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2024-2032 年按产品、服务、最终用户和地区分類的电子医疗市场报告eHealth Market Report by Product, Services, End-User, and Region 2024-2032 |
2023年全球电子医疗市场规模达1,207亿IMARC Group。该市场的推动因素包括技术进步、慢性病患病率的上升、政府促进数位健康的倡议、对远距患者监测和远距医疗服务不断增长的需求以及透过行动医疗应用程式增强患者参与度。
主要市场驱动因素:电子医疗市场受到数位医疗技术日益普及的推动,包括电子健康记录 (EHR)、远距医疗和行动医疗应用程式。由于慢性病盛行率上升和人口老化,对远端患者监测的需求不断增长是一个重要因素。此外,政府推动数位健康解决方案的措施和资金也促进了市场成长。冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 大流行加速了向电子医疗的转变,凸显了对弹性医疗系统的需求。人工智慧和资料分析的进步也推动了市场,提供改进的诊断、个人化的治疗计划和高效的医疗保健管理。
主要市场趋势:电子医疗市场的主要趋势包括将人工智慧 (AI) 和机器学习整合到医疗保健应用中,从而提高诊断准确性和预测分析。在患者对远距咨询和便利的需求的推动下,远距医疗正在迅速扩张。穿戴式健康设备越来越受欢迎,提供即时健康资料并鼓励预防性护理。在标准化健康资讯系统的推动下,医疗保健提供者之间的互通性和资料共享正在改善。区块链技术在安全的患者资料管理方面越来越受到关注。此外,人们越来越关注以患者为中心的护理,数位健康解决方案增强了患者的参与和自我管理。这些电子医疗市场的最新发展凸显了该行业持续的发展和创新,并强调了科技在现代医疗保健中的重要性。
竞争格局:电子医疗产业的一些主要市场参与者包括 Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc.、Athenahealth、Cerner Corporation、Doximity Inc.、Epic Systems Corporation、通用电气公司、国际商业机器公司、Koninklijke Philips NV、Medisafe Limited (Steris) plc)、SetPoint Medical Corporation、Telecare Corporation 等。
远距医疗的兴起是电子医疗市场的一个突出趋势,主要受到 COVID-19 大流行的推动。根据美国疾病管制与预防中心 (CDC) 的资料,近95% 的医疗中心报告在大流行期间使用了远距医疗服务,比2019 年的43% 大幅增加。基本服务,同时最大限度地减少身体接触和暴露风险。事实证明,远距医疗有助于管理慢性病、提供心理健康支援和提供常规护理,特别是在服务不足和农村地区。远距医疗服务的长期可持续性得到了政府持续政策和财政援助的支持,以加强远距医疗基础设施,从而促进电子医疗市场的成长。
电子健康记录 (EHR) 的采用率不断提高
电子健康记录 (EHR) 的采用已成为一个重要趋势,它改变了病患资讯的记录和存取方式。截至 2021 年,约 96% 的非联邦急诊医院和 78% 的基层开业医师已采用 Healthit 认证的 EHR 系统。与 2011 年相比,这一数字显着增加,当时只有 28% 的医院和 34% 的医生实施了 EHR 系统。电子病历的广泛使用可以促进更好的资讯共享、减少医疗错误和加强整体医疗保健协调,从而改善病患照护。政府的激励措施和监管要求在加速电子病历系统的采用、从而扩大电子医疗需求并确保资料安全和互通性方面发挥了至关重要的作用。
行动医疗 (mHealth) 应用程式的成长
行动医疗 (mHealth) 应用程式正迅速成为医疗保健服务不可或缺的一部分。这些应用程式使患者能够监测自己的健康状况、管理慢性病并与医疗保健提供者沟通。国家卫生资讯科技协调员办公室的资料简报强调,智慧型手机健康应用程式的使用已显着增加。这些应用程式有助于促进预防性护理和提高患者参与度。它们提供个人化的健康见解并促进远端监控,这对于管理糖尿病和高血压等疾病特别有益。智慧型手机和行动互联网的日益普及支持了行动医疗的趋势,使医疗保健变得更加便捷和高效。
IMARC Group提供了每个细分市场的主要趋势分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、区域和国家层面的预测。我们的报告根据产品、服务和最终用户对市场进行了分类。
行动医疗因其广泛的可及性和便利性而成为电子医疗市场中最大的产品细分市场。智慧型手机和行动互联网的普及对这一成长做出了重大贡献。根据国家健康资讯技术协调员办公室的一份报告,2018 年有 64% 的人使用智慧型手机获取健康资讯,这表明人们对行动健康应用程式的依赖日益增长。这些应用程式提供了一系列功能,包括远端监控、药物管理和健身跟踪,满足了对个人化和预防性医疗保健日益增长的需求。提供即时资料和增强患者参与度的能力使行动医疗成为现代医疗保健中不可或缺的工具。政府推动数位医疗的倡议以及人工智慧和巨量资料分析等先进技术的整合进一步促进了行动医疗解决方案的采用,巩固了其作为电子医疗市场最大细分市场的地位。这份全面的电子医疗市场概览凸显了行动医疗在医疗保健服务转型中所扮演的关键角色。
根据电子医疗市场预测,医疗保健是最大的最终用户细分市场,因为该行业广泛采用数位医疗技术来增强患者护理并简化营运。医院、诊所和其他医疗机构越来越多地实施电子健康记录 (EHR)、远距医疗服务和远端监控系统等电子医疗解决方案,以提高效率和病患治疗效果。根据国家卫生资讯科技协调员办公室的资料,截至 2021 年,近 96% 的非联邦急诊医院已采用经过认证的 EHR 系统。这种广泛采用有助于更好的资讯共享、减少医疗错误并增强整体医疗保健协调。此外,慢性病的日益普及和对患者持续监测的需求推动了医疗保健环境中对先进电子医疗解决方案的需求。政府为促进数位医疗采用所采取的措施和资金进一步支持了这一趋势,巩固了医疗保健作为电子医疗市场中占主导地位的最终用户领域的地位。
北美凭藉其先进的医疗基础设施、高数位素养以及对健康 IT 的大量投资,在市场上占据领先地位。该地区大力采用数位医疗技术得到了促进电子医疗的重大政府措施和政策的支持。根据国家卫生资讯科技协调员办公室的数据,截至 2021 年,美国近 96% 的非联邦急诊医院已实施经过认证的电子健康记录 (EHR) 系统。促进了远距医疗和行动医疗应用的广泛使用。该地区积极主动地将人工智慧、巨量资料分析和物联网整合到医疗保健领域,进一步增强了其在电子医疗市场的领导地位。技术进步、监管支持以及对改善医疗保健结果的高度重视相结合,使北美成为全球电子医疗市场的主导地区。
市场研究报告也对市场竞争格局进行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的详细资料。一些主要的电子医疗公司包括 Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc.、Athenahealth、Cerner Corporation、Doximity Inc.、Epic Systems Corporation、通用电气公司、国际商业机器公司、Koninklijke Philips NV、Medisafe Limited (Steris plc)、SetPoint Medical Corporation、 Telecare公司等
一些电子医疗公司正在透过电子病历系统、远距医疗服务和行动医疗应用程式等多样化产品推动创新。例如,Allscripts Healthcare LLC 利用人工智慧推出了指导调度,以改善患者护理并提高医疗保健营运效率。 Cerner 和 Epic Systems 以大型医疗保健提供者使用的综合解决方案主导着 EHR 市场。 IBM 和 GE 专注于将人工智慧和分析整合到医疗保健中,以提高决策和营运效率。飞利浦和 Medisafe 强调患者参与和远端监控技术。 Doximity 利用专业的医疗网络来支援远距医疗和医生协作。这些创新对电子医疗市场收入做出了重大贡献,展示了行业内的财务影响和成长潜力。
2023 年,微软和 Epic Systems Corporation 扩大了合作,开发生成式人工智慧并将其整合到医疗保健中。该计划将 Azure OpenAI 服务的功能与 Epic 的电子健康记录 (EHR) 软体结合。此次合作的重点是提供一系列全面的生成式人工智慧解决方案,并将其整合到 Epic 的 EHR 中,旨在提高生产力、加强患者护理并改善全球卫生系统的财务完整性。
2024 年 1 月,礼来公司推出了 LillyDirect,这是一个数位平台,旨在简化为处方治疗糖尿病、肥胖和偏头痛等疾病的患者购买特定药物的流程。该平台透过将患者与独立的远距医疗提供者联繫起来并提供疾病管理资源,提供直接获取药物的机会,从而消除了从医生那里获取处方的传统步骤。
The global eHealth market size reached US$ 120.7 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 505.9 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 16.7% during 2024-2032. The market is driven by technological advancements, the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, government initiatives promoting digital health, the growing demand for remote patient monitoring and telehealth services, and enhanced patient engagement through mobile health applications.
Major Market Drivers: The eHealth market is driven by the increasing adoption of digital health technologies, including electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and mobile health apps. Growing demand for remote patient monitoring due to the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and aging populations is a significant factor. Additionally, government initiatives and funding to promote digital health solutions enhance market growth. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic accelerated the shift toward eHealth, highlighting the need for resilient healthcare systems. Advances in artificial intelligence and data analytics also propel the market, offering improved diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and efficient healthcare management.
Key Market Trends: Key trends in the eHealth market include the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in healthcare applications, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and predictive analytics. Telemedicine is rapidly expanding, driven by patient demand for remote consultations and convenience. Wearable health devices are becoming increasingly popular, providing real-time health data, and encouraging preventive care. Interoperability and data sharing between healthcare providers are improving, facilitated by standardized health information systems. Blockchain technology is gaining traction for secure patient data management. Moreover, there is a growing focus on patient-centered care, with digital health solutions enhancing patient engagement and self-management. These eHealth market recent developments highlight the ongoing evolution and innovation within the sector, underscoring the importance of technology in modern healthcare.
Geographical Trends: North America dominates the eHealth market, primarily due to its advanced healthcare infrastructure, high internet penetration, and strong presence of key market players. The United States leads the region with significant investments in digital health technologies and favorable government initiatives supporting eHealth adoption. Canada also contributes to the market with its growing focus on telemedicine and electronic health records. The region's aging population and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases drive the demand for remote monitoring and telehealth services. North America's proactive approach to healthcare innovation positions it as a leader in the global eHealth market.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the eHealth industry include Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc., Athenahealth, Cerner Corporation, Doximity Inc., Epic Systems Corporation, General Electric Company, International Business Machines Corporation, Koninklijke Philips NV, Medisafe Limited (Steris plc), SetPoint Medical Corporation, Telecare Corporation, etc. among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: The eHealth market faces challenges such as data privacy and security concerns, interoperability issues, and resistance to change among healthcare professionals. Ensuring regulatory compliance and safeguarding sensitive patient information are critical hurdles. However, these challenges present opportunities for growth and innovation. Developing robust cybersecurity measures and standardized data exchange protocols can enhance trust and adoption. The market has opportunities in emerging economies, where increasing smartphone penetration and improving internet connectivity drive demand for mobile health solutions. eHealth market recent opportunities include leveraging AI and big data analytics to further optimize healthcare delivery, creating a more efficient and personalized healthcare ecosystem. These innovations can help overcome existing barriers, improve patient outcomes, and foster a more connected and responsive healthcare system.
Growth of Telehealth Utilization
The rise of telehealth is a prominent trend in the eHealth market, driven significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 95% of health centers reported using telehealth services during the pandemic, a substantial increase from 43% in 2019. This shift allowed healthcare providers to continue offering essential services while minimizing physical contact and exposure risks. Telehealth has proven beneficial in managing chronic diseases, offering mental health support, and providing routine care, particularly in underserved and rural areas. The long-term sustainability of telehealth services is supported by ongoing government policies and financial assistance to enhance telehealth infrastructure, contributing to eHealth market growth.
Increased Adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR)
The adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR) has been a significant trend, transforming how patient information is recorded and accessed. As of 2021, about 96% of non-federal acute care hospitals and 78% of office-based physicians have adopted certified EHR systems as per Healthit. This marks a dramatic increase from 2011 when only 28% of hospitals and 34% of physicians had implemented EHR systems. The widespread use of EHRs improves patient care by facilitating better information sharing, reducing medical errors, and enhancing overall healthcare coordination. Government incentives and regulatory requirements have played a crucial role in accelerating the adoption of EHR systems, thus escalating eHealth demand and ensuring data security and interoperability.
Growth of Mobile Health (mHealth) Applications
Mobile health (mHealth) applications are rapidly becoming integral to healthcare delivery. These apps enable patients to monitor their health, manage chronic conditions, and communicate with healthcare providers. A data brief from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology highlights that the use of smartphone health apps has increased significantly. These applications are instrumental in promoting preventive care and enhancing patient engagement. They offer personalized health insights and facilitate remote monitoring, which is particularly beneficial for managing conditions like diabetes and hypertension. The trend toward mHealth is supported by the increasing penetration of smartphones and mobile internet, making healthcare more accessible and efficient.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on product, services, and end user.
Electronic Health Records
Clinical Decision Support
Consumer Health Information
mHealth accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the product. This includes electronic health records, ePrescribing, clinical decision support, telemedicine, consumer health information, mHealth, and others. According to the report, mHealth represented the largest segment.
mHealth is the largest segment by product in the eHealth market due to its widespread accessibility and convenience. The proliferation of smartphones and mobile internet has significantly contributed to this growth. According to a report by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 64% of individuals used their smartphones to access health information in 2018, demonstrating the growing reliance on mobile health applications. These apps offer a range of functionalities, including remote monitoring, medication management, and fitness tracking, which cater to the increasing demand for personalized and preventive healthcare. The ability to provide real-time data and enhance patient engagement makes mHealth an indispensable tool in modern healthcare. Government initiatives promoting digital health and the integration of advanced technologies such as AI and big data analytics further bolster the adoption of mHealth solutions, solidifying its position as the largest segment in the eHealth market. This comprehensive eHealth market overview highlights the critical role mHealth plays in transforming healthcare delivery.
Healthcare Strengthening
Monitoring holds the largest share of the industry
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the services have also been provided in the report. This includes monitoring, diagnostic, healthcare strengthening, and others. According to the report, monitoring accounted for the largest market share.
Monitoring is the largest segment by services in the eHealth market due to its crucial role in managing chronic diseases and enhancing patient outcomes through continuous and real-time health data collection. According to a report by the National Institute on Aging, remote patient monitoring systems have shown to significantly reduce hospital readmission rates and improve the management of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. These systems enable healthcare providers to track patients' health status remotely, allowing for timely interventions and personalized care plans. The growing prevalence of chronic diseases, coupled with an aging population, drives the demand for efficient monitoring solutions. Additionally, advancements in wearable technology and IoT devices have made monitoring more accessible and accurate, further boosting its adoption. Government support and reimbursement policies for remote monitoring services is expanding role and integration of monitoring services within healthcare, thus providing a favorable eHealth market outlook.
Healthcare Providers
Healthcare Consumers
Healthcare providers represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end user. This includes healthcare providers, payers, healthcare consumers, and others. According to the report, healthcare providers represented the largest segment.
As per eHealth market forecast, healthcare is the largest end user segment due to the sector's extensive adoption of digital health technologies to enhance patient care and streamline operations. Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities are increasingly implementing eHealth solutions such as Electronic Health Records (EHR), telehealth services, and remote monitoring systems to improve efficiency and patient outcomes. According to data from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, as of 2021, nearly 96% of non-federal acute care hospitals have adopted certified EHR systems. This widespread adoption facilitates better information sharing, reduces medical errors, and enhances overall healthcare coordination. Furthermore, the growing prevalence of chronic diseases and the need for continuous patient monitoring drive the demand for advanced eHealth solutions in healthcare settings. Government initiatives and funding to promote digital health adoption further support this trend, solidifying healthcare as the dominant end-user segment in the eHealth market.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest eHealth market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America was the largest regional market for eHealth.
North America holds the leading position in the market due to its advanced healthcare infrastructure, high digital literacy, and substantial investments in health IT. The region's robust adoption of digital health technologies is supported by significant government initiatives and policies promoting eHealth. According to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, nearly 96% of non-federal acute care hospitals in the United States have implemented certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems as of 2021. Additionally, the high rate of smartphone and internet penetration facilitate the widespread use of telehealth and mobile health applications. The region's proactive approach to integrating AI, big data analytics, and IoT in healthcare further enhances its leadership in the eHealth market. The combination of technological advancement, regulatory support, and a strong focus on improving healthcare outcomes positions North America as the dominant region in the global eHealth market.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major eHealth companies include Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc., Athenahealth, Cerner Corporation, Doximity Inc., Epic Systems Corporation, General Electric Company, International Business Machines Corporation, Koninklijke Philips NV, Medisafe Limited (Steris plc), SetPoint Medical Corporation, Telecare Corporation, etc.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
Several eHealth companies are driving innovation through diverse offerings such as EHR systems, telehealth services, and mobile health applications. For instance, Allscripts Healthcare LLC launched guided scheduling by leveraging artificial intelligence to improve patient care and increase healthcare operational efficiencies. Cerner and Epic Systems dominate the EHR market with comprehensive solutions used by large healthcare providers. IBM and GE focus on integrating AI and analytics into healthcare to enhance decision-making and operational efficiency. Philips and Medisafe emphasize patient engagement and remote monitoring technologies. Doximity leverages a professional medical network to support telehealth and physician collaboration. These innovations significantly contribute to eHealth market revenue, demonstrating the financial impact and growth potential within the industry.
In 2023, Microsoft and Epic Systems Corporation expanded their collaboration to develop and integrate generative AI into healthcare. This initiative combines the capabilities of Azure OpenAI Service with Epic's electronic health record (EHR) software. The focus of this collaboration is to deliver a comprehensive array of generative AI-powered solutions, integrated within Epic's EHR, aimed at increasing productivity, enhancing patient care, and improving the financial integrity of health systems globally.
In January 2024, Eli Lilly introduced LillyDirect, a digital platform designed to streamline purchasing specific medications for patients with prescriptions addressing conditions like diabetes, obesity, and migraine. This platform offers direct access to medications by linking patients with independent teleHealth providers and providing resources for disease management, eliminating the traditional steps of obtaining a prescription from a physician.