软体动物驱逐剂市场 - 增长、趋势、COVID-19 的影响和预测 (2023-2028)Molluscicide Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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在 2022 年至 2027 年的预测期内,软体动物驱逐剂市场预计将以 5.1% 的复合年增长率增长。
2020 年,在 COVID-19 大流行期间反復关闭和隔离限制了软体动物驱逐剂的生产和供应,从而影响了市场。 由于投入和劳动力短缺,软体动物驱逐剂的产量直线下降。 此外,供应链因反復停工以及交通和通讯手段短缺而中断。 总体而言,COVID-19 大流行对软体动物驱逐剂市场造成的破坏已经从供应商扩展到农场层面,导致产量下降。 软体动物驱逐剂仅占全球农用化学品市场的一小部分,但继续呈指数级增长,这主要是由于水稻、玉米和小麦等谷物中越来越多的蜗牛和鼻涕虫侵扰。 软体动物驱逐剂增长的主要驱动因素是作物破坏、人口高增长导致的需求增加、国内对食品安全和质量的需求增加以及采用新的耕作方法。 控制蜗牛和蛞蝓的常用化学方法包括四聚乙醛、灭虫威和磷酸铁。 这些化学物质对农作物有益,但对益虫有害。 随着这些生物减少作物产量,全球软体动物驱逐剂市场正在上升。
世界人口正在爆炸式增长,每天有近 200,000 人满足世界的粮食需求。 预计到 2050 年将达到 92 亿。 养活不断增长的人口是一个全球性威胁。 因此,保护农作物是农民为满足世界粮食需求而采取的一项重要战略。 在农作物上使用杀虫剂是增加全球粮食产量的一项行之有效的技术。 对软体动物驱逐剂的巨大需求来自发展中国家。 人们现在正在尽一切可能提高农作物的生产力。 据联合国人口司称,人口增长最快的将是亚洲(尤其是印度、中国和东南亚),预计到 2050 年亚洲人口将占世界人口的 60% 以上。 在该地区,预计将需要大量杀虫剂来增加粮食产量以满足不断增长的人口需求。
亚太地区是世界上面积最大、人口最多的大陆,也是软体动物驱逐剂市场的主要市场之一。 该地区在 2021 年的全球软体动物驱逐剂生产中占据了最大的市场份额,预计在预测期内将保持 6.3% 的复合年增长率。 公众对作物保护和产量优化的意识可能是造成这一趋势的原因之一。
软体动物驱逐剂市场高度分散。 市场上有许多全球和区域参与者。 前五名的公司是 Lonza、Certis、Bayer CropScience Ltd、Philagro 和 ADAMA。 这些公司在软体动物驱逐剂方面的市场份额最高。 龙沙与丹麦生物科学公司 Chr.Hansen 成立了一家 50/50 的合资企业,将在三年内投资约 9000 万欧元(1.366 亿新元)开发一种活体生物治疗药物 (LBP),用于投资 安道麦推出了一种新型磷酸铁基软体动物杀灭剂 (Gusto IRON),专门用于控制英国的鼻涕虫种群。
The molluscicide market is projected to register a CAGR of 5.1% during the forecast period, 2022-2027.
In 2020, due to repeated lockdowns and quarantines during the COVID-19 pandemic, there were limited production and supply of molluscicide chemicals, thereby affecting the market. Production of molluscicide chemicals got declined sharply due to the shortage of inputs and labor. The supply chain got disrupted due to repeated shutdowns and a shortage of transport and communication. Overall, the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to the molluscicide market, from the suppliers to the farm level, resulted in reduced outputs. Though molluscicide constitutes a fraction of the global pesticide market, it is growing at an exponential rate, given the increasing occurrence of snail and slug infestations, mainly in cereal crops like rice, maize, and wheat. The main factor responsible for the growth of molluscicides are the destructing of crops, increase in demand due to high population growth, growing domestic demand for food safety and quality, and adoption of new farming practices. Chemical treatments such as metaldehyde, methiocarb, and ferric phosphate are the most well-known chemical-based approaches for controlling snails and slugs. These chemicals are good for agricultural crops, but they are harmful to beneficial insects. Due to the reduction in crop output caused by these organisms, the global market for molluscicide pesticides is rising.
The global population is increasing exponentially, and every day, nearly 200,000 people are contributing to the global food demand, which is projected to reach 9.2 billion by 2050. Supplying food to this growing population has become a global threat. Thus, crop protection is a key strategy adopted by farmers to meet the global food demand. Usage of pesticides on crops is a proven technology in order to increase global food production. Huge demand for molluscicides has been seen from developing nations. People are now adopting every measure to increase crop productivity. According to the UN Population Division, the largest population increase is projected to occur in Asia (particularly in India, China, and Southeast Asia), accounting for 60% or more of the global population by 2050. Large quantities of crop protection chemicals are expected to be required in this region in order to increase food production for the growing population.
Asia-Pacific, being the largest as well as the most populous continent, is one of the key markets for the molluscicides market. This region has registered the largest market share of global molluscicides production for the year 2021, and it is expected to register a CAGR of 6.3% in the forecast period. Awareness among people regarding crop protection and optimizing yield can be one of the reasons for this trend.
The molluscicides market is highly fragmented. There are many global and regional players in the market. The top five companies are Lonza, Certis, Bayer CropScience Ltd, Phillagro, and ADAMA. These companies have the highest market share in molluscicides. Lonza has entered into a 50/50 joint venture with Danish bioscience company Chr. Hansen to invest about EUR 90 million (SGD 136.6 million) over three years to develop live biotherapeutic products (LBP). ADAMA introduced its new ferric phosphate-based molluscicide (Gusto IRON) for specifically controlling slug populations in the United Kingdom.