

2024 IOL Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Scope, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内





  • 全球白内障盛行率和白内障手术的资讯
  • 全球白内障手术数量的现况和 5 年预测
  • 双侧同步白内障手术采用预测
  • 有关老花眼、屈光不正和屈光水晶体置换手术的注意事项
  • 按国家/地区划分的五种老花矫正人工水晶体 (PC-IOL) 的销售预测
  • PC-IOL 标准版和复曲面版的销售预测
  • 按国家/地区划分的单视和迷你单视预测
  • 美国白内障与白内障/屈光外科医师简介
  • 对目前报销水准的考虑
  • 新型优质 IOL 技术的描述
  • 对新型人工水晶体改良的思考
  • 人工水晶体注射器市场调查

What's New:

The "2024 IOL Market Report" provides a new, extensive historical analysis of the market, recapping key events and market trends from the previous year and examining 2017-to-2023 sales by region for monofocal, presbyopia-correcting, toric, and other IOLs. This analysis also provides a view of 2023 sales for monofocal and premium IOLs by company tier.

The report reviews and analyzes the large number of EDOF and trifocal IOLs that were launched in Q4-2023. It also features survey data showing how the increasing popularity of monofocal plus IOLs is slowing the adoption of PC-IOLs.

In addition, the new report examines the challenges and opportunities created by the wave of the post-LVC cataract patients that is making IOL selection and surgery more challenging.


The "2024 IOL Market Report" provides an in-depth analysis of the current intraocular lens market and forecasts performance over the next five years. It includes analysis of current markets, identification of important trends, and discussion of key factors for future success.

This report describes and forecasts performance by region for 11 categories of IOLs: commodity monofocal, enhanced monofocal/intermediate-optimized monofocal, toric, PC-toric, bifocal, trifocal, extended depth of focus (EDOF), EDOF multifocal hybrid, accommodating, postoperatively adjustable, and phakic IOLs. Additionally, 34 companies are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.


The "2024 IOL Market Report" offers a comprehensive look at the global IOL market, with eight regional/economic breakouts. The following information is included in this report:

  • Information on cataract incidence and cataract surgeries worldwide.
  • Current estimates and five-year forecasts for global cataract surgery volume.
  • Forecasts for adoption of simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery.
  • Discussion of presbyopia, refractive errors, and refractive lens exchange procedures.
  • Forecasts for sales of five types of presbyopia-correcting IOLs (PC-IOLs) by country/region.
  • Forecasts for sales of standard and toric versions of PC-IOLs.
  • Forecasts for monovision and mini-monovision by country/region.
  • Profiles of cataract and cataract/refractive surgeons in the US.
  • Discussion of current reimbursement levels.
  • Descriptions of new premium IOL technologies.
  • Discussion of new IOL enhancements.
  • Examination of the IOL injector market.
  • Analysis of IOL companies' sales/marketing coverage in 31 major countries, showing whether each company has a direct presence, works with distributors, or has no coverage in each country.

Author Profile:

William Freeman

Bill Freeman has more than 35 years of experience developing, manufacturing, and marketing cataract surgery products. He has held key executive positions at four firms that produce ophthalmic surgical devices.

Bill's career in ophthalmology began in the 1970s. As president of Cavitron Surgical Systems, he worked with Dr. Charles Kelman in developing and marketing the world's first phacoemulsifier system. While highly controversial in the 1970s, phacoemulsification gradually became the preferred cataract removal technique in the early 1980s. For many years, Cavitron led the cataract instrumentation market.

CooperVision purchased Cavitron in the early 1980s, and Bill joined the company as president of the surgical division. CooperVision expanded its product line to include a wide variety of cataract surgical products-IOLs, viscoelastic solutions, disposable devices, lasers, and custom packs-and became the market leader in many product categories.

In 1989, Alcon acquired CooperVision in an effort to build a strong presence in cataract surgical devices. Bill joined Alcon as general manager of the Irvine Technology Center, where a number of the company's cataract devices, including the Legacy 20000 phacoemulsifier and a broad line of disposable items, were designed and manufactured.

Bill remained with Alcon until 1995. He then joined Mentor Ophthalmics as president of the ophthalmology division. At Mentor, he was responsible for the company's ophthalmic products including IOLs, cautery devices, and surgical instruments.