MicroRNA市场:2023年至2028年预测MicroRNA Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
预计到 2021 年,全球 microRNA 市场规模将达到 1,410,532,000 美元,预测期内复合年增长率为 18.19%。
被称为 microRNA (miRNA) 的小非编码 RNA 分子在调节各种生物体的基因表现方面发挥重要作用。 miRNA 是单链RNA 分子,通常由 21 至 25 个核苷酸组成。针对 microRNA 的各种疾病的临床试验数量不断增加,以及癌症等慢性疾病病例数的增加,是 microRNA 市场的主要成长动力。此外,个人化医疗的日益转变以及市场参与者的技术开拓和市场推出预计将进一步促进 microRNA 市场的成长。
自 microRNA 被发现以来,其分子和细胞作用已被确定。 microRNA 与人类疾病的相关性于 2002 年首次得到证实,此后,针对 microRNA 在人类和其他生物体中的相关性开展了许多研究,推动了 microRNA 市场的发展。例如,最近一项题为「动脉粥斑块不稳定诊断中的微小RNA」的研究预计由莫斯科国立医科大学于2022年9月启动,并于2024年8月完成。本研究的目的是发现无名动脉不稳定动脉粥状硬化的生物标记。
癌症发生率的增加推动了对高效诊断和治疗技术的需求。由于 MicroRNA 参与疾病过程并具有作为生物标记或治疗标靶的潜力,因此它们具有更好的疾病管理和个人化治疗的潜力。因此,癌症患者数量的增加是microRNA市场的主要成长要素。例如,根据世界卫生组织的资料,2020年有近1,000万人(即六分之一的死亡人数)死于癌症,使其成为全球主要死亡原因。此外,根据世界卫生组织的报告,每年有 40 万名儿童被诊断出患有儿童癌症。
个体化医疗的理念旨在为特定患者量身定制医疗干预措施,引起了许多人的兴趣。 MicroRNA 可以反映疾病状态和个体差异,使其成为个人化治疗的潜在目标,并推动 microRNA 市场的发展。检查 miRNA表现图谱并创建基于 miRNA 的疗法的能力将有助于制定个人化治疗计划。根据美国癌症协会的说法,当患者患某种特定癌症的风险很高时,精准医疗可能适用。例如,患者可能得知癌症在其家族中遗传,或者医生可能会发现患者家族中的癌症模式。
上述成长要素正在为 microRNA 市场创造巨大的扩张机会。此外,其他因素也为进入 microRNA 市场提供了机会。例如,microRNA 正在作为一种潜在应用进行研究。这包括兽医、农业和环境监测等领域。研究 microRNA 在各个领域的功能扩大了研究、产品开发和商业化的可能性。此外,microRNA相关公司获得的资金和投资进一步扩大了成长机会并推动了microRNA市场的发展。例如,InterRNA Technologies 在 2021 年 9 月的 B 轮资金筹措中获得了总计 1,850 万欧元的资金。资金用于推进 microRNA 主要候选药物 INT 0-1B3 在晚期固体癌患者的临床评估。
预计有几个因素会限制 microRNA 市场。对 miRNA 的生物学理解不足可能会阻碍有效诊断和治疗方法的发展。利用miRNA研究进行治疗是很困难的。需要严格的临床试验和广泛的研究来检验miRNA 的诊断和治疗价值。完成临床检验、监管核准和融入标准临床实践的复杂过程需要时间、金钱和临床效用证明。此外,miRNA 很脆弱,在体内通常会很快被破坏,这使得将基于 microRNA 的治疗方法有效递送至目标组织和细胞成为一项重大挑战。
据估计,北美地区将占据 microRNA 市场的主要份额。造成这一份额的因素包括有利的监管政策、癌症和慢性肾臟病等慢性疾病负担的增加以及科学研究的增加。例如,美国疾病预防控制中心 (CDC) 估计,到 2022 年,美国将有 3,550 万成年人(占人口的 14%)患有 CKD。根据美国肾臟资料系统(USRDS)的数据,2019年美国有超过75万人患有末期肾病变(ESRD)。此外,Thermo Fisher Scientific 和 BioGenex 等主要市场领导的出现进一步加速了该地区 microRNA 市场的发展。
Horizon Discovery Ltd 是一家总部位于英国的生物技术公司,专注于利用基因编辑和基因调控技术来加速新药物、治疗方法和细胞研究工具的发现、开发和生产。 Horizon Discovery 提供基于 CRISPR-Cas9 的基因编辑工具,包括嚮导 RNA 文库、敲除细胞株和专门的细胞株工程服务。 BioGenex 专注于癌症研究和诊断的自动化系统和分子病理学解决方案。显色 ISH (CISH) 和萤光ISH (FISH) 测试能够识别和定位组织样本中的特定核酸标靶,这是 BioGenex 提供的多种 ISH 解决方案中的两种。 QIAGEN 是一家全球领先的医疗相关企业,专注于分子诊断、应用测试、学术研究和药物研究的样本和检测技术。 QIAGEN 开发并销售各种诊断平台和检测方法,用于诊断遗传异常、肿瘤相关突变、感染疾病和其他治疗应用。
2022 年 9 月,Craif 推出了乳癌测试,作为 miSignal® 系列的一部分。此测试可以利用尿液中的 microRNA 早期检测癌症。这种新的乳癌检测可以同时检测两种类型的癌症(乳癌和卵巢)。 2022年7月,MiRXES启动了全球首个名为「CADENCE」的多种癌症筛检测试研究计划。该计划旨在开发一种多癌症早期检测测试,可检测多达九种癌症,包括乳癌和肝癌。该计划的重点是发现和检验血源性 microRNA 和 DNA 生物标记的新组合,以测试多种癌症。
The global microRNA market was valued at US$1410.532 million in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.19% during the forecast period.
Small non-coding RNA molecules known as microRNAs (miRNAs) play a critical function in the control of gene expression in a range of organisms. It is normally made up of 21 to 25 nucleotides and is a single-stranded RNA molecule. The increasing number of clinical trials for various diseases focusing on microRNA along with the rising cases of chronic illnesses such as cancer is a major growth driver in the microRNA market. Moreover, the increasing shift towards personalized medicine coupled with technological developments and launches by the market players are further contemplated to augment the microRNA market growth.
The molecular and cellular roles of microRNA have been identified since their discovery. The first proof of microRNAs' involvement in human disease was published in 2002 and after that numerous studies have been conducted on the relevance of microRNA in humans as well as other organisms thereby boosting the microRNA market. For instance, a recent study titled microRNAs in the Diagnosis of atherosclerotic plaque instability was started in September 2022 by Moscow State Medical University and it is estimated to be complete by August 2024. Finding biomarkers of unstable atherosclerosis in the brachiocephalic arteries is the goal of the research.
The demand for efficient diagnostic and therapeutic technologies is being driven by the increasing incidence of cancer. MicroRNAs offer chances for better illness management and individualized treatments due to their participation in disease processes and potential as biomarkers or therapeutic targets. Therefore, the rising cancer cases are a major growth factor in the microRNA market. For instance, nearly 10 million deaths, or one in six deaths, were caused by cancer in 2020, making it the top cause of mortality worldwide as per the WHO data. Moreover, 400 000 kids are diagnosed with cancer in children every year according to the WHO report.
The idea of personalized medicine, which tries to customize medical interventions for specific patients, has drawn a lot of interest. Because of their capacity to reflect both disease states and individual differences, microRNAs are potential targets for personalized treatment thereby propelling the microRNA market. The development of individualized treatment plans is aided by the capacity to examine miRNA expression profiles and create miRNA-based therapeutics. According to the American Cancer Society, in cases where a patient's chance of developing a particular cancer is higher, precision medicine may be applied. For instance, a patient might learn that cancer runs in their family, for instance, or a doctor might see a pattern of cancer in the patient's family.
The growth factors mentioned above provide an immense expansion opportunity for the microRNA market. Moreover, other factors are also offering entrance opportunities into the microRNA market. For example, microRNAs are being researched for possible applications. These include disciplines like veterinary medicine, agriculture, and environmental monitoring. Research, product development, and commercialization potential are expanded as a result of studying the function of microRNAs in various sectors. Additionally, the funding and investments received by the companies involved in the microRNA further extend the growth opportunity thereby propelling the microRNA market. For instance, InteRNA Technologies received a total of € 18.5 million in a series B financing round held in September 2021. This money was utilized to advance the clinical assessment of the microRNA lead candidate INT 0-1B3 in patients with solid tumors that were progressed.
There are a few factors that are expected to limit the microRNA market. The creation of efficient diagnostic and therapeutic approaches may be hampered by a lack of a thorough understanding of miRNA biology. It is difficult to translate microRNA research into therapeutically useful uses. Rigorous clinical trials and extensive research are needed to validate the diagnostic or therapeutic value of miRNAs. It takes time, money, and proof of clinical utility to complete complex processes including clinical validation, regulatory approval, and incorporation into standard clinical practice. Moreover, efficient delivery of microRNA-based therapies to target tissues or cells is a major challenge because miRNAs are often fragile and can be swiftly destroyed in vivo.
The North American region is estimated to hold a significant share of the microRNA market. Various factors attributed to such a share are favorable regulatory policies, the growing burden of chronic diseases such as cancer, and chronic kidney disease, and increasing scientific research studies. For instance, CDC estimated that 35.5 million US adults which equates to 14% of the population, were having CKD in 2022. According to the United States Renal Data System (USRDS), there were more than 750,000 people in the US who had ESRD in 2019. Additionally, the presence of major market leaders such as Thermo Fisher Scientific and BioGenex further accelerates the microRNA market in the region.