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2023年至2028年足部矫正鞋垫市场预测Foot Orthotic Insoles Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
矫正足部矫正器是一种根据处方笺放置在鞋内的医疗设备,用于治疗足部问题和缓解不适。这些都是可自订的,并且可持续使用多年。足部疾病的增加和导致慢性疾病的足部溃疡的流行预计将推动足部矫形鞋垫市场的发展。此外,采用 3D 列印等技术进步以及公司提高意识的其他努力预计将进一步加强足部矫形鞋垫市场。
足部疾病有疣、拇趾滑液囊炎、足癣脚等多种疾病,而患有这些疾病的患者数量的增加预计将扩大足部矫形鞋垫的市场。根据美国卫生研究院的数据,10% 至 20% 的儿童患有疣,尤其是学龄儿童。疼痛、发炎和损伤是由足部疾病引起的,这些疾病会损害运动表现和活动范围。因此,大量受影响人群及其负面影响预计将推动足部矫正鞋垫市场的发展。
糖尿病等慢性疾病会导致足部溃疡,糖尿病患者数量的增加预示着对鞋垫的需求,推动了足部矫正鞋垫市场的发展。例如,目前全球约有4.22亿糖尿病患者,根据世界卫生组织的数据,糖尿病是每年150万人死亡的直接原因。此外,据世界卫生组织称,糖尿病是下肢截肢的主要原因。任何糖尿病患者都可能发生足部溃疡,但保持足部清洁有助于预防足部溃疡。糖尿病足溃疡的治疗方法取决于病因。然而,患有第 2 型糖尿病和其他疾病的人往往难以抵抗与溃疡相关的感染疾病。
由于采用 3D 列印订製鞋垫和其他增强功能,足部矫正鞋垫市场的技术进步正在以更高的速度普及。记录高度精确的测量结果,例如对准、运动范围和步长,以满足患者的特定要求。透过对物件进行数位建模并使用 3D 列印、光聚合和射出成型来製造它们,增材製造可创建 3D 铸件,从而进一步降低製造成本并提高客製化程度。市场相关人员不断的技术创新进一步推动了足部矫形鞋垫市场的发展。例如,Foot Leveler 新开发的 InMotion+(TM)自订矫正器具融合了多种功能,其中之一是远红外线 (FIR)。远红外线透过影响皮肤下 1.5 英吋的分子和皮肤来减轻疼痛。
足部疾病的日益普及以及随之而来的技术进步为足部矫正鞋垫市场的成长提供了巨大的机会。此外,领先公司开展的旨在提高人们对足部疾病和正确鞋类益处的认识的宣传活动,为足部矫形鞋垫市场的新进入者提供了更多机会。例如,Metafix Ortho 最近在学校层面启动了一项认知计划,透过足部专家和復健治疗师免费提供足部轮廓评估,以指导正确矫正。
预计在预测期内,北美地区将占据足部矫正鞋垫市场的主要份额。原因包括越来越多地采用3D列印来生产定製鞋垫,以及足部患者数量的增加。例如,根据美国骨科协会的数据,每年约有 6% 的美国公民受到拇囊炎、拇趾滑液囊炎和足弓塌陷等足部损伤的影响。根据密西根州骨科协会的数据,大约 75% 的美国人可能会在一生中的某个阶段出现足部问题。此外,Acor Orthopedics 和 Superfeet Worlwide LLC 等主要市场参与者的存在预计将进一步推动该地区的足部矫形鞋垫市场。
2022年10月,Superfeet推出了两款专为滑雪者和单板滑雪者设计的可拆式鞋垫。这些产品以其标誌性的足部稳定性和吸湿排汗的保暖顶盖提供冬季舒适感。 2020年9月,Etrex与EOS合作推出了最薄的客製化3D列印矫正器具程式线。这些鞋垫由聚丙烯製成,还可以解决常见的足部问题,例如足底筋膜炎、足弓疼痛和拇趾滑液囊炎。
The foot orthotic insoles market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.04% from US$3.439 billion in 2021 to US$5.183 billion in 2028.
Orthotic insoles are medical devices worn inside the shoe on a prescription to treat foot issues and ease discomfort. These are customizable and constructed in a way to last for many years. The rising cases of foot ailments and the prevalence of foot ulcers causing chronic diseases are contemplated to propel the foot orthotic insoles market. Moreover, the adoption of technological advancements such as 3D printing and other initiatives by companies to increase awareness is further expected to bolster the foot orthotic insoles market.
There are various foot ailments such as verrucae, corns & callouses, bunions, and athlete's foot, and rising cases of these ailments are expected to widen the foot orthotic insoles market. According to the National Insitute of Health, verrucae has a higher rate, especially in school-going children ranging from 10% to 20%. Pain, inflammation, or injury can be brought on by foot ailments and these ailments may impair mobility and range of motion. Therefore, the huge affected population and its adverse effects are expected to propel the foot orthotics insoles market.
Chronic disorder such as diabetes causes foot ulcer and rising cases of diabetes indicate the demand for insoles thereby propelling the foot orthotic insoles market. For instance, currently, there are approximately 422 million individuals with diabetes globally, and diabetes is directly responsible for 1.5 million fatalities annually as per the WHO. Moreover, diabetes is a major cause of lower limb amputation as per the WHO. Although foot ulcers can happen to anybody with diabetes, maintaining good foot cleanliness can help prevent them. Treatments for diabetic foot ulcers vary depending on their etiology. However, people with type 2 diabetes and other illnesses frequently struggle to combat ulcer-related infections.
Older persons frequently experience foot discomfort and foot problems. Walking and carrying out regular tasks are made more difficult by foot pain. Among elderly adults, one-third experience foot pain, stiffness, or aching feet according to the Aging Health Foundation. The growing aging population indicates the further rise in these foot disorders thereby boosting the foot orthotic insoles market. Since the world's population is aging quickly, it is predicted that 34 countries will have over 20% of their citizens over the age of 65 by 2030 according to the WHO estimation. According to the WHO, people aged 60 years or above will reach 1.4 billion in 2030 from 1 billion in 2020 and it is estimated to further reach 2.1 billion by 2050. This aging population and their higher chances of getting foot disorders are supposed to widen the foot orthotic insoles market.
The technological advancements in the foot orthotic insoles market are prevailing at a higher rate with the adoption of 3D printers for customized insoles and other enhanced features. For a patient's unique requirements, highly precise measurements are recorded, including alignment, range of motion, and even walking stride. By digitally modeling objects and then fabricating them using 3D printing, photopolymerization, and/or injection molding, additive manufacturing creates 3D casts which further reduces production costs and increases customization. The continuous innovation by the market players is further boosting the foot orthotic insoles market. For instance, a new development by Foot Leveler - InMotion+™ custom orthotics incorporates several features and the new addition is Far Infrared Rays (FIR). FIRs reduce pain by influencing the molecules and skin beneath 1.5 inches in the skin.
The growing prevalence of foot ailments and complemented technological advancements provide an immense opportunity for foot orthotic insoles market growth. Moreover, the campaigns by the leading companies to increase awareness about foot ailments and the benefits of correct footwear further provide an opportunity for new entrants in the foot orthotic insoles market. For instance, recently, Metafix Ortho launched an awareness program at the school level to provide a free assessment of foot profiles to achieve the right correction through expert podiatrists and rehab therapists.
The North American region is anticipated to hold a significant share of the foot orthotic insoles market during the forecast period. Various reasons attributed for such a share are the rising adoption of 3D printers for manufacturing customized insoles and growing cases of foot ailments. For instance, Injuries to the feet, bunions, flat feet, or collapsed arches affect about 6% of US citizens annually as per Orthopaedic Associates, USA. According to Orthopaedic Associates of Michigan, at some point in their life, around 75% of Americans are expected to have foot issues. Moreover, the presence of major market players such as Acor Orthopaedics, and Superfeet Worlwide LLC is further expected to boost the foot orthotic insoles market in the region.