
海事资讯市场报告:2030 年趋势、预测与竞争分析

Maritime Information Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

出版日期: | 出版商: Lucintel | 英文 150 Pages | 商品交期: 3个工作天内





预计到 2030 年,全球海事资讯市场将达到 29 亿美元,2024 年至 2030 年复合年增长率为 7.1%。该市场的主要驱动力是全球商业网路的快速成长、严格的安全和公共立法的采用以及为整个国防基础设施现代化而增加的金融和非金融机构投资。全球海事资讯市场的未来前景广阔,政府和商业市场都有机会。

Lucintel 在许多国家被广泛用于评估关键海事资料并提供全球航运活动的整体情况,并且快速数位化且易于用户访问,我们预测海事情报和分析将在预测期内仍然是最大的部分。




  • 海事业务数位化:先进的资料分析、物联网和云端运算正在快速实现海事营运数位化,实现即时监控、预测性维护和增强决策,从而提高海事活动的营运效率,提高整体安全性。
  • 采用自主船舶:也许最重要的部分是具有先进导航和控制系统的自主船舶。透过利用人工智慧和机器学习,这些船舶将在有限的人工干预下自主导航和运行,以提高安全性、减少人为错误并确保营运效率。
  • 提高网路安全:在这方面,网路安全已成为高度数位化海事系统的核心功能。正在实施网路安全改进,以保护海事资料和通讯系统免受网路威胁。这项发展对于保护海上业务的完整性和确保安全的资料交换具有重大影响。
  • 绿色科技的融合:绿色科技是将减少环境影响融入海事讯息的日益增长的趋势。这包括节能技术、排放监测系统和环保导航解决方案,以满足严格的环境法规和永续性目标。
  • 改进的资料共用和协作:更发达的资料共用平台正在出现,可以实现协作,从而更好地协调各个海事相关人员之间的关係。这些平台实现了港口、航运公司和监管机构之间的无缝资讯交流。




  • 先进导航系统:先进导航系统使用人工智慧主导工具重新开发,并添加了即时资料分析。因此,可以提高海上生命安全并提高操作效率。先进的导航系统提供准确的路线规划和后续监控,最大限度地降低事故风险并提高整体导航准确性。
  • 卫星通讯创新卫星通讯创新正在增强连接性并促进海上资料传输。卫星系统的进步实现了即时追踪、船舶与岸基设施之间更好的通讯以及支援高效海上作业的更可靠的资料交换。
  • 引入自主船舶出于这些原因,自主船舶已经可以彻底改变海上作业并开始促进完全无人驾驶的船舶。先进的感测器、人工智慧和自动化将使这些船隻能够在更少的人为干扰下执行任务,从而提高安全性和有效性。
  • 收紧环境法规:推动这一趋势的最有影响力的因素包括由于更严格的新环境法规而采用减少排放气体和环境影响的技术。如今,许多海事资讯系统都包含监测排放气体、优化燃油效率以及确保符合国际环境标准等功能。
  • 港口管理系统的改进:港口管理系统的进步使业务更加顺畅和有效率。这些现代系统使用数位工具和资料分析来提高港口性能,以实现最佳的货物装卸、减少拥塞并整体简化海运物流。




  • 开发先进的导航技术 成长途径之一是开发先进的导航技术,包括人工智慧驱动的系统和增强感测器。随着对更准确、更可靠的导航解决方案不断增长的需求,这些技术正在提高路线最佳化、安全性和效率。
  • 卫星通讯网路的发展:卫星通讯网路的不断发展和扩展为成长、改善连接性和促进资料传输能力铺平了道路。更好的卫星系统可以改善即时追踪、通讯和资料交换,从而实现高效、可靠的海上作业。
  • 自主运输解决方案的成长:自主运输解决方案的出现往往是一个主要的成长机会。在其开发和部署中,自主船舶将提高安全性,进一步降低营运成本,也有助于解决船上操作熟练海事工人的短缺问题,并可能促进行业创新。
  • 实施环境监测系统:广泛需要采用环境监测系统来满足严格的法规和永续性目标,同时还可以监测排放、优化燃料使用并减少对环境的影响,开闢绿色海事技术的前景。
  • 港口管理系统开发:数位化和资料分析将推动港口管理系统的成长机会,从而实现更有效的营运。先进的系统支援海运物流业的发展,因为它们可以优化货物处理、减少拥塞并进一步提高港口的整体绩效。






2. 对效率的需求不断增长:人们对提高航运业务效率的需求不断增长。这种需求正在推动先进资讯系统的采用,以简化流程、降低营运成本并提高生产力。事实上,效率的提高不仅可以帮助营运商,还可以优化全球供应链并减少运输时间。

3. 不断变化的监管标准:法规环境变得越来越严格,需要特别考虑环境和安全。遵守此类法规是采用先进海事资讯系统的主要驱动力之一。此类系统支援船东遵守与排放控制和安全通讯协定相关的国际标准,并确保与监管机构的顺利互动。

4. 安全保障要求的提高:海上业务中的安全保障问题正在推动先进资讯科技的采用。这推动了对提供即时监控、威胁侦测和紧急应变的系统的需求。这可以降低风险,提高船舶和货物的安全性,并确保海上作业期间的安全。

5. 扩大全球贸易:扩大全球贸易促进了对复杂海事资讯系统的需求。事实上,随着贸易量的增加,需要更有系统的追踪来管理和优化航线和港口业务。更好的资讯系统使我们能够有效地处理不断增长的货运量和日益复杂的物流网络,这对于在全球市​​场上保持竞争力至关重要。




3. 应对复杂的法规:应对如此复杂且不断变化的监管环境带来了巨大的挑战。各种法规本质上是最严格的,需要复杂的资讯系统,并且可能涉及大量的管理工作。持续回应​​新法规并确保合规性也是一项资源集中且复杂的任务。






  • 美国:美国最近的趋势包括将人工智慧和机器学习整合到导航系统中,以优化路线并提高海上安全。美国也在开发用于改善港口运作和减少拥塞的海事资料分析。也采取网路安全措施来确保海事资料和通讯系统免受潜在威胁。
  • 中国:中国在海事情报领域也取得了显着进展,特别注重发展先进的卫星通讯系统和即时监测技术。该国正在大力投资海事资料中心,以加强船舶追踪和港口管理。这将提高海上业务的效率和安全性,并增强世界各地的航运能力。
  • 德国:德国也专注于将数位技术整合到海事基础设施中,例如自动化港口业务和智慧航运解决方案。该国致力于开发绿色海事技术和资料共用平台,以提高营运效率并减少对环境的影响。德国的努力符合更广泛的欧洲海事安全和环境法规。
  • 印度:印度正在透过增强的导航系统和港口管理解决方案,在海事资讯技术的帮助下向前发展。我们也致力于资料集成,以提高车队管理和营运效率。海事基础设施的进一步现代化和数位工具的广泛采用将支持印度航运业的发展。
  • 日本:日本仍在发展其海洋情报产业,建造自主船舶和用于海上监视的高科技系统。日本也投资各种技术,为提高海上救灾的品质和安全做出贡献。目前,日本的发展目标是提高日本海运业的效率、安全性和环境绩效。












  • Inmarsat
  • L3 Technologies
  • Orbcomm
  • Raytheon Company
  • Thales Group
  • L3 Technologies
  • Garmin International
  • Intelsat
  • Kongsberg
  • Maritec


答:Lucintel 在许多国家被广泛用于评估关键海事资料并提供全球航运活动的整体情况,并且还能够快速数位化并易于用户访问。 。

Q7. 预计未来五年哪个地区将成为最大的市场?


Q8. 可以客製化报告吗?

答:是的,Lucintel 列出了 10% 的客製化服务,无需额外费用。



第二章 全球海事资讯市场:市场动态

  • 简介、背景、分类
  • 供应链
  • 产业驱动因素与挑战

第三章 2018-2030年市场趋势及预测分析

  • 宏观经济趋势(2018-2023)与预测(2024-2030)
  • 全球海事资讯市场趋势(2018-2023)与预测(2024-2030)
  • 按应用分類的全球海事资讯市场
    • 海事资讯分析
    • 海事资讯提供
    • 船舶追踪
    • AIS(自动辨识系统)
  • 按最终用途行业分類的全球海事资讯市场
    • 政府
    • 商业的

第四章 2018-2030年区域市场趋势及预测分析

  • 全球海事资讯市场(按地区)
  • 北美海事资讯市场
  • 欧洲海事资讯市场
  • 亚太海事资讯市场
  • 其他区域海事资讯市场

第五章 竞争分析

  • 产品系列分析
  • 营运整合
  • 波特五力分析

第六章 成长机会与策略分析

  • 成长机会分析
    • 全球海事资讯市场成长机会(按应用)
    • 最终用途产业的全球海事资讯市场成长机会
    • 按地区分類的全球海事资讯市场成长机会
  • 全球海事资讯市场新趋势
  • 战略分析
    • 新产品开发
    • 扩大全球海事资讯市场容量
    • 全球海事资讯市场的合併、收购与合资
    • 认证和许可


  • Inmarsat
  • L3 Technologies
  • Orbcomm
  • Raytheon Company
  • Thales Group
  • L3 Technologies
  • Garmin International
  • Intelsat
  • Kongsberg
  • Maritec

Maritime Information Trends and Forecast

The future of the global maritime information market looks promising with opportunities in the government and commercial markets. The global maritime information market is expected to reach an estimated $2.9 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 7.1% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are swift growth of the global commerce network, adoption of strict laws pertaining to security and public safety, as well as, increasing financial and non-financial agency investments to modernize the defense infrastructure as a whole.

Lucintel forecasts that maritime information analytics will remain the largest segment over the forecast period because of extensive use in many nations to evaluate crucial marine data and present a broad picture of shipping activity worldwide, as well as, quick digitization and simple user accessibility.

Europe is expected to witness highest growth over the forecast period due to increasing volume of international trade, the creation of pro-business laws, and ongoing technological developments in the marine information system.

Emerging Trends in the Maritime Information Market

The leading trends in the market of Maritime Information show an incline in the integration of advanced technologies with emergent needs for operational efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. This sets the stage for how the development and implementation of maritime information systems are taking place around the world.

  • Digitalization of Maritime Operations: Advanced analytics of data, IoT, and cloud computing fast-digitize maritime operations, enabling real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and enhanced decision-making for an overall topping of operational efficiency and safety in maritime activities.
  • Adoption of Autonomous Vessels: Probably the most important area of interest is that of autonomous vessels that are equipped with advanced navigation and control systems. These vessels utilize AI and machine learning to enable themselves to navigate and function independently, with limited human intervention, with the aim of improving safety, reducing human error, and ensuring efficiency in operations.
  • Improved Cyber Security: In this regard, cybersecurity has become a core feature of highly digitalized maritime systems. Improved measures on cybersecurity have been put in place to protect the data and communication systems in maritime from cyber threats. This trend is great in protecting integrity in maritime operations and guaranteeing secured data exchanges.
  • Green Technologies Integration: Green technologies are a growing trend in the integration of reduced environmental impact within maritime information. These include fuel-efficient technologies, emission monitoring systems, and eco-friendly navigation solutions to meet stringent environmental regulations and sustainability goals.
  • Improved Data Sharing and Collaboration: More developed data-sharing platforms are emerging that enable collaboration and thus better coordination among the various maritime stakeholders. Such a platform allows seamless information exchange amongst ports, shipping companies, and regulatory bodies-a factor that is likely to enhance efficiency and bring about transparency in general to the conduct of maritime operations.

All these, in turn, influence the shape of digitalization, vessel autonomy, and cybersecurity in the Maritime Information market. Better data sharing and integration of green technologies are also contributing to maritime operations in an efficient and sustainable manner. All these collectively present new standards of the industry and address evolving challenges.

Recent Developments in the Maritime Information Market

Recent developments in the field of the Maritime Information market illustrate the development of technology, compliance with regulations, and gains concerning operational efficiency. These are considered to hold the key for improving maritime safety and optimizing operations with environmental concerns.

  • Advanced Navigation Systems: Advanced navigation systems are being redeveloped using AI-driven tools, with an added component of real-time data analytics. Improved safety of life at sea and better operational efficiency are thus possible. Advanced navigation systems provide for precise route planning and subsequent monitoring to minimize accident risks and improve overall navigation accuracy.
  • Innovations in Satellite Communication Satellite communication innovations are increasing connectivity and facilitating data transmission maritime. Advances in satellite systems enable real-time tracking, better comms between ships and shore-based facilities, and more reliable data exchange that underpin efficient maritime operations.
  • Autonomous Ships Implementation: For this reason, autonomous vessels can already start to revolutionize maritime operations and facilitate completely unmanned ships. Advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and automation make it possible for these vessels to perform their tasks with reduced human interference for better safety and efficacy.
  • Stricter Environmental Regulations: Some of the most influential factors that drive this trend include the adoption of technologies that reduce emissions and environmental impact because of new, stricter environmental regulations. This is a fact because these days, many maritime information systems have functions like emission monitoring, fuel efficiency optimization, and ascertaining that international environmental standards are duly met.
  • Improved Port Management Systems: The advance in port management systems has been an operational smoothening and efficiency in operations. These modern systems use digital tools and data analytics on the best handling of cargo, reducing congestion, and generally working to improve a port's performance for easier maritime logistics.

These factors are surging the growth of the Maritime Information market due to increased accuracy in navigation, enhanced communication, and unleashing innovation in autonomous shipping. Attention to environmental regulation and port management also fosters improvements in operations and sustainability within the shipping industry.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Maritime Information Market

The marketplace of Maritime Information, due to technological advancement, regulatory imperatives, and changing industry needs, advances many strategic growth opportunities. This opens up different applications for further development of the market.

  • Development of Advanced Navigation Technologies: One avenue of growth is the development of advanced navigation technologies, including AI-driven systems and enhanced sensors. Such technologies enhance route optimization, safety, and efficiency related to the growing demand for more accurate and reliable navigation solutions
  • Satellite Communication Network Development: The rise in the development and expansion of satellite communication networks has opened up avenues for growth, improvement in connectivity, and facilitation in data transmission capabilities. Better satellite systems provide improved real-time tracking, communication, and data exchange, which, in turn, offer efficient and reliable maritime operations.
  • Growth of Autonomous Shipping Solutions: The emergence of autonomous shipping solutions tends to be a great growth opportunity. In its development and deployment, an autonomous vessel could improve safety, decrease operational cost further, and also contribute to answering the shortage of skilled maritime manpower for onboard operations, driving innovation in the industry.
  • Environmental Monitoring Systems Adoption: The introduction of environmental monitoring systems will be widely required to meet stringent regulations and sustainability objectives, while enabling observation of emissions, optimization of fuel use, and reduced environmental impact-opening perspectives for green maritime technologies.
  • Development of Port Management Systems: Digitalization and data analytics foster growth opportunities in port management systems and, hence, ease operations by being more effective. Advanced systems can optimize cargo handling, reduce congestion, and further improve the overall performance of ports, thus supporting the growth in the maritime logistics sector.

These emerging strategic growth opportunities capture key areas of emphasis on expansion and innovation in the field of Maritime Information. Advanced navigation, satellite communication, autonomous shipping, environmental monitoring, and port management are considerable areas wherein stakeholders can stimulate progress and respond to emerging challenges in this industry.

Maritime Information Market Driver and Challenges

In the maritime information market, different factors related to technological change, economic constraint, and regulatory requirements act as both drivers and challenges. Key drivers include the development of digital technologies, increasing demands for greater efficiency and safety, and rapidly changing regulatory standards. Yet, it also includes some challenges: high cost of implementation, threats from cyber security, and compliance with intricate regulations. Understanding these elements will be important for navigating the maritime information sector and developing strategies that aim at enhancing operational efficiency and security.

The factors responsible for driving the maritime information market include:

1. Technological Advancements: Technological advancements in real-time data analytics, AI-driven navigation systems, and satellite communication drive much growth in the market for Maritime Information. These technologies advance maritime operations by increasing their accuracy, efficiency, and safety. They enable better decision-making, optimized route planning, and more reliable communication-everything that is necessary for modern shipping and port management.

2. Increasing Efficiency Demand: There is an increasing demand to render the maritime operation more efficient. The demand acts as a driver for adopting advanced information systems that can streamline processes and reduce operational costs, hence improving productivity. In fact, improved efficiency not only helps the operator but also optimizes global supply chains and reduces transit times.

3. Evolving Regulatory Standards: The regulatory environment is becoming increasingly strict, especially in terms of concern for the environment and safety. The compulsion to adhere to such regulations forms one of the major propelling forces for adopting advanced maritime information systems. Such systems support the owners for observing international standards related to emission controls and safety protocols and ensure smooth interaction with regulatory bodies.

4. Increased Safety and Security Requirements: Safety and security concerns in maritime operations are driving the adoption of advanced information technologies. There is, therefore, an increasing demand for systems that have real-time monitoring, threat detection, and emergency response. This reduces risks, improves vessel and cargo security, and ensures safety during maritime operations.

5. Growth in Global Trade: The expansion of world trade consequently fosters the desire for sophisticated maritime information systems. In fact, as volumes increased, so did the need for more systematic tracking to manage and optimize shipping routes and port operations. Better information systems will enable the efficient handling of increased cargo volumes and more complex logistics networks, which is crucial to maintaining competitiveness in the global market.

Challenges in the maritime information market are:

1. Implementation Costs: Advanced information maritime systems demand heavy investment in the form of investment within the technology itself, integration of the system, and staff training. Such high initial investments may present a barrier to adoption for smaller operators or those of meager budgets, and this may hamper the general growth in the uptake of such technologies.

2. Cybersecurity Risks: Not only are maritime systems becoming increasingly digital, but so also is the awareness of the elements of cybersecurity risk. It is extremely challenging to protect this critical information and communication against cyber threats. Disruptions to operations, data integrity breaches, and other major often financially crippling reputational damages make continued investment in stringent security controls highly relevant.

3. Complex Compliance with Regulations: This thus brings immense challenge in navigating through the complex and often evolving regulatory landscape. Various regulations, most stringent in nature, do call for sophisticated information systems and may involve considerable administrative effort. It could also be resource-intensive and complex to adapt continuously to new regulations and ensure further compliance.

It is technologies, demands for efficiency, and regulatory imperatives that assure its wide adoption, driving high development and growth of the market in sophistication. However, high implementation costs, cybersecurity risks, and compliance with complex regulations are threatening to further retard the progress. It is on these drivers and challenges that maritime information technologies shall progress and be effectively integrated within global maritime operations.

List of Maritime Information Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies maritime information companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the maritime information companies profiled in this report include-

  • Inmarsat
  • L3 Technologies
  • Orbcomm
  • Raytheon Company
  • Thales Group
  • L3 Technologies
  • Garmin International
  • Intelsat
  • Kongsberg
  • Maritec

Maritime Information by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global maritime information by application, end use industry, and region.

Maritime Information Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

  • Maritime Information Analytics
  • Maritime Information Provision
  • Vessel Tracking
  • AIS (Automatic Identification System)

Maritime Information Market by End Use Industry [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

  • Government
  • Commercial

Maritime Information Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Maritime Information Market

The Maritime Information market has grown hugely as global shipping operations rely more and more on advanced information technologies for navigation, safety, and efficiency. Evolving digital technologies, changes in regulations, and an increasing call for transparency in operations and environmental concerns are the main reasons for the critical development in the industry. The leading countries in providing this change include the United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan, by their innovations in data management, communication systems, and regulatory frameworks.

  • United States: Recent developments here include the integration of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in navigation systems to optimize routes and improve the safety of shipping in the U.S. Another developing area of maritime data analytics for improving the operation of ports and reducing congestion is the U.S. The adoption of cybersecurity measures is also being done to keep maritime data and communication systems safe from potential threats.
  • China: The country is also making remarkable development in the field of maritime information, with especial interest in developing advanced satellite communication systems and real-time monitoring technologies. For enhanced ship tracking and port management, the country is heavily investing in heavy investment in maritime data centers. This will enhance the efficiency and safety of its maritime operations and its capabilities in shipping across the world.
  • Germany: Germany is also well-focused on the integration of digital technologies within its maritime infrastructure, such as automated port operations and smart shipping solutions. The country is laying emphasis on developing eco-friendly maritime technologies and data-sharing platforms that would improve operational efficiency and reduce environmental impacts. Initiatives being taken up by Germany align with broader European maritime safety and environmental regulations.
  • India: India moves forward, taking help from maritime information technology through enhanced navigation systems and port management solutions. India is also working on data integration for better fleet management and operational efficiency. Further modernization of maritime infrastructure and increased adoption of digital tools will be supported in developing India's shipping industry.
  • Japan: Japan is still developing the maritime information industry, building autonomous ships and high-tech systems for maritime surveillance. Besides, the country invests in different technologies contributing to the disaster responses of better quality and safety during the maritime operations. Now Japanese development is directed at enhancing the efficiency, safety, and environmental performance of the Japanese maritime industry.

Features of the Global Maritime Information Market

Market Size Estimates: Maritime information market size estimation in terms of value ($B).

Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.

Segmentation Analysis: Maritime information market size by application, end use industry, and region in terms of value ($B).

Regional Analysis: Maritime information market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.

Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different application, end use industry, and regions for the maritime information market.

Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the maritime information market.

Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter's Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.


Q1. What is the maritime information market size?

Answer: The global maritime information market is expected to reach an estimated $2.9 billion by 2030.

Q2. What is the growth forecast for maritime information market?

Answer: The global maritime information market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 7.1% from 2024 to 2030.

Q3. What are the major drivers influencing the growth of the maritime information market?

Answer: The major drivers for this market are swift growth of the global commerce network, adoption of strict laws pertaining to security and public safety, as well as, increasing financial and non-financial agency investments to modernize the defense infrastructure as a whole.

Q4. What are the major segments for maritime information market?

Answer: The future of the global maritime information market looks promising with opportunities in the government and commercial markets.

Q5. Who are the key maritime information market companies?

Answer: Some of the key maritime information companies are as follows:

  • Inmarsat
  • L3 Technologies
  • Orbcomm
  • Raytheon Company
  • Thales Group
  • L3 Technologies
  • Garmin International
  • Intelsat
  • Kongsberg
  • Maritec

Q6. Which maritime information market segment will be the largest in future?

Answer: Lucintel forecasts that maritime information analytics will remain the largest segment over the forecast period because of extensive use in many nations to evaluate crucial marine data and present a broad picture of shipping activity worldwide, as well as, quick digitization and simple user accessibility.

Q7. In maritime information market, which region is expected to be the largest in next 5 years?

Answer: Europe is expected to witness highest growth over the forecast period due to increasing volume of international trade, the creation of pro-business laws, and ongoing technological developments in the marine information system.

Q.8 Do we receive customization in this report?

Answer: Yes, Lucintel provides 10% customization without any additional cost.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

  • Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the maritime information market by application (maritime information analytics, maritime information provision, vessel tracking, and AIS (automatic identification system)), end use industry (government and commercial), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
  • Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
  • Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
  • Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
  • Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
  • Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
  • Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
  • Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
  • Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
  • Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
  • Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?
  • Market Report

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Maritime Information Market : Market Dynamics

  • 2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
  • 2.2: Supply Chain
  • 2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030

  • 3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
  • 3.2. Global Maritime Information Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
  • 3.3: Global Maritime Information Market by Application
    • 3.3.1: Maritime Information Analytics
    • 3.3.2: Maritime Information Provision
    • 3.3.3: Vessel Tracking
    • 3.3.4: AIS (Automatic Identification System)
  • 3.4: Global Maritime Information Market by End Use Industry
    • 3.4.1: Government
    • 3.4.2: Commercial

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030

  • 4.1: Global Maritime Information Market by Region
  • 4.2: North American Maritime Information Market
    • 4.2.1: North American Maritime Information Market by Application: Maritime Information Analytics, Maritime Information Provision, Vessel Tracking, and AIS (Automatic Identification System)
    • 4.2.2: North American Maritime Information Market by End Use Industry: Government and Commercial
  • 4.3: European Maritime Information Market
    • 4.3.1: European Maritime Information Market by Application: Maritime Information Analytics, Maritime Information Provision, Vessel Tracking, and AIS (Automatic Identification System)
    • 4.3.2: European Maritime Information Market by End Use Industry: Government and Commercial
  • 4.4: APAC Maritime Information Market
    • 4.4.1: APAC Maritime Information Market by Application: Maritime Information Analytics, Maritime Information Provision, Vessel Tracking, and AIS (Automatic Identification System)
    • 4.4.2: APAC Maritime Information Market by End Use Industry: Government and Commercial
  • 4.5: ROW Maritime Information Market
    • 4.5.1: ROW Maritime Information Market by Application: Maritime Information Analytics, Maritime Information Provision, Vessel Tracking, and AIS (Automatic Identification System)
    • 4.5.2: ROW Maritime Information Market by End Use Industry: Government and Commercial

5. Competitor Analysis

  • 5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
  • 5.2: Operational Integration
  • 5.3: Porter's Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis

  • 6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
    • 6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Maritime Information Market by Application
    • 6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Maritime Information Market by End Use Industry
    • 6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Maritime Information Market by Region
  • 6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Maritime Information Market
  • 6.3: Strategic Analysis
    • 6.3.1: New Product Development
    • 6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Maritime Information Market
    • 6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Maritime Information Market
    • 6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players

  • 7.1: Inmarsat
  • 7.2: L3 Technologies
  • 7.3: Orbcomm
  • 7.4: Raytheon Company
  • 7.5: Thales Group
  • 7.6: L3 Technologies
  • 7.7: Garmin International
  • 7.8: Intelsat
  • 7.9: Kongsberg
  • 7.10: Maritec