2024-2032 年按产品、产品(坐标测量机、光学数位化仪和扫描仪、视频测量机、3D 自动光学检测系统、形状测量)、应用、最终用途行业和地区分類的 3D 计量市场报告3D Metrology Market Report by Offering, Product (Coordinate Measuring Machine, Optical Digitizer & Scanner, Video Measuring Machine, 3D Automated Optical Inspection System, Form Measurement), Application, End-Use Industry, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年,全球 3D 计量市场规模达到 103 亿美元。製造精度的提高、技术进步、工业 4.0 的整合、自动化行业的扩张、三维 (3D) 列印的普及以及汽车和航空航天工业对精度的需求不断增长是推动这一趋势的一些因素。
主要市场驱动因素:全球 3D 计量市场的驱动因素包括对现场而非场外提供的 3D 计量解决方案日益增长的需求、环境可持续性的压力以及个性化产品的推动。与此一致的是,工业用途中设计特征的复杂性、资料规模大、光学技术先进的需要以及产品开发中虚拟模拟的增加是刺激3D计量系统市场的其他因素。除此之外,合规性监管压力、逆向工程的重要性以及智慧製造实践的普及都是影响 3D 计量市场份额的因素。
主要市场趋势:主要的3D 计量市场趋势包括用于预测性维护的人工智慧(AI) 和机器学习(ML) 的大量使用、对基于云端的计量服务的需求不断增加以及用于计量解决方案的协作自动化机器人的开发。此外,3D 列印与计量的集成为市场扩张提供了众多机会。它可以帮助製造商监控列印过程、验证零件一致性并优化医疗保健、航空航太等行业的生产。根据IMARC Group最近发布的报告,到 2032 年,3D 计量产业预计将达到 205 亿美元,年增长率为 7.8%。此外,无线计量解决方案的可用性、透过软体创新实现的易于使用的计量解决方案、行动装置的计量应用是推动 3D 计量行业的其他因素。除此之外,视觉检查对扩增实境 (AR) 的日益依赖以及使用扫描服务取代传统计量技术正在推动 3D 计量行业的成长。
地理趋势:亚太地区由于拥有强大的製造业而在 3D 计量行业占据主导地位,尤其是在中国、日本和韩国等国家。该地区的地位还可以归因于汽车、电子和航空航太产业投资的快速成长,以及对研发 (R&D) 的重视。随着先进製造技术的采用以及该地区主要市场参与者的加入,亚太地区正在进一步巩固其在 3D 计量市场预测中的领导地位。
竞争格局:市场上的一些主要参与者包括多家 3D 计量市场公司,例如 3d Digital Corporation、Automated Precision Inc.、Carl Zeiss AG、Creaform Inc.、FARO Technologies, Inc.、GOM GmbH、Hexagon AB、Jenoptik AG 、KLA Corporation、Mitutoyo Corporation、Nikon Metrology NV、Perceptron, Inc.、Renishaw PLC. 等。
挑战与机会:根据 3D 计量市场分析,高昂的初始投资成本、不断增长的技术人员需求以及技术复杂性仍然是主要的市场挑战。然而,随着新的具有成本效益的解决方案的创建、培训计划的建立以确保受过培训的人员以及开髮用户友好的系统,它们也是市场增长的途径。 3D 计量可应用的领域越来越多,例如 3D 义肢和植入物或 3D 文化遗产保护,进一步证明了 3D 计量工业需求的潜力。
3D 计量市场的成长很大程度上受到精密工程和品质控制日益增长的需求的影响。随着汽车、航空航太和电子等各个製造业正向更复杂的几何形状和零件小型化过渡,这种需求非常突出。传统测量仪器无法满足如此程度的几何细节,这进一步增加了对 3D 测量解决方案的需求。为了实现卓越的品质控制,製造商越来越多地在生产的各个阶段(从产品设计到最终产品的购买)使用 3D 计量,以减少产品浪费并提高产品质量,以保持符合国际标准。
3D 计量技术进步
科技极大地促进了 3D 计量市场的成长。技术、软体演算法和运算能力方面的技术进步增强了 3D 计量系统的能力。这些系统目前可以更快、更准确地处理测量值和大资料量,从而扩大了设备的应用机会。因此,品质控制流程变得更加高效,整个概念可以扩展到线上和便携式计量,将应用领域主要从后台应用转移到涵盖实际即时测量的现场应用在生产工厂上。此外,自动化机器人计量的引入对于加强市场份额至关重要。例如,ABB Robotics推出了Flexley Tug T702自主移动机器人,配备基于人工智慧的视觉SLAM导航技术和新的AMR Studio软体。它使首次使用机器人的用户能够轻鬆编程和操作整个移动机器人车队。此外,其简单的配置可将调试时间缩短高达 20%,为在熟练劳动力严重短缺的情况下智慧机器人自主操作的工作场所铺平道路。
3D 计量与工业 4.0 结合应用的优点在于对传统比较尺寸计量和品质控製程序的实践具有颠覆性。因此,它将确保过程监控和品质控制,确保错误识别和主动纠正的可能性。由于资料分析以及物联网 (IoT)、智慧工厂解决方案和可视化的集成,3D 计量有助于获取可操作的资料,从而优化流程并减少非生产时间。它将确保生产过程的完美打磨,使 3D 计量成为现代製造的新范例。
IMARC Group提供了每个细分市场的主要趋势的分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、区域和国家层面的预测。我们的报告根据产品、产品、应用和最终用途行业对市场进行了分类。
全球 3D 计量市场的硬体领域受到製造过程中对高精度设备日益增长的需求的推动。随着汽车、航空航太和电子等行业努力提高生产线的精度和效率,对先进测量硬体(包括 3D 扫描仪、雷射追踪仪和座标测量机)的需求不断增加。持续的技术创新进一步推动了这一趋势,这些创新提高了硬体解决方案的速度、准确性和多功能性,使其能够应用于更广泛的条件和材料。此外,硬体与先进软体功能的整合增强了其功能,使其成为製造中品质保证和控制不可或缺的一部分。产品设计中元件小型化和复杂几何形状的推动也需要采用先进的计量硬件,能够以高分辨率捕获详细的测量结果,从而确保产品满足严格的品质标准。
三坐标测量机 (CMM)
光学数位转换器和扫描器 (ODS)
影像测量机 (VMM)
3D 自动光学检测系统 (AoI)
坐标测量机 (CMM) 代表领先的细分市场
该报告根据产品提供了详细的市场细分和分析。这包括座标测量机 (CMM)、光学数位化仪和扫描器 (ODS)、视讯测量机 (VMM)、3D 自动光学检测系统 (AoI) 和形状测量。根据该报告,坐标测量机(CMM)代表了最大的细分市场。
各行业对精密工程和品质控制流程自动化的需求不断增长,推动了坐标测量机 (CMM) 领域的发展。这种需求在汽车、航空航太和电子等行业尤其明显,这些产业中零件的精确尺寸和公差对于性能和安全性至关重要。此外,CMM技术与电脑辅助设计(CAD)和电脑辅助製造(CAM)系统的整合增强了其在製造过程中的适用性,允许在製造的产品和原始CAD设计之间进行直接比较。此外,坐标测量机技术的进步,包括便携性、易用性和测量复杂几何形状的能力,已将其用途从传统製造环境扩展到建筑和大规模组装中的现场应用。
製造业对产品品质和可靠性的日益重视推动了品质控制和检验领域的发展,这需要严格的检验协议。全球严格监管标准的采用迫使公司采用先进的品质控制措施,包括 3D 计量,以确保合规性并保持竞争优势。此外,复杂产品设计的兴起和新材料的整合需要精确和详细的检查过程,以确保功能和安全性。製造业自动化的发展也推动了对复杂品质控制和检测技术的需求,这些技术可以无缝整合到自动化生产线中,从而提高效率并减少人为错误。供应链全球化的趋势进一步放大了跨境统一品质标准的需求,先进的检测技术变得不可或缺。
汽车产业对汽车製造的精度、安全性和效率的要求不断提高,需要先进的品质控制措施。严格的环境法规要求汽车製造商开发更轻、更省油的车辆,从而导致使用新材料和依赖 3D 计量进行验证的复杂设计。向电动车和自动驾驶技术的转变进一步加速了对精确工程和製造流程的需求,其中 3D 计量在确保组件的可靠性和性能方面发挥着至关重要的作用。此外,汽车产业的竞争格局促使製造商不断创新和提高产品质量,使3D计量成为设计、测试和生产阶段不可或缺的工具。
北美市场领先,占据最大的 3D 计量市场份额
该报告还对所有主要区域市场进行了全面分析,其中包括北美(美国和加拿大);欧洲(德国、法国、英国、义大利、西班牙、俄罗斯等);亚太地区(中国、日本、印度、韩国、澳洲、印尼等);拉丁美洲(巴西、墨西哥等);以及中东和非洲。报告称,北美是 3D 计量最大的区域市场。
北美 3D 计量市场由几个关键因素驱动,强调该地区的创新和工业能力。越来越多地采用先进製造技术,特别是在汽车和航空航太领域,是主要驱动力,因为公司寻求透过精密工程和品质保证来保持竞争优势。该地区高度重视研发活动,并得到公共和私营部门大量投资的支持,促进了新 3D 计量解决方案的创新。此外,北美受益于高技能的劳动力,能够操作先进的计量设备并解释复杂的资料,进一步促进了市场的成长。该地区领先的 3D 计量公司的存在也发挥着至关重要的作用,这些公司积极与行业合作,根据特定需求量身定制解决方案。这种协作环境,加上强调产品品质和安全的强大监管框架,确保了北美 3D 计量市场的持续扩张和相关性。
市场研究报告也对市场竞争格局进行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的详细资料。 3D 计量行业的一些主要市场参与者包括 3d Digital Corporation、Automated Precision Inc.、Carl Zeiss AG、Creaform Inc.、FARO Technologies, Inc.、GOM GmbH、Hexagon AB、Jenoptik AG、KLA Corporation、Mitutoyo Corporation、 Nikon Metrology NV、Perceptron, Inc.、Renishaw PLC. 等
3D 计量市场的主要参与者正在积极参与各种策略性倡议,以巩固其市场地位并推动产业成长。其中包括对研发 (R&D) 进行大量投资,以创新并提高 3D 计量解决方案的准确性、速度和可用性,以满足汽车、航空航太、医疗保健和製造等各行业不断变化的需求。此外,他们还透过收购和合作扩大产品组合,旨在提供涵盖广泛测量应用的全面解决方案。为了满足 3D 计量领域对熟练专业人员不断增长的需求,这些公司还投资于培训和教育计划,确保客户能够充分利用其技术能力。此外,他们还专注于开发用户友好的软体并整合人工智慧以简化资料分析,使 3D 计量更容易为更广泛的受众所接受。
2020 年 1 月:Hexagon AB 宣布收购 Volume Graphics。 Volume Graphics 收购的完成以及宣布的收购将对 2019 年第四季的损益表产生影响,其中一次性专案为 -25 MEUR。一次性项目涉及重迭技术、交易成本和整合成本的减损。
2022 年10 月:雷尼绍PLC 于2022 年10 月12 日推出了与其REVO(R) 5 轴测量系统配合使用的新型RFP 条纹测头。 REVO 系统的功能。
The global 3D metrology market size reached US$ 10.3 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 20.5 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8% during 2024-2032. Growing precision in manufacturing, technological advancements, the integration of Industry 4.0, the expansion of the automation industry, the proliferation of three-dimensional (3D) printing, and the rising demand for precision in automotive and aerospace industries are some of the factors propelling the market growth.
Major Market Drivers: The global 3D metrology market is driven by the growing need for 3D metrology solutions that are provided on-site rather than off-site, the pressure for environmental sustainability, and the drive for personalized products. In line with this, the complexity of design characteristics in industrial use, the large scale of data, the need to advance optical technology, and the increase of virtual simulation in product development are some of the other factors stimulating the 3D metrology systems market. Besides this, the regulatory pressures for compliance, the importance of reverse engineering, and the pervasion of smart manufacturing practices are factors moving the 3D metrology market share.
Key Market Trends: The primary 3D metrology market trends include the surging use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for predictive maintenance, escalating demand for cloud-based metrology services, and development of collaborative automated robots for metrological solutions. Furthermore, the integration of 3D printing with metrology is offering numerous opportunities for market expansion. It helps the manufacturers to monitor and control the printing process, verify part conformity, and optimize production for industries like healthcare to aerospace. According to a recent report published by IMARC Group, 3D metrology sector is expected to reach US$ 20.5 billion by 2032, growing at rate of 7.8% annually. Moreover, the availability of wireless metrological solutions, easy-to-use metrological solutions through software innovation, metrology applications for mobile devices are other factors driving the 3D metrology industry. Apart from this, the surging reliance of augmented reality (AR) for visual examination and the utilization of scanning services instead of traditional metrological techniques are driving the 3D metrology industry growth.
Geographical Trends: The Asia-Pacific region dominates the 3D metrology industry on account of the presence of a strong manufacturing sector, especially in countries like China, Japan, and South Korea. The region's position can also be attributed to burgeoning investments in the automotive, electronics, and aerospace industries, coupled with a focus on research and development (R&D). As advanced manufacturing technologies are being adopted, and with key market players in the region, the Asia-Pacific area is further solidifying its leadership in the 3D metrology market forecast.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the key players in the market include several 3D metrology market companies, such as 3d Digital Corporation, Automated Precision Inc., Carl Zeiss AG, Creaform Inc., FARO Technologies, Inc., GOM GmbH, Hexagon AB, Jenoptik AG, KLA Corporation, Mitutoyo Corporation, Nikon Metrology NV, Perceptron, Inc., Renishaw PLC., etc.
Challenges and Opportunities: As per the 3D metrology market analysis, the high initial investment cost, rising skilled personnel demand, and technological complexity remain some of the major market challenges. However, they are also an avenue for market growth as new cost-effective solutions are created, training programs are established to ensure trained personnel, and user-friendly systems are developed. The growing number of fields where 3D metrology can be applied, such as for 3D prosthetics and implants or 3D-cultural heritage preservation, further demonstrates the potential for the 3D metrology industrial demand.
Surging Product Demand in Manufacturing Sectors
The 3D metrology market growth is heavily influenced by the increasing need for precision engineering and quality control. The demand is prominent in various manufacturing industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics, as the sectors are transitioning to more intricate geometries and component miniaturization. Traditional measurement instruments are inadequate for such degree of geometric detail, which has further surged the demand for 3D metrology solution. For exceptional quality control, manufacturers are increasingly using 3D metrology in all stages of production, from product design to the buying of final products to reduce wasted products and elevate product quality to maintain conformity with international standards.
Technological Advancements in 3D Metrology
Technology has greatly contributed to the growth of the 3D metrology market. Technological advances in technology, software algorithms, and computing power have strengthened the capabilities of 3D metrology systems. These systems can currently process measured values and large data volumes more quickly and accurately, magnifying the opportunities for applying the equipment. As a result, quality control processes become more efficient, and the entire concept can be stretched to in-line as well as portable metrology, shifting the application fields primarily from a back-office application to an on-field application covering the real live measuring on the production plant. Moreover, the introduction of automated robotic metrology is playing a crucial in strengthening the market share. For instance, ABB Robotics has unveiled Flexley Tug T702 autonomous mobile robot equipped with AI-based Visual SLAM navigation technology and the new AMR Studio software. It enables first-time robot users to easily program and operate entire fleets of mobile robots. Furthermore, its simple configuration reduces commissioning time by up to 20%, paving the way for a workplace where intelligent robots operate autonomously, amid a critical shortage of skilled labor.
Integration of the Product with Industry 4.0
The advantages of the application of 3D metrology in combination with Industry 4.0 is the disruptive nature of those practices regarding conventional comparative dimensional metrology and quality-control procedures. As such, it will ensure in-process monitoring and quality control, ensuring the possibility of error identification and their proactive correction. Due to data analysis and integration of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart factory solutions, and visualization, 3D metrology facilitates obtaining actionable data which allows for process optimization and the reduction of non-productive time. It will ensure the immaculate grind of the production process, making 3D metrology the new paradigm for modern manufacturing.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on offering, product, application, and end-use industry.
Hardware represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the offering. This includes hardware, software, and services. According to the report, hardware represented the largest segment.
The hardware segment in the global 3D metrology market is driven by the increasing need for high-precision equipment in manufacturing processes. As industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics strive for greater accuracy and efficiency in their production lines, the demand for advanced measurement hardware, including 3D scanners, laser trackers, and coordinate measuring machines, escalates. This trend is further bolstered by continuous technological innovations that improve the speed, accuracy, and versatility of hardware solutions, enabling their application in a wider range of conditions and materials. Moreover, the integration of hardware with advanced software capabilities enhances its functionality, making it indispensable for quality assurance and control in manufacturing. The push towards miniaturization of components and complex geometries in product design also necessitates the adoption of sophisticated metrology hardware that can capture detailed measurements at a high resolution, thus ensuring that products meet stringent quality standards.
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
Optical Digitizer & Scanner (ODS)
Video Measuring Machine (VMM)
3D Automated Optical Inspection System (AoI)
Form Measurement
Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the product. This includes coordinate measuring machine (CMM), optical digitizer & scanner (ODS), video measuring machine (VMM), 3D automated optical inspection system (AoI), and form measurement. According to the report, coordinate measuring machine (CMM) represented the largest segment.
The coordinate measuring machine (CMM) segment is driven by the increasing demand for precision engineering and the automation of quality control processes across various industries. This demand is particularly pronounced in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics, where the precise dimensions and tolerances of components are critical for performance and safety. Additionally, the integration of CMM technology with computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems enhances its applicability in the manufacturing process, allowing for direct comparison between the manufactured product and the original CAD design. Furthermore, advancements in CMM technology, including portability, ease of use, and the ability to measure complex geometries, have expanded its use beyond traditional manufacturing environments to on-site applications in construction and large-scale assembly.
Quality Control & Inspection
Reverse Engineering
Virtual Simulation
Quality control & inspection represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application. This includes quality control & inspection, reverse engineering, virtual simulation, and others. According to the report, quality control & inspection represented the largest segment.
The quality control and inspection segment is driven by the increasing emphasis on product quality and reliability across manufacturing industries, which necessitates rigorous inspection protocols. The adoption of stringent regulatory standards worldwide compels companies to adopt advanced quality control measures, including 3D metrology, to ensure compliance and maintain competitive advantage. Additionally, the rise of complex product designs and the integration of new materials necessitate precise and detailed inspection processes to guarantee functionality and safety. The drive towards automation in manufacturing also fuels the demand for sophisticated quality control and inspection technologies that can seamlessly integrate into automated production lines, enhancing efficiency and reducing human error. The trend towards globalization of supply chains further amplifies the need for uniform quality standards across borders, making advanced inspection technologies indispensable.
Aerospace & Defense
Architecture & Construction
Energy & Power
Heavy Industry
Automotive represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end use industry. This includes aerospace & defense, automotive, architecture & construction, medical, electronics, energy & power, heavy industry, mining, and others. According to the report, automotive represented the largest segment.
The automotive segment is driven by increasing demands for precision, safety, and efficiency in vehicle manufacturing, necessitating advanced quality control measures. Stringent environmental regulations require automakers to develop lighter and more fuel-efficient vehicles, leading to the use of new materials and complex designs that rely on 3D metrology for validation. The shift towards electric vehicles and autonomous driving technologies further accelerates the need for precise engineering and manufacturing processes, where 3D metrology plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and performance of components. Additionally, the competitive landscape of the automotive industry pushes manufacturers to innovate and improve product quality continuously, making 3D metrology an indispensable tool in design, testing, and production phases.
North America
United States
Asia Pacific
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest 3D metrology market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America represents the largest regional market for 3D metrology.
The North American 3D metrology market is driven by several key factors, emphasizing the region's innovative and industrial capabilities. The increasing adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies, particularly in the automotive and aerospace sectors, is a primary driver, as companies seek to maintain competitive edges through precision engineering and quality assurance. The region's strong emphasis on research and development activities, supported by substantial investments from both public and private sectors, fosters the innovation of new 3D metrology solutions. Additionally, North America benefits from a highly skilled workforce, capable of operating sophisticated metrology equipment and interpreting complex data, further enhancing the market's growth. The presence of leading 3D metrology companies within the region, which actively collaborate with industries to tailor solutions to specific needs, also plays a crucial role. This collaborative environment, coupled with a robust regulatory framework that emphasizes product quality and safety, ensures the continued expansion and relevance of the 3D metrology market in North America.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the 3D metrology industry include 3d Digital Corporation, Automated Precision Inc., Carl Zeiss AG, Creaform Inc., FARO Technologies, Inc., GOM GmbH, Hexagon AB, Jenoptik AG, KLA Corporation, Mitutoyo Corporation, Nikon Metrology NV, Perceptron, Inc., Renishaw PLC., etc.
Key players in the 3D metrology market are actively engaging in a variety of strategic initiatives to strengthen their market positions and drive industry growth. These include heavy investments in research and development (R&D) to innovate and enhance the accuracy, speed, and usability of 3D metrology solutions, catering to the evolving needs of various industries such as automotive, aerospace, healthcare, and manufacturing. Additionally, they are expanding their product portfolios through acquisitions and partnerships, aiming to offer comprehensive solutions that cover a wide range of measurement applications. To address the growing demand for skilled professionals in 3D metrology, these companies are also investing in training and educational programs, ensuring customers can fully leverage the capabilities of their technologies. Furthermore, they are focusing on the development of user-friendly software and integrating artificial intelligence to simplify data analysis, making 3D metrology more accessible to a broader audience.
In January 2020: Hexagon AB announced acquisition of Volume Graphics. The closing of the acquisition of Volume Graphics and the acquisitions announced will impact the income statement during the fourth quarter 2019 with one-off items of -25 MEUR. The one-off items relate to impairment of overlapping technologies, transaction costs and integration costs.
In October 2022: Renishaw PLC unveiled its new RFP fringe probe for use with its REVO(R) 5-axis measurement system on October 12, 2022. The RFP probe extends the capabilities of the REVO system by enabling high-speed scanning of reflective and shiny materials, enhancing measurement accuracy and efficiency.