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消防泡沫市场 - 2024 年至 2029 年预测Firefighting Foam Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
消防泡沫是一种用于阻止氧气接触燃烧物质的消防材料。泡沫水溶液是将水和泡沫浓缩液以适当比例混合而製成的。产生浓缩灭火泡沫,与水以适当比例混合即成为灭火泡沫。市面上有多种类型的灭火泡沫,例如水成膜泡沫浓缩液 (AFFF)。水成膜泡沫浓缩液(AFFF) 有 1%、3% 和 6%浓缩液。它们由碳氢化合物界面活性剂、溶剂、含氟表面活性剂、少量盐类和泡沫稳定剂等材料製成。以预混合料形式使用,适合与干燥化学灭火剂一起使用。
灭火泡沫市场的主要驱动因素是世界各地城市空间的扩张。 2021年,世界人口的56%将居住在都市区,2023年这一比例将增加至57%。城市人口的快速增长产生了对更好的住宅和住家周边设施以及人身安全的需求。全世界都需要更好的火灾监测和防护,这增加了对灭火泡沫的需求。
消防泡沫可能有毒,包括其製造过程中使用的多氟烷基物质 (PFAS),可能会对使用地区的地下水和土壤造成严重损害。因此,对生物分解性的天然材料的需求日益增加。一个例子是消防大豆泡沫,它 100% 不含有意添加的全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质。它获得了金级认证。它已通过 GreenScreen 认证,并由非营利组织清洁生产行动拥有。该产品的开发得到了美国豆农和联合大豆委员会的支持。
美国火灾造成的经济损失不断增加,预计 2022 年损失将达 181 亿美元。因此,美国有必要改善消防安全。世界各地新兴经济体的建筑和建设不断增加,城市环境需要包括消防泡沫在内的消防技术。
中国、日本、印度、韩国等主要经济体在亚太地区占据主导地位。一些成长最快的新兴经济体位于该地区,例如东南亚国协。快速的经济成长和都市化正在增加对可应用于各个层面的灭火解决方案的需求。从排名前七的城市可以看出,印度的住宅房地产产业蓬勃发展。 2022 年每季住宅需求将成长 18%。
The firefighting foam market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.34% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
Firefighting foam is a fire suppression substance used to prevent oxygen from reaching the combustion of the substance. The foam solution is made from the water and foam concentrate mixing in the right ratio. Foam concentrate is manufactured, which, when mixed with water at the right proportion, becomes a foam solution. There are several types of firefighting foam offered in the market, such as Aqueous film-forming foam concentrate (AFFF). Aqueous film-forming foam concentrate (AFFF) is available in the 1%, 3%, or 6% type concentrate. They are manufactured from material types such as hydrocarbon surfactants, solvents, fluorochemical surfactants, small amounts of salts, and foam stabilizers. They are used in the premix state and are suitable for use with dry chemical extinguishing agents.
The major driving factor behind the firefighting foam market is the growing urban spaces worldwide. In 2021, 56% of the global population was residing in the urban setting, which increased to 57% in 2023. This surge in the urban population required better housing and residential facilities and the safety of individuals. Better monitoring and protection from fire are needed worldwide, which would increase the demand for firefighting foam.
The use of firefighting equipment worldwide has been increasing with the increase in the number of fire incidents, big and small. There is a growing need to protect life and property worldwide, which is a basic right of the people. According to the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency, the number of fires increased by 12.2% from 2013 to 2022, and the number of fires in 2022 was 1,504,500.
Similarly, the number of deaths caused by fire has increased by 8.29% from 2020 to 2022. The fire caused by cooking is a major cause, among all other reasons. The firefighting foam is necessary to placate and control fire in residential and non-residential buildings as it could control fire caused by cooking substances. Foam from certain synthetic chemicals, such as Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film film-forming foam, is capable of controlling fire with both polar (alcohol) and non-polar (hydrocarbon) solvents. There is a growing need for firefighting substances for the highly effective foam against hydrocarbon fires.
The firefighting foam can be toxic, containing poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are used in the manufacturing of these substances and could cause serious damage to the underground water and soil of the region under usage. Thus, there is a growing need for biodegradable and natural substances in their usage. One example is the Firefighting SoyFoam, which is 100% free of intentionally added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances. This is certified at the Gold level. It is GreenScreen Certified and owned by the non-profit Clean Production Action. The development of the product is supported by U.S. soybean farmers and the United Soybean Board.
This created a new market opportunity for soy farmers in the United States, providing sustainable solutions for firefighters. Another prominent option is Bio-foam extinguishers, which are fluorine-free and biodegradable. According to European directives, bio-foam fire extinguishers are dispensed with perfluorinated surfactants for more sustainability.
The growing urban population is the major reason for the demand for firefighting foam and other equipment for the safety of life and property. According to the World Bank report, by 2050, nearly 7 out of 10 people will live in cities. The growth of urbanization, the need for affordable housing, and viable infrastructure, including transport systems and basic services, are needed for the people living in urban settings. Further, advanced technology is needed for firefighting technology and also with firefighting foam.
There has been an increasing economic loss due to fires in the United States, with a loss of US$18.1 billion in 2022. Due to this, the United States needs more fire safety. Firefighting technology, including firefighting foam, is needed in urban settings where there is a growth of building and construction in the developing economies of the world.
The major economies like China, Japan, India, and South Korea dominate the Asia-Pacific region. Some of the fastest-growing emerging economies are from this region, such as ASEAN countries. Fast economic growth, along with urbanization, is driving the need for firefighting solutions that can be applied at various levels. In India, the residential real estate industry has been seeing a boom, as in the top 7 cities. The demand for new houses has increased by 18% in every quarter in 2022.
This development suggests that people live in a close space where the danger of fire has increased to a substantial level. Furthermore, developing economies have small and medium enterprises in the marketplaces where there is a danger of fire every day. According to the National Crime Bureau in India, every 60 people die of fire accidents in the country, which demands immediate solutions to the challenges.