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全球药物安全检测市场-2024年至2029年预测Global Pharmacovigilance Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
预计药物安全检测市场在预测期内将以 10.54% 的年复合成长率成长,市场规模将从 2022 年的 57.98 亿美元增至 2029 年的 116.88 亿美元。
根据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计,2019年有1,790万人死于心血管疾病,占全球死亡人数的32%。其中约 85% 的死亡是由于心臟病或中风所致。在全球整体,估计有 12.8 亿年龄在 30 岁至 79 岁之间的人患有高血压,其中大多数(2/3)居住在低收入和中等收入国家。此外,预计 2019 年糖尿病将导致 150 万人死亡。
由于药物不良反应(ADR)的增加,药物安全检测市场预计将成长。促成这一增长的因素包括药物使用增加、患者群体多样化、严格的监管要求、药物安全问题、先进的监测技术、临床试验的全球化、以患者为中心的方法以及新兴市场的市场成长,其中包括药物安全检测公司之间的开拓和服务供应商。世界各地的监管机构都需要强有力的药物安全检测工作来确保药品安全,而资料分析和人工智慧等先进监测技术可以更有效地检测和监测 ADR。
根据美国疾病管制与预防美国的数据,约6.7%的住院患者出现严重的ADR,死亡率为0.32%。假设这些数字属实,每年住院病患中约有 2,216,000 起严重ADR,导致超过 106,000 人死亡。假设这些统计数据属实,药品不良反应是继肺病、糖尿病、爱滋病、肺炎、事故和车祸后的第四大死因。因此,全球 ADR 流行率的上升预计将增加对药物安全检测市场的需求。
例如,费森尤斯卡比美国公司于2020年因Lidocaine交叉污染召回盐酸右Dexmedetomidine咪定0.9%氯化钠注射液。 2021 年,由于亚硝胺和 N-亚硝基Varenicline超过FDA 临时可接受的摄入量,辉瑞公司自愿召回所有批次的Chantix 0.5mg 和1mg 片剂至患者(消费者/用户)水平。长期使用 N-亚硝基Varenicline可能会增加人类罹患癌症的风险,但使用这种药物的个人不会立即面临风险。
北美地区预计将成为药物安全检测市场的主导市场。在美国,药物滥用和相关药物不良反应显着增加。据美国卫生与公众服务部称,ADR 估计占医院不利事件的三分之一,每年影响约 200 万名住院患者。住院时间从 1.7 天增加到 4.6 天。
每年,门诊 ADE 影响约 350 万人次就诊、估计 100 万人次急诊就诊以及超过 125,000 人次住院。由于将内部药物安全检测业务委託给委託研究组织的高成本,美国的药物安全检测系统正在从医疗保健系统中的被动角色转变为主动角色。
The global pharmacovigilance market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.54% over the forecast period to reach a market size of US$11.688 billion in 2029 from US$5.798 billion in 2022.
Pharmacovigilance, also known as drug safety, is the science and activities involved with the detection, evaluation, comprehension, and prevention of adverse effects or other medicine or vaccine-related problems. All medicines and vaccines are submitted to rigorous testing for safety and efficacy in clinical trials before they are licenced for use.
The major driving factors of this market include rising drug consumption and drug development rates, rising rates of adverse drug reactions and drug toxicity, and an increasing tendency to outsource pharmacovigilance services. The rising prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), as a result of sedentary lifestyles, a lack of physical activity, changing lifestyle patterns, and poor diets, leading to increased drug consumption, indicating a high demand for drug monitoring and fuelling the market growth.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2019, accounting for 32% of all global deaths. About 85 % of these fatalities were caused by a heart attack or a stroke. Globally, an estimated 1.28 billion individuals aged 30-79 years have hypertension, with the majority(2/3rd) residing in low- and middle-income nations. Furthermore, diabetes is directly responsible for an anticipated 1.5 million fatalities in 2019.
On the other hand, factors such as high data security risk, a lack of global regulatory harmonization, and a lack of data standards for adverse event collection are expected to pose challenges to the global pharmacovigilance market.
The global pharmacovigilance market is expected to grow due to the rise in Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs). Factors contributing to this growth include rising drug utilization, diverse patient populations, stringent regulatory requirements, drug safety concerns, advanced monitoring technologies, globalization of clinical trials, patient-centric approach, market expansion in developing regions, collaboration between pharmaceutical companies and pharmacovigilance service providers, and post-marketing surveillance activities. Regulatory authorities worldwide require robust pharmacovigilance activities to ensure drug safety, and advanced monitoring technologies like data analytics and artificial intelligence are enhancing the ability to detect and monitor ADRs more effectively.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 6.7 percent of hospitalized patients experience a severe ADR, with a mortality rate of 0.32 percent. If these figures are assumed to be true, then there are about 2,216,000 severe ADRs in hospitalized patients per year, which results in over 106,000 deaths. If these statistics are assumed to be true, then ADRs are the fourth-largest cause of death, followed by pulmonary illness, diabetes, AIDS, pneumonia, accidents, and automobile accidents. Therefore, the rising global prevalence of ADRs will increase demand in the pharmacovigilance market.
Pharmacovigilance is concerned with drug quality, dosage mistakes, and adverse drug responses that influence the healthcare system by impacting a large patient population. An adverse reaction does not necessarily occur during a visit to the healthcare center. It may occur several hours after the medication has been administered. Patients failing to report adverse reactions leads to inconsistency in diagnosis and research, which can be life-threatening. Furthermore, administering medicines for extended periods to a large population might result in adverse reactions that have not previously been detected in scientific studies.
For instance, Fresenius Kabi USA recalled Dexmedetomidine HCL in 0.9 % Sodium Chloride Injection in 2020 owing to lidocaine cross-contamination, which could have resulted in a potentially fatal allergic reaction. In 2021, due to the presence of nitrosamine and N-nitroso-varenicline at or above the FDA's interim permissible consumption limit, Pfizer voluntarily recalled all batches of its Chantix 0.5 mg and 1 mg Tablets to the patient (consumer/user) level. Long-term use of N-nitroso-varenicline may be linked to elevated cancer risk in humans, although there is no immediate danger to individuals using this drug.
North America region is expected to grow significantly.
The global pharmacovigilance market is expected to be dominated by the North American region. The number of drug abuse and associated adverse drug reactions in the United States has increased significantly. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, ADRs account for an estimated one-third of all hospital adverse events and affect about 2 million hospital stays each year in inpatient settings. Increasing hospital stays from 1.7 to 4.6 days.
ADEs in outpatient settings account for about 3.5 million doctor visits each year, as well as an estimated 1 million emergency room visits and over 125,000 hospitalizations. The pharmacovigilance system in the United States is transitioning from a passive to a proactive role in the healthcare system as a result of the high costs of in-house pharmacovigilance operations being outsourced to contract research organizations.