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2024-2032 年按产品、感染类型、手术类型、最终用户和地区分類的手术部位感染控制市场报告Surgical Site Infection Control Market Report by Product, Infection Type, Surgery Type, End User, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年,全球手术部位感染控制市场规模达46亿美元。外科手术的增加、对医疗保健相关感染的认识不断增强、对病人安全的重视以及医疗保健支出的激增是推动手术部位感染控制市场成长的一些主要因素。
主要市场趋势:手术部位感染的盛行率不断上升、感染控制产品的技术不断进步、微创手术的普及以及严格的监管标准的引入预计将推动手术部位感染控制市场的需求。此外,随着全球医疗保健支出的增加,人们越来越关注改善患者治疗结果和减少医疗相关感染(包括 SSI)。这一趋势预计将推动手术环境中对先进感染控制解决方案的需求。
竞争格局:手术部位感染控制市场的一些领先公司包括 3M 公司、Ansell Limited、Becton Dickinson and Company、bioMerieux SA。 (Institut Merieux)、Covalon Technologies Ltd.、GAMA Healthcare Ltd.、Getinge AB (Carl Bennet AB)、强生公司、Kimberly-Clark Corporation、Molnlycke Health Care AB、Prescient Surgical 和 Steris Corporation 等。
全球许多地区正在经历人口结构变化,其特征是 65 岁及以上老年人的比例不断增加。例如,根据世界卫生组织的数据,到 2030 年,世界上每 6 个人中就有 1 人年龄在 60 岁或以上。此时,60岁及以上人口比例将从2020年的10亿上升至14亿。到 2050 年,全球 60 岁及以上人口将翻倍(21 亿)。预计 2020 年至 2050 年间,80 岁及以上的人口数量将增加两倍,达到 4.26 亿。由于免疫系统与年龄相关的变化、组织癒合能力下降以及糖尿病、高血压和心血管疾病等合併症的存在,老年人更容易受到 SSI 的影响。随着老年人口的增长,对老年人进行的外科手术数量相应增加,导致对感染控制措施以降低 SSI 风险的需求更高。例如,根据国家医学图书馆 2021 年 3 月发表的一篇文章,每年对 65 岁及以上的老年人进行近 400 万例外科手术。与此一致的是,根据美国国家医学图书馆 2023 年 3 月发表的另一篇文章,在全膝关节置换手术中,76-80 岁老年人的 SSI 率高于 61-65 岁年龄组。这些因素进一步增加了手术部位感染市场的收入。
世界各地的外科手术数量显着增加。例如,根据国家医学图书馆 2020 年 9 月发表的一篇文章,全球 11% 的疾病负担需要手术介入、麻醉管理或两者兼而有之。最常见的手术是白内障手术(22.8%)、剖腹产手术(3.8%)、骨折手术(3.27%)和疝气手术(2.86%)。必要手术占全部手术的44.2%。此外,医疗保健基础设施发展倡议,特别是在新兴市场,有助于手术部位感染控制市场的成长。印度投资网格(India Investment Grid) 发表的一篇文章称,到2025 年,公共卫生支出预计将上升至GDP 的2.5%。策略和技术,以尽量减少SSI 的发生率。这包括采用严格的方案、先进的灭菌技术、手术器械的抗菌涂层以及在伤口敷料和缝线中使用高科技材料。例如,2023年12月,弗林德斯大学和中国研究人员合作开发了一种具有高度抗感染能力的新型Ag-Ga骨科植入物覆盖物。这种新型材料可以透过喷涂轻鬆且可控地放置在许多医疗设备上,以保护它们免受感染,同时提供抗发炎作用。此外,2023年10月,Sylke Inc.推出了SYLKE,这是一种由纯低过敏性丝素蛋白製成的敷料。 SYLKE 促进手术伤口癒合,减少可能导致疤痕不良的併发症和感染。 SYLKE 寻求透过消除医用黏合剂相关的导致感染和不良疤痕结果的皮肤损伤来改变手术伤口护理。
研究和临床试验的进展透过促进创新产品的开发、增强治疗策略和改善患者预后,在推动手术部位感染控制市场的成长方面发挥着至关重要的作用。例如,2024 年 2 月,致力于改善手术结果的生物製药公司 PolyPid Ltd. 在招募第 100 名患者后,宣布其 SHIELD II 3 期临床研究取得了重大进展。这项研究检视了 D-PLEX100 的功效,该候选产品旨在预防腹部结直肠手术中的手术部位感染 (SSI)。 SHIELD II 试验的主要结果预计将于 2024 年下半年公布,约有 40 个地点积极参与研究。此外,研究和临床试验有助于确定手术环境中感染预防和控制的最佳实践和指南。关于术前准备、手术技术、抗菌预防和术后护理的实证建议有助于标准化方案并提高对感染控制措施的依从性,最终降低 SSI 的发生率并改善患者的预后。例如,2023 年 8 月,埃默里大学进行了一项涵盖 20,000 多名患者的研究,并使用自动化方法提供回馈和评估表现,发现抗生素预防依从性提高了 12%,整体 SSI 下降了 33%。外科感染学会 2023 年年会上公布的数据表明,独特的自动化抗生素预防方法可显着减少手术部位感染。这些因素进一步积极影响手术部位感染控制市场的预测。
IMARC Group提供了全球手术部位感染控制市场报告每个细分市场的主要趋势分析,以及 2024 年至 2032 年全球、区域和国家层面的预测。我们的报告根据产品、感染类型、手术类型和最终用户对市场进行了分类。
根据手术部位感染控制市场前景,抗生素预防在预防手术部位感染(SSI)方面发挥着至关重要的作用,这是医疗机构中一个重要的问题。通常在手术切口前不久施用抗生素,以在潜在细菌污染时达到足够的组织浓度。给药时间至关重要,最好在手术切口前 60 分钟内进行,但某些抗生素和手术可能有例外。此外,预防性抗生素治疗方案通常根据不同外科手术的具体要求进行客製化。例如,整形外科手术可能需要金黄色葡萄球菌和链球菌的覆盖,而结直肠手术可能需要针对革兰氏阴性菌和厌氧菌的额外覆盖。例如,2024 年 1 月,美国创伤外科协会 (AAST)、欧洲世界外科感染学会 (SIS-E)、全球外科感染联盟 (GAIS) 和世界急诊外科学会 ( WSES)合作制定了针对涉及头部、大脑、躯干、颜面部、四肢、皮肤和软组织的创伤性病变的抗生素预防(AP)的重要指南。
报告还根据感染类型对市场进行了详细的细分和分析。这包括浅表切口 SSI、深部切口 SSI 和器官或空间 SSI。报告显示,浅切 SSI 目前占据最大的市场份额。
根据手术部位感染市场概况,浅层切口手术部位感染(SSI)占所有 SSI 的很大一部分。这些感染发生在术后 30 天内,仅涉及切口的皮肤和皮下组织。它们的特征通常是手术部位发红、发热、肿胀和局部疼痛等症状。它们是外科手术中最常见的 SSI 类型。它们相对较高的发病率强调了它们在感染控制工作中的重要性。例如,根据国家医学图书馆 2023 年发表的一篇文章,所有 SSI 患者中 59% 患有浅表 SSI。
剖腹产是全球最常见的外科手术之一。在许多国家,剖腹产率多年来一直在稳步上升。由于手术量如此之大,预防剖腹产中的 SSI 成为感染控制工作的重要重点。此外,剖腹产手术部位由于靠近生殖器和胃肠道,特别容易受到感染,而这些部位含有大量细菌。此外,此手术会破坏皮肤和子宫壁的保护屏障,增加污染的风险。除此之外,剖腹产后的 SSI 可能会对母亲和新生儿产生严重后果。除了引起母亲不适和延长住院时间外,SSI 还会导致子宫内膜炎、伤口裂开、败血症等併发症,并增加医疗费用。也存在病原体垂直传播给新生儿的风险,这可能导致新生儿感染。例如,根据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的资料,剖腹产的使用正在增加,到 2021 年,剖腹产的比例将超过五分之一 (21%)。年,近三分之一(29%) 的新生儿是剖腹产出生的。
医院对手术部位感染(SSI)控制的需求源自于与病人安全、医疗品质、监管要求和财务考量相关的各种因素。预防 SSI 对于确保病人安全和最大限度降低术后併发症的风险至关重要。 SSI 可能导致严重的发生率、住院时间延长、医疗费用增加,严重时甚至导致死亡。医院有道德和伦理义务为病人提供安全和高品质的护理,其中包括实施控制 SSI 的措施。此外,医院越来越注重提供高品质的护理并在社区中保持良好的声誉。预防 SSI 是医疗保健品质改进工作的一个基本面向。病患、医疗保健专业人员、保险公司和监管机构认为,有效控制 SSI 的医院更安全、更可靠。
根据手术部位感染控制市场统计数据,北美是全球最大的医疗保健产品和服务市场之一。在此背景下,SSI 控制市场涵盖广泛的产品,包括抗菌剂、手术单、手套、灭菌设备、伤口护理产品和监控系统。儘管外科技术和感染控制实践取得了进步,但 SSI 仍然是北美医疗机构的一个重大问题。 SSI 的盛行率因不同的外科专业和环境而异,但对医疗保健系统造成了巨大的临床和经济负担。例如,2021 年 2 月,Penn Medicine 开设了新的介入支援中心 (ISC),使其成为美国费城西南部最着名的器械处理和手术用品准备设施之一。 ISC 是宾州最早的此类设施之一,工作人员每天对数千件器械进行消毒和包装,为手术和程序做准备,从基本的剪刀和夹子到复杂的机器人器械。例如,根据美国国家医学图书馆发表的一篇文章,2024 年 2 月,美国手术部位感染约占 200 万例院内感染,这大大提高了术后发病率和死亡率。与此一致,根据麦克马斯特大学和马里兰大学医学院于2024 年2 月联合领导的国际试验,每年有数千名接受闭合性骨折手术的患者可以透过在酒精中使用碘化物来避免手术部位感染消毒他们的皮肤。
The global surgical site infection control market size reached US$ 4.6 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 6.5 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 3.78% during 2024-2032. The increasing surgical procedures, growing awareness about healthcare-associated infections, enhanced focus on patient safety, and surging healthcare expenditure are some of the major factors propelling the surgical site infection control market growth.
Major Market Drivers: The rising cases of hospital-acquired infections and the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions, such as cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), etc., due to the aging population, sedentary lifestyles, and unhealthy eating habits are propelling the adoption of surgical site infection control. Moreover, several favorable initiatives undertaken by the governing and non-governing agencies of various countries, such as the introduction of stringent guidelines and training programs focused on infection control practices, are propelling the surgical site infection control market.
Key Market Trends: The increasing prevalence of surgical site infections, ongoing technological advancements in infection control products, rising adoption of minimally invasive surgeries, and introduction of stringent regulatory standards are expected to propel the surgical site infection control market demand. Moreover, with the rise in healthcare expenditure globally, there is a growing focus on improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare-associated infections, including SSIs. This trend is expected to drive the demand for advanced infection control solutions in surgical settings.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the leading surgical site infection control market companies are 3M Company, Ansell Limited, Becton Dickinson and Company, bioMerieux SA. (Institut Merieux), Covalon Technologies Ltd., GAMA Healthcare Ltd., Getinge AB (Carl Bennet AB), Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Molnlycke Health Care AB, Prescient Surgical, and Steris Corporation, among many others.
Geographical Trends: According to the report, North America currently dominates the overall market. The region represents one of the largest markets for surgical site infection control products and services globally. The market size is influenced by factors such as the increase in the number of surgical procedures, advanced healthcare infrastructures, wide presence of regulatory landscape, ongoing technological innovations, etc. The market has been experiencing steady growth due to the increasing awareness about healthcare-associated infections and the importance of infection prevention measures.
Challenges and Opportunities: Antibiotic resistance, compliance issues, cost consideration, and variations in surgical practices and protocols across different healthcare facilities are some of the challenges that the market is facing. However, advances in medical technology, such as the development of antimicrobial coatings, novel surgical materials, and robotic-assisted surgery, offer the surgical site infection control market recent opportunities to enhance infection control in surgical settings.
Rising Geriatric Population
Many regions worldwide are experiencing a demographic shift characterized by a growing proportion of older adults aged 65 and above. For instance, according to the World Health Organization, by 2030, one in every six persons in the world will be 60 or older. At this time, the proportion of the population aged 60 and up will rise from 1 billion in 2020 to 1.4 billion. By 2050, the global population of persons aged 60 and up will double (2.1 billion). The number of people aged 80 and older is anticipated to treble between 2020 and 2050, reaching 426 million. Older adults are more vulnerable to SSIs due to age-related changes in the immune system, reduced tissue healing capacity, and the presence of comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. As the geriatric population grows, there is a corresponding increase in the number of surgical procedures performed on older adults, leading to a higher demand for infection control measures to mitigate the risk of SSIs. For instance, according to an article published by the National Library of Medicine in March 2021, nearly 4 million surgical procedures were performed each year in older adults aged 65 years and above. In line with this, according to another article published by the National Library of Medicine in March 2023, in total knee replacement surgery, the SSI rates were higher in older adults aged 76-80 years when compared with the age group of 61-65 years. These factors are further bolstering the surgical site infection market revenue.
Increasing Surgical Procedure and Healthcare Infrastructure Development
There has been a significant increase in surgical procedures across the world. For instance, according to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, in September 2020, 11% of the world's illness burden necessitates surgical intervention, anesthetic management, or both. The most common procedures were for cataracts (22.8%), Caesareans (3.8%), fracture surgeries (3.27%), and hernias (2.86%). The necessary operations made up 44.2% of all surgeries. Moreover, healthcare infrastructure development initiatives, particularly in emerging markets, contribute to the growth of the surgical site infection control market. According to an article published by the India Investment Grid, public health expenditure is expected to rise to 2.5% of GDP by 2025. Apart from this, healthcare facilities and providers are increasingly investing in preventive strategies and technologies to minimize the incidence of SSIs. This includes the adoption of stringent protocols, advanced sterilization techniques, antimicrobial coatings for surgical instruments, and the utilization of high-tech materials in wound dressings and sutures. For instance, in December 2023, Flinders University and Chinese researchers collaborated to develop a new Ag-Ga orthopedic implant covering that is highly resistant to infection. The novel material could be readily and controllably put by spray-casting on numerous medical devices to protect them from infection while simultaneously providing an anti-inflammatory impact. Moreover, in October 2023, Sylke Inc. introduced SYLKE, the dressing manufactured from pure hypoallergenic silk fibroin. SYLKE promotes healing in surgical wounds and reduces complications and infections that might cause poor scarring. SYLKE seeks to transform surgical wound care by removing medical adhesive-related skin damage that causes infections and poor scarring outcomes.
Advances in Research Studies and Clinical Trials
Advances in research studies and clinical trials play a crucial role in driving growth in the surgical site infection control market by facilitating the development of innovative products, enhancing treatment strategies, and improving patient outcomes. For instance, in February 2024, PolyPid Ltd., a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to improving surgical outcomes, announced considerable progress in its SHIELD II Phase 3 clinical study, after enrolling its 100th patient. This research looked at the efficacy of D-PLEX100, a product candidate intended to prevent surgical site infections (SSIs) in abdominal colorectal procedures. Top-line results from the SHIELD II trial were expected in the second half of 2024, with about 40 locations actively participating in the study. Moreover, research studies and clinical trials contribute to the identification of best practices and guidelines for infection prevention and control in surgical settings. Evidence-based recommendations regarding preoperative preparation, surgical techniques, antimicrobial prophylaxis, and postoperative care help standardize protocols and improve adherence to infection control measures, ultimately reducing the incidence of SSIs and improving patient outcomes. For instance, in August 2023, Emory University performed research which included over 20,000 patients and used automated methods to provide feedback and evaluate performance, found a 12% increase in antibiotic prophylactic compliance and a 33% decrease in overall SSIs. Data presented at the Surgical Infection Society's 2023 annual meeting showed that a unique automated antibiotic prophylaxis approach significantly reduces surgical site infections. These factors are further positively influencing the surgical site infection control market forecast.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each sub-segment of the global surgical site infection control market report, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels from 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on product, infection type, surgery type, and end user.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Products
Wound Care Dressings
Surgical Drapes
Surgical Clippers
Antiseptics and Disinfectants
Wound Irrigation Products
Antibiotic prophylaxis products currently exhibit a clear dominance in the market
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the product. This includes antibiotic prophylaxis products, wound care dressings, surgical drapes, surgical clippers, antiseptics and disinfectants, wound irrigation products, and others. According to the report, antibiotic prophylaxis products account for the majority of the global market share.
According to the surgical site infection control market outlook, antibiotic prophylaxis plays a crucial role in preventing surgical site infections (SSIs), which are a significant concern in healthcare settings. Antibiotics are usually administered shortly before surgical incision to achieve adequate tissue concentrations at the time of potential bacterial contamination. The timing of administration is critical and should ideally occur within 60 minutes before the surgical incision, although exceptions may exist for certain antibiotics and procedures. Moreover, prophylactic antibiotic regimens are often tailored to the specific requirements of different surgical procedures. For example, orthopedic surgeries may require coverage against Staphylococcus aureus and streptococci, while colorectal surgeries may necessitate additional coverage against gram-negative and anaerobic bacteria. For instance, in January 2024, the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST), the World Surgical Infection Society Europe (SIS-E), the Global Alliance for Infection in Surgery (GAIS), and the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) collaborated to develop important guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) in cases of traumatic lesions involving the head, brain, torso, maxillofacial region, extremities, skin, and soft tissues.
Superficial Incisional SSI
Deep Incisional SSI
Organ or Space SSI
Currently, superficial incisional SSI accounts for the majority of the global market share
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the infection type have also been provided in the report. This includes superficial incisional SSI, deep incisional SSI, and organ or space SSI. According to the report, superficial incisional SSI currently holds the largest market share.
According to the surgical site infection market overview, superficial incisional surgical site infections (SSIs) represent a significant portion of all SSIs. These infections occur within 30 days after the operation and involve only the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the incision. They are often characterized by symptoms such as redness, warmth, swelling, and localized pain at the surgical site. They are among the most common types of SSIs encountered in surgical practice. Their relatively high incidence underscores their importance in infection control efforts. For instance, according to an article published by the National Library of Medicine in 2023, 59% of the total SSI patients had superficial SSI.
Cesarean Section
Gastric Bypass
Cataract Surgery
Dental Restoration
Cesarean section currently holds the largest market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the surgery type. This includes cesarean section, gastric bypass, cataract surgery, dental restoration, and others. According to the report, the cesarean section holds the largest share in the overall market.
Cesarean sections are one of the most common surgical procedures globally. In many countries, the rates of C-section deliveries have been increasing steadily over the years. With such a high volume of procedures, the prevention of SSIs in C-sections becomes a significant focus of infection control efforts. Moreover, the surgical site in a Cesarean section is particularly vulnerable to infection due to its proximity to the genital and gastrointestinal tracts, which harbor numerous bacteria. Additionally, the procedure involves breaching the protective barriers of the skin and uterine wall, increasing the risk of contamination. Apart from this, SSIs following Cesarean sections can have serious consequences for both the mother and the newborn. In addition to causing discomfort and prolonging hospital stays for the mother, SSIs can lead to complications such as endometritis, wound dehiscence, sepsis, and increased healthcare costs. There's also a risk of vertical transmission of pathogens to the newborn, which can result in neonatal infections. For instance, according to World Health Organization (WHO) data, the use of cesarean sections is increasing, accounting for more than one in every five (21%) childbirths in 2021. This figure is expected to rise further over the next decade, with almost one-third (29%) of all births by cesarean section by 2030.
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Currently, hospitals exhibit a clear dominance in the market
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end user have also been provided in the report. This includes hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and others. According to the surgical site infection control market report, hospitals exhibit a clear dominance in the market.
The demand for surgical site infection (SSI) control in hospitals arises from various factors related to patient safety, healthcare quality, regulatory requirements, and financial considerations. Preventing SSIs is essential for ensuring patient safety and minimizing the risk of postoperative complications. SSIs can lead to significant morbidity, prolonged hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, and in severe cases, mortality. Hospitals have a moral and ethical obligation to provide safe and high-quality care to their patients, which includes implementing measures to control SSIs. Moreover, hospitals are increasingly focused on delivering high-quality care and maintaining a positive reputation within their communities. Preventing SSIs is a fundamental aspect of healthcare quality improvement efforts. Hospitals that effectively control SSIs are perceived as safer and more reliable by patients, healthcare professionals, insurers, and regulatory agencies.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America currently dominates the global market
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America currently dominates the global market.
According to the surgical site infection control market statistics, North America represents one of the largest markets for healthcare products and services globally. Within this context, the SSI control market encompasses a wide range of products, including antimicrobial agents, surgical drapes, gloves, sterilization equipment, wound care products, and surveillance systems. Despite advances in surgical techniques and infection control practices, SSIs remain a significant concern in North American healthcare facilities. The prevalence of SSIs varies across different surgical specialties and settings but represents a substantial clinical and economic burden on healthcare systems. For instance, in February 2021, Penn Medicine opened its new Interventional Support Center (ISC), making it one of the most prominent instrument processing and surgical supply preparation facilities in Southwest Philadelphia, United States. The ISC is one of Pennsylvania's first facilities of its sort, with staff sterilizing and packaging thousands of instruments daily in preparation for surgeries and procedures, ranging from basic scissors and clamps to complex robotic instruments. For instance, according to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, in February 2024, surgical site infections accounted for approximately two million nosocomial infections in the U.S., which considerably raises postoperative morbidity and mortality rates. In line with this, according to the international trial co-led by McMaster University and the University of Maryland School of Medicine in February 2024, thousands of patients yearly undergoing surgery for a closed fracture may avoid surgical site infections by using iodine povacrylex in alcohol to disinfect their skin.
3M Company
Ansell Limited
Becton Dickinson and Company
bioMerieux SA. (Institut Merieux)
Covalon Technologies Ltd.
GAMA Healthcare Ltd.
Getinge AB (Carl Bennet AB)
Johnson & Johnson
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Molnlycke Health Care AB
Prescient Surgical
Steris Corporation
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
May 2024: Nanordica Medical, an Estonian medical technology firm, received €1.75 million to enter the market with first-in-class wound care solutions that treat serious wounds.
April 2024: Vomaris launched PowerHeal, a bioelectric bandage approved by the FDA for over-the-counter (OTC) use in the management of wounds.
February 2024: PolyPid Ltd., a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to improving surgical outcomes, announced considerable progress in its SHIELD II Phase 3 clinical study, after enrolling its 100th patient. This research looked at the efficacy of D-PLEX100, a product candidate intended to prevent surgical site infections (SSIs) in abdominal colorectal procedures.