企业元资料管理市场 - 2024 年至 2029 年预测Enterprise Metadata Management Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
企业元资料管理由一组框架、流程和技术组成,可协助显示、搜寻、分类和检验整个资料堆迭中的元资料。元资料管理有助于解决各种关键业务和技术挑战,例如如何计算报告编号、了解上游资料变更的影响以及提供跨企业元资料。这至关重要。企业业务管理是元资料管理的一部分,适用于拥有 250 名或更多员工的大型组织。随着现代企业寻求更好地利用大量资料并加速转型的方法,资料管理变得更具挑战性。此外,向远距工作的转变和向混合架构的转变也增加了这种复杂性。关键的资料管理挑战包括资料成长、缺乏可见性和营运管理孤岛。
市场成长很大程度上得益于物联网(IoT)和巨量资料分析的快速开拓。每天产生的资料量呈指数级增长,企业越来越需要采用先进的解决方案来储存和管理大量资料并确保其完整性和可存取性。因此,对企业元资料管理解决方案和服务的需求不断增加。此外,一般资料保护规范 (GDPR) 等严格法规增加了企业采用高效能元元资料管理解决方案的需求,从而促进了市场成长。
由于对资料管治和合规性的日益关注,企业元资料管理市场正在彻底转变。由于需要遵守 GDPR 和 HIPAA 等严格的资料保护法,越来越多的公司转向企业元元资料管理解决方案来加强其资料管治框架。企业元元资料管理有助于对元资料进行系统化管理,以确保资料品质、来源和可追溯性,并协助组织遵守法规。对资料管治作为策略要务的日益关注凸显了企业管理模组的关键功能,这些模组为组织的资料资源提供透明度、问责制和权威。随着企业意识到拥有准确、一致和安全的资料的重要性,企业元资料管理产业的需求正在激增。组织使用这些解决方案来遵守监管要求。
IBM 透过 IBM InfoSphere Information Server 提供元资料管理,它允许您从单一元元资料储存库在整个套件中共共用元资料、追踪和分析区段和流程之间的资料流,并使用工具来实现在使用者和流程之间自动共用元资料等优势。消除元资料的重复和冗余。
Oracle提供了一个完整的元资料管理平台,称为 Oracle 企业元资料管理 (OEMM)。几乎所有元资料供应商,包括 SQL、Hadoop、ETL、BI 和资料建模,都可以使用 OEMM 来收集和分类元资料。但 OEMM 不仅仅是一个资讯储存库;它还提供元资料的互动式搜寻和浏览,以及目录中所有元资料资产的资料沿袭、影响分析、语义定义和语义使用分析等功能。
The enterprise metadata management market is evaluated at US$3,820.731 million for the year 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.34% to reach market size of US$7,609.641 million by the year 2029.
Enterprise metadata management consists of a set of frameworks, processes, and technologies that aid in surface, searching, classifying, and validating metadata from across the data stack. Metadata management is essential to solve a wide variety of critical business-related and technical challenges, which include, how report figures are calculated, understanding the impact of changes to data upstream, and providing reporting capabilities on the entire metadata of an enterprise among others. Enterprise business management, or EMM, is a branch of metadata management that focuses on big organizations with more than 250 workers. Data management is becoming more difficult as the modern corporation looks for ways to use its massive amounts of data more effectively and quicken transformation. Furthermore, the transition to remote work and the switch to hybrid architecture have both added to this complication. Some of the crucial data management challenges include data growth, lack of visibility, and operations management silos.
The growth of the market is majorly attributed to the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics. The exponential increase in the volume of data generated every day is increasing the need among enterprises to adopt advanced solutions to store and manage these huge volumes of data to ensure their integrity and accessibility. This is increasing the demand for enterprise metadata management solutions and services. Furthermore, stringent regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have made it even more necessary for enterprises to adopt efficient metadata management solutions, thus boosting the growth of the market.
The enterprise metadata management (EMM) market is being completely transformed by the increased emphasis on data governance and compliance. Companies are increasingly using EMM solutions to strengthen their data governance frameworks as a result of the necessity to adhere to strict data protection laws like GDPR and HIPAA. By facilitating the methodical administration of metadata, EMM helps organizations comply with regulations by guaranteeing data quality, provenance, and traceability. The increasing focus on data governance as a strategic necessity highlights the vital function of the Enterprise Management Module (EMM) in granting transparency, responsibility, and authority over organizational data resources. The EMM industry is experiencing a boom in demand as businesses realize how important it is to keep accurate, consistent, and secure data. These solutions are being used by organizations to comply with regulatory requirements.
The enterprise metadata management (EMM) market is greatly impacted by the growing volume and complexity of data, which calls for advanced solutions to meet the demands of data management. As businesses struggle with large and complex information, EMM becomes an indispensable instrument for fostering data interpretation, organization, and discovery. Businesses may effectively categorize, record, and understand their data assets with the help of EMM, which provides a thorough picture of the information environment. More precise and thorough metadata is required because it helps with data governance and improves data quality, which helps organizations get valuable insights from their expanding data warehouses.
One of the main obstacles faced by the business metadata management sector is implementation difficulty. It may be difficult and time-consuming to integrate metadata management solutions into current systems; it requires careful consideration of organizational structures and procedures and alignment with them. Establishing a consistent metadata framework is difficult because the variety of data sources and formats inside an organization sometimes intensifies the complexity. Organizational problems may also arise from the necessity of strong departmental and team collaboration for the successful deployment of metadata management. Furthermore, some businesses may be discouraged from implementing strong metadata management systems due to the upfront costs and manpower commitment involved, especially smaller ones with tighter budgets.
North America is anticipated to be the major regional market.
The enterprise metadata management market in the North American region is expected to hold a significant share during the forecast period as compared to other regions. Countries like the US and Canada are leading the adoption of advanced security solutions. Furthermore, the developed economies in this region are expected to fuel the market growth in this region, as these developed countries are early adopters of new technology like cloud-based security solutions, etc. Moreover, the presence of key market players like Cognizant and IBM among others is yet another factor fuelling the growth of the enterprise metadata management market in the North American region.
IBM offers metadata management with IBM InfoSphere Information Server which offers benefits like sharing metadata throughout the suite from a single metadata repository, tracking and analyzing the data flow across departments and processes, sharing metadata automatically among tools, and eliminating duplicate or redundant metadata among others.
Oracle offers a complete platform for managing metadata that is called Oracle Enterprise Metadata Management (OEMM). Almost any metadata provider, including SQL, Hadoop, ETL, BI, data modeling, and many more, can be used by OEMM to collect and categorize metadata. However, OEMM is more than simply a repository for information; it also offers data lineage, impact analysis, semantic definition, and semantic usage analysis for every metadata asset in the catalog in addition to interactive searching and browsing of the metadata.