WLAN 控制器市场 - 2024 年至 2029 年预测WLAN Controller Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
无线 LAN (WLAN) 控制器是一种管理和控制无线网路基础设施内的多个无线网路基地台(AP) 的网路设备。其主要功能是集中管理和配置网路基地台,确保整个无线网路的无缝且有效率运作。对无线连接的需求不断增长以及企业越来越多地采用远端工作正在显着刺激 WLAN 控制器市场的扩张。此外,BYOD策略的上升趋势和影响各业务的安全问题进一步刺激了市场扩张。
对可靠、快速、安全的无线网路的需求正在推动企业 WLAN 市场的成长,以适应办公室中不断增加的连接设备数量。
随着越来越多的企业将资料和应用程式迁移到云端,能够管理不断增长的流量和频宽需求的强大无线网路变得越来越必要。此外,随着连接到无线网路的装置数量的增加,安全漏洞的风险也随之增加。然而,可以透过利用企业 WLAN 解决方案提供的进阶安全功能来减轻这种风险。
该市场预计将受益于网路基础设施的持续扩张、高速网路使用的增加以及名为 WIFI6 和 802.11ax 的新无线标准的发布。
由于云端基础的应用程式的使用不断增加,资料流量需求爆炸性增长。随着越来越多的应用程式迁移到云端,企业需要可靠、快速的网路存取来维持业务正常运作。由于支援此连接的企业 WLAN 解决方案的快速资料传输速度,企业可以快速且有效率地传输资料。
此外,由于连接到商业网路的设备数量不断增加,近年来对高速资料的需求显着增加。如今,员工透过各种装置存取公司资料和应用程序,需要企业 WLAN 解决方案能够提供可靠、高速的资料传输功能。
WLAN 控制器可协助实施安全策略、加密标准和存取控制,以保护网路及其使用者。由于网路威胁和攻击的增加,网路安全仍然是重中之重,因此 WLAN 控制器市场预计在未来几年将会增强。例如,根据英国政府的《2022 年网路安全范围调查》,大约 39% 的英国企业承认在 2022 年遭遇过网路攻击,其中网路钓鱼是最常见的网路威胁 (83%)。此外,2022 年 Microsoft 每天回应约 1,955 起分散式阻断服务 (DDoS) 攻击。与去年相比,这一数字增加了 40%。
物联网、资料分析和云端运算是推动全球无线 LAN 控制器市场创新的无线技术的例子。与工业设施中的有线和电缆管理系统相比,最终用户也更青睐这些技术。物联网允许在独立控制系统和其他需要 Wi-Fi 控制器进行网路管理的设备(例如感测器、恆温器和智慧灯具)之间共用和传输资料。云端处理充当基于互联网的伺服器网络,可以储存、处理和处理有关工业绩效和营运的关键资料来源。技术的进步推动了对无线区域网路控制器的需求,无线区域网路控制器可以处理大量资料并获得有价值的见解。
北美笔记型电脑、平板电脑和智慧型手机等行动装置的高普及增加了对无线连线的需求。企业需要为其员工和客户提供可靠、快速的无线连接,这正在推动企业 WLAN 市场的扩张。此外,网路的高普及和许多人上网的能力增加了对无线连线的需求,刺激了市场扩张。
由于智慧型手机消费量的稳定成长,该地区的组织正在大规模采用 BYOD,因此办公空间内的足够覆盖变得至关重要。这对于室内办公室提供者来说可能是一个优势。
随着 5G 的部署提供更快的网路速度、更高的可靠性、更高的安全性和增强的物联网功能,北美的 WLAN 市场正在不断扩大。这增加了对 WLAN 供应商产品和服务的需求,并开启了新的商机。
The WLAN controller market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.63% reaching a market size of US$2,355.062 million in 2029 from US$1,407.192 million in 2022.
A Wireless LAN (WLAN) controller is a network device that manages and controls multiple wireless access points (APs) within a wireless network infrastructure. Its primary function is to centralize the management and configuration of access points, ensuring seamless and efficient operation of the entire wireless network. The rising demand for wireless connectivity coupled with the growing adoption of remote workplaces by enterprises is majorly stimulating the WLAN controller market expansion. Moreover, the growing trend of BYOD strategy and the security concerns impacting various enterprises is further stimulating the market expansion.
High demand for high-speed wireless network
The need for dependable, fast, and secure wireless networks that can handle the rising number of connected devices in the office is what is driving the growth of the enterprise WLAN market.
A strong wireless network that can manage the rising traffic and bandwidth demands is becoming increasingly necessary as more businesses move their data and apps to the cloud. Furthermore, the risk of security breaches rises with the number of devices connected to a wireless network; however, this risk can be mitigated by utilizing the advanced security features offered by Enterprises' WLAN solutions.
The market is anticipated to benefit from the ongoing expansion of network infrastructure, the rise in high-speed internet usage, and the release of new wireless standards called WIFI6, or 802.11ax.,
Increasing data traffic
The need for data traffic has skyrocketed due to the expanding use of cloud-based applications. Businesses need dependable and quick internet access to ensure their operations function as more and more shift their apps to the cloud. Businesses can transfer data quickly and effectively thanks to enterprise WLAN solutions' high-speed data transmission rates, which enable this connectivity.
In addition, the rising number of devices linked to business networks has resulted in a significant increase in the demand for high-speed data in recent years. Employees now access company data and apps from a variety of devices, necessitating reliable and fast data transmission capabilities, which enterprise WLAN solutions can provide.
Increasing need for security
WLAN controllers help enforce security policies, encryption standards, and access controls to protect the network and its users. With the rise of cyber threats and attacks, network security remains a top priority and therefore, the WLAN controller market is expected to bolster in the coming years. For instance, as per the Cyber Security Reaches Survey 2022 by the UK government, around 39% of UK businesses identified a cyber attack in 2022 with phishing attempts (83%) being the most common cyber threat. Moreover, Microsoft countered around 1,955 Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks daily in 2022. This marked a 40% rise compared to the preceding year's figures.
Increasing adoption of cloud based technology
The Internet of Things, data analytics, and cloud computing are examples of wireless technologies that are convergent and have spurred innovation in the global wireless LAN controller market. End users are also favoring these technologies over wired and cable management systems in industrial facilities. The Internet of Things has made it possible for data to be shared and transferred between independent control systems and other gadgets that need wireless LAN controllers for network management, like sensors, thermostats, and smart lighting fixtures. Cloud computing functions as an Internet-based server network that can store, handle, and process key sources of data about industrial performance and operations. The need for wireless LAN controllers that can process vast amounts of data and extract valuable insights is being driven by technological advancements.
North America is witnessing exponential growth during the forecast period
Due to the high rate of adoption of mobile devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones in North America, there is a greater need for wireless connectivity. The need for businesses to offer dependable, fast wireless connectivity to their staff and clients has propelled the expansion of the enterprise WLAN market. Additionally, the high rate of internet penetration-many people having access to the internet-led to an increase in demand for wireless connectivity, which fueled the market's expansion.
Due to the region's organizations adopting BYOD on a large scale as a result of the steadily rising smartphone consumption, adequate coverage inside office spaces becomes crucial. This could be advantageous for in-building office providers.
The market for WLANs is expanding as a result of the increasing rollout of 5G in North America, which offers faster internet speeds, greater dependability, higher security, and enhanced IoT capabilities. This increases demand for WLAN vendors' goods and services and opens up new business opportunities for them.
Product Offerings
Market key launches