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2024-2032 年基于游戏的学习市场报告(按平台(线上、离线)、收入类型(游戏购买、广告等)、最终用户(K-12 基于游戏的学习、高级基于游戏的学习)和地区Game-Based Learning Market Report by Platform (Online, Offline), Revenue Type (Game Purchase, Advertising, and Others), End-User (K-12 Game-Based Learning, Higher Game-Based Learning), and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球游戏学习市场规模达184亿美元。基于游戏的学习市场的成长主要是由对参与式学习体验、企业培训和技能发展、更好的个人化、学习成果和适应性的不断增长的需求以及智慧型手机的普及所推动的。
竞争格局:一些主要的基于游戏的学习市场公司包括 Badgeville (CallidusCloud)、Bunchball (BI WORLDWIDE)、Classcraft Studios Inc.、Six Waves Inc.、Recurrence, Inc.、Fundamentor (Paratus Knowledge Ventures Pvt Ltd)、Gametize私人私人。 Ltd.、GradeCraft(密西根大学董事会)、Kuato Studios、BreakAway Ltd. Inc.、Filament Games、LearningWare, Inc.、Osmo (Tangible Play, Inc.) 和 Toolwire, Inc. 等。
挑战、竞争、奖励等游戏元素的融入,吸引学习者的注意力,鼓励积极参与,这对全球游戏化学习市场需求有正面影响。除此之外,学习者沉浸在动态场景中,激励他们以有意义的方式探索内容并与之互动。因此,他们对自己的教育之旅投入更多,从而获得更高水平的动力和内在满足感。参与因素可以带来积极的学习体验,减少无聊和不感兴趣,并增强整体知识过程。此外,由于游戏体验过程中形成的情感联繫,学习者更有可能保留资讯并加深对主题的理解。例如,Grandel Games 开发了一款能够实现行为改变的严肃游戏。其中一款游戏「加菲猫算我一个」是专门为小学学生设计的,可以帮助他们进行重复的数学练习。它主要基于学习方法“Het Rekenmuurtje”(“数学墙”),由教育顾问专门开发。此外,国家网路安全中心 (NCSC) 推出了一款新的教育游戏 CyberSprinters,用于在小学、青年组织和俱乐部教授网路安全。 CyberSprinters 是一款主要针对 7 至 11 岁学习者的互动游戏。
学习者面临各种任务和障碍,需要批判性思考和解决问题的能力来克服。当他们在游戏中取得进展时,他们会立即收到回馈,这使他们能够从错误中学习并调整策略。这种反覆试验的过程促进了对内容的更深入理解,并鼓励使用者进行分析性思考,从而刺激了基于游戏的学习市场前景。此外,一些游戏中的竞争元素可以说服学习者争取更好的表现,并推动他们取得更高的学习成果。此外,成功完成游戏关卡或掌握困难概念所带来的成就感可以增强个人的自信心和自我效能感,对他们的整体学术或专业成就产生积极影响,从而推动基于游戏的学习市场的发展。例如,肯特大学的电脑专业学生开发了一款用于网路安全教育的严肃游戏。 SherLOCKED 是一款严肃的游戏,是在 2D 自上而下的益智冒险游戏中创建的,主要是为了巩固学生与安全相关的基本想法和概念。
透过资料分析和人工智慧,游戏可以有效地收集有关学习者的进步、偏好以及强项和弱项的资讯。根据这些资料,可以调整学习内容和难度级别,以满足每个使用者的独特需求。这种适应性确保学习者获得与其当前技能水平相符的有针对性的指导和挑战,优化理解过程,从而促进基于游戏的学习市场收入。此外,个人化也融入了学习过程中的主人翁意识,因为学习者感觉内容是专门为他们量身定制的,从而增强了他们积极参与材料的动力。透过迎合不同的学习方式和节奏,基于游戏的学习适应了不同的消费者,使其成为包容且有效的教育方法。例如,Enthusiast Gaming Holdings Inc. 与全球领先的订阅串流服务和製作公司 Netflix 合作,在 Netflix 的 Twitch 帐户上推出并支援每週的 Geeked: Toon-in 直播。此外,Fnatic 和 ASOS 签署了一项为期三年的协议,以架起时尚与游戏世界的桥樑。作为交易的一部分,两个品牌都开发并部署了多项线下和线上激活活动,将游戏和时尚世界结合在一起。
IMARC Group提供了全球游戏学习市场报告各细分市场的主要趋势分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球和区域层面的游戏学习市场预测。我们的报告根据平台、收入类型和最终用户对市场进行了分类。
数位科技和网路连线的日益普及通常推动了线上市场的发展。线上平台为学习者提供了透过电脑、平板电脑和智慧型手机等各种设备随时随地存取教育游戏的便利。这种可用性将基于游戏的学习的范围扩大到了全球受众。除此之外,线上平台也为来自不同背景的学习者提供即时协作和互动的机会,培养社群意识和共享学习体验。另一方面,基于离线游戏的学习通常涉及使用体育游戏、棋盘游戏或不需要网路连线进行操作的模拟游戏。这些解决方案在传统课堂环境、企业培训研讨会和团队建立活动中很受欢迎。它们提供触觉和互动学习体验,使参与者能够面对面协作并培养社交和沟通技能。线下平台也因其能够在不受数位干扰的情况下促进集中教育的能力而受到重视,从而创造一个鼓励更深入参与内容的沉浸式环境。此外,一些组织更喜欢离线解决方案来维护资料隐私和安全,特别是在敏感产业,包括国防和医疗保健,这正在扩大基于游戏的学习市场份额。例如,全球技术供应商微软在市场上占有重要地位,提供一系列旨在增强学习体验的产品和解决方案。该公司提供一整套以教育为中心的工具和应用程序,例如 Microsoft 365、Teams 和 OneNote 课堂笔记本。这些工具促进学生和教育工作者之间的协作学习、内容创建以及沟通。
基于游戏的学习市场统计数据是基于游戏购买,即用户为存取教育游戏和学习内容付费。这种收入模式在线上平台和基于应用程式的解决方案中很常见,学习者可以购买单独的游戏、捆绑包或订阅高级会员资格以完全存取多种教育游戏。除此之外,游戏购买模式为开发者和内容创作者提供了直接的收入来源,激励他们设计高品质且引人入胜的教育游戏。它还为消费者提供了一种主人翁意识和灵活性,使他们能够选择符合其学习目标的特定游戏。另一方面,广告代表了基于游戏的学习市场中另一个重要的收入模式。各种线上教育平台提供免费的学习游戏,但透过向用户展示有针对性的广告来创造收入。广告主利用这些教育游戏中的活跃受众来宣传他们的产品、服务或其他与学习相关的内容。此外,广告收入模式有利于使用者和内容创作者,因为个人可以免费存取教育游戏,而开发者则透过广告投放获得收入。例如,游戏内广告推动者 Frameplay 和游戏行销公司 Gamestack 宣布建立合作伙伴关係,在持续快速成长的印度游戏市场提供内在的游戏内广告解决方案。此次合作将使品牌能够透过身临其境的游戏内广告体验吸引印度游戏社群的广大受众。
K-12 基于游戏的学习
该报告根据最终用户对市场进行了详细的细分和分析。这包括 K-12 基于游戏的学习和高级基于游戏的学习。报告称,K-12 基于游戏的学习占据了最大的份额。
K-12 基于游戏的学习领域专注于专门为幼儿园到12 年级学生量身定制的教育游戏和互动学习内容。该领域经历了大幅成长。此外,K-12 基于游戏的学习提供了多样化的科目和主题,使年轻学习者的学习变得有趣且易于理解。为 K-12 学生设计的教育游戏通常包含游戏化技术,以促进积极参与、批判性思考和解决问题的能力。这些游戏符合课程标准,使教师能够将它们无缝地融入他们的课程计划中。例如,2023 年 9 月,Adobe Inc. 与印度联合教育部合作,为所有 K-12 学校免费提供 Adobe Express Premium。该平台可以培养学生的创造力和基本的数位技能,为他们从事各种职业做好准备。它还透过使教育工作者能够创建动态学习材料来增强教学,并提供提升技能的专业发展机会。
根据基于游戏的学习市场报告,由于其技术先进的教育基础设施以及日益重视教学方法的持续创新,北美占据了最大的市场份额。除此之外,该地区完善的数位环境促进了线上学习平台和教育游戏的广泛采用,这也促进了市场的成长。此外,精通科技的教育者和学习者数量的不断增加、支持性的监管环境以及政府机构对教育科技的投资数量不断增加,都大大提高了基于游戏的学习市场的近期价格。例如,根据 GSMA 的数据,到 2025 年,北美智慧型手机用户数量预计将达到 3.28 亿。 ,全球第二高。
Badgeville (CallidusCloud)
Bunchball(BI 全球)
Fundamentor(Paratus Knowledge Ventures Pvt Ltd)
2024 年 4 月:总部位于班加罗尔的学习科技公司 Kairos 推出以游戏为基础的学习平台来提升软技能。 Kairos 的创新数位游戏、实体游戏和工具套件在印度首次与综合资源相结合,将帮助 L&D 专业人员使软技能培训对学习者产生影响力和吸引力。
2024 年 4 月:美国教育部选择 Legends of Learning 平台提供 800 万美元的资助,用于研究佛罗里达州基于游戏的学习的有效性,作为教育创新与研究 (EIR) 资助计划的一部分。
2023 年 7 月:由高盛、General Atlantic、Kirkbi Invest 和 Glitrafjord AS 等领导的投资者财团同意收购位于奥斯陆的游戏学习平台 Kahoot。该财团的报价对 Kahoot 的估值为 17.2 亿美元。
The global game-based learning market size reached US$ 18.4 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 71.7 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 15.8% during 2024-2032. The game-based learning market growth is primarily driven by the escalating demand for engaging learning experiences, corporate training and skill development, better personalization, learning outcomes, and adaptability, and the proliferation of smartphones.
Major Market Drivers: Research has indicated that game-based learning can improve retention rates and knowledge acquisition compared to traditional methods, which is mainly stimulating the market growth. Besides this, the development of immersive games to target specific skills or competencies, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and decision-making, especially for corporate and educational settings, is augmenting the market expansion further.
Key Market Trends: The rising popularity of gamification techniques, including rewards, points, badges, and leaderboards to enhance learner engagement and motivation is catalyzing the global market. Besides this, the extensive research and development efforts by key players in the field of game-based learning, such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), are also bolstering the growth of the market.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major game-based learning market companies comprise Badgeville (CallidusCloud), Bunchball (BI WORLDWIDE), Classcraft Studios Inc., Six Waves Inc., Recurrence, Inc., Fundamentor (Paratus Knowledge Ventures Pvt Ltd), Gametize Pte. Ltd., GradeCraft (The Regents of the University of Michigan), Kuato Studios, BreakAway Ltd. Inc., Filament Games, LearningWare, Inc., Osmo (Tangible Play, Inc.), and Toolwire, Inc among others.
Geographical Trends: North America accounted for the largest region in the game-based learning market, owing to its technologically advanced education infrastructure and the growing emphasis on continuous innovation in teaching methods. In addition to this, the established innovative digital landscape in the region facilitates the widespread adoption of online learning platforms and educational games, which is also catalyzing the market growth. Moreover, the increasing number of tech-savvy educators and learners, favorable regulatory environment, and the inflating number of investments by government bodies in educational technology are augmenting the growth of the game-based learning market substantially.
Challenges and Opportunities: Creating high-quality and immersive games, designing engaging gameplay, developing advanced animations and graphics, and integration of educational content can be expensive and time-consuming, which are among the major challenges hampering the game-based learning market statistics. However, games have the possibility to captivate the attention of learners and foster intrinsic motivation, leading to high engagement and participation in educational activities, which is acting as a significant growth-inducing factor for market growth over the forecasted period
Engaging Learning Experience
The incorporation of game elements, such as challenges, competition, and rewards, captivates learners' attention, and encourages active participation, which is positively influencing the game-based learning market demand globally. Besides this, learners are immersed in dynamic scenarios, motivating them to explore and interact with the content in a meaningful way. As a result, they become more invested in their own educational journey, leading to higher levels of motivation and intrinsic satisfaction. The engagement factor forwards a positive learning experience, reduces boredom and disinterest, and enhances the overall knowledge process. Moreover, learners are more likely to retain information and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter, owing to the emotional connection formed during the gaming experience. For instance, Grandel Games built a serious game that achieves behavioral change. One of the games, 'Garfield's Count Me In,' is specifically designed for students in primary education and thus assists them in doing repetitive math exercises. It is mainly based on the learning methodology 'Het Rekenmuurtje' ('Math Wall') and is specially developed by educational advisers. Additionally, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) introduced a new educational game, CyberSprinters, for teaching cyber security at primary schools, youth organizations, and clubs. The CyberSprinters is an interactive game primarily aimed at 7 to 11-year-old learners.
Enhanced Learning Outcomes
Learners are presented with various tasks and obstacles that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills to overcome. As they progress through the game, they receive immediate feedback, which allows them to learn from their mistakes and adapt their strategies. This iterative process of trial and error promotes a deeper understanding of the content and encourages users to think analytically, which is stimulating the game-based learning market outlook forward. Furthermore, the element of competition in some games can persuade learners to strive for better performance, driving them to achieve higher learning outcomes. Moreover, the sense of accomplishment derived from successfully completing a game level or mastering a difficult concept boosts the self-confidence and self-efficacy of individuals, positively impacting their overall academic or professional achievements, thereby propelling the game-based learning market overview. For instance, computing students at the University of Kent developed a serious game for cybersecurity education. The serious game, SherLOCKED was created in a 2D top-down puzzle adventure and is primarily built to consolidate students' foundational security-related ideas and concepts.
Personalization and Adaptivity
Through data analytics and artificial intelligence, games can efficiently collect information about learners' progress, preferences, and areas of strength and weakness. Based on this data, the learning content and difficulty level can be adjusted to suit each user's unique needs. This adaptivity ensures that learners receive targeted instruction and challenges that align with their current skill levels, optimizing the understanding process, which is catalyzing the game-based learning market revenue. Moreover, personalization also incorporates a sense of ownership over the learning journey, as learners feel that the content is tailored specifically for them, enhancing their motivation to actively engage with the material. By catering to diverse learning styles and paces, game-based learning accommodates various consumers, making it an inclusive and effective educational approach. For instance, Enthusiast Gaming Holdings Inc. partnered with Netflix, the global leader in subscription streaming service and production company, to launch and support the Geeked: Toon-in live stream weekly on Netflix's Twitch account. Furthermore, Fnatic and ASOS signed a three-year deal to bridge the worlds of fashion with gaming. Both brands developed and deployed multiple offline and online activations as part of the deal, bringing the gaming and fashion worlds together.
Game-Based Learning Market Segmentation
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the global game-based learning market report, along with game-based learning market forecast at the global and regional levels from 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on platform, revenue type, and end-user.
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the platform. This includes online and offline.
The increasing accessibility of digital technologies and internet connectivity is typically driving the online segment. Online platforms offer learners the convenience of accessing educational games anytime and anywhere through various devices, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. This availability has expanded the reach of game-based learning to a global audience. Besides this, online platforms also provide opportunities for real-time collaboration and interaction among learners from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and shared learning experiences. On the other hand, offline game-based learning generally involves the use of physical educational games, board games, or simulations that do not require an internet connection for operation. These solutions are popular in traditional classroom settings, corporate training workshops, and team-building activities. They offer a tactile and interactive learning experience, enabling participants to collaborate face-to-face and develop social and communication skills. Offline platforms are also valued for their ability to promote focused education without digital distractions, creating an immersive environment that encourages deeper engagement with the content. Moreover, some organizations prefer offline solutions to maintain data privacy and security, especially in sensitive industries, including defense and healthcare, which is augmenting the game-based learning market share. For instance, Microsoft, a global technology provider, has a substantial presence in the market, offering a range of products and solutions tailored to enhance learning experiences. The company provides a comprehensive suite of education-focused tools and applications, such as Microsoft 365, Teams, and OneNote Class Notebook. These tools facilitate collaborative learning, content creation, and communication among students and educators.
Game Purchase
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the revenue type. This includes game purchase, advertising, and others.
The game-based learning market statistics are based on game purchases, where users pay for access to educational games and learning content. This revenue model is common in online platforms and app-based solutions, where learners can buy individual games, bundles, or subscribe to a premium membership for full access to several educational games. Besides this, the game purchase model offers a direct revenue stream for developers and content creators, incentivizing them to design high-quality and engaging educational games. It also provides consumers with a sense of ownership and flexibility, allowing them to choose particular games aligned with their learning goals. On the other hand, advertising represents another prominent income model in the game-based learning market. Various online educational platforms offer free access to learning games but generate revenue by displaying targeted advertisements to users. Advertisers leverage the engaged and captive audience within these educational games to promote their products, services, or other learning-related content. Moreover, the advertising revenue model benefits users and content creators, as individuals can access educational games at no cost, while developers generate income through ad placements. For example, Frameplay, an enabler of in-gaming advertising, and Gamestack, a gaming marketing company, announced a partnership to offer intrinsic in-game advertising solutions in the Indian gaming market, which continues to grow rapidly. This collaboration will enable brands to reach a vast audience of engaged Indian gaming communities through immersive in-game advertisement experiences.
K-12 Game-Based Learning
Higher Game-Based Learning
K-12 game-based learning dominates the market
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end-user. This includes K-12 game-based learning and higher game-based learning. According to the report, K-12 game-based learning represented the largest segment.
The K-12 game-based learning segment focuses on educational games and interactive learning content tailored particularly for students in kindergarten through grade 12. It has experienced substantial growth as educators and institutions recognize the potential of game-based learning to enhance traditional teaching methods. Moreover, K-12 game-based learning offers diverse subjects and topics, making learning enjoyable and accessible for young learners. Educational games designed for K-12 students generally comprise gamification techniques to promote active engagement, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. These games align with curriculum standards, allowing teachers to integrate them seamlessly into their lesson plans. For instance, in September 2023, Adobe Inc., partnered with the Union Education Ministry of India to provide free access to Adobe Express Premium for all K-12 schools. The platform allows creativity and essential digital skills in students, preparing them for various careers. It also enhances teaching by enabling educators to create dynamic learning materials and offers professional development opportunities for upskilling.
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
Latin America
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest game-based learning market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America; Europe; Asia Pacific; Latin America; and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America represents the largest market share.
As per the game-based learning market report, North America accounted for the largest segment of the market, owing to its technologically advanced education infrastructure and the growing emphasis on continuous innovation in teaching methods. In addition to this, the well-established digital landscape in the region facilitates the widespread adoption of online learning platforms and educational games, which is also catalyzing the market growth. Moreover, the increasing number of tech-savvy educators and learners, supportive regulatory environment, and the inflating number of investments by government bodies in educational technology are augmenting the game-based learning market recent price substantially. For instance, according to the GSMA, the number of smartphone subscribers in North America is expected to reach 328 million by 2025. Moreover, by 2025, the region may witness an increase in the penetration rates of mobile subscribers (86%) and the internet (80%), the second-highest across the globe.
Leading Key Players in the Game-based Learning Industry
Leading companies in the game-based learning industry invest heavily in research and development to create innovative and high-quality educational content. They collaborate with subject matter experts and educators to design games that align with curriculum standards and address specific learning objectives. Continuous efforts in content development ensure that learners have access to engaging and relevant games that promote effective learning outcomes. Additionally, key players leverage advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality, to enhance the immersive and interactive elements of game-based learning. Integrating cutting-edge technology into educational games creates more authentic learning experiences and fosters deeper engagement among learners. Other than this, collaboration with schools, colleges, and universities allows game-based learning companies to align their products with educational institutions' needs. Key players work closely with educators to understand the challenges in the education sector and tailor their solutions accordingly. Such partnerships help in co-creating content that complements traditional teaching methods and enriches the overall learning experience. Besides this, leading game-based learning companies actively expand their presence in diverse markets worldwide. They localize their content to suit regional preferences, languages, and cultural contexts, making the educational games more accessible and appealing to learners from different backgrounds. In line with this, key players use data analytics to gather insights into learners' progress, behavior, and preferences. Analyzing this data allows them to improve content efficacy, personalize learning experiences, and refine their educational games continuously.
Badgeville (CallidusCloud)
Bunchball (BI WORLDWIDE)
Classcraft Studios Inc.
Six Waves Inc.
Recurrence, Inc.
Fundamentor (Paratus Knowledge Ventures Pvt Ltd)
Gametize Pte. Ltd.
GradeCraft (The Regents of the University of Michigan)
Kuato Studios
BreakAway Ltd. Inc.
Filament Games
LearningWare, Inc.
Osmo (Tangible Play, Inc.)
Toolwire, Inc
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
April 2024: A Bengaluru-based learning technology company, Kairos, debuts game-based learning platform to drive soft skills. For the first time in India, Kairos' innovative suite of digital games, physical games & tools, combined with comprehensive resources, will help L&D professionals to make soft-skill training impactful and engaging for learners.
April 2024: The U.S. Department of Education selects Legends of Learning platform for US $8 Million grant to study effectiveness of game-based learning in Florida as part of the Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant program.
July 2023: An investor consortium led by Goldman Sachs, General Atlantic, Kirkbi Invest, and Glitrafjord AS, among others, agreed to acquire Kahoot, an Oslo-based game-based learning platform. The consortium's offer values Kahoot at US $1.72 Billion.