企业服务总线 (ESB) 软件市场——增长、趋势和预测 (2023-2028)Enterprise Service Bus Software Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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在预测期内,企业服务总线 (ESB) 软件市场预计将以 7.05% 的复合年增长率增长。
由于对跨组织应用程序集成的需求不断增加,企业服务总线 (ESB) 在企业和组织中变得越来越流行。
物联网连接设备的数量预计将从 2019 年的 86 亿增长到 2030 年的 294 亿。 连接设备的增长是由新的应用程序和商业模式以及设备标准化和价格下降推动的。
随着物联网连接设备数量的增长,设备和数据的集成变得更加复杂。 这些连接的设备可能会给集成和消息传递带来许多挑战。 因此,组织可能不得不投资于可以通过 ESB 解决的高效应用程序集成解决方案。
在未来几年,随着业务环境的变化,需要更有效、更灵活地处理不同设备之间的通信,这将推动对 ESB 软件的需求。
由于中国、印度和韩国等国家/地区越来越关注物联网平台,预计亚太地区的企业服务总线 (ESB) 软件市场将增长最快。
随着越来越复杂的大数据和企业资源规划 (ERP) 工作负载迁移到云平台,该地区对基于云的託管解决方案的需求也在增加。 根据亚洲云端计算协会 (ACCA) 发布的一份报告,新加坡凭藉其高水平的宽频质量、网路安全、监管和业务成熟度,成为亚太地区云就绪国家中排名第一的国家。。
随着亚太地区的大多数公司将其业务迁移到云端,阿里巴巴和腾讯等公司正在使用 ESB 来加快新项目的上市时间并使他们的组织更加灵活。被考虑使用。
通过构建和设计具有更大灵活性的应用程序,企业还可以更快地响应市场变化。 由于这些因素,预计该地区的 ESB 软件市场也将增长。
供应商的激增已经分散了企业服务总线 (ESB) 软件行业。 快速发展、创新和激烈的玩家竞争正在推动 ESB 软件市场。 其他主要公司包括 Oracle Corporation、Microsoft Corporation、IBM Corporation、SAP SE、MuleSoft Inc. (Salesforce)、Dell Technologies Inc. 和 TIBCO Software Inc.。
2022 年 12 月,红帽与通用汽车合作,帮助汽车行业参与者将尖端软件技术集成到他们的产品中。 得益于红帽的云原生技术,两家运营商都将能够快速为其客户提供增值功能。 由于汽车软件需要高水平的网络安全保护,该软件将支持多种汽车安全应用,例如高级驾驶辅助系统、车身控制和连接。 Linux 和云原生技术加速了开源创新进程。
The Enterprise Service Bus Software Market is poised to register a CAGR of 7.05% during the forecast period. Due to the increasing demand for application integration across organizations, enterprise service buses (ESBs) witnessed a rise in their utilization across enterprises and organizations.
The number of IoT-connected devices is expected to increase from 8.6 billion in 2019 to 29.4 billion in 2030. The growth of connected devices is driven by new applications and business models, and it is helped by the fact that devices are becoming more standard and their prices are going down.
As the number of IoT-connected devices increases, the integration of devices and data becomes more complex. These connected devices may present numerous integration and messaging challenges. Organizations, thus, may have to invest in efficient application integration solutions that can be tackled with ESBs.
Also, as there are more and more devices that connect to each other, it is becoming more and more important to manage multiple networks and systems at the same time.The easiest way to deal with this problem is to concentrate on a strategy that involves synchronizing various devices (each with a distinct protocol) on a single application platform.
Over the next few years, demand for ESB software is likely to be driven by the need to handle communication between different devices in a more effective and flexible way as business environments change.
Asia-Pacific is predicted to have the quickest growth rate for the Enterprise Service Bus Software Market due to the region's expanding emphasis on the IoT platform in nations like China, India, and South Korea.
The rising demand for managed cloud-based solutions has also increased in this region due to complex big data and workloads, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), being increasingly migrated to cloud platforms. According to a report published by the Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA), Singapore is the number one cloud-ready Asia-Pacific country, owing to better broadband quality, cybersecurity, regulation, and business sophistication.
As most businesses in Asia-Pacific move their operations to the cloud, companies like Alibaba and Tencent are likely to use ESBs to make their organizations more flexible by reducing the time it takes for new projects to reach the market.
It also builds and designs applications that are more flexible, which lets companies respond quickly to changes in the market. The ESB software market in the region is also likely to grow because of these factors.
Due to the proliferation of vendors, the enterprise service bus software industry is fragmented. Rapid development, innovation, and intense player competition are what are driving the ESB software market. In addition to others, some of the major companies are Oracle Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, SAP SE, MuleSoft Inc. (Salesforce), Dell Technologies Inc., and TIBCO Software Inc.
In December 2022, Red Hat and General Motors joined to assist the car industry player in integrating cutting-edge software technology into its offerings. Both businesses can quickly provide clients with additional valuable features because of Red Hat's cloud-native technology. This software will support several in-vehicle safety applications, like sophisticated driver assistance systems, body control, and connection, since high levels of cybersecurity protection are necessary for in-vehicle software. Linux and cloud-native technology will speed up innovation processes through open source.