SPS Fair 2023 - 工业自动化最新趋势

SPS Fair 2023 - 工业自动化最新趋势

SPS Fair 2023 - The Latest Industrial Automation Trends

出版日期: | 出版商: IoT Analytics GmbH | 英文 75 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


此报告是一个 75 页的 PDF 文件,由 SPS Fair 2023 IoT 分析分析师团队编制,包含全面的概述和 17 个详细见解。


本报告包□□括SPS Fair 2023 的概述、7 个主要工业自动化OEM 的比较、14 个生成式AI 展示以及IoT Analytics 分析师团队的17 个详细见解。我们将对其进行编辑并交付给您。 该分析基于对超过 75 个公司展位的参观、对 50 多人的个人采访以及多次出席的演示。 此次有五位分析师参与共7天。


本文中的所有见解均围绕工业物联网/工业 4.0 相关主题。


关于 SPS 2023

SPS 是一个极具吸引力的工业展览会,涵盖广泛的数位和智慧自动化解决方案。 到了 2023 年,我们已经超越传统的控制、驱动和感测器技术领域,转而专注于软体和 IT。 为了因应后新冠时代活动范围的扩大,主办单位将展览空间从14个大厅扩大到16个。


  • IT与OT的融合是关注焦点: "IT与自动化的融合" 是今年的主题,IT与OT的融合是许多展品的焦点。
  • 专注于永续发展和能源管理:今年比 2022 年更加关注永续发展,参展商强调循环经济、能源管理和二氧化碳减排等措施。确实如此。
  • 生成式人工智慧解决方案的出现:会议上有 14 个不同的生成式人工智慧展示。
  • 人工智慧的硬体加速:人工智慧加速器越来越多地整合到边缘 IPC/PLC 和相关硬体中,以支援机器视觉和流程优化等人工智慧用例。
  • 新的无线连接创新:工业领域的无线连接仍然是日益热门的话题。


  • 摘要和主要亮点(总体印象、参展商情绪)
  • 主要公告和发布(Siemens、Beckhoff、Phoenix Contact、Rockwell、Weidmuller、Schneider Electric、Codesys、OPC Foundation、HiveMQ)
  • 七大工业自动化 OEM 厂商(Siemens、Schneider、Rockwell、ABB、Phoenix Contact、Bosch Rexroth、Beckhoff)比较
  • 14 个生成式AI 展示的比较加6 个详细分析:(用于PLC 程式设计的生成式AI 副驾驶、用于HMI 应用程式/工作流程开发的生成式AI、用于程式码产生和最佳化的生成式AI、CNC 程式设计的生成式AI、用于支援的生成式AI/训练等)
  • 17 个详细见解:(包括案例研究/范例和访谈摘要)
  • 全面的见解
  • 工业软体洞察:(DataOps、OT 硬体工程、设备和应用管理、运动控制软体、虚拟 PLC、现场服务软体、低程式码)
  • 连接与硬体见解:(资料流无线技术、即时非接触式技术、5G 技术、蜂巢式技术、IPC、PLC)
  • OT 网路安全见解:(IEC 62443、NIST 2、NIS 2)
  • 附录


第 1 章概述

第 2 章总结与主要亮点



第 5 章比较(2):14 个生成式 AI 展示

第 6 章会议见解

  • a. 全面的见解
  • b. 工业软体洞察
  • c. 连接性与硬体洞察
  • d. OT 网路安全见解



A 75-page PDF presenting a comprehensive summary of the key highlights and 17 in-depth insights assembled by the IoT Analytics analyst team at SPS fair 2023.

About the report

The “ SPS Fair 2023-the latest industrial automation trends” report is a comprehensive summary of the key highlights, comparison of 7 prominent industrial automation OEMs, 14 generative AI showcases, and 17 in-depth insights assembled by the IoT Analytics analyst team at SPS fair 2023. These insights are based on >75 booth visits, >50 individual interviews, and attendance of several presentations. 5 analysts were present for a total of 7 days.

The main purpose of this document is to help our readers stay abreast of the newest trends in industrial automation and stay ahead of the evolving market landscape.

All discussed insights are centered around Industrial IoT / Industry 4.0-related topics.


About SPS 2023

The SPS is a coveted industrial exhibition encompassing a broad spectrum of digital and smart automation solutions. In 2023, the event evolved beyond its traditional focus areas such as control, drive, and sensor technology, to also highlight software and IT. In response to the expanding scope of the event in the post-COVID era, the organizers extended the exhibition space from 14 to 16 halls.

Report highlights

  • IT/OT convergence at the center of attention. "IT meets automation" was this year's main theme, and the topic of IT and OT convergence took center stage at many exhibits.
  • Increasing emphasis on sustainability and energy management. We noted a significantly larger focus on sustainability this year than in 2022, as prominent exhibitors highlighted initiatives such as circularity, energy management, and CO2 reduction.
  • Generative AI solutions popping up. We identified 14 different showcases of generative AI at the event.
  • Hardware gets AI acceleration. AI accelerators are increasingly built into edge IPCs, PLCs, and related hardware so that AI use cases, such as machine vision or process optimization, can be supported.
  • New wireless connectivity innovations. Wireless connectivity in industrial spaces remains a rising theme.

Further insights can be found in the report with relevant examples/proof-points.

The report includes:

  • Summary & key highlights (general impressions, exhibitor sentiment)
  • Key announcements & launches (Siemens, Beckhoff, Phoenix Contact, Rockwell, Weidmüller, Schneider Electric, Codesys, OPC Foundation, HiveMQ)
  • Comparison of 7 key industrial automation OEMs (Siemens, Schneider, Rockwell, ABB, Phoenix Contact, Bosch Rexroth, Beckhoff)
  • Comparison of 14 generative AI showcases + 6 deep dives (e.g., generative AI copilot for PLC programming, generative AI for HMI applications/workflow development, generative AI for code generation and optimization, generative AI for CNC programming, generative AI for support and training, and more)
  • 17 in-depth insights (with examples/proof-points and interview highlights)
  • Overarching insights
  • Industrial software insights (DataOps, OT hardware engineering, device and app management, motion control software, virtual PLC, field service software, low-code)
  • Connectivity & hardware insights (wireless technology for data flows, real-time contactless technology, 5G technology, cellular technology, IPCs, PLCs)
  • OT cybersecurity insights (IEC 62443, NIST 2, NIS 2)
  • Appendix

Table of Contents

1. Overview

2. Summary & key highlights

3. Key announcements & launches

4. Comparison 1: 7 key industrial automation OEMs

5. Comparison 2: 14 Generative AI showcases

6. Conference insights

  • a) Overarching insights
  • b) Industrial software insights
  • c) Connectivity & hardware insights
  • d) OT cybersecurity insights

7. Appendix