医疗设备市场中的 3D 列印:按产品类型、技术、组件和最终用户划分 - 2024-2030 年全球预测3D Printing in Medical Devices Market by Product Type, Technology, Component, End User - Global Forecast 2024-2030 |
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医疗设备业出现了各种 3D 列印技术,为整形外科植入、手术器械、病患专用模型等提供创新解决方案。 3D 列印的一个主要优势是能够根据个别患者的解剖结构和要求生产高度客製化的设备。 3D 列印颅骨植入可根据扫描和 MRI 影像的精确测量进行设计,确保精确贴合,同时最大限度地减少手术期间的併发症。针对患者的指南可帮助外科医生以更高的精确度准确地规划和执行复杂的手术,例如关节重建。近年来,3D列印因其在客製化和快速原型製作方面的先天优势而成为医疗设备创新的驱动力。将这项技术用于个人化医疗和病患专用义肢、整形外科植入、牙科器械和手术器械的趋势日益明显。生物相容性材料(例如金属、聚合物、陶瓷,甚至用于组织工程的水凝胶)的进步促进了这些应用。儘管有许多好处,但 3D 列印医疗设备的高成本和缺乏操作这些设备的专业知识阻碍了 3D 列印在医疗设备中的广泛采用。此外,市场公司不断研发医疗用3D列印材料,预计将彻底改变医疗设备业的3D列印。
主要市场统计 | |
基准年[2023] | 70.9亿美元 |
预测年份 [2024] | 86.9亿美元 |
预测年份 [2030] | 301.9亿美元 |
复合年增长率(%) | 22.99% |
骨头和软骨支架是生物相容性和生物分解性的结构,可支持骨骼和软骨组织的生长和再生,模仿天然细胞外基质,同时提供促进修復和再生的机械强度。韧带肌腱支架与骨支架类似,旨在透过为细胞生长提供临时框架来支持韧带和肌腱再生。与传统製造方法相比,3D 列印技术可以根据患者的个别需求专门客製化植入和假体,从而实现更精确的贴合、更好的功能和舒适度,从而改善性功能。此外,标准植入是大量生产的现成解决方案,适用于关节重建等常见医疗状况。手术范本是针对患者的专用工具,可帮助外科医生准确地规划和执行复杂的手术程序。使用 3D 列印技术可以根据每个人的解剖结构精确地定製手术范本。颅颚颜面导板透过提供切割、定位和固定骨骼的精确模板,协助外科医师进行颅骨和脸部骨骼重组手术。
此外,牙科导板用于确保牙科手术(例如植入植入和矫正治疗)中牙科组件的正确定位和对齐。整形外科导板旨在帮助关节关节重建手术期间精确对准整形外科植入,从而精确准备骨表面并将植入,确保最佳接触,以提高稳定性和寿命。 3D列印技术用于製造各种手术器械,例如牵开器、手术刀和镊子。 3D 列印牵开器可根据患者个体的解剖结构和特定手术要求进行客製化。在3D列印手术刀的生产中,可以修改刀片设计以提高切割效率并减少手术过程中的组织损伤。此外,3D 列印的手术紧固件(例如夹子和钉书钉)可以设计为提供最佳的强度、弹性和生物相容性。此外,3D列印和组织工程技术的结合使得能够创建含有活细胞的生物工程结构,在再生医学中具有巨大的应用潜力,例如用于移植的功能性器官和组织的开发。
基于液滴沉积/挤压成型的技术透过沉积小液滴或连续材料丝来创建 3D 结构。基于挤出的方法由于其在处理各种材料(包括水凝胶、聚合物和复合材料)方面具有多功能性,因此非常适合生物列印和製造复杂的医疗设备。熔融沈积製造 (FDM) 是一种基于挤出的工艺,利用热塑性材料逐层建构物件。它作为一种创建用于手术规划、病患教育和矫正器具製造的解剖模型的低成本方式在医学领域广受欢迎。低温沉积技术 (LDM) 使用低温挤压成型製程来沉积材料层,可显着降低精细生物材料上的热应力,适用于组织工程和药物传输系统。多相喷射固化 (MJS) 是一种类似喷墨的技术,可固化与冷却基板接触的液滴,使其成为可植入设备和微流体组件的理想选择,可以创建复杂的结构。电子束熔化(EBM)是一种粉末层熔化技术,利用高能量电子束选择性地逐层熔化金属颗粒。 EBM 已用于製造由钛等金属製成的自订植入,该植入物具有出色的机械性能和生物相容性。雷射光束熔化(LBM)是另一种粉末层熔化方法,其中聚焦雷射光束选择性地熔化粉末颗粒。 LBM 擅长生产具有复杂形状和优异机械性能的高品质金属零件,例如牙科修补和整形外科植入。直接金属雷射烧结 (DMLS) 是一种基于雷射的粉末层融合技术,可结合金属颗粒来製造功能部件。 DMLS 以其製造助听器和牙科修復体等复杂医疗设备的能力而闻名,并提供快速製造和客製化服务。选择性雷射熔融(SLM) 使用高功率雷射将金属粉末完全熔化成固体3D 结构。该技术在製造具有客製化机械性能和促进组织整合的多孔结构的复杂植入方面显示出巨大的潜力。选择性雷射烧结(SLS)是一种粉末层熔融工艺,使用雷射烧结粉末材料而不完全熔化它们。 SLS 广泛用于创建塑胶医疗模型,但它也可用于创建用于骨替换的生物相容性陶瓷部件和金属植入上的涂层。光聚合技术使用紫外线或其他辐射源来固化液态光聚合树脂。这些提供了微型设备製造所需的高解析度列印能力,例如用于药物输送系统的微针。数位光处理(DLP)是一种利用数位投影机用紫外光选择性照射感光树脂层的还原聚合方法。 DLP 的速度和准确性使其成为製造牙科修復体、手术导板和助听器的有吸引力的选择。 PolyJet 3D 列印技术是一种基于喷射的工艺,其中光聚合物的精确液滴沉积到建造平台上并用紫外线固化。该技术可以同时列印多种材料和颜色,从而实现多功能医疗设备,例如患者特定的解剖模型和多材料植入。立体光刻技术(SLA) 是一种浴内聚合方法,使用紫外线雷射在液态光固化树脂表面描绘图案。作为最早的 3D 列印技术之一,SLA 已广泛应用于牙科模型、手术规划工具和自订义肢等医疗应用。双光子聚合 (2PP) 是一种基于多光子吸收过程的超高解析度技术,能够以光敏方式製造复杂的 3D 微结构。
创新的 3D 列印机以更高的精度和更高的产品设计弹性彻底改变了医疗设备製造。生物相容性材料在使用 3D 列印机生产医疗设备中发挥重要作用。钛和不銹钢等金属具有较高的强度重量比,使其成为整形外科植入和手术器械的理想选择。此外,聚醚醚酮 (PEEK) 等聚合物由于重量轻、耐化学性和耐磨,正在成为重要的替代品。人们正在不断进行研究,以发现具有更好性能的新材料,从而进一步优化医疗设备製造。陶瓷材料具有独特的性能,如生物相容性、高硬度、耐腐蚀和低导热性,使其适用于多种生物医学应用。氧化锆基陶瓷广泛用于牙冠,羟磷石灰已被证明作为骨移植材料是有效的。
此外,正在进行的研究重点是开发用于组织再生和药物输送系统的生物分解性陶瓷支架。虽然纸张不是医疗设备製造的传统选择,但它已成为 3D 列印低成本医疗设备的通用材料。 3D 列印树脂材料提供高解析度和光滑的表面光洁度,这对于製造精确的医疗模型和复杂的植入至关重要。此外,SLA 或数位光处理 (DLP) 技术中使用的光聚合物树脂能够创建用于手术规划和教育目的的精细解剖结构。
此外,生物相容性树脂因其在临时植入和药物输送系统中的潜在应用而越来越受欢迎。客製化服务和先进的软体解决方案也正在成为医疗领域3D列印生态系统不可或缺的一部分。快速原型製作、按需製造和后处理支援等服务可加快产品开发週期并降低初始投资成本。此外,先进的 CAD/CAM 软体可实现高效的设计变更和模拟,最终改善患者的治疗效果。
学术机构和研究机构处于医疗设备3D 列印技术进步的最前线。这些机构积极从事前沿研究,探索新应用,改进现有应用,并与产业合作伙伴合作开发原型并检验新设备设计。此外,这些机构还负责培训下一代专业人员,他们将利用和推进医疗设备3D 列印领域。此外,自订手术中心 (ASC) 正在采用 3D 列印技术,透过利用创建客製化植入、义肢和手术器械的潜力来改善患者照护。 ASC 必须简化门诊病人设施的业务,以提高效率、成本效益和病患治疗效果。诊断中心主要使用 3D 列印技术根据医学影像资料(例如 CT 或 MRI)创建患者特定的解剖模型。该技术透过提供复杂内部结构的物理表示,彻底改变了诊断能力。这项技术可以帮助临床医生更了解某些情况、制定治疗策略并教育患者了解健康问题。
此外,生物列印的最新进展促进了可以模拟人体组织反应的器官晶片平台的发展,使研究人员能够更准确地研究疾病进展并测试潜在的候选药物。医院在医疗设备中采用 3D 列印方面发挥关键作用,利用该技术提供更好的患者照护并有效简化临床工作流程。自订3D 列印植入和义肢因其卓越的贴合性而被广泛采用,为患者带来更好的功能结果和更快的恢復时间。此外,3D 列印手术器械和导板可提高手术精确度、减少併发症并改善整体手术结果。
由于拥有强大的医疗基础设施、不断增加的研发投资以及鼓励 3D 列印创新的严格 FDA 法规,美洲是医疗设备市场 3D 列印高度发展的地区。澳洲、印度和韩国政府为将 3D 列印引入医疗设备而采取的强有力的倡议和投资正在促进亚太地区的市场成长。在欧洲、中东和非洲地区,大量支援 3D 列印的先进技术和持续的研发 (R&D) 活动正在推动新型 3D 列印医疗设备的可用性。在欧洲,欧盟国家在医疗设备法规(MDR)下有统一规定,要求对3D列印医疗设备的生产进行严格控制。
市场占有率分析是一款综合工具,可对医疗设备3D 列印市场供应商的现状进行深入而详细的研究。全面比较和分析供应商在整体收益、基本客群和其他关键指标方面的贡献,以便更好地了解公司的绩效及其在争夺市场占有率时面临的挑战。此外,该分析还提供了对该行业竞争特征的宝贵见解,包括在研究基准年观察到的累积、分散主导地位和合併特征等因素。这种详细程度的提高使供应商能够做出更明智的决策并制定有效的策略,从而在市场上获得竞争优势。
1. 市场渗透率:提供有关主要企业所服务的市场的全面资讯。
2. 市场开拓:我们深入研究利润丰厚的新兴市场,并分析其在成熟细分市场的渗透率。
3. 市场多元化:提供有关新产品发布、开拓地区、最新发展和投资的详细资讯。
5. 产品开发与创新:提供对未来技术、研发活动和突破性产品开发的见解。
[187 Pages Report] The 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market size was estimated at USD 7.09 billion in 2023 and expected to reach USD 8.69 billion in 2024, at a CAGR 22.99% to reach USD 30.19 billion by 2030.
Various 3D printing technologies have emerged in the medical device industry, offering innovative solutions for orthopedic implants, surgical instruments, and patient-specific models. The significant advantage of 3D printing is its ability to manufacture highly-customized devices tailored to individual patient's anatomy and requirements. 3D-printed cranial implants can be designed based on precise measurements from scans or MRI images, ensuring an accurate fit while minimizing complications during surgery. Patient-specific guides help surgeons accurately plan and execute complex procedures, such as joint replacement surgeries, with greater precision. In recent years, 3D printing has emerged as a driving force for innovation in medical devices owing to its inherent benefits in customization and rapid prototyping. There is an increasing trend toward using this technology for personalized medicine and patient-specific prosthetics, orthopedic implants, dental appliances, and surgical instruments. These applications have been facilitated by advancements in biocompatible materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics, and even biological substances, such as hydrogels, for tissue engineering. Despite its numerous benefits, the widespread adoption of 3D printing in medical devices faces challenges owing to higher costs associated with the 3D printed medical devices, and a lack of expertise to operate these devices act as a restraining factor. Moreover, ongoing R&D efforts by market companies to advance 3D printing materials for medical purposes are expected to revolutionize 3D printing in the medical device industry.
Base Year [2023] | USD 7.09 billion |
Estimated Year [2024] | USD 8.69 billion |
Forecast Year [2030] | USD 30.19 billion |
CAGR (%) | 22.99% |
Product Type: Increasing demand for prosthetics & implants for increased satisfaction with medical treatments
Bone & cartilage scaffolds are biocompatible and biodegradable structures that support the growth and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissues, which mimic the natural extracellular matrix while providing mechanical strength, thereby promoting tissue repair and regeneration. Ligament & tendon scaffolds are similar to bone scaffolds, which are designed to assist in the regeneration of ligaments and tendons by providing a temporary framework for cells to grow on. 3D printing technology can create customized implants and prosthetics specifically tailored to individual patient needs, allowing for more precise fitting, better functionality, and improved comfort compared to traditional manufacturing methods. Moreover, standard implants are mass-produced, off-the-shelf solutions for common medical conditions such as joint replacements. Surgical guides are patient-specific tools that help surgeons plan and execute complex surgical procedures accurately. Surgical guides can be precisely tailored to each individual's anatomy using 3D printing technology. Craniomaxillofacial guides assist surgeons in reconstructive surgeries of the skull and facial bones by providing accurate templates for bone cutting, positioning, and fixation.
Moreover, dental guides are used in dental procedures, such as implant placement or orthodontic treatments, to ensure proper positioning and alignment of dental components. Orthopedic guides are designed to assist in the accurate alignment of orthopedic implants during joint replacement surgeries that allow for precise preparation of the bone surface, ensuring optimal contact between the implant and natural bone structure for improved stability and longevity. The surgical instruments in 3D printing technology have been used to create various surgical instruments such as retractors, scalpels, and forceps. 3D-printed retractors can be customized to suit individual patient anatomies or specific procedural requirements. The production of 3D printed scalpels allows for modifications in blade design that can enhance cutting efficiency or reduce tissue damage during surgery. Furthermore, 3D printed surgical fasteners such as clips or staples can be designed to provide optimal strength, flexibility, and biocompatibility. Additionally, combining 3D printing with tissue engineering techniques has allowed the creation of bioengineered constructs containing living cells, which hold significant potential for regenerative medicine applications, including developing functional organs or tissues for transplantation.
Technology: Rising adoption of photopolymerization technology for manufacturing microscale devices
Droplet deposition/extrusion-based technologies involve depositing small droplets or continuous filaments of material to create 3D structures. Extrusion-based methods are ideal for bioprinting and fabricating complex medical devices owing to their versatility in handling various materials, such as hydrogels, polymers, and composites. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is an extrusion-based process that utilizes thermoplastic materials to build objects layer by layer. It has gained popularity in the medical field for creating low-cost anatomical models used in surgical planning, patient education, and prosthetics manufacturing. Low-temperature deposition manufacturing (LDM) uses a low-temperature extrusion process to deposit layers of material, significantly reducing thermal stress on sensitive biomaterials and making it suitable for tissue engineering and drug delivery systems. Multiphase jet solidification (MJS) is an inkjet-like technology that solidifies liquid droplets upon contact with a cooling substrate, which enables the creation of highly complex structures with intricate features ideal for implantable devices and microfluidic components. Electron beam melting (EBM) is a powder bed fusion technique that uses a high-energy electron beam to selectively fuse metal particles layer by layer. EBM has been employed for producing customized implants made from metals, such as titanium, offering superior mechanical properties and biocompatibility. Laser beam melting (LBM) is another powder bed fusion method wherein a focused laser beam selectively melts powder particles. LBM excels at producing high-quality metal parts, such as dental prosthetics and orthopedic implants, with complex geometries and excellent mechanical properties. Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is a laser-based powder bed fusion technology that combines metal particles to create functional components. DMLS offers rapid production and customization as it is known for its ability to fabricate intricate medical devices, such as hearing aids and dental restorations. Selective laser melting (SLM) uses a high-power laser to fully melt metal powders into solid 3D structures. This technology has demonstrated great potential in producing complex implants with tailored mechanical properties and porous structures that promote tissue integration. Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a powder bed fusion process that employs a laser to sinter powdered materials without fully melting them. Widely used for creating plastic medical models, SLS can also produce biocompatible ceramic components for bone replacements or coatings on metallic implants. The photopolymerization technique involves hardening liquid photopolymer resins using ultraviolet light or other radiation sources. These offer high-resolution printing capabilities required for manufacturing microscale devices, such as microneedles for drug delivery systems. Digital light processing (DLP) is a vat polymerization method in which a digital projector selectively exposes photosensitive resin layers to ultraviolet light. DLP's speed and accuracy make it an attractive option for producing dental restorations, surgical guides, and hearing aids. PolyJet 3D printing technology is a jetting-based process that deposits precise droplets of photopolymers onto the build platform and cures them with ultraviolet light. This technology enables the simultaneous printing of multiple materials and colors, allowing for versatile medical devices, such as patient-specific anatomical models or multi-material implants. Stereolithography (SLA) is a vat polymerization method that uses ultraviolet lasers to trace patterns on the surface of a liquid photopolymer resin. SLA has been widely adopted in medical applications, such as dental models, surgical planning tools, and custom prosthetics, as one of the earliest 3D printing techniques. Two-photon polymerization (2PP) is an ultra-high-resolution technology based on multiphoton absorption processes that allow for fabricating intricate 3D microstructures in photosensitive.
Component: Growing utilization of various equipments based on material compatibility, and production speed
Innovative 3D printers have revolutionized medical device manufacturing by providing higher precision and enhanced flexibility in product design. Biocompatible materials play a crucial role in the creation of 3D-printed medical devices. Metals, such as titanium and stainless steel, provide high strength-to-weight ratios, making them ideal choices for orthopedic implants and surgical instruments. Additionally, polymers such as polyether ether ketone (PEEK) have emerged as a significant alternative owing to their lightweight nature and resistance to chemicals or wear. Continuous research is being conducted to discover newer materials with enhanced properties that could further optimize medical device manufacturing. Ceramic materials possess unique characteristics such as biocompatibility, high hardness, corrosion resistance, and low thermal conductivity, which make them suitable for several biomedical applications. Zirconia-based ceramics are widely used for dental crowns, while hydroxyapatite has proven effective as bone graft material.
Moreover, ongoing research focuses on developing biodegradable ceramic scaffolds for tissue regeneration and drug delivery systems. Although not a conventional choice in medical device production, paper has emerged as a versatile material for 3D printing low-cost medical devices. Resin materials in 3D printing offer high resolution and smooth surface finish, critical for producing accurate medical models and complex implants. In addition, photopolymer resins utilized in SLA or digital light processing (DLP) techniques have enabled the creation of finely detailed anatomical structures for surgical planning and education purposes.
Furthermore, biocompatible resins are gaining traction for their potential applications in temporary implants or drug delivery systems. Bespoke services and advanced software solutions have also become indispensable components of the 3D printing ecosystem within the medical field. Services, including rapid prototyping, on-demand manufacturing, and post-processing support, accelerate product development cycles while eliminating upfront investment costs. Moreover, advanced CAD/CAM software allows efficient design modification and simulation, ultimately improving patient outcomes.
End User: Wider application across the hospitals for better patient care and efficiently streamline clinical workflows
Academic institutions & research laboratories are at the forefront of advancing 3D printing technology in medical devices. These institutions actively engage in cutting-edge research, exploring novel applications and refining existing ones, collaborating with industry partners to develop prototypes and validate new device designs. Additionally, these institutions are responsible for training the next generation of professionals utilizing and advancing the field of 3D printing in medical devices. Furthermore, ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) have embraced 3D printing technology to improve patient care by leveraging its potential to create custom-fit implants, prosthetics, and surgical instruments. ASCs need to streamline their operations as outpatient facilities for efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and better patient outcomes. Diagnostic centers primarily use 3D printing technology to create patient-specific anatomical models based on medical imaging data (such as CT or MRI). This technology has revolutionized diagnostic capabilities by producing physical representations of complex internal structures that can aid clinicians in better understanding specific conditions, planning treatment strategies, or educating patients about their health issues.
Moreover, recent advancements in bioprinting have led to the development of organ-on-a-chip platforms that can replicate human tissue responses, enabling researchers to study disease progression and test potential drug candidates more accurately. Hospitals have a pivotal role in adopting 3D printing in medical devices, utilizing this technology to offer better patient care and efficiently streamline clinical workflows. Custom 3D-printed implants and prosthetics have been widely adopted for their superior fit, resulting in better functional outcomes and reduced patient recovery times. Furthermore, 3D-printed surgical instruments and guides enable precision during surgeries, reducing complications and improving overall surgical outcomes.
Regional Insights
The Americas represents a highly developing landscape for 3D printing in the medical devices market due to the presence of strong healthcare infrastructure, rising R&D investments, and strict FDA regulations that encourage innovation in 3D printing. The favorable government initiatives and investments for introducing 3D printing in medical devices across Australia, India, and South Korea is benefiting the market growth in the Asia-Pacific. The massive presence of advanced technologies that assist in 3D printing with ongoing research and development (R&D) activities encourages the availability of novel 3D printing medical devices in the EMEA region. In Europe, EU countries have unified their regulations under the Medical Device Regulation (MDR), which mandates strict control over 3D-printed medical device manufacturing.
FPNV Positioning Matrix
The FPNV Positioning Matrix is pivotal in evaluating the 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market. It offers a comprehensive assessment of vendors, examining key metrics related to Business Strategy and Product Satisfaction. This in-depth analysis empowers users to make well-informed decisions aligned with their requirements. Based on the evaluation, the vendors are then categorized into four distinct quadrants representing varying levels of success: Forefront (F), Pathfinder (P), Niche (N), or Vital (V).
Market Share Analysis
The Market Share Analysis is a comprehensive tool that provides an insightful and in-depth examination of the current state of vendors in the 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market. By meticulously comparing and analyzing vendor contributions in terms of overall revenue, customer base, and other key metrics, we can offer companies a greater understanding of their performance and the challenges they face when competing for market share. Additionally, this analysis provides valuable insights into the competitive nature of the sector, including factors such as accumulation, fragmentation dominance, and amalgamation traits observed over the base year period studied. With this expanded level of detail, vendors can make more informed decisions and devise effective strategies to gain a competitive edge in the market.
Key Company Profiles
The report delves into recent significant developments in the 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market, highlighting leading vendors and their innovative profiles. These include 3D Systems Corporation, Abbott Laboratories, Anatomics Pty Ltd., Anisoprint SARL, Ansys, Inc., Apium Additive Technologies GmbH, Arkema SA, BICO Group, Biomedical Modeling Inc., Carbon, Inc., EOS GmbH, Evonik Industries AG, Formlabs Inc., GE HealthCare Technologies Inc., Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Materialise NV, Organovo Holdings Inc., Prodways Group, Proto Labs, Inc., RapidMade Inc., Renishaw PLC, Restor3d, Inc., Siemens AG, SLM Solutions Group AG, Smith & Nephew PLC, Solvay S.A., Stratasys Ltd., Stryker Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc., and Zortrax S.A..
Market Segmentation & Coverage
1. Market Penetration: It presents comprehensive information on the market provided by key players.
2. Market Development: It delves deep into lucrative emerging markets and analyzes the penetration across mature market segments.
3. Market Diversification: It provides detailed information on new product launches, untapped geographic regions, recent developments, and investments.
4. Competitive Assessment & Intelligence: It conducts an exhaustive assessment of market shares, strategies, products, certifications, regulatory approvals, patent landscape, and manufacturing capabilities of the leading players.
5. Product Development & Innovation: It offers intelligent insights on future technologies, R&D activities, and breakthrough product developments.
1. What is the market size and forecast of the 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market?
2. Which products, segments, applications, and areas should one consider investing in over the forecast period in the 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market?
3. What are the technology trends and regulatory frameworks in the 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market?
4. What is the market share of the leading vendors in the 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market?
5. Which modes and strategic moves are suitable for entering the 3D Printing in Medical Devices Market?