快速门诊市场:2024-2029 年预测Retail Clinics Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
预计快速门诊市场在预测期内将以 4.02% 的复合年增长率成长,从 2022 年的 46.46 亿美元增至 2029 年的 61.21 亿美元。
非传染性疾病 (NCD) 每年造成 4,100 万人死亡,占全球整体死亡人数的 74%。其中,心血管疾病最为常见,每年将导致 1,790 万人死亡,其次是癌症(930 万人)、慢性呼吸道疾病(410 万人)和糖尿病(2022 年将导致 200 万人死亡)。这些数字显示了情势的活力以及卫生环境做出相应改变的必要性。
到 2022 年,仅美国就有 85% 的快速门诊将归 CVS、克罗格、沃尔格林和沃尔玛等大型零售连锁店所有,这说明了系统性变化。为了促进护理的连续性,将快速门诊管理的疾病的临床通讯协定整合到电子健康记录系统中非常重要。此外,应建立既定流程,以方便转诊至卫生系统内的基层医疗医师。
随着人口老化,慢性病也会增加。在低收入和中等收入国家 (LMIC),75% 的非传染性疾病 (NCD) 死亡发生在 60 岁及以上的成年人中,这增加了老年人寻求诊所服务的需求。
经合组织成员国老年人口占人口比例不断上升,2021年将达17.694%,2022年将达17.964%。根据世界银行估计,到2050年,65岁或以上的人口将达到15亿人。行业趋势越来越多地使像 MinuteClinic 这样的快速门诊变得更加适合老年人,并增强其有效服务老年人的能力。
随着人口老化和护理点 (POC) 诊断提供更快的结果,对这些测试的需求预计会增加。此外,行动诊断设备日益增加的多功能性是推动中等收入国家就地检验成长的关键因素。此外,推动该市场扩张的一个重要趋势是公共和私人组织资金的增加。例如,2022年9月,Unitide承诺投资3,000万美元加速尖端诊断技术的采用,这将改善筛检工作,减少医疗系统较低阶使用检测的可能性将会增加。
此外,糖尿病的盛行率在世界各地不断增加,对一般人群构成严重的健康风险,因为它是许多其他健康併发症的主要原因。世界卫生组织 (WHO) 估计,全球有 4.22 亿人患有糖尿病,该疾病每年直接导致 150 万人死亡。与高所得国家相比,低收入和中等收入国家的糖尿病盛行率正在迅速增加。很明显,糖尿病的主要原因是可改变的代谢、环境和行为因素。这增加了对就地检验、早期筛检、足够的认识和医疗干预的需求。
该市场的另一个特点是领先公司采取高水准的策略倡议,包括联盟、合作伙伴併购(M&A)。例如,Werfen 于 2023 年 3 月收购了 Immucor, Inc.,在专业诊断市场中获得了主要立足点。收购价格为20亿美元。
此外,西门子医疗有限公司与 Unilab 于 2023 年 5 月签署了价值超过 2 亿美元的合作伙伴关係。作为协议的一部分,Unilab 购买了 400 台测试分析仪并升级了其患者照护基础设施。
此外,印度第一家照护现场公司 Lumiradex Healthcare Private Limited 宣布将于 2022 年 11 月推出超灵敏 C 反应蛋白 (CRP)照护现场抗原测试。在各种临床环境中,照护现场CRP 检测可用于减少抗生素过度处方,导致抗生素抗药性。 CRP 测试可在重量仅超过 1 公斤的轻型 Lumiradex 平台上使用小指刺血样本在 4 分钟内完成。
此外,心臟病等慢性疾病是导致死亡的主要原因,对个人、家庭、医疗系统和医疗保健提供者带来沉重负担。根据美国疾病管制与预防中心的数据,到 2022 年,4.9% 的成年人将被诊断出患有心臟疾病。这表明,由于循环系统相关问题的治疗药物的供应不断增加,市场在研究期间可能会成长。
此外,国际参与者进入市场预计将进一步推动该国快速门诊的需求。例如,沃尔玛将于 2022 年 4 月在佛罗里达州开设五个配备医生的新「沃尔玛健康」中心中的第一家,为数万名顾客提供低成本医疗保健服务。沃尔玛健康 (Walmart Health) 正以位于柯林斯路 7075 号、毗邻柯林斯路购物中心的杰克逊维尔商店为起点,进入佛罗里达市场。在佛罗里达州,杰克逊维尔、奥兰多和坦帕地区计划再开设至少四家商店。
此外,CVS Health 于 2022 年 5 月推出了 CVS Health 虚拟初级保健。这是一种全新的虚拟护理选项,可透过一个线上平台存取。透过这项服务,患者将能够获得 CVS Health 提供的临床知识、资料和服务,从而创造一个更互联、以患者为中心的医疗保健环境。
The retail clinics market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.02% over the forecast period to reach US$6.121 billion by 2029, increasing from US$4.646 billion in 2022.
The retail clinics market is experiencing significant growth not just in the market but also in the scope of services delivered. Such retail settings play a significant role in the diagnosis and care of multiple chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, allergies, arthritis, kidney disease, and hypertension.
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) cause the deaths of 41 million people annually, accounting for 74% of all global deaths. Among these, cardiovascular diseases account for most deaths, with 17.9 million people annually, followed by cancers at 9.3 million, chronic respiratory diseases accounts for 4.1 million deaths, and diabetes 2.0 million in 2022. These figures show the vitality of the situation and the corresponding need for the changes in health setup.
In 2022, 85% of retail clinics were owned by large retail chains like CVS, Kroger, Walgreens, and Walmart, 2022, in the US alone, showing that change in the system. To promote continuity of care, it is important to integrate clinical protocols for conditions managed at retail clinics into electronic health record systems. Additionally, established processes should be implemented to facilitate referrals to primary care physicians affiliated with the health system.
Further, the growing elderly population and advancements in telemedicine and diagnostic tools allow the market to flourish.
Growing geriatric population anticipated to propel market growth.
In recent years, the change in the demography of the country has been very significant in most countries, and they are facing multiple health requirements and challenges., such as For example, Japan where the proportion of Japan's elderly population, representing a percentage of the total population, witnessed a gradual increase, reaching 28.559% in 2020, 28.855% in 2021, and 29.001% in 2022., with urban areas hosting approximately 92% of the total population ., Hence, there is a heightened demand for senior care infrastructure.
As populations age, chronic diseases will also increase. The need for elderly individuals seeking clinic services has increased as in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), 75 percent of deaths from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) occur among adults over 60.
Further, the growing elderly population often requires frequent medical attention and retail clinics can cater to this demand by providing convenient and cost-effective care.
The Elderly population total percentage of the population was 17.694% in 2021 and increased to 17.964% in 2022 in OECD countries. As estimated by the World Bank, by 2050, 1.5 billion people will be 65 and older. A growing industry trend is the adaptation of retail clinics like MinuteClinic to be more age-friendly, enhancing their capabilities to effectively serve older adults.
The retail clinic's application in point of care diagnostics is projected to grow
The aging population and point-of-care (POC) diagnostics' ability to produce fast results are expected to drive up demand for these tests. Furthermore, the increasing versatility of mobile diagnostic devices is a primary factor propelling the growth of point-of-care testing in middle-income countries. Furthermore, a significant trend propelling the market expansion of this market is an increase in funding from public and private entities. For instance, in September 2022, Unitaid stated to invest US$30 million to hasten the adoption of cutting-edge diagnostic technologies, which would improve screening efforts and increase the availability of testing at lower levels of the healthcare system
Moreover, the prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide, and it poses serious health risks to the general public as it is a major cause of many other comorbid health consequences. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 422 million people worldwide have diabetes and that the illness directly causes 1.5 million deaths per year Compared to high-income countries, the prevalence of diabetes has been rising faster in low- and middle-income nations. The primary causes of diabetes have been identified as modifiable metabolic, environmental, and behavioral factors. This has led to an increased demand for point-of-care testing, early screening, sufficient awareness, and health care intervention.
Further, point-of-care diagnostics, which aims to provide quick results during patient consultation to minimize the number of patient visits and improve glycemic control, is beneficial for managing diabetes. Furthermore, point-of-care testing (POCT), which is intended to enhance clinical outcomes and the quality of life for diabetics, is becoming increasingly popular in primary care.
High levels of strategic initiatives, including alliances, partnerships, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by dominant firms, are another market feature. For instance, Werfen purchased Immucor, Inc. in March 2023 to forge a significant foothold in the specialized diagnostics market. The transaction was worth two billion dollars.
Moreover, Siemens Healthcare GmbH and Unilabs entered into a partnership in May 2023 with a value of more than $200 million. As part of the agreement, Unilabs purchased 400 laboratory analyzers to upgrade the infrastructure for patient care.
Additionally, LumiraDx Healthcare Private Limited, the first point-of-care diagnostics company in India, has announced that its ultrasensitive C-Reactive Protein (CRP) point-of-care antigen test will debut in November 2022. In a variety of clinical contexts, the point-of-care CRP test can be employed to lessen the overprescription of antibiotics, which contributes to antibiotic resistance. The CRP test can be performed on the lightweight, slightly over a kilogram LumiraDx platform in four minutes using a small finger prick blood sample.
The market is projected to grow in the North American region.
The market in the United States is expanding as a result of an enhanced healthcare system, an increase in cases of infectious diseases, an aging population, and easily available, high-quality diagnostic tests. Furthermore, the number of elderly people in the US is rising quickly. For instance, according to America's Health Ranking (United Health Foundation), the percentage of the population aged 65 and older increased from 16.8% in 2021 to 17.3% in 2022 in the United States.
In addition, as people age, their risk of developing a number of diseases, including diabetes and obesity, rises dramatically. Infectious disease risk is also significantly increased by these circumstances. The elderly are susceptible to a wide range of diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, obesity, neurological disorders, and obesity.
Furthermore, chronic illnesses like heart disease are a major cause of mortality that place a heavy burden on individuals, families, healthcare systems, and providers. As per the Centers for of Disease Control and Prevention, in 2022, 4.9% of adults had ever received a coronary heart disease diagnosis. This suggests that the market could experience growth during the studied period due to the rising utilization of therapeutics for issues related to cardiology.
In addition, expansion ventures by international players into the market are further expected to boost the retail clinics demand in the country. For instance, Walmart expanded its low-cost healthcare services to tens of thousands of its customers by opening the first of five new "Walmart Health" centers with doctor staff in Florida in April 2022. Walmart Health is entering the Florida market with these openings, starting with the new Jacksonville location at 7075 Collins Road, which is next to the Collins Road Supercenter. There will be at least four more Florida locations opening in the Jacksonville, Orlando, and Tampa regions.
Moreover, CVS Health introduced CVS Health Virtual Primary Care in May 2022. This is a brand-new virtual care option that can be accessed via one online platform. Through this offering, patients would have access to clinical knowledge, data, and services from CVS Health in a more coordinated, patient-centered healthcare environment