

2024 Retinal Surgical Device Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Scope, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


本报告对视网膜手术设备市场进行了深入分析,研究了市场规模和成长,并确定了可能塑造其未来的关键趋势。在这里,我们将重点放在 2024 年的市场,并预测 2029 年之前市场的成长和演变。此外,它还介绍了 21 家进入市场的公司,检视他们的产品、策略市场地位、背景和前景。



  • 影响玻璃体切割设备需求的因素
  • 导致手术的疾病盛行率数据
  • 玻璃体切除设备与设备包
  • 新的玻璃体切除技术
  • 相关手术设备
  • 视网膜手术设备
  • 光生物调节
  • 植入式人工水晶体
  • 人工视觉技术
  • 21家公司的公司简介

What's New:

The new "2024 Retinal Surgical Device Market Report" includes new global and regional vitrectomy machine sales forecasts; a new disease section with a more detailed focus on retinal diseases and conditions that lead to retinal surgery; and new disease prevalence models that forecast the prevalence of surgery-related diseases and trauma.


The report also includes new Western European survey results compared and contrasted with United States surveys; new regional instrument and laser endoprobe forecasts; enhanced analysis of the tamponade and dye markets; and a new list of profiled companies that reflects the effects of acquisitions, mergers, and new product approvals.

This is the first year that photobiomodulation is included in the report.

The "2024 Retinal Surgical Device Market Report" provides in-depth analysis of the global retinal device market, examining the market's size and growth, as well as identifying important developments that may shape its future. The analysis focuses on the 2024 market and forecasts market growth and evolution through 2029. Additionally, 21 retina device companies are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.


The report covers currently commercialized devices, as well as device technologies in development, and provides forecasts for future market activity. Topics include retina physiology, the epidemiology of retinal disease, patient economics and reimbursements, and retina specialists who provide care.

The following are covered in this report:

  • Factors shaping demand for vitrectomy devices
  • Prevalence data for diseases that lead to surgery
  • Vitrectomy machines and machine packs
  • Emerging vitrectomy technologies
  • Allied surgical devices
  • Retinal surgical instruments
  • Photobiomodulation
  • Implantable telescopic IOLs
  • Artificial vision technologies
  • 21 company profiles

Author Profile:

Peter Downs

Peter Downs has more than 30 years of experience as a business and medical journalist and investigative reporter. He has written for a variety of medical industry publications, including the Medical Business Journal, CBS HealthWatch, and Oncology News International.

Prior to joining Market Scope in 2015 and turning his attention to ophthalmology, Peter analyzed markets for organ and tissue transplantation. Since joining Market Scope, he has traveled to several markets outside the US, including China, Europe, and India, to study ophthalmology at the local level.

In addition to his research and writing efforts on the ophthalmic market, he is also a contributor to Ophthalmic Market Perspectives, the firm's monthly industry newsletter.