HPV 相关疾病市场 – 2024 年至 2029 年预测HPV Associated Disorders Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
预计 HPV 相关疾病市场在预测期内将以 9.65% 的复合年增长率成长。
人类乳突病毒家族有 100 多种病毒,其中 14 种会导致癌症。几乎所有子宫颈癌病例都是由 HPV 引起的。子宫颈癌是开发中地区女性第二常见癌症,每年估计有 604 万新病例和 3,342 万人死亡。感染爱滋病毒的女性罹患子宫颈癌的几率是未感染女性的六倍,而 5% 的子宫颈癌病例被认为是由爱滋病毒引起的。此外,与爱滋病毒相关的子宫颈癌对世界各地的年轻女性影响尤其严重。
世界卫生组织(WHO)情况说明书描述了一级预防措施,例如人类乳突病毒(HPV)疫苗,二级预防措施,例如癌前病变的筛检和治疗,以及三级预防措施,例如浸润性子宫颈癌的诊断和治疗。安宁疗护是子宫颈癌综合控制的重要组成部分。这些卫生当局法规有助于扩大 HPV 相关疾病市场。同样,澳洲政府已承诺提供 580 万美元支持世界卫生组织 (WHO) 于 2021 年 11 月宣布的消除子宫颈癌的全球努力。确实如此。全国子宫颈筛检计画几乎总是敦促女性每五年进行一次 HPV 快速检测,HPV 是一种导致子宫颈癌的常见病毒。
政府为治疗 HPV 相关疾病所做的努力
世界各国政府都在致力于治疗 HPV 相关疾病的各种努力。例如,为了实现 2030 年永续发展目标,印尼政府致力于减少可透过疫苗预防的疾病引起的发病率、死亡率和残疾。卫生署已将改善国家卫生服务作为优先事项,扩大和加强卫生服务,并更加重视预防宣传工作。实现这一目标的方法之一是将新疫苗(例如人类乳突病毒(HPV)疫苗)纳入国家免疫计划。政府致力于建立一个更强大、更具创造性的体系。此外,世卫组织免疫策略咨询专家小组 (SAGE) 将于 2023 年 4 月召开会议,审查显示一剂方案与两剂或三剂方案一样有效的证据。我审查了该堆迭。
人们越来越偏好HPV 检测
HPV 检测优于其他筛检技术,例如子宫颈抹片和目视醋酸检查 (VIA),并且可以识别需要更多治疗的人。有些 HPV 检测还需要简单的拭子样本,这样女性就可以进行检体,而无需在医疗保健提供者处进行骨盆腔检查。许多 HPV 检测可以整合到目前的检测系统中,特别是因为它们是使用与 COVID-19 PCR 和 HIV 检测相同的硬体进行的。此类技术可以帮助消除服务障碍,帮助公共卫生工作实现 70% 筛检的目标。
据世界卫生组织称,人类乳突病毒(HPV)合格检测清单现在包括第四项检测。大多数 HPV 感染会自行消失,但某些高风险类型可能会发展为子宫颈癌。子宫颈癌筛检始终包括 HPV 感染检测。世界卫生组织运行的体外诊断 (IVD)合格(PQ) 计划评估各种测试,包括用于筛检子宫颈癌和识别高危险 HPV 基因型的测试。我是。 PQ 清单中新增的新侦测扩大了政府可用的高效能侦测的选择范围,特别是当政府、联合国机构和其他合作伙伴依赖 WHO 专案来促进采购时。如果是这样,您将拥有更广泛的选择。
在整个预期期间,由于 HPV 相关疾病的盛行率不断上升,HPV 疫苗接种的需求预计将成为推动全球 HPV 相关疾病产业潜力的主要因素。二价、四价和单价疫苗是市面上可用的疫苗类型。所有三种疫苗对于预防病毒 16 和 18 都非常有效,这两种病毒占子宫颈癌治癒率的 70%。监管部门对新疫苗的接受度预计将增加疫苗接种和接种的机会,加速 HPV 相关疾病市场的扩张。
预计亚太地区 HPV 相关疾病市场将受到主要 HPV 相关疾病行业参与者的存在以及该地区各种倡议的增长的推动。例如,2022 年 10 月,世界卫生组织西太平洋区域委员会第 73 届会议的最后一天,代表团将致力于预防和控制子宫颈癌、覆盖未覆盖人群并核准该区域所有社区。旨在尽可能改善人们的身心健康。超过95%的子宫颈癌与高风险人类乳突病毒(HPV)感染有关。持续的 HPV 感染可导致女性罹患子宫颈癌,但大多数感染具有自限性,没有任何症状。根据世界卫生组织估计,2020年西太平洋地区有145,700名女性被诊断出罹患子宫颈癌,其中74,900人死于这种最可治疗和避免的疾病。
The HPV associated disorders market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 9.65% during the forecast period.
More than 100 viruses make up the human papillomavirus family, 14 of which can lead to cancer. HPV is the reason for almost all occurrences of cervical cancer. In women living in less developed areas, cervical cancer is the second most prevalent kind, with an estimated 6,04,000 new cases and 3342,000 deaths every year. Cervical cancer is six times more common in women living with HIV than in those without the virus, and HIV is thought to be the cause of 5% of cervical cancer occurrences. Furthermore, younger women are disproportionately affected by HIV-related cervical cancer in all parts of the world.
Growing prevalence of cervical cancer
The World Health Organization (WHO) Factsheet states that palliative care is a crucial component of comprehensive cervical cancer control, in addition to primary prevention measures like HPV vaccination, secondary prevention measures like pre-cancerous lesion screening and treatment, and tertiary prevention measures like diagnosis and treatment of invasive cervical cancer. Such health authority rules contribute to the HPV-associated disorders market expansion. Similar to this, the Australian Government has pledged USD 5.8 million to assist the World Health Organization's (WHO) announcement of a worldwide commitment to eradicate cervical cancer in November 2021. The National Cervical Screening Program urges women to have a fast test for HPV, a common virus that nearly invariably leads to cervical cancer, every five years.
Government initiatives for the treatment of HPV Associated Disorders
Government around the globe is focusing on various initiatives for the treatment of HPV-associated disorders. For instance, to meet the 2030 SDGs, the Indonesian government is dedicated to reducing morbidity, mortality, and disability brought on by illnesses that may be prevented by vaccination. The Ministry of Health has made it a priority to improve health services in the nation by expanding and strengthening health services to concentrate more on preventive promotive efforts. One way to achieve this is by adding new vaccines to the national immunisation programme, such as the HPV vaccine. The government is dedicated to creating a more robust and inventive system. Furthermore, the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation (SAGE) met in April 2023 and reviewed the mounting evidence showing single-dose schedules are just as effective as two- or three-dose regimens.
Growing preference for HPV tests
HPV tests outperform other screening techniques, such as pap smears and visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), allowing for the identification of more people who require treatment, due to the greater quality, patients who obtain a negative HPV test result can frequently wait longer between tests, which is advantageous for both them and the healthcare system. A few HPV tests even provide patients the option to collect their sample with a simple swab, giving women the option to get tested without having a healthcare provider do a pelvic exam. Numerous HPV tests are even performed using the same hardware as COVID-19 PCR and HIV assays, among others, allowing them to be integrated into current laboratory systems. Such technologies can help remove more obstacles to services and make it easier for public health initiatives to reach the aim of 70% screening.
Growing initiatives by healthcare organizations
The list of prequalified tests for human papillomavirus (HPV) now includes a fourth test, according to WHO. While the majority of HPV infections go away on their own, some high-risk varieties can result in cervical cancer. Cervical cancer screening always includes testing for HPV infection. The prequalification (PQ) programme for in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) run by the WHO assesses a variety of tests, including those used to screen for cervical cancer and identify high-risk HPV genotypes. The inclusion of yet another item to the PQ list broadens the selection of high-performance tests that nations may access, especially when governments, UN organisations, or other partners depend on the WHO programme to facilitate their purchase.
Rising demand for HPV vaccinations
Throughout the anticipated period, the demand for HPV vaccinations is anticipated to be the main factor driving the global HPV-associated disorders industry potential due to the rising prevalence of HPV-related disorders. Bivalent, quadrivalent, and nonavalent vaccinations are the kinds of vaccinations available on the market. The three vaccinations are all quite effective at protecting against the 16 and 18 viruses, which represent 70% of cervical cancer cures. The regulatory authorities' acceptance of the new vaccine increases the accessibility of vaccines for immunisation or vaccination, which is projected to hasten HPV-associated disorders market expansion.
Skeletal dysplasia market in the Asia Pacific region is anticipated to grow steadily.
The HPV-associated disorders market in the Asia Pacific is anticipated to be fueled by the presence of major HPV-associated disorders industry players and growth in various initiatives in the region. For instance, in October 2022, on the last day of the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific, delegates approved frameworks designed to prevent and control cervical cancer, reach the unreached, and advance the best possible mental and physical health for everyone in the region. Over 95% of occurrences of cervical cancer are associated with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Persistent HPV infections can lead to cervical cancer in women, even though the majority of infections clear up on their own and have no symptoms. According to estimates by WHO, 145,700 women in the Western Pacific Region received a cervical cancer diagnosis in 2020, and 74,900 of them lost their lives to the most treatable and avoidable illness.
HPV Associated Disorders Diagnosis
Market Key Developments