骨科假体市场 - 增长、趋势、COVID-19 影响和预测 (2023-2028)Orthopedic Prosthetics Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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在预测期内,骨科假体市场预计将以 5.5% 的复合年增长率增长。
自 COVID-19 大流行初期以来,骨科手术一直被推迟,导致假肢使用率下降。 根据伯明翰大学 2020 年 5 月发表在《英国外科杂誌》上的数据,由于大流行,全球约有 630 万次骨科手术被推迟或取消。 然而,随着活动的恢復,预计假肢和矫形器的消费量将急剧增加。 CDC(美国疾病控制与预防中心)等监管机构提供了各种指南,用于在大流行期间管理外科手术。 因此,大流行对全球市场产生了重大影响。
推动市场增长的某些因素包括外伤病例和事故伤害的增加、技术进步以及骨肉瘤负担的增加。 据关节炎基金会统计,2021年全球将有超过3.5亿人患有关节炎。 数据发现,估计有 3080 万成年人患有关节炎,但显示美国有 1400 万人患有有症状的膝骨关节炎。 到 2050 年,被医生诊断为骨关节炎的美国成年人人数预计将增加 49%,达到 7840 万,占人口的 25.9%。 到 2040 年,因关节炎而活动受限的成年人人数预计将增加 52%,达到 3460 万。 因此,由于患有骨科疾病的人数众多,预计未来几年市场将出现强劲增长。
产品发布是推动市场增长的关键因素。 例如,2021 年 11 月,创新假肢和无创骨科技术的全球领导者 Osua 宣布推出标誌性 Cheetah Sport 假肢的三款新型号。 此类新产品的推出对市场的增长做出了重大贡献。
电肢,通常也称为肌电肢,使用身体肌肉产生的电信号进行控制。 COVID-19 大流行大大减少了对动力假肢的需求。 但是,监管机构已采取明确措施。 例如,全国假肢和矫形器协会 (NAAOP) 已发布 2021 年警告,美国所有州和地方的卫生官员必须继续为在大流行期间需要的患者提供矫形和假肢护理。基本服务。 已经证实,大流行后对动力假肢的需求将显着增加。
这种动力假肢利用使用者残肢中的现有肌肉来控制假肢本身的功能。 动力假肢的技术进步有望进一步推动市场。 例如,2021 年 8 月,麻省理工学院和上海交通大学的工程师设计了一种柔软、轻便且成本可能较低的神经假手。 假手可以执行各种日常任务,例如拉手提箱、握手和抚摸猫。 因此,电动假手的此类创新有望推动市场增长。
根据道路、运输和公路部 2022 年 6 月发布的数据,印度在 2022 年前六个月发生了约 2,300 起道路交通事故。 交通事故经常导致严重伤害,这可能会刺激对动力假肢的需求。 因此,对于那些想要利用现有神经进行功能性使用的外观自然的假肢的人来说,这些设备是一个很好的选择。
在大流行期间,骨科相关手术已经恢復,但 COVID-19 病例数也有所增加。 作为回应,Fourroux Prosthetics 等许多中心在为美国患者提供服务时都按照美国疾病控制和预防中心的指导方针增加了安全措施。 因此,随着医院和其他为患者提供骨科护理的中心遵循这些指南,市场有望在 COVID-19 大流行之后稳步增长。
北美市场的增长主要得益于该地区主要参与者的直接存在、强大的分销网络和完善的医疗基础设施。 北美骨科假体市场的近期趋势包括使用新型聚合材料和根据患者的功能需求开发关节假体。
这家製造商专注于开发轻便但耐用的矫形假肢,以满足用户的需求。 例如,2020 年 2 月,In2Bones Global Inc. 向美国市场推出了“Avenger 桡骨头假体系统”。 该产品用于初级和修復桡骨头置换手术。 公司在北美市场的扩张和创新的新产品是推动市场增长的因素之一。
骨科假体行业的领导者正在实施合作伙伴关係和收购等战略举措,以促进美国市场的增长。 例如,2021 年 12 月,WillowWood Global LLC 与成长型私募股权公司 Blue Sea Capital LLC 达成战略合作伙伴关係。 该合作伙伴关係有望增加公司的资金并创造更多创新产品。
骨科假体市场竞争适中,由几家大型企业组成。 Fillauer LLC、Willow Wood Global LLC、Ossur、Mobius Bionics 和 Blatchford Ltd 等公司在骨科假肢市场占有相当大的份额。 这些公司参与战略联盟,例如收购和联盟,以确保其在全球竞争市场中的地位。
The orthopedic prosthetics market is expected to register a CAGR of 5.5% over the forecast period.
From the initial period of the COVID-19 pandemic, orthopedic surgeries have been delayed, leading to a decline in the usage of prosthetics. As per data from the University of Birmingham, published in the British Journal of Surgery in May 2020, about 6.3 million orthopedic surgeries were postponed or canceled worldwide due to the pandemic. However, with the resumption of activities, a sudden upsurge in the consumption of prosthetics can be expected. Regulatory bodies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided various guidelines on managing surgical procedures during the pandemic. Therefore, the pandemic has had a significant impact on the market globally.
Certain factors driving the market's growth include increasing trauma cases and accidental injuries, technological advancements, and the rising burden of osteosarcoma. According to the statistics of the Arthritis Foundation, in 2021, more than 350 million people had arthritis globally. While the same data revealed that an estimated 30.8 million adults were found to be suffering from arthritis, and 14 million individuals in the United States were suffering from symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. By 2050, the number of adults in the United States with doctor-diagnosed osteoarthritis is projected to increase by 49% to 78.4 million, accounting for 25.9% of the total population. The number of adults reporting activity limitations due to arthritis will increase by 52%, to 34.6 million, by 2040. Therefore, owing to the high numbe of people suffering from orthopedic conditions, the market is expected to witnss strong growth in the coming years.
Product launches are key factors boosting the growth of the market. For instance, in November 2021, Ossur, a global leader in innovative prosthetic and non-invasive orthopedic technologies, launched three new models of its iconic Cheetah sports prosthesis, which have been designed for amputee athletes participating in specific athletic applications, including sprinting, distance running, and long jumping. Such new launches in the market are contributing significantly to the market's growth.
However, the high cost of prosthetic devices is expected to hinder the market's growth in the future.
Electric prostheses, also commonly known as myoelectric prostheses, are controlled using electric signals that are created by the body's muscles. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, a major setback was observed in demand for electric prostheses. However, definite measures were taken by regulatory authorities. For instance, the National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics (NAAOP) issued an alert in 2021 that all the state and local health authorities in the United States should consider orthopedic and prosthetic practices as an essential service that must remain accessible to patients in need of orthopedic and prosthetic care during the pandemic. Post the pandemic, a significant increase in the demand for electric prostheses is being observed.
These electric-powered prosthetics work by using the user's existing muscles in the residual limb to control the functions of the prosthetic device itself. Technological advances in electric prostheses are further expected to drive the market. For instance, in August 2021, engineers at MIT and Shanghai Jiao Tong University designed a soft, lightweight, and potentially low-cost neuroprosthetic hand. This hand prosthetic can perform a wide range of daily activities, such as zipping a suitcase, shaking hands, and petting a cat. Hence, such innovations in electric prostheses are expected to fuel the market's growth.
As per data from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways published in June 2022, around 2,300 road accidents occurred in India in the first six months of 2022. Traffic accidents often lead to severe injuries, which may support the demand for electric prostheses. Hence, these devices have become a great option for those who want a natural-looking prosthesis that utilizes the existing nerves for functional use.
Owing to such factors, the segment is expected to witness strong growth during the forecast period.
Though the surgical procedures associated with orthopedics resumed during the pandemic, the number of COVID-19 cases also increased. In response to this, many centers, such as Fourroux Prosthetics, followed the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and added safety measures while providing services to patients in the United States. Thus, as hospitals and other centers providing orthopedic treatment to patients followed these guidelines, steady growth was expected in the market post the COVID-19 pandemic.
The key factors driving the market's growth in North America include the direct presence of key regional players, a strong distribution network, and a well-established healthcare infrastructure. Recent trends in the North American orthopedic prosthetics market include the use of new polymer materials and the development of prosthetic devices as per the functional needs of patients.
Manufacturers are concentrating on developing lightweight yet long-lasting orthopedic prosthetics to satisfy users' needs. For instance, in February 2020, In2Bones Global Inc. introduced the ''Avenger Radial Head Prosthesis System'' in the US market. This product is used for primary and revision joint replacement of the radial head. Expansion of the company in the North American market and its new innovative products are among the factors aiding the growth of the market.
Key companies operating in the orthopedic prosthesis business are implementing strategic movements such as partnerships and acquisitions, which are augmenting the market's growth in the United States. For instance, in December 2021, WillowWood Global LLC entered a strategic partnership with Blue Sea Capital LLC, a growth-oriented private equity firm. This partnership will help increase funding for the company and create more innovative products.
Hence, owing to factors such as the introduction of novel products and strategic partnerships among key players, the market is expected to witness strong growth in the coming years.
The orthopedic prosthetics market is moderately competitive and consists of several major players. Companies like Fillauer LLC, Willow Wood Global LLC, Ossur, Mobius Bionics, and Blatchford Ltd hold substantial shares in the orthopedic prosthetics market. The companies are involved in strategic alliances such as acquisitions and collaborations to secure their positions in a globally competitive market.