2024-2032 年按元件类型、电压范围、应用、最终用途产业和地区分類的 GaN 功率元件市场报告GaN Power Device Market Report by Device Type, Voltage Range, Application, End-Use Industry, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球GaN功率元件市场规模达3.475亿美元。由于对能源效率的需求不断增长、电动车 (EV) 市场的最新进展、半导体行业的不断创新、可再生能源技术的广泛采用以及电子产品的不断小型化,市场正在迅速扩大。
主要市场趋势:根据 GaN 功率元件市场分析,电子元件持续向小型化转变以及第五代 (5G) 网路的全球推出正在支持市场成长。
地区趋势:由于製造基地的不断扩大、技术的大量投资、对再生能源的日益关注以及汽车行业日益电气化,多个地区的 GaN 功率装置市场呈现成长趋势。
竞争格局:GaN功率元件产业的一些主要市场参与者包括Efficient Power Conversion、GaN Systems Inc.、IQE、Koninklijke Philips NV、MACOM Technology Solutions、Microsemi Corporation (Microchip Technology Inc.)、三菱电机公司、Navitas Semiconductor Inc. 、Qorvo Inc.、住友电气工业有限公司、德州仪器公司、东芝公司和Wolfspeed Inc. (Cree Inc.) 等。
向能源效率的突然转变是推动氮化镓(GaN)功率元件市场成长的主要因素。它们因能够在比硅基同类产品更高的电压、频率和温度下工作而闻名,从而实现更高效的功率转换。例如,Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) 推出了 EPC9137,这是一款可扩展的 1.5 kW、两相 48 V - 12 V 演示板,由氮化镓 (GaN) FET 供电。此演示板的设计具有可扩展性,两个转换器可以并联以达到 3 kW,或者三个转换器可以并联以达到 4.5 kW。到 2025 年,预计全球每售出 10 辆汽车就有 1 辆是 48 V 轻度混合动力汽车。这些混合动力系统可提高燃油效率,提供四倍的功率,并减少二氧化碳排放,需要 48V - 12V 双向转换器,功率范围为 1.5 kW 至 6 kW。 EPC eGaN FET 可在250 kHz 开关频率下以97% 的效率运行,与硅基解决方案相比,可实现800 W/相,而硅基解决方案由于100 kHz 最大开关频率下电感器电流的限制,功率限制为600 W/相。这一趋势得到了旨在减少能源消耗和碳足迹的政府法规和政策的支持,进一步推动了氮化镓功率装置市场的发展。
电动车 (EV) 市场的成长
蓬勃发展的电动车市场是氮化镓功率装置成长的重要催化剂。这些元件对于电动车中的车载充电器、DC/DC 转换器和电源逆变器等应用至关重要。 GaN 卓越的效率和高功率密度非常适合电动车,有助于打造更轻、更小、更可靠的系统。例如,IQE plc 与 GaN 公司 VisIC 进行策略合作,开发了电动车逆变器的高可靠性 GaN D 型(D-Mode GaN)功率产品。他们开发了 200mm D 模式 GaN 功率外延片,可实现电动车的更长续航里程和更快的充电时间,解决了电动车采用过程中面临的两个最重大挑战。此外,EPC 还宣布开发出基于 GaN 的 EPC9194 逆变器参考设计,该设计可提高马达驱动系统的效率、范围和扭矩,同时使单位重量的功率加倍。它的工作输入电源电压范围为 14 V 至 60 V,可提供高达 60 Apk (40 ARMS) 的输出电流。此电压范围和功率位准使此解决方案非常适合各种三相 BLDC 马达驱动器,包括电动自行车、电动滑板车、无人机、机器人和直流伺服马达。
半导体材料和製造流程的不断改进和突破,显着降低了GaN功率元件的成本并提高了性能。例如,领先的半导体解决方案供应商MACOM Technology Solutions Inc.(“MACOM”)开发了新型碳化硅氮化镓(GaN-on-SiC)功率放大器产品线,并推出了前两款新产品。 MAPC-A1000 和MAPC-A1100。 MAPC-A1000 是一款高功率 GaN-on-SiC 放大器,设计工作频率为 30 MHz 至 2.7 GHz。它整合了输入匹配,从而简化了客户的设计工作。当在设计用于在 2.2 GHz 同步频宽上运行的电路中进行测试时,它还可以在 500 MHz 至 2.7 GHz 范围内以超过 50% 的效率提供超过 25 W (44dBm) 的功率。除此之外,MAPC-A1100 是一款高功率 GaN-on-SiC 放大器,设计工作频率高达 3.5 GHz。此元件能够支援 CW 和脉衝操作,采用气腔陶瓷封装,输出功率位准至少为 65 W (48.1dBm)。预计这些进步将在预测期内促进市场成长。
IMARC Group提供了每个细分市场的主要趋势分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、区域和国家层面的预测。我们的报告根据设备类型、电压范围、应用和最终用途行业对市场进行了分类。
根据GaN功率元件市场分析,功率元件领域专门处理需要高效率的功率转换和管理应用。它涉及再生能源、汽车、工业和消费性电子等行业的电源、逆变器和转换器。 GaN 功率元件因其效率、优异的导热性以及在更高频率和温度下工作的能力而受到讚誉。
根据GaN功率元件市场细分,射频(RF)功率元件用于需要产生和管理高频讯号的应用。它是电信设备所必需的,例如蜂窝基地台、卫星通讯和雷达系统,包括军事和国防应用中使用的设备。 GaN 射频功率元件以其高频功率密度、效率和可靠性而闻名。
>600 伏
报告还提供了基于电压范围的详细市场细分和分析。这包括<200 伏特、200-600 伏特和>600 伏特。
根据GaN功率装置市场概况,>600伏类别广泛用于高功率应用,例如工业马达、电网基础设施和高压直流(HVDC)传输系统。它因其承受高电压的能力而闻名,同时最大限度地减少损耗并提高效率。此外,GaN 在高电压下有效工作的能力使其非常适合需要强大功率处理能力的应用,例如工业机械和电网规模功率转换。
根据 GaN 功率元件市场前景,功率驱动器领域迎合了涉及电动马达和驱动器控制和管理的应用。它包括电动车 (EV)、工业自动化系统和高性能计算冷却系统。 GaN 卓越的效率和高开关频率可实现紧凑、轻量化和节能的马达驱动设计,对 GaN 功率装置市场驱动因素产生积极影响。
在电源系统领域,GaN 功率元件正在改进消费性电子、电信和资料中心的电源装置 (PSU)、适配器和转换器的设计和功能。其固有特性(例如低导通电阻和高导热性)允许更小、更轻、更节能的电源在更高频率下运行,同时减少热量产生,从而推动 GaN 功率装置的市场份额。
基于射频 (RF) 的系统部分专注于需要高频讯号产生和放大的应用,例如蜂窝基地台、雷达系统、卫星通讯和射频加热。它们因其在微波和毫米波频率下的高功率密度、效率和可靠性而受到讚誉,可实现更紧凑、更节能的射频系统。
在电信业,GaN 功率元件可提高网路效率和蜂窝网路基地台部署能力,包括第五代 (5G) 技术的扩展。此外,它们还能够处理高功率密度并在高频下高效运行,使电信设备能够支援增加的资料流量并提供更快、更可靠的无线通讯。
随着 GaN 功率元件的使用,汽车领域正在经历重大变革,尤其是在电动车 (EV) 和混合动力系统中。它用于电动车动力系统、车载充电器、DC/DC 转换器和电源逆变器,与传统硅基组件相比,具有更高的效率、更小的尺寸和重量优势。此外,为满足严格的环境法规和提高车辆性能并不断向电气化转变,正在对 GaN 功率装置市场的未来产生积极影响。
消费性电子领域利用 GaN 功率元件来满足对更小、更有效率、更强大的电子设备不断增长的需求。它们为智慧型手机、笔记型电脑、穿戴式装置和智慧家居设备提供紧凑型电源转接器、快速充电技术和高效能电源管理解决方案。此外,不断推动小型化以及对高性能电子产品的需求正在推动 GaN 功率元件市场的成长。
亚太地区正在快速成长,这得益于其强大的製造基础、对技术和基础设施的大量投资以及汽车、消费电子和再生能源等最终用途产业的快速成长。中国、日本和韩国等国家在电动车 (EV) 生产和电信基础设施以及 5G 网路部署方面处于领先地位。例如,中国占全球电动车 (EV) 销量的 58%,占电动车总产量的 70%。
由于越来越多的人转向电动车,欧洲的 GaN 功率元件市场受到该地区对能源效率、再生能源和汽车行业的高度重视的推动。此外,欧盟对碳排放和能源消耗的严格规定鼓励采用GaN等先进技术。例如,欧洲议会通过了《欧洲气候法》,提高了欧盟到2030年将温室气体净排放量减少至少55%、到2050年使气候中和具有法律约束力的目标。
北美是 GaN 功率元件的主要市场,其特点是技术采用率高、研发 (R&D) 能力先进以及完善的电信和汽车产业。美国在 GaN 技术的发展中发挥关键作用,并得到领先半导体公司和研究机构的支持。
在电信、再生能源和汽车产业投资不断增加的推动下,拉丁美洲的 GaN 功率元件市场正在兴起。此外,人们对永续发展和能源效率的日益关注,为GaN功率装置应用的扩展提供了机会,也促进了市场的成长。
中东和非洲 (MEA) 地区对再生能源、电信和基础设施开发相关应用中的 GaN 功率装置的兴趣日益浓厚。此外,中东和非洲地区国家越来越多地投资于太阳能专案和基础设施现代化,推动了对高效电力转换技术的需求。
市场研究报告也对市场竞争格局进行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的详细资料。 GaN功率装置产业的一些主要市场参与者包括Efficient Power Conversion、GaN Systems Inc.、IQE、Koninklijke Philips NV、MACOM Technology Solutions、Microsemi Corporation (Microchip Technology Inc.)、三菱电机公司、Navitas Semiconductor Inc.、 Qorvo Inc .、住友电气工业株式会社、德州仪器公司、东芝公司、Wolfspeed Inc. (Cree Inc.) 等
GaN功率元件市场的主要参与者正在积极投入研发(R&D),以提高效率、降低成本并开闢新的应用领域。此外,他们还专注于製造流程和装置设计的创新,以提高GaN装置的性能和可靠性。例如,住友电气工业株式会社开发了一种使用 N 极 GaN 的氮化镓电晶体 (GaN-HEMT),适用于包括 5G 在内的高频放大器应用。除此之外,主要参与者正在建立策略伙伴关係和协作,以利用彼此的优势,加速 GaN 解决方案的开发和商业化。
2024 年3 月,Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) 宣布推出EPC9193,这是一款采用EPC2619 eGaN FET 的三相BLDC 马达驱动逆变器,可在14 V 和65 V 的宽输入直流电压下工作,并具有两种配置,一个标准单元和一个高电流版本。 EPC9193 标准参考设计为每个开关位置使用单一 FET,可提供高达 30 ARMS 的最大输出电流。而高电流配置版本 EPC9193HC 在每个开关位置使用两个并联 FET,并且能够提供高达 60 Apk (42 ARMS) 的最大输出电流。 EPC9193 的两个版本均包含支援完整马达驱动逆变器所需的所有关键功能电路,包括闸极驱动器、用于内务电源的稳压辅助电源轨、电压和温度感应、精确电流感应和保护功能。
2023 年9 月,GaN Systems(英式飞跃)宣布推出突破性的第四代GaN 功率平台,该平台提供新的功率效率和紧凑性标准,实现令人印象深刻的阶跃函数性能提升和行业领先的品质因数。例如,借助人工智慧 (AI) 伺服器机架中的 GaN Systems Gen4,2022 年 100W/in3 的 3.2kW 电源将实现 120W/in3,效率高于钛金属水平。第四代将彻底改变电力市场,包括消费性电子、资料中心、太阳能、工业应用和汽车。
The global GaN power device market size reached US$ 347.5 Million in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 3,864.9 Million by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 29.8% during 2024-2032. The market is rapidly expanding, driven by the growing demand for energy efficiency, recent advancements in electric vehicle (EV) market, rising innovations in the semiconductor industry, widespread adoption of renewable energy technology, and the ongoing miniaturization of electronics.
Major Market Drivers: The key drivers include the ongoing shift towards energy efficiency across various sectors, the increasing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy systems, rapid innovations in the semiconductor industry, and the heightened adoption of renewable energy technology.
Key Market Trends: Based on the GaN power device market analysis, the ongoing shift towards the miniaturization of electronic devices and the global rollout of fifth generation (5G) networks are supporting the market growth.
Geographical Trends: Several regions are showing growth in the GaN power device market, due to the growing manufacturing base, significant investments in technology, rising focus on renewable energy, and the increasing electrification of the automotive sector.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the GaN power device industry include Efficient Power Conversion, GaN Systems Inc., IQE, Koninklijke Philips N.V., MACOM Technology Solutions, Microsemi Corporation (Microchip Technology Inc.), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Navitas Semiconductor Inc., Qorvo Inc., Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Texas Instruments Incorporated, Toshiba Corporation, and Wolfspeed Inc. (Cree Inc.), among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: While the industry confronts numerous constraints, such as high upfront cost and technical complications in production, it also offers potential in the form of growing markets and applications. The continued transition towards sustainable energy and the electrification of the automobile sector offers tremendous development opportunities for GaN Power devices.
Increasing Demand for Energy Efficiency
The sudden shift towards energy efficiency is a major factor driving the gallium nitride (GaN) power devices market growth. They are known for their ability to operate at higher voltages, frequencies, and temperatures than silicon-based counterparts, leading to more efficient power conversion. For instance, Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) launched EPC9137, a scalable 1.5 kW, two-phase 48 V - 12 V demonstration board powered by gallium nitride (GaN) FETs. The design of this demonstration board is scalable as two converters can be paralleled to achieve 3 kW, or three converters can be paralleled to achieve 4.5 kW. By 2025, one of every ten vehicles sold across the globe is projected to be a 48 V mild hybrid. These hybrid systems boost fuel efficiency, deliver four times the power, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, requiring a 48V - 12V bidirectional converter, with power ranging from 1.5 kW to 6 kW. EPC eGaN FETs can operate with 97% efficiency at 250 kHz switching frequency, enabling 800 W/phase compared to silicon-based solutions, which are limited to 600 W/phase due to the limitation on the inductor current at 100 kHz maximum switching frequency. This trend is supported by governmental regulations and policies aimed at reducing energy consumption and carbon footprints, further propelling the market for GaN power devices.
Growth in the Electric Vehicle (EV) Market
The booming EV market is a significant catalyst for the growth of GaN power devices. These devices are critical in EVs for applications such as onboard chargers, DC/DC converters, and power inverters. GaN's superior efficiency and high-power density is ideal for EVs, contributing to lighter, smaller, and more reliable systems. For instance, IQE plc, in a strategic collaboration with GaN company VisIC, developed high-reliability GaN D-Mode (D-Mode GaN) power products for use in EV inverters. They developed 200mm D-Mode GaN power epiwafers for longer ranges and faster charging times for EVs, addressing two of the most significant challenges in electric vehicle adoption. Moreover, EPC announced the development of the EPC9194 GaN-based inverter reference design that enhances motor drive system efficiency, range, and torque while doubling the power per weight. It operates from an input supply voltage range of 14 V to 60 V and delivers up to 60 Apk (40 ARMS) output current. This voltage range and power level make the solution ideal for a variety of 3-Phase BLDC motor drives, including eBikes, eScooters, drones, robots, and DC servo motors.
Advancements in Semiconductor Technology
Continuous improvements and breakthroughs in semiconductor materials and manufacturing processes have significantly reduced the cost and improved the performance of GaN power devices. For instance, MACOM Technology Solutions Inc. ("MACOM"), a leading supplier of semiconductor solutions, developed a new gallium nitride on silicon carbide (GaN-on-SiC) power amplifier product line, along with the introduction of the first two new products, the MAPC-A1000 and the MAPC-A1100. The MAPC-A1000 is a high-power GaN-on-SiC amplifier designed to operate between 30 MHz and 2.7 GHz. It integrates an input match, which simplifies the customer's design-in effort. It can also deliver more than 25 W (44dBm) at greater than 50% efficiency from 500 MHz to 2.7 GHz when tested in a circuit designed for operation over 2.2 GHz simultaneous bandwidth. Along with this, the MAPC-A1100 is a high-power GaN-on-SiC amplifier that is designed to operate up to 3.5 GHz. The device is capable of supporting CW and pulsed operations with output power levels of at least 65 W (48.1dBm) in an air cavity ceramic package. These advancements are expected to bolster the market growth over the forecasted period.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on device type, voltage range, application, and end-use industry.
Power Device
Discrete Power Device
Integrated Power Device
RF Power Device
Discrete RF Power Device
Integrated RF Power Device
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the device type. This includes power device (discrete power device and integrated power device) and RF power device (discrete RF power device and integrated RF power device).
According to the GaN power device market analysis, the power device sector specializes in dealing with applications that demand efficient power conversion and management. It involves power supply, inverters, and converters for industries, such as renewable energy, automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics. GaN power devices are praised for their efficiency, excellent thermal conductivity, and ability to operate at greater frequencies and temperatures.
In accordance with the GaN power device market segmentation, radio frequency (RF) power devices are used for applications that demand the generation and management of high-frequency signals. It is required in telecommunications devices, like cellular base stations, satellite communications, and radar systems, including those used in military and defense applications. GaN RF power devices are renowned for their great power density, efficiency, and reliability at high frequencies.
<200 Volt
200-600 Volt
>600 Volt
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the voltage range have also been provided in the report. This includes <200 volt, 200-600 volt, and >600 volt.
According to the GaN power device market statistics, the <200-volt category emphasizes low to medium-power applications in consumer electronics, mobile devices, and automotive subsystems. It is suitable for providing quick charging for cellphones, laptops, and other portable devices. Their higher efficiency and thermal performance allow for lighter, compact, and more energy-efficient power adapters and converters, making them increasingly popular in the consumer electronics sector.
In accordance with the GaN power device market analysis, the 200-600 volt GaN power device covers a wide range of applications, including electric vehicles (EVs), renewable energy systems, and industrial power supply. It is used in EV onboard chargers, DC/DC converters, and solar inverters to increase efficiency, reduce size, and regulate heat, thereby boosting the GaN power device market recent developments.
According to the GaN power device market overview, the >600-volt category is widely utilized for high-power applications, such as industrial motors, grid infrastructure, and high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems. It is regarded for its capacity to withstand high voltages while minimizing losses and increasing efficiency. Furthermore, GaN's ability to function effectively at high voltages makes it ideal for applications requiring strong power handling capabilities, such as industrial machinery and grid-scale power conversion.
Power Drives
Power Supply Systems
Radio Frequency Based Systems
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application. This includes power drives, power supply systems, and radio frequency based systems.
In line with this GaN power device market outlook, the power drives segment caters to applications involving the control and management of electric motors and drives. It includes electric vehicles (EVs), industrial automation systems, and high-performance computing cooling systems. GaN's exceptional efficiency and high switching frequencies that enable compact, lightweight, and energy-efficient designs for motor drives are positively influencing the GaN power device market drivers.
In the power supply systems segment, GaN power devices are improving the design and functionality of power supply units (PSUs), adapters, and converters across consumer electronics, telecommunications, and data centers. Their inherent properties, such as low on-resistance and high thermal conductivity, allow for smaller, lighter, and more energy-efficient power supplies to operate at higher frequencies with reduced heat generation, propelling the GaN power device market share.
The radio frequency (RF) based systems segment focuses on applications requiring high-frequency signal generation and amplification, such as cellular base stations, radar systems, satellite communications, and RF heating. They are lauded for their high-power density, efficiency, and reliability at microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies, enabling more compact and energy-efficient RF systems.
Renewable Power Generation
Aerospace and Defense
Consumer Electronics
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end-use industry have also been provided in the report. This includes telecommunications, automotive, renewable power generation, military, aerospace and defense, consumer electronics, and others.
In the telecommunications industry, GaN power devices enhance network efficiency and capacity for the deployment of base stations for cellular networks, including the expansion of fifth-generation (5G) technology. Moreover, they provide the ability to handle high power densities and operate efficiently at high frequencies, which enables telecommunications equipment to support increased data traffic and provide faster and more reliable wireless communication.
The automotive segment is witnessing a significant transformation with the adoption of GaN power devices, especially in electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid systems. It is utilized in EV powertrains, onboard chargers, DC/DC converters, and power inverters, offering higher efficiency, reduced size, and weight advantages over traditional silicon-based components. Furthermore, the ongoing shift towards electrification to meet stringent environmental regulations and enhance vehicle performance is positively influencing the future of the GaN power device market.
According to the GaN power device market trends, it plays a pivotal role in the renewable power generation sector for solar photovoltaic (PV) inverters and wind power converters. Their superior efficiency and ability to operate at high frequencies enable more compact and cost-effective renewable energy systems. Moreover, the sudden shift towards sustainable energy sources, boosting the use of GaN technology to maximize the conversion efficiency of renewable power systems, is enhancing the GaN power device market demand.
In the military, aerospace, and defense industries, GaN power devices are crucial for applications that require high power and reliability in harsh environments, such as radar systems, satellite communications, and electronic warfare. Moreover, the robustness and high performance of GaN under extreme conditions offer significant advantages in various critical applications to ensure operational effectiveness and reliability.
The consumer electronics segment leverages GaN power devices to meet the growing demand for smaller, more efficient, and powerful electronic devices. They enable compact power adapters, fast charging technologies, and efficient power management solutions for smartphones, laptops, wearables, and smart home devices. Moreover, the continuous push towards miniaturization and the need for high-performance electronics are providing a thrust to the GaN power device market growth.
North America
United States
Asia Pacific
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa.
The Asia Pacific region is growing rapidly, attributed to its robust manufacturing base, significant investments in technology and infrastructure, and the rapid growth of end-use industries, such as automotive, consumer electronics, and renewable energy. Countries like China, Japan, and South Korea are at the forefront of electric vehicle (EV) production and telecommunications infrastructure, coupled with the deployment of 5G networks. For example, China accounted for 58% of global sales of electric vehicles (EVs) and a mammoth 70% of total EV production.
Europe's GaN power device market is driven by the region's strong emphasis on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the automotive sector, owing to the rising shift towards electric vehicles. Moreover, the European Union's stringent regulations on carbon emissions and energy consumption encourage the adoption of advanced technologies like GaN. For instance, the European Parliament has adopted the European Climate Law, which raises the EU's target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and making climate neutrality by 2050 legally binding.
North America is a key market for GaN power devices, characterized by high technological adoption rates, advanced research and development (R&D) capabilities, and a well-established telecommunications and automotive industry. The United States plays a pivotal role in the development of GaN technology, supported by the presence of leading semiconductor companies and research institutions.
The Latin American market for GaN power devices is emerging, driven by increasing investments in telecommunications, renewable energy, and automotive sectors. Moreover, the rising focus on sustainable development and energy efficiency, which presents opportunities for the expansion of GaN power device applications, is contributing to the market growth.
The Middle East and Africa (MEA) region is witnessing a growing interest in GaN power devices in applications related to renewable energy, telecommunications, and infrastructure development. Moreover, countries in the MEA region are increasingly investing in solar energy projects and infrastructure modernization, driving the demand for efficient power conversion technologies.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the GaN power device industry include Efficient Power Conversion, GaN Systems Inc., IQE, Koninklijke Philips N.V., MACOM Technology Solutions, Microsemi Corporation (Microchip Technology Inc.), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Navitas Semiconductor Inc., Qorvo Inc., Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Texas Instruments Incorporated, Toshiba Corporation, Wolfspeed Inc. (Cree Inc.), etc.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
Key players in the GaN power device market are actively engaging in research and development (R&D) to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and open up new application areas. Moreover, they are focusing on innovation in manufacturing processes and device design to improve the performance and reliability of GaN devices. For instance, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. developed a gallium nitride transistor (GaN-HEMT) that uses N-polar GaN, for high-frequency amplifier applications, including 5G. Besides this, major players are forming strategic partnerships and collaborations to leverage each other's strengths to accelerate the development and commercialization of GaN solutions.
In March 2024, Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) announced the launch of the EPC9193, a 3-phase BLDC motor drive inverter using the EPC2619 eGaN FET, which operates with a wide input DC voltage ranging from 14 V and 65 V and has two configurations, a standard unit and a high current version. The EPC9193 standard reference design uses a single FET for each switch position and can deliver up to 30 ARMS maximum output current. Whereas the high current configuration version, the EPC9193HC, uses two paralleled FETs per switch position, coupled with the ability to deliver up to 60 Apk (42 ARMS) maximum output current. Both versions of the EPC9193 contain all the necessary critical function circuits to support a complete motor drive inverter, including gate drivers, regulated auxiliary power rails for housekeeping supplies, voltage, and temperature sense, accurate, current sense, and protection functions.
In September 2023, GaN Systems (Infineon) announced the introduction of its groundbreaking 4th generation GaN power platform that offers new power efficiency and compactness standards, delivering an impressive step-function performance boost and industry-leading figures of merit. For example, with GaN Systems Gen4 in an artificial intelligence (AI) server rack, 3.2kW power supplies at 100W/in3 in 2022 are achieving 120W/in3 with efficiencies above Titanium levels. Gen4 will revolutionize power markets, including consumer electronics, data centers, solar energy, industrial applications, and automotive.