

Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes

出版日期: | 出版商: Global Industry Analysts, Inc. | 英文 390 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内




到 2030 年,全球食道镜和胃摄影机市场预计将达到 23 亿美元

预计2023年全球食道镜和胃镜市场规模为18亿美元,预计在2023-2030年分析期间复合年增长率为3.9%,到2030年将达到23亿美元。刚性设备是本报告分析的细分市场之一,预计复合年增长率为 5.0%,到分析期结束时将达到 11 亿美元。分析期间,鼻腔设备细分市场的复合年增长率预计为 3.5%。


2023年美国食道镜和胃镜市场预计为4.854亿美元。中国作为世界第二大经济体,预计2030年市场规模将达到4.999亿美元,2023-2030年分析期间复合年增长率为7.6%。其他值得注意的区域市场包括日本和加拿大,在分析期间预计复合年增长率分别为 1.3% 和 3.0%。在欧洲,德国的复合年增长率预计约为 2.2%。



食道镜和胃镜是胃肠领域使用的专用医疗设备,用于目视检查、诊断和治疗食道、胃和上胃肠道 (GI) 内的疾病。这些仪器是一种内视镜,是一根长而灵活的管子,配有高解析度摄影机和光源,使医护人员能够即时观察上胃肠道内壁。食道镜专门用于检查食道,而胃镜专门用于检查胃,通常也用于检查小肠上部(十二指肠)。这些仪器对于检测多种疾病至关重要,包括食道狭窄、胃溃疡、息肉、肿瘤和上消化道出血的原因。食道镜和胃镜透过直接可视化、切片检查取样,甚至扩张、支架置入和去除异物等治疗性介入,在胃肠道疾病的早期诊断和治疗中发挥重要作用,从而改善患者的治疗效果并减少对手术的需求。技术的进步极大地提高了这些示波器的功能,结合了高清成像、窄频成像 (NBI) 和放大观察等功能,可以对黏膜表面进行详细检查。一些型号还配备了用于部署切片检查钳、勒除器和雷射探头等仪器的治疗通道,使其成为诊断和治疗内视镜检查的极其通用的工具。此外,数位系统的整合可以捕获图像和视频,这在文件、研究和患者教育中发挥着重要作用。


食道镜和胃镜透过提供微创但高效的上消化道检查和介入手段,彻底改变了胃肠道诊断和治疗领域的患者照护。其影响在食道癌和胃癌等潜在危及生命的疾病的早期发现和治疗方面最为明显。这些设备能够进行高解析度成像和组织切片检查,能够在治疗最有效的早期阶段识别异常生长和可疑病变。例如,食道内视镜检查对于监测巴瑞特氏食道症(一种与慢性胃食道逆流症 (GERD) 相关的癌前病变)患者以及早期疗育以防止进展为食道癌并进行定期监测至关重要。同样,胃镜检查对于筛检胃溃疡、糜烂性胃炎和幽门螺旋桿菌感染疾病也极为重要,如果不及时治疗,可能会导致出血、穿孔和恶性等严重併发症。此外,这些设备不仅广泛用于诊断,而且还用于治疗。在食道狭窄、贲门失弛缓症等病症的治疗中,食道镜有助于进行球囊扩张、支架置入等手术,缓解吞嚥困难症状,恢復正常食道功能。另一方面,胃镜检查可用于内视镜止血治疗急性上消化道消化道出血,使用注射疗法、热凝血和涂布止血夹等技术,无需开放性手术即可控制出血。使用用于诊断的相同设备执行此类手术的能力减少了多次手术的需要,降低了併发症的风险,并加快了患者的康復时间。此外,食道镜检查和胃镜检查是内视镜黏膜切除术(EMR)和内视镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)等新治疗方法的核心,它们为早期治疗提供了微创方法,可以去除癌变或癌前组织。


食道镜和胃镜製造商面临着影响这些先进医疗设备的开发、生产和部署的各种挑战。最大的挑战之一是开发下一代内视镜系统的高成本。整合高清影像、先进光学、窄频成像和数位功能需要大量的研发投资。此外,用于即时异常检测的人工智慧(AI)、用于精确控制的机器人辅助以及增强的治疗能力等功能的加入增加了这些设备的复杂性和成本。另一个挑战是医疗设备的严格法规环境。食道镜和胃镜必须符合美国食品药物管理局(FDA) 和欧洲药品管理局 (EMA) 等监管机构制定的严格安全性和有效性标准。遵守这些法规需要广泛的测试、临床试验和记录,这可能会延长产品开发週期并增加成本。与设备相关的感染风险也是一个主要问题,尤其是与内视镜相关的交叉污染案例。这导致对再处理通讯协定的审查更加严格,并推动使用一次性或一次性内视镜。此外,该领域技术创新的快速步伐对製造商保持其产品与时俱进提出了持续的挑战。新成像技术、人工智慧整合和机器人辅助内视镜系统的出现意味着企业必须不断投资创新以保持竞争力。这种压力因对设备的需求而变得更加复杂,这些设备不仅技术优越,而且用户友好且与现有的医疗基础设施相容。


食道镜和胃镜市场的成长主要受到多种因素的推动,包括胃肠道疾病盛行率的上升以及对早期诊断和微创手术的日益重视。由于老化、不健康饮食和生活方式改变等因素,胃食道逆流(GERD)、巴瑞特氏食道症、消化性溃疡和胃癌等疾病的全球发病率呈上升趋势。这种日益增加的疾病负担产生了对先进诊断工具的强烈需求,例如食道镜和胃镜,这些工具提供对准确诊断和治疗计划至关重要的直接可视化和组织采样功能。此外,向微创手术的转变是主要的成长动力。这些设备可以同时进行诊断和治疗,使其更具吸引力,并有助于其在胃肠病学实践中的广泛应用。技术进步在市场扩张中也扮演着至关重要的角色。高清和 4K 成像、人工智慧辅助诊断和机器人控制系统等技术创新使这些设备更加准确和高效,使医生能够检测到甚至可以指示早期疾病的细微黏膜变化。此外,一次性内视镜的开发正在解决人们长期以来对感染控制和再处理的担忧,使这些设备对门诊病人和小型诊所更具吸引力。另一个关键的成长要素是新兴市场中医疗保健服务的普及,其中医疗保健成本的上升和医疗保健基础设施的改善正在推动内视镜技术的更多采用。人们对癌症筛检和预防的兴趣日益浓厚,进一步推动了市场成长。旨在早期发现食道癌和胃癌的计划增加了食道镜和胃镜检查的使用,以进行常规筛检和监测。此外,越来越多的老年人易患胃肠道疾病,增加了对内视镜评估和介入的需求。技术的不断进步、临床应用的扩展以及人们对早期胃肠道诊断重要性的日益认识可能会推动食道镜和胃镜市场在未来几年实现持续增长。

着名竞争对手(共 51 家公司)

  • Advanced Endoscopy Devices, Inc.
  • Ambu, Inc.
  • B. Braun SE
  • Boston Scientific Corporation
  • FUJIFILM Europe GmbH(Fujifilm endoscopy)
  • Medtronic, Inc.
  • Micro-Tech(Nanjing)Co., Ltd
  • Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG
  • Ovesco Endoscopy AG



第 2 章执行摘要

  • 市场概况
  • 主要企业
  • 市场趋势和驱动因素
  • 全球市场展望


  • 美国
  • 加拿大
  • 日本
  • 中国
  • 欧洲
  • 法国
  • 德国
  • 义大利
  • 英国
  • 西班牙
  • 俄罗斯
  • 其他欧洲国家
  • 亚太地区
  • 澳洲
  • 印度
  • 韩国
  • 其他亚太地区
  • 拉丁美洲
  • 阿根廷
  • 巴西
  • 墨西哥
  • 其他拉丁美洲
  • 中东
  • 伊朗
  • 以色列
  • 沙乌地阿拉伯
  • 阿拉伯聯合大公国
  • 其他中东地区
  • 非洲

第四章 比赛

Product Code: MCP24069

Global Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market to Reach US$2.3 Billion by 2030

The global market for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes estimated at US$1.8 Billion in the year 2023, is expected to reach US$2.3 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 3.9% over the analysis period 2023-2030. Rigid Devices, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is expected to record a 5.0% CAGR and reach US$1.1 Billion by the end of the analysis period. Growth in the Transnasal Devices segment is estimated at 3.5% CAGR over the analysis period.

The U.S. Market is Estimated at US$485.4 Million While China is Forecast to Grow at 7.6% CAGR

The Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes market in the U.S. is estimated at US$485.4 Million in the year 2023. China, the world's second largest economy, is forecast to reach a projected market size of US$499.9 Million by the year 2030 trailing a CAGR of 7.6% over the analysis period 2023-2030. Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at a CAGR of 1.3% and 3.0% respectively over the analysis period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 2.2% CAGR.

Global Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market - Key Trends and Drivers Summarized

Why Are Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Transforming Gastrointestinal Diagnostics?

Esophagoscopes and gastroscopes are specialized medical devices used in the field of gastroenterology to visually inspect, diagnose, and treat conditions within the esophagus, stomach, and upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These instruments are a type of endoscope—long, flexible tubes equipped with high-resolution cameras and a light source that allow healthcare professionals to view the internal linings of the upper digestive tract in real-time. The primary distinction between the two lies in their area of focus: esophagoscopes are specifically designed for examining the esophagus, while gastroscopes are tailored for the stomach and often the upper portion of the small intestine (duodenum). These devices are critical for detecting a variety of conditions, including esophageal strictures, gastric ulcers, polyps, tumors, and sources of upper GI bleeding. By enabling direct visualization, biopsy sampling, and even therapeutic interventions such as dilation, stent placement, or foreign body removal, esophagoscopes and gastroscopes play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing GI disorders early, thereby improving patient outcomes and reducing the need for invasive surgeries. Advances in technology have significantly enhanced the functionality of these scopes, incorporating features like high-definition imaging, narrow-band imaging (NBI), and magnification to allow for detailed examination of mucosal surfaces. Some models are also equipped with therapeutic channels for deploying instruments like biopsy forceps, snares, and laser probes, making them highly versatile tools in both diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy. Additionally, the integration of digital systems enables image and video capture, which can be crucial for documentation, research, and patient education.

How Do Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Impact Patient Care and Gastrointestinal Treatments?

Esophagoscopes and gastroscopes have revolutionized patient care in the realm of gastrointestinal diagnostics and treatments by providing a minimally invasive yet highly effective means of examining and intervening in the upper GI tract. Their impact is most evident in the early detection and management of potentially life-threatening conditions such as esophageal and gastric cancers. With high-resolution imaging and the ability to obtain tissue biopsies, these devices allow for the identification of abnormal growths or suspicious lesions at an early stage, when treatment is most effective. For instance, esophagoscopy is crucial for monitoring patients with Barrett’s esophagus—a precancerous condition linked to chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)—enabling early intervention and regular surveillance to prevent progression to esophageal cancer. Similarly, gastroscopes are pivotal in screening for gastric ulcers, erosive gastritis, and Helicobacter pylori infections, which, if left untreated, can lead to severe complications such as bleeding, perforation, or malignancy. Moreover, these devices are not limited to diagnostics alone; they are also widely used for therapeutic procedures. In the treatment of conditions such as esophageal strictures or achalasia, esophagoscopes facilitate procedures like balloon dilation or stent placement to alleviate symptoms of dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and restore normal esophageal function. Gastroscopes, on the other hand, are instrumental in endoscopic hemostasis for managing acute upper GI bleeding, using techniques like injection therapy, thermal coagulation, or hemoclip application to control bleeding without the need for open surgery. The ability to perform such interventions through the same device used for diagnosis reduces the need for multiple procedures, lowering the risk of complications and shortening recovery times for patients. Furthermore, esophagoscopes and gastroscopes are central to newer therapeutic approaches like endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), which allow for the removal of early-stage cancerous or precancerous tissues in a minimally invasive manner.

What Challenges Do Manufacturers Face in the Esophagoscope and Gastroscope Market?

Manufacturers of esophagoscopes and gastroscopes face a range of challenges that impact the development, production, and adoption of these advanced medical devices. One of the foremost challenges is the high cost associated with the development of next-generation endoscopy systems. The integration of high-definition imaging, advanced optics, narrow-band imaging, and digital functionalities requires substantial investment in research and development. Moreover, the inclusion of features like artificial intelligence (AI) for real-time detection of abnormalities, robotic assistance for precision control, and enhanced therapeutic capabilities adds to the complexity and cost of these devices. Another challenge is the stringent regulatory environment governing medical devices. Esophagoscopes and gastroscopes must meet rigorous safety and efficacy standards set by regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Compliance with these regulations involves extensive testing, clinical trials, and documentation, which can prolong the product development cycle and increase costs. The risk of device-associated infections is also a major concern, particularly following high-profile cases of endoscope-related cross-contamination. This has led to increased scrutiny on reprocessing protocols and the push for single-use or disposable endoscopes, which, while addressing safety concerns, raise issues related to cost-effectiveness and environmental impact. In addition, the rapid pace of technological innovation in the field poses a constant challenge for manufacturers to keep their products up-to-date. The emergence of new imaging technologies, AI integration, and robotic-assisted endoscopy systems means that companies must continually invest in innovation to stay competitive. This pressure is compounded by the need for devices that are not only technologically superior but also user-friendly and compatible with existing healthcare infrastructure.

What Factors Are Driving the Growth of the Esophagoscope and Gastroscope Market?

The growth in the esophagoscope and gastroscope market is driven by several factors, primarily the rising prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders and the increasing emphasis on early diagnosis and minimally invasive procedures. The global incidence of conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Barrett’s esophagus, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancers is on the rise, driven by factors such as aging populations, unhealthy dietary habits, and lifestyle changes. This growing disease burden is creating a strong demand for advanced diagnostic tools like esophagoscopes and gastroscopes, which offer direct visualization and tissue sampling capabilities that are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Additionally, the shift towards minimally invasive procedures is a significant growth driver. The ability of these devices to perform both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in a single session enhances their appeal, contributing to their widespread adoption in gastroenterology practices. Technological advancements are also playing a pivotal role in market expansion. Innovations such as high-definition and 4K imaging, AI-assisted diagnostics, and robotic control systems are enhancing the precision and efficiency of these devices, enabling physicians to detect even subtle mucosal changes that could be indicative of early-stage disease. Moreover, the development of disposable or single-use endoscopes is addressing long-standing concerns about infection control and reprocessing, making these devices more attractive for outpatient settings and smaller clinics. Another significant growth driver is the increasing accessibility of healthcare services in emerging markets, where rising healthcare expenditure and improved medical infrastructure are expanding the adoption of endoscopic technologies. The growing focus on cancer screening and prevention is further propelling market growth. Programs aimed at early detection of esophageal and gastric cancers are increasing the utilization of esophagoscopes and gastroscopes for routine screenings and surveillance. Additionally, the expanding geriatric population, which is more susceptible to GI disorders, is contributing to the increased need for endoscopic evaluations and interventions. With continuous advancements in technology, expanding clinical applications, and rising awareness of the importance of early GI diagnostics, the esophagoscope and gastroscope market is poised for sustained growth in the coming years.

Select Competitors (Total 51 Featured) -

  • Advanced Endoscopy Devices, Inc.
  • Ambu, Inc.
  • B. Braun SE
  • Boston Scientific Corporation
  • FUJIFILM Europe GmbH (Fujifilm endoscopy)
  • Medtronic, Inc.
  • Micro-Tech (Nanjing) Co., Ltd
  • Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG
  • Ovesco Endoscopy AG




    • Influencer Market Insights
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes - Global Key Competitors Percentage Market Share in 2024 (E)
    • Competitive Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial for Players Worldwide in 2024 (E)
    • Rising Incidence of Gastrointestinal Disorders Drives Demand for Diagnostic Endoscopes
    • Advancements in High-Resolution Imaging Technologies Enhance Diagnostic Accuracy
    • Increasing Focus on Early Detection of Esophageal and Gastric Cancers Expands Market Potential
    • Rising Geriatric Population Fuels Demand for Gastrointestinal Screening
    • Technological Innovations in Flexible Scopes Strengthen Market Competitiveness
    • Growing Preference for Outpatient Procedures Drives Adoption of Portable Gastroscopes
    • Integration of AI and Machine Learning in Endoscopic Systems Creates New Opportunities
    • Rising Demand for Pediatric Endoscopy Solutions Expands Market Reach
    • Increased Focus on Infection Control Spurs Adoption of Disposable Endoscopes
    • Rising Use of Endoscopes in Therapeutic Applications Broadens Market Scope
    • TABLE 1: World Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2030
    • TABLE 2: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 3: World Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 4: World 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 5: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Rigid Devices by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 6: World Historic Review for Rigid Devices by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 7: World 16-Year Perspective for Rigid Devices by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 8: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Transnasal Devices by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 9: World Historic Review for Transnasal Devices by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 10: World 16-Year Perspective for Transnasal Devices by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 11: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Flexible Devices by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 12: World Historic Review for Flexible Devices by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 13: World 16-Year Perspective for Flexible Devices by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 14: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Other Device Types by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 15: World Historic Review for Other Device Types by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 16: World 16-Year Perspective for Other Device Types by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 17: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 18: World Historic Review for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 19: World 16-Year Perspective for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 20: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 21: World Historic Review for Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 22: World 16-Year Perspective for Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 23: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Hospitals End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 24: World Historic Review for Hospitals End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 25: World 16-Year Perspective for Hospitals End-Use by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 26: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 27: World Historic Review for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 28: World 16-Year Perspective for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 29: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Ulcers Application by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 30: World Historic Review for Ulcers Application by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 31: World 16-Year Perspective for Ulcers Application by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 32: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 33: World Historic Review for Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 34: World 16-Year Perspective for Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 35: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Other Applications by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 36: World Historic Review for Other Applications by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 37: World 16-Year Perspective for Other Applications by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030


    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in the United States for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 38: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 39: USA Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 40: USA 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 41: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 42: USA Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 43: USA 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 44: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 45: USA Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 46: USA 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 47: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 48: Canada Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 49: Canada 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 50: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 51: Canada Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 52: Canada 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 53: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 54: Canada Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 55: Canada 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Japan for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 56: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 57: Japan Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 58: Japan 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 59: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 60: Japan Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 61: Japan 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 62: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 63: Japan Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 64: Japan 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in China for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 65: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 66: China Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 67: China 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 68: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 69: China Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 70: China 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 71: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 72: China Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 73: China 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Europe for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 74: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 75: Europe Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 76: Europe 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 77: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 78: Europe Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 79: Europe 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 80: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 81: Europe Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 82: Europe 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 83: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 84: Europe Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 85: Europe 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in France for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 86: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 87: France Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 88: France 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 89: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 90: France Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 91: France 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 92: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 93: France Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 94: France 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Germany for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 95: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 96: Germany Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 97: Germany 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 98: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 99: Germany Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 100: Germany 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 101: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 102: Germany Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 103: Germany 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 104: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 105: Italy Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 106: Italy 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 107: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 108: Italy Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 109: Italy 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 110: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 111: Italy Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 112: Italy 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in the United Kingdom for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 113: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 114: UK Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 115: UK 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 116: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 117: UK Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 118: UK 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 119: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 120: UK Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 121: UK 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 122: Spain Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 123: Spain Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 124: Spain 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 125: Spain Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 126: Spain Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 127: Spain 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 128: Spain Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 129: Spain Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 130: Spain 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 131: Russia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 132: Russia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 133: Russia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 134: Russia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 135: Russia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 136: Russia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 137: Russia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 138: Russia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 139: Russia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 140: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 141: Rest of Europe Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 142: Rest of Europe 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 143: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 144: Rest of Europe Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 145: Rest of Europe 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 146: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 147: Rest of Europe Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 148: Rest of Europe 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Asia-Pacific for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 149: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 150: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 151: Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 152: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 153: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 154: Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 155: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 156: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 157: Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 158: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 159: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 160: Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Australia for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 161: Australia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 162: Australia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 163: Australia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 164: Australia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 165: Australia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 166: Australia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 167: Australia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 168: Australia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 169: Australia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in India for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 170: India Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 171: India Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 172: India 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 173: India Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 174: India Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 175: India 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 176: India Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 177: India Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 178: India 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 179: South Korea Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 180: South Korea Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 181: South Korea 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 182: South Korea Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 183: South Korea Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 184: South Korea 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 185: South Korea Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 186: South Korea Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 187: South Korea 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 188: Rest of Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 189: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 190: Rest of Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 191: Rest of Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 192: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 193: Rest of Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 194: Rest of Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 195: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 196: Rest of Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Latin America for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 197: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 198: Latin America Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 199: Latin America 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 200: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 201: Latin America Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 202: Latin America 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 203: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 204: Latin America Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 205: Latin America 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 206: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 207: Latin America Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 208: Latin America 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 209: Argentina Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 210: Argentina Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 211: Argentina 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 212: Argentina Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 213: Argentina Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 214: Argentina 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 215: Argentina Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 216: Argentina Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 217: Argentina 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 218: Brazil Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 219: Brazil Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 220: Brazil 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 221: Brazil Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 222: Brazil Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 223: Brazil 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 224: Brazil Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 225: Brazil Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 226: Brazil 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 227: Mexico Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 228: Mexico Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 229: Mexico 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 230: Mexico Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 231: Mexico Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 232: Mexico 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 233: Mexico Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 234: Mexico Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 235: Mexico 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 236: Rest of Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 237: Rest of Latin America Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 238: Rest of Latin America 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 239: Rest of Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 240: Rest of Latin America Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 241: Rest of Latin America 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 242: Rest of Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 243: Rest of Latin America Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 244: Rest of Latin America 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Middle East for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 245: Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Rest of Middle East Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 246: Middle East Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Rest of Middle East Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 247: Middle East 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Rest of Middle East Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 248: Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 249: Middle East Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 250: Middle East 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 251: Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 252: Middle East Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 253: Middle East 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 254: Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 255: Middle East Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 256: Middle East 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
  • IRAN
    • TABLE 257: Iran Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 258: Iran Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 259: Iran 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 260: Iran Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 261: Iran Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 262: Iran 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 263: Iran Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 264: Iran Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 265: Iran 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 266: Israel Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 267: Israel Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 268: Israel 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 269: Israel Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 270: Israel Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 271: Israel 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 272: Israel Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 273: Israel Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 274: Israel 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 275: Saudi Arabia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 276: Saudi Arabia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 277: Saudi Arabia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 278: Saudi Arabia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 279: Saudi Arabia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 280: Saudi Arabia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 281: Saudi Arabia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 282: Saudi Arabia Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 283: Saudi Arabia 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 284: UAE Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 285: UAE Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 286: UAE 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 287: UAE Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 288: UAE Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 289: UAE 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 290: UAE Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 291: UAE Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 292: UAE 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 293: Rest of Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 294: Rest of Middle East Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 295: Rest of Middle East 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 296: Rest of Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 297: Rest of Middle East Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 298: Rest of Middle East 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 299: Rest of Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 300: Rest of Middle East Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 301: Rest of Middle East 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Africa for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 302: Africa Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 303: Africa Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 304: Africa 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Device Type - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Rigid Devices, Transnasal Devices, Flexible Devices and Other Device Types for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 305: Africa Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 306: Africa Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 307: Africa 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Diagnostic Laboratories End-Use, Ambulatory Surgery Centers End-Use and Hospitals End-Use for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 308: Africa Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 309: Africa Historic Review for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 310: Africa 16-Year Perspective for Esophagoscopes and Gastroscopes by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Application, Ulcers Application, Barrett's Esophagus Disease Application and Other Applications for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030