括工业物联网 (IIoT) 的普及、需要合规性测试和设计检验的机器故障成本不断上升,以及日益严格的政府法规。由于工业物联网使用案例的增加,最终用户对多通道测量功能的高需求将成为市场成长的主要驱动力。
Frost & Sullivan 的这份分析重点关注全球资料收集市场,市场规模从2021 年的18.9 亿美元成长到2028 年的21.8 亿美元,复合年增长率为2.8%,相比基准年(2023 年) 的负成长率。
北美和欧洲是相对成熟的市场,主要是由资料收集生态系统中的组件更换推动的,而随着新资料收集系统的集成,亚太地区的复合年增长率正在加速达到 3.3%。汽车领域电动车销量的增加以及航太、国防和能源等大型物件产业中分散式资料收集的不断增加预计将进一步带来新的市场机会。
Fast Industrial Internet of Things Adoption is Driving Transformational Growth and Demand for Data Acquisition
In modern business operations, data is an essential factor in making crucial decisions. The drivers that contribute to the growth of the data acquisition (DAQ) market share a common thread-the need for more data analysis at every stage, from design to manufacturing and operations. Powerful factors drive this market, such as the widespread adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), the escalating costs of machine failure that necessitate conformance testing and design validation, and increasingly stringent government regulations. The high demand for multichannel measurement capabilities from end users, a consequence of the growing number of IIoT use cases, will be a major driver of market growth.
This Frost & Sullivan analysis focuses on the global data acquisition market and determines that the market size will have grown from $1.89 billion in 2021 to $2.18 billion in 2028, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.8%, with a base year (2023) negative growth rate of 5.7%.
North America and Europe have relatively mature markets, mostly driven by DAQ ecosystem part replacement, whereas Asia-Pacific sees the integration of newer DAQ systems, attaining a faster CAGR of 3.3%. Higher electric vehicle sales in the automotive sector and the growing presence of distributed DAQ in industries that deal with large objects, such as aerospace and defense and energy, will further renew market opportunities.