综合验光仪市场 - 增长、趋势、COVID-19 的影响、预测 (2023-2028)Phoropters Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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预计在预测期内,所研究的综合验光仪市场将以近 4.1% 的复合年增长率增长。
COVID-19 大流行对市场产生了重大影响。 在大流行初期,由于建议医院和外科医生推迟或取消择期手术,眼科手术被推迟。 例如,根据国家医学图书馆发表的一项研究,2021 年 3 月,在大流行的第一个高峰期间,87.2% 的门诊预约、90.9% 的眼科手术、50.2% 的眼科转诊和 50 次病房审查。 % 减少。 在 1,377 个取消的预约中,6.8% 被认为有资格进行远程眼科治疗。 2021 年 5 月发表在 BMC Ophthalmology 上的另一项研究发现,在 COVID-19 卫生紧急事件期间,视网膜门诊量减少了 62%。 从登记到技术人员的平均时间减少了 79%,总访问时间减少了 46%,在提供者阶段花费的时间减少了 53%。 因此,COVID-19 大流行导致眼保健领域大幅收缩,影响了早期市场的增长率。 然而,由于全球范围内眼科护理的恢復,市场正在稳步增长,预计未来几年将继续保持同样的趋势(根据分析结果)。
眼部疾病患病率和復发率的增加以及技术进步等因素预计将在预测期内推动市场增长。 例如,根据世界卫生组织2021年的统计,全球至少有22亿人患有近视或远视。 至少有 10 亿人(其中近一半)可以避免或控制视力障碍。 大多数视力障碍或失明的人都在 50 岁以上。 因此,此类统计数据表明对视力矫正设备的需求不断增长,因此有望推动市场增长。
此外,预计技术进步将在预测期内推动市场增长。 例如,根据 Healthtech 专区 2022 年 12 月发表的一篇文章,Advanced 综合验光仪是对这种传统设备的改进。 它使用激光技术将文本投射到患者面前的屏幕上,这样他们就可以阅读,而无需先打印出来。 这使医生能够比传统的验光仪更快地进行调整,从而改善患者体验并节省宝贵的整体时间。 因此,这些进步有望推动市场的增长。
因此,预测期内研究的市场增长归因于上述因素。 然而,高昂的安装成本和缺乏熟练的验光师预计将阻碍预测期内的市场增长。
随着眼部疾病的增加,预计专科诊所的验光机采用率将稳步增长。 例如,根据 2022 年 3 月 WHO 的更新,沙眼是 44 个国家的公共卫生问题,导致全球约 190 万人失明或视力受损。 因此,疾病的高负担和对手术治疗的高需求正在推动市场的增长。 此外,2021 年 8 月,Valiant Clinic 将与迪拜 Moorfields 眼科医院合作,为患者带来 200 多年的世界级眼科卓越护理。 Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai 提供眼科疾病的诊断和治疗,以及 Valiant 诊所提供的各种其他服务。 预计这些努力将在预测期内推动该部门的增长。
此外,根据2021年9月公布的MDPI报告,意大利白内障、青光眼、黄斑病和视网膜病等眼病的患病率分别为52.6%、5.3%、5.6%和29.1%。 眼科疾病的意识有望增加专科诊所的就诊人数,从而推动市场增长。 例如,根据上述资料,在受影响的人中,21.8%的白内障患者、65.4%的青光眼患者和7.1%的黄斑病患者知道自己的病情。 根据MDPI报告中呈现的数据,意大利的眼病负担逐年增加,相信这将创造更多的眼科检查需求并推动该细分市场的增长。
由于可支配收入高、意识提高、老年人口增加以及眼病患病率增加等因素,预计北美将占据很大的市场份额。 例如,根据加拿大统计局 2021 年人口普查,65 岁及以上人口约为 7,021,430 人,其中男性 3,224,680 人,女性 3,796,750 人。 老年人经常患有某种类型的眼科疾病,老年人的沉重负担有望推动市场增长。
此外,CDC 2022 年 2 月的新闻稿提供了最常见眼病和眼病的患病率估计值。 美国约有 1200 万 40 岁以上的成年人有视力障碍,其中约有 100 万是盲人。 三分之一的美国人有散光,大约三分之一的人有散光。 在 40 岁以上,8.4% 的人口患有远视(超过 1420 万人)。 此外,超过 23.9% 的 40 岁以上的人患有近视(约 3400 万人)。 眼科疾病的这种增加预计会增加对用于测试眼科疾病的验光仪的需求。
综合验光仪市场竞争适中,由几家主要参与者组成。 全球市场有本地和国际公司。 主要参与者包括 Briot USA Inc.、Huvitz、Marco、Nidek、Reichert Inc.、Rexxam 和 Carl Zeiss AG。
The phoropters market studied is anticipated to witness a CAGR of nearly 4.1% during the forecast period.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the market. Ophthalmic procedures were postponed at the beginning of the pandemic as the hospitals and surgeons were advised to postpone or cancel elective procedures. For instance, according to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, in March 2021, outpatient clinic appointments were reduced by 87.2%, ophthalmic surgery by 90.9%, outpatient referrals to ophthalmology by 50.2%, and ward reviews by 50% during the first peak of the pandemic. There were 1,377 canceled appointments, with 6.8% of them deemed appropriate for teleophthalmology. Another study published by BMC Ophthalmology in May 2021 found that during the COVID-19 health emergency, retina clinic volume fell by 62%. The average time from check-in to technician has decreased by 79%, total visit length has decreased by 46%, and time spent in the provider phase of care has decreased by 53%. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic severely curtailed ophthalmology services, thereby impacting the market growth rate in its initial phase. However, the market is witnessing stabilized growth currently owing to the resumption of ophthalmology procedures worldwide and is expected to project a similar trend over the coming years, as per the analysis.
Factors such as the growing prevalence and recurrence of eye disorders and technological advancements are expected to drive the growth of the market over the forecast period. For instance, according to WHO statistics from 2021, at least 2.2 billion individuals worldwide have near or farsighted vision impairment. Vision impairment may have been avoided or managed in at least 1 billion, or nearly half of these cases. The majority of those who have vision impairment or blindness are over 50 years old. Thus, such statistics suggest the increasing need for vision correction devices and thus are expected to drive the growth of the market.
Furthermore, technological advancement is expected to drive the growth of the market over the forecast period. For instance, according to an article published by Healthtech zone in December 2022, the Advanced Phoropter is an improvement on this traditional device. It uses laser technology to project text onto a screen in front of the patient's face, allowing him or her to read it without having it printed on paper beforehand. This allows the doctor to make adjustments more quickly than with traditional phoropters, improving patient experience and saving valuable time overall. Thus, such advancement is expected to drive the growth of the market.
Therefore, the factors mentioned above are attributed collectively to the studied market growth over the forecast period. However, high installation costs and a lack of skilled optometrists are expected to hinder market growth over the forecast period.
Specialty clinics are expected to observe steady growth in the adoption rate of phoropters, owing to the increasing number of eye disorders. For instance, according to the WHO update in March 2022, trachoma is a public health problem in 44 countries and is responsible for the blindness or visual impairment of about 1.9 million people globally. Such a high burden of disease and the need for surgical treatment is thus driving the growth of the market. Furthermore, in August 2021, Valiant Clinic collaborated with Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai to bring over 200 years of world-class eye care excellence to its patients. Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai delivers diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, with a broad range of other services that are available at Valiant Clinic. Such an initiative is expected to drive segmental growth over the forecast period.
Additionally, as per the MDPI report published in September 2021, the prevalence of ophthalmic diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, maculopathy, and retinopathy was 52.6%, 5.3%, 5.6%, and 29.1%, respectively, in Italy. Awareness about ophthalmic conditions is expected to increase visits to specialty clinics, thereby driving the market growth. For instance, according to the above source, among the affected people, those aware of their condition were 21.8% for cataracts, 65.4% for glaucoma, and 7.1% for maculopathy. The data mentioned in the MDPI report suggest that the burden of eye diseases is increasing in Italy every year, which is believed to create more demand for ophthalmic tests, thereby driving the growth of the segment.
Therefore the above-mentioned factors are expected to drive segmental growth in the market.
North America is expected to hold a significant share of the market owing to factors such as high disposable income, growing awareness, a rising geriatric population, and the increasing prevalence of eye diseases. For instance, as per the Statistics Canada 2021 census, there were around 7,021,430 people aged 65 years or above, out of which 3,224,680 were males, and 3,796,750 were females. The geriatric population is commonly affected by some kind of ophthalmic condition, and the high burden of the geriatric population is also expected to boost the growth of the market.
Furthermore, a press release published in February 2022 by the CDC offered prevalence estimates for the most common eye disorders and eye diseases. Nearly 12 million adults in the United States who are 40 years and above of age have vision impairment, and about a million of them are blind. Every third American has astigmatism, which affects around 1 in 3 people. Over the age of 40, 8.4% of the population suffers from farsightedness (over 14.2 million people). A little over 23.9% of those over 40 have nearsightedness (about 34 million people). Thus, such an increasing prevalence of eye diseases is expected to increase the demand for phoropters for the testing of such diseases.
Thus, owing to the abovementioned factors, the market in the North American region is expected to project growth over the forecast period.
The phoropters market is moderately competitive and consists of a few major players. There is a presence of local and international companies in the global market. Some of the key players include Briot USA Inc., Huvitz Co. LTD, Marco, Nidek, Reichert Inc., Rexxam Co. LTD, and Carl Zeiss AG, among others.