电池即服务 (Baas) 市场 – 2024 年至 2029 年预测Battery as a Service (Baas) Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
电池即服务(Baas)理念允许企业将能源储存解决方案作为服务使用,而无需支付电池使用费。它实现了弹性、扩充性和节省成本,特别是在可再生能源和电动车领域。电池即服务(Baas)市场是由电动车的扩张和再生能源来源的整合对能源储存不断增长的需求所推动的。 BaaS 消除了前期投资要求,并为公司提供了成本节约、扩充性和弹性。该行业正在不断扩张,重点是永续实践和电池技术的发展。 NITI 已宣布一项政策,支援使用「先进化学电池」(ACC) 且性能等于或优于 FAME-II 计划支援的电动车电池的电池。
电动车销量的成长正在推动 BaaS 市场的发展。
电池即服务(BaaS)市场受到电动车销售成长的显着影响,增加了对自适应和扩充性能源储存技术的需求。随着电动车产业的发展,BaaS 对于控制电池成本至关重要,因为它为消费者和企业提供了一种无需初始财务承诺即可获取最新电池技术的可行方式。根据国际能源总署(IEA)预测,2022年交通领域电动车保有量将超过2,600万辆,比2021年成长60%,比2018年成长五倍。电动解决方案在公共汽车和重型车辆类别中也越来越普及。 2022年,市场上将推出220款新的公车和卡车车型,增加电动车的数量。目前,超过 80% 的重型车辆销售来自中国,并且大部分部署都在中国进行。此外,与 2021 年相比,2022 年该领域在欧洲和北美的销售额增长了四倍多。此外,根据 PIB 的数据,运作2022 年,印度将运作278,169,631 辆非电动车和 1,334,385 辆电动车。此外,杜拜水电局 (DEWA) 预测电动车数量将从 2023 年的 7,331 辆增加到 2025 年的 12,852 辆。这符合杜拜的《2030年绿色旅行战略》,该战略规定,到2030年,新车购买量的10%和所有公共部门车辆的30%必须是电动或混合动力汽车。另一个推动阿联酋绿色出行目标的酋长国是阿布达比。 CNG和天然气汽车9,412辆,电动车2,441辆,混合动力汽车4,138辆。
亚太地区的全球 BaaS 市场预计将稳定成长。
由于多种因素,印度的电池即服务业正在蓬勃发展。该国正在小客车和商用车中迅速采用电动车。预计电动车在未来几年将在用户中变得更加普及,并对 BaaS 行业产生重大影响。因为电动车提供了最具成本效益的解决方案,可以降低初始成本,不仅对国内消费者而且对车队营运商来说也是如此。例如,根据《2023年经济调查》,印度国内电动车市场2022年至2030年的复合年增长率将达到49%,到2030年销量将达到1,000万辆。此外,到2030年,该产业将创造5,000万个直接和间接就业机会。此外,Niti Aayog 预计,到 2026 年,印度的电动车普及将达到 10-12%,到 2030 年将达到 30-35%。此外,随着永续交通需求的增加,政府的积极干预预计将为出生模式的发展创造有利的环境。例如,据印度投资局称,在 2023-24 年联邦预算中,政府宣布了透过可行性缺口资金支持容量为 4,000 兆瓦时的电池能源储存系统的目标。此外,随着电池技术的进步,充电基础设施网路预计将在预测期内扩大。这也得到了一系列增强印度电动车製造商能力的倡议的支持,包括更快采用电动车製造计划-II (FAME-II) 和生产挂钩激励计划 (PLI)。根据 PIB 的说法,为了促进可再生能源的普及,政府于 2023 年推出了新的 EV-Ready India Dashboard。电动车的年销量预计将从 2022 年的 690,550 辆增加到 2030 年的 13,936,691 辆。该仪表板提供与印度电池需求和密度变化相关的即时讯息,有助于电池製造和储存基础设施的成长。
The battery as a service (BaaS) market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 23.75% throughout the forecast period, reaching a market size of US$993.722 million by 2029, representing a substantial increase from US$223.527 million recorded in 2022.
The Battery as a Service (BaaS) idea enables businesses to acquire energy storage solutions without having to pay for battery use as a service. It offers flexibility, scalability, and cost savings, particularly in the areas of renewable energy and electric cars. The battery as a Service (BaaS) market is propelled by the expansion of electric cars and the growing need for energy storage in the integration of renewable energy sources. BaaS eliminates upfront capital requirements and provides enterprises with cost savings, scalability, and flexibility. The industry is expanding because of the emphasis on sustainable practices and developments in battery technology. A policy was announced by the NITI, which supports batteries that have performance that is on par with or better than EV batteries supported under the FAME-II scheme, and that use "Advanced Chemistry Cells" (ACC).
Growth in electric vehicle sales propels the BaaS market.
The batteries as a service (BaaS) market is greatly impacted by the rise in EV sales, which raises the need for adaptable and scalable energy storage technologies. BaaS is essential for controlling battery costs as the EV industry grows because it offers consumers and companies a viable way to access the newest battery technology without having to make the first financial commitment. As per the International Energy Agency, in the transportation sector, there were over 26 million electric vehicles on the road in 2022, a 60% increase from 2021 and a five-fold increase over the number of vehicles in 2018. Electric solutions are gradually gaining traction in the bus and heavy-duty categories as well. With 220 new bus and truck models hitting the market in 2022, there were an increasing number of electric vehicles available. Over 80% of all sales of heavy-duty vehicles are now based in China, where the majority of the deployment takes place. Additionally, sales of this sector in Europe and North America were more than quadrupled in 2022 compared to 2021. Furthermore, according to PIB, In India, in 2022, there were 27,81,69,631 non-electric vehicles in operation and 13,34, 385 electric vehicles. In addition, the Dubai Water and Electricity Authority (DEWA) projects that by 2025, there will be 12,852 electric vehicles operating in Dubai, up from an anticipated 7,331 in 2023. This is in line with Dubai's Green Mobility Strategy 2030, which stipulates that by 2030, 10% of all new vehicle purchases and 30% of all public sector vehicles must be electric or hybrid. Another Emirate driving the UAE's green mobility goal is Abu Dhabi. 9,412 CNG and natural gas cars, 2,441 EVs, and 4,138 hybrids are present
It is projected that the global BaaS market in the Asia Pacific will grow steadily.
The battery as a service industry in India has grown rapidly due to several factors. The country is experiencing a surge in electric vehicle adoption, both in passenger and commercial vehicles. As EVs are set to gain more popularity among users in upcoming years, it is expected to have a significant impact on the BaaS industry. This is because they provide the most cost-effective solutions to reduce the upfront cost for consumers as well as fleet operators in the country. For instance- as per Economic Survey 2023, India's domestic market for electric vehicles will see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 49% between the years 2022 and 2030, with a record of 10 million sales by 2030. Moreover, the industry will result in 50 million direct and indirect jobs by the year 2030. Additionally, as per the estimates from Niti Aayog, the EV adoption rates will propel in India with 10-12% by the year 2026 and 30-35% by 2030. Furthermore, the positive intervention of the government is projected to create a conducive environment for Baas models to thrive with increasing demand for sustainable transport. For instance- as per Invest India, in the 2023-24 Union Budget, the government announced its target to support battery energy storage systems with a capacity of 4,000 MWH through viability gap funding. Additionally, with advancements in battery technology, the network of charging infrastructure is anticipated to expand till the forecast period. This is also supported by a series of initiatives for enhancing the capacity of electric vehicle manufacturers in India such as the Faster Adoption of Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles Scheme - II (FAME - II) and the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) among others. As per the PIB, to boost the penetration of renewable energy in the country, in 2023, the government launched a brand-new EV-Ready India Dashboard. It is anticipated that annual sales of EVs will increase from annual sales of 6,90,550 electric two-wheelers (E2Ws) in 2022 to 1,39,36,691 E2Ws by 2030. The dashboard will provide real-time information related to battery demand and changing density in India, contributing to the growth of battery manufacturing and storage infrastructure.
Market Key Developments