美国的LCOE (平准化发电成本):2022年

美国的LCOE (平准化发电成本):2022年

United States Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) 2022

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



本报告提供美国国内的电力技术和发电成本趋势预测相关分析,LCOE (平准化发电成本) 的预测资料 (2020年~2050年) ,及各主要技术详细趋势 (共16种:煤炭 (碳有、没有回收),天然气复合发电 (有、没有碳回收),燃气峰值,地热,混合PV (固定、追踪),小型核子反应炉,分散式PV (商业、住宅),独立型PV (固定、追踪),电池式储存,海上风力,陆上风力),各州 (共48州) 的技术水准分析,技术间的竞争情形 (再生能源,石化燃料,核能,能源储存),费用曲线的变动等彙整资讯,为您概述为以下内容。


Report Summary:

This annual report provides analysis of power technology and generation cost trends in the United States. It includes levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) data from 2020 to 2050 covering 16 key technologies: coal (with & without carbon capture), gas combined cycle (with & without carbon capture), gas peaking, geothermal, hybrid PV (fixed & tracking), nuclear small modular reactor, distributed PV (commercial & residential), standalone solar PV (fixed & tracking), battery storage, offshore wind and onshore wind. The report includes technology-level analysis for the lower 48 US states. It examines competition between renewable power, fossil fuel power, nuclear power and energy storage in each country and highlights critical inflection points in the cost trajectory. The detailed data and assumptions used in this report are available in its accompanying data file with an embedded interactive tool.