陆上风力发电市场O&M (保养、维修) 的经济性·成本资料 (2023年)

陆上风力发电市场O&M (保养、维修) 的经济性·成本资料 (2023年)

O&M Economics and Cost Data for Onshore Wind Power Markets 2023

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



预计几乎所有市场的维护和维护 (O&M) 成本都会出现通货膨胀,这将继续给营运商的投资组合带来压力,因为他们在成本限制下努力保持竞争力。中国和印度仍然是每兆瓦营运和维护成本最低的市场领导者,这主要是由于劳动力成本低、靠近供应链以及更高等级涡轮机安装量的迅速增加,这是多种因素共同作用的结果。本报告按评级等级提供了维运成本经济学的详区隔析。我们也根据 13 个主要陆上风电市场和三个区域市场的额定等级对预期生命週期平均成本进行建模。

本报告所附的数据表详细介绍了 11 个主要陆上风电市场的平均生命週期营运和维护成本(按兆瓦等级划分)。预测数据包括 Wood Mackenzie 报告的所有兆瓦评级类别的细目,按价值炼和年份组织。对该数据的存取将取决于您的订阅范围。

Product Code: 150161452

Report Summary:

Nearly all markets will experience inflationary increases on O&M costs, continuing to place operator portfolios under pressure as they struggle to remain competitive in a cost-constrained environment. China and India remain market leaders for lowest per MW O&M costs, due primarily to a conflux of low labour costs, closeness to supply chains, and rapid growth of larger rating turbine class installations. This report provides a detailed breakdown of O&M cost economics by rating class. Modelled in the report are expected lifetime average costs on a rating class basis for 13 leading onshore wind markets and 3 regional markets.

The data sheet accompanying this report provides detailed O&M average lifetime costs for 11 leading onshore wind markets by MW rating class. The forecast data includes breakdown by value chain and by year for all 9 MW rating classes, as reported by Wood Mackenzie. Access to this data will depend upon your subscription coverage.