中东的太阳能光伏发电:未来展望 (2023年)Middle East Solar PV Market Outlook 2023 |
在本报告中,我们将分析中东国家的光伏市场,调查该地区的主要政策、经济趋势、光伏市场动态等,并以总共40多张幻灯片的形式进行呈现。它还提供该地区14个国家的发电能力趋势预测(未来10年)、主要市场(沙乌地阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合大公国、以色列和伊拉克)的详细信息和情景分析。它还涵盖了每个市场在实现 2030 年太阳能目标方面的进展,以及主要国家在实现可再生能源目标方面面临的潜在挑战。
Our ‘Middle East solar PV market outlook’ is a 40+ slide report providing an in-depth analysis of key policies, economic trends and PV market dynamics in the region. The report contains 10-year installation forecasts for 14 solar PV markets in the region, including detailed country chapters and scenario analysis on Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel and Iraq. It also highlights which markets are on track to achieve their 2030 solar targets and the potential challenges that some nations will face in pursuit of their renewable energy goals.